George W. Bush is far and away The Worst President in the History of the United States of America. A total, complete, miserable failure.
I honestly don't see, even if he tried, how he could have been a worse president. Everything that man did turned to sh*t. He has set the GOP back 50 years, McCain and his GOP colleagues will lose in a historic landslide this November, and now it'll be the Dems chance to screw it up (or make it better).
Looking back, I think we'd all agree that The Iraq Debacle destroyed his presidency. And that the housing crash took him to a whole different level.
HousingPANIC would also like to salute the 62,040,610 suckers who voted for Bush in 2004. Sure, Kerry was a mediocre candidate. Sure, you hate those fags. Sure, Osama is a scary dude. But good god, how could you have been so reckless with your vote? How could you have been taken for such a fool?
84%. That's an amazing number. As a nation, I think we're close to hitting bottom. After all there's only 16 points left to go.
Say It Ain't So
President Bush's approval rating has dipped since the May '08 Wash Post/ABC survey, to 29% from 31%. Meanwhile, 68% disapprove of the job Bush is doing. National sentiment about the president's leadership is, of course, a critical variable in the WH contest for McCain, and one he can do nothing to remedy.
The poll's right track/wrong track numbers also underscore Bush's dismal job approval numbers. Just 14% of those surveyed believe the country is moving in the right direction, and 84% said it's on the wrong track. That's the most dramatic split -- the highest wrong track number -- in the 15-year history of the survey.
June 17, 2008
Here's a number you'll never see again in your lifetime: 84% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track. Thank you George W. Bush.
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The only thing scarier to me than the rabid Sean Hannity breed of Bush-Cheney-led neo-conservatives is the clueless misery merchant you-are-a-victim-and-only-we-can-help-you band of Obama supporters.
Barack Obama is gonna take Bush's horrific mess and make it even worse, a la Herbert Hoover. Barack Obama gets to preside over Great Depression II.
And then......horror of horrors....Hillary gets to be the Prez.
Or, maybe someone like Hitler.
Ok I guess Hillary probably fits that.
How clueless are those remaining 16%?
George W. Bushco
Dick Cheneyburton
Most damaging ever in history.
Worse than Hitler
More damage than Saddam Hussein
More Evil than anyone, anywhere.
Revoke passport - permanently
Seize Assets
I'll gladly pay more taxes to get out of Iraq. Where do I send my check?
The Red Scare isn't going to work, "my friends".
hey like to be the first at predictions?
i got one for you
barack obama will be a one term president.
there you go.
84 percent? Well, at least we can all agree about something.
Yeah, but the priority in ultraliberal bankrupt California is gay marriage. The country and that state are falling apart but their priority is having the queens married.
Why HP never addressed the topic that gays help to inflate the housing market through over speculation? It was even an episode of Will & Grace.
you're assuming his goal was to better the lives of americans and others. from the standpoint of helping special interests, he was a spectacular success.
"I honestly don't see, even if he tried, how he could have been a worse president."
He could have supported Dodd-Frank-Schumer bailout legislation.
In the opinion of this conservative, he has done other things right:
1. War on terror, before "Axis of Evil" speech diverted attention away from Bin Laden to Sadaam Hussein.
2. Appointed Chief Justice John Roberts, tried to appoint Charles Pickering to 5th district.
I don't see the Democratic majority in Congress getting behind Kucinich to impeach Busco. Do you? That's the same majority who nominated Hussein through Affirmative Action, the same majority that's bailing Mozillo out, the same majority that has done nothing for 2 years to contain oil prices, the same majority that get special mortgage deals from Mozillo, the same majority that wants to give 20 million citizenship to illegals during a recession so they can all suck welfare while earning cash on the side to send 80% of it to their countries, and that's the majority you think will fix the country. Do you people have any common sense or logic left in you?
Actually I feel sorry for the winner of the next election, because Bush has made such a mess of the last 8 years. Wow....anti christ for sure!
Don't tell the Faux News fake conservatives that Keith. They still have hopes of stealing the election with a McCain-Jindal ticket.
Bobby Jindal is just Crazy Enough to be McCain's VP
Not that I like Obama at all. I think he is just as much of an establishment tool as McCain but at least he's sane (maybe that's not a good thing).
We're all screwed either way let's face it! Do you really think the Dem douchebags are going to make a big difference?
I don't see the Dems proposing any peeling back of the police state or the terrifying GLOBAL WAR ON ISLAMO FASCIST TERROR or any sensible solutions for the bankrupt economy and collapsing dollar. BTW - The military is building 58 permanent bases in Iraq right now. Do you really think those troops are coming home under Obama-bam-la-bamba?
I don't think so.
Face it folks. Both parties are a sham. You're either a bloodthirsty, fake conservative or a do-gooder, socialist, dumbass liberal.
Yeah, but you have to remember that about half that 84% are nutjob conservatives who think we're on the wrong track because we aren't savage ENOUGH. The ones who think we should all stop paying taxes so they can go to the mall and buy the crap that will make them happy and equal to their pathetic peers.
Then there's the nutjob conservatives who think we're on the wrong track because we don't follow biblical principles or stone homosexuals.
If Obama gets to preside over Great Depression II all he has to do is remind people whose ideology ruled for the last 30 years, leading us to financial ruin.
Then, the conservatives who aren't round up and put in work camps will have to flee the country.
I think I just got an erection thinking about that.
I voted for Bush in '04.
I did it for the Americans who served and sacrificed in Iraq. I did it for the Iraqis who sided with America and turned against Saddam and his Fedayeen goon squad. I did it for the Iraqis that stuck their necks out to build a better society with a democratic government. Iraqis that put their lives on the line to vote and to enlist in law enforcement which often meant death at the hands of power hungry tribal warlords or even local Al Queda who don't give one crap about other human lives.
If Kerry got in office, it would have been a disaster. We would have cut our losses, but it would have been just that--a total loss. A loss of all the lives that were already sacrificed. A loss of future lives that would have been murdered. Don't believe me? Think about the Kurds and other groups of Iraqis that rose up en masse against the Baathists after the '91 invasion. Remember their uncovered mass graves? (Please spare me the George Soros / Rosie O'Donnel 650,000+ Iraqi deaths BS figure that's floating around. Now that's unrestrained propoganda.)
And what about future conflicts? Do you think Vichy France would have cooperated with the American and British forces if we had the reputation of running away at the first sign of trouble? Siding with the Nazis might have been the better bet for them.
As for Obama in '08? Well that's not so bad. Only because Bush, Petreus, hundreds of thousands of Americans in uniform and countless Iraqis have already done most of the heavy lifting. An American withdrawal now would not be so greivous. Obama or Kerry in '04 would have been downright tragic.
So go ahead Kieth. Call me a fool. Throw all your insults you got at me. And throw your tantrums too. I don't care because I AM RIGHT.
Keith, its only fair if you put Congress' approval ratings next to Bush's. I think they are about one in the same, which means we aren't happy with the way our other set of leaders are doing things too.
Keeping America safe from terrorist attacks and decisively turning the tide in Iraq are accomplishments of Bush.
Of course that later wouldn't have happen without the ouster of Rumsfeld and appointment of Robert Gates as his replacement, a major step upward.
This change likely wouldn't have happened without Bush losing the House and Senate in 06.
I voted dems across the board in 06 based on rampant congressional corruption on the part of the Republicans.
Being from Connecticut, I voted for the independent Joe Liberman as the only exception.
"Barack Obama is gonna take Bush's horrific mess and make it even worse.."
Say what?
Freud once said that people can't stand too much reality. I agree. If that reality also means, a lot of people can't stand to be around too many other people, I think you'll find at least half the people in the US in that boat.
Look folks, lets make this plain and simple.
1) 305 (and growing) million people in the US. 3rd largest country in the world. Tell me, please, how do we manage a country this large with 'small' government (only serious responses)?
2) Why don't conservatives (small govt./low taxes) ever use examples of foreign countries that have those policies in place as examples? Because those countries are disasters-that's why! We usually call them 3rd world countries! In fairness, some of them have high taxes, but no one pays the taxes because the governments are so corrupt and inept that people with money easily find ways to avoid paying taxes.
3) Why don't conservatives read the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, the writings of Jefferson, Chief Justice John Marshall, the early stuff. These were very smart people. They hashed through a lot of the stuff small government/low tax folks muddle through today, and saw that it DOESN'T work. And that was way back then.
The great political compromise was to create checks and balances so that government could react to changing circumstances.
Finally, the founders were budding capitalists. But they knew capitalism could only work when government established fair rules that all citizens would have to obey. Small government by nature usually winds up as weak government which translates into a Darwinian economic system-3rd World.
McCain wants a 3rd Bush term? Elect him and America morphs further into one of its South American neighbors.
And yes, Bush is the worst President in the history of leaders in the free world. Bush is no. 1!
Man, you guys really give George W. more credit than he is due! Do you people just listen to Mike Malloy all day or something? Most evil family ever? Worse than Hitler? Give me an f-ing break! I'm going to call you right now on this liberal moral equivalency crap!
Did you ever read about or watch one of Saddam Hussein's Martyr Family Celebration Dinners? You know, the ones where he would invite the family of some teen who blew himself up on a crowded bus in Jerusalem over to Baghdad for a huge banquet? Saddam would present the family with $25,000 (US) after which the proud mother and father would sing songs, dance and share testimonials of pride for their son's acomplishment. Everyone smiling. Saddam comments that these fine youth could not possibly have accomplished this brave service without the support of their families and the teachings of their mothers when they were young. Remember that when you blame GWB for all of those civilian deaths, you are blaming him for the huge percentage of casualties caused by the enemy.
Iraq was a mistake. I was against the war even if Saddam had weapons. A war we clearly couldn't afford. But now that we are there, it is evil and irresponsible to pull out the troops. It is irresponsible to tie the hands of the soldiers. It is most evil to fail to blame the Iraqi resistance for the untold number of civilians they kill intentionally or by means of IEDs. Moral equivalency arguments are a reprehensible habit of the new progressive movement.
This "He preyed on our fears!" crap will be clearly ridiculous as time marches on. Just wait until our enemies demonstrate fire-power that their oil money can truly afford. God help us if Obama is in office then.
The problem with presidential elections since 1988 is that our choices have been so mediocre. Since the 1988 elections, one had to vote for the lesser of two evils. We unfortunately continue this tradition in 2008. I got news for you guys, McCain will be the next President. He may be Bush III, but Obama ain't going to solve nothing, he will only make it worse. Suck it up until a real presidential candidate shows up. We may have a long wait.
The Politics of Fear
Common sense isn't so common any more.
It has been suffocated by irrational fear, which in turn has been enthusiastically stoked white-hot by the profiteering fear industry, which has been aided and abetted by opportunistic politicians, gullible, lazy media and other leaders of public opinion who should know better.
That's a rough sketch of Dan Gardner's book Risk, an overdue rational antidote to those of us who fear becoming a victim of the next terrorist attack, a fiery plane crash or some exotic killer disease.
And there are some sobering passages, too, for the new generation of "helicopter parents" who hover over their children, watching and organizing their every move, lest a pedophile or some other predator is lurking.
We're afraid, very afraid, says Ottawa Citizen columnist Gardner, but our fear is invariably completely misplaced or way out of proportion.
On the subject of terrorism, Gardner cites a U.S. study that compared travel and fatality patterns for the five years before the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington to those between 2001-02.
It found that 1,595 road deaths were attributable to people shifting to travelling by car because of fear of flying in that immediate post-9/11 period -- six times the number aboard the three doomed airplanes and a little more than half of the total 9/11 death toll.
Politicians and media, says Gardner, have distorted and inflated the terrorist threat to score political favour and pander to audiences.
What does it take for people to realize that they are being manipulated with terrorist propaganda on a daily basis while those at the top use that fearmongering to profit and take away the Constitutional freedoms that Americans take for granted?
I'll go one further, whomever is the next President will be a one term President.
The shit is hitting the fan during the next term, and voters will blame the person who happens to be there at the time.
It ain't just Bush. The economic illiterates in Congress are also culpable.
If Obamination wins, the Libs will go wild with spending and we'll REALLY be toast.
Anybody remember who controls congress at the moment?
Bush is a lame duck president.
Keith said, "As a nation, I think we're close to hitting bottom."
Not even close, Bud. (My apologies to Judd Nelson)
If there's one thing I've learned in my life, it is this: No matter how bad you think things are, they can always get worse. And in the case of America 2008, they are going to get much, much worse.
Whichever of these dunces wins this booby prize presidency, expect his "wrong track" rating to be north of 80% in 2010.
Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man"
This nation and its Americano citizen is as toasted as a snapper turtle skewered from mouth to ass on a green Chinese bamboo stick all sizzling, sputtering, roasting nicely, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.
Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle
Americano = Bushy Shrub
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
Gasoline is now at its lowest level in the history of the Americano. It is only $138.00 a barrel of oil and it will head to $200 Shitty-Americano dollar currency in a blink. Cheap, ain't it ?
So, tell me, does the average Americano, Joe6Pack and JaneZinfandel take it enough in the rear orifice yet by the forceful penetration of "Little Boy" + "Fat Man", or do you want more "Enter The Dragon" ?
Americano = Being Entered By The Dragon up the Kazook
"BORKAFATTY" AKA The Pig is swallowing, roosting, snouting, chomping at the maggot feed trough.
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
And all of you retards, ass-head that voted for SHRUB and worshipped his ASS over the last 8 years, guess what, the chicken are coming home to roost on your head-ass. The ancient Good Old Snapper Turtle probably have more brain cell than you and your drooling retarted children combined together. Are you sorry yet ? Do you feel ashamed and stupid about your shallow thinking, narrow-minded love and blind, ignorant worshipping for DUBYA ?
Do you, do you, do you ???
High gas prices are the direct result of Democrat policies and the envirowackos. Anyone that complains about high gas prices and voted for any Democrat is a dickhead.
America got a shallow president because they didn't want to think.
They elected someone who doesn't like to think. We wanted to rest on the laurels of other generations and we thought rhetoric was all that was required. Actually we've grown quite smug. Does smugness go before, with, or after a fall? Personally I'm usually smug before I fall on my face. Everything I've ever felt smug about, I've ended up experiencing from the other end. Age is good for something. Wears off the sharp edges.
For those of a biblical turn, I think we are the queen who thinks she will never know sorrow.Nothing personal Lady Liberty, I love you, but we are full of ourselves, more than I have ever seen. We have believed our own advertising. Part of that wrong track is our own thinking.We should never feel bad
(take a pill, a drink, eat, try a drug). We should never have to do without. Get another credit card.
We should never have to wait and save. Charge it. We shouldn't have to wait for dinner, we shouldn't have to cook for our families: stop at Mickey D's. Shouldn't have to discipline ourselves, eat like a piggy and go to the doc for expensive drugs.And all the while we look down our noses at the poor of the world...who grow their own food, drag home the water to cook it, and cook it.
If any of you give credence to the collective unconscious, consider this: children having babies; people becoming very obese; people all over the world learning to spin on spindles (a step above a stick and a rock), knit socks and gloves,making shoes and clothing and even yurts out of wool they've felted themselves. Where could we be heading? And this one is the topper: there is a movement among women of childbearing age to give birth by themselves. Unattended.
Small but growing number. Proving it can be done, wouldn't you say...
grandma pkk
"Here's a number you'll never see again in your lifetime"?
You ain't seen nothin' yet.
How do you think that number will look in the Obama or McCain Depression?
Too bad it took the country 8 years
to finally figure out that "BushCo." was a threat to the safety of this country.
Why did it take so long?
Because, it took awhile before *enough* people started feeling the pinch in the wallets.
Michael -
After all the damage "BushCo" has created in this country, not even GOD himself could last more than one term.
michael said...
hey like to be the first at predictions?
i got one for you
barack obama will be a one term president.
there you go.
The problems have nothing to do with Bush at this point .Bush has been a lame-duck for years now.
The problem is that Big Business/Wall Street is controlling America now and Big Business wants to expand to all corners of the world and they don't care about the American employee anymore .
Have you every seen life in America revolve around big business this much ,to the point where the main-stream media can't even challenge concepts or they might lose their advertisers .Nothing but a bunch of cheerleaders for Wall Street or some other bubble or Corporation .
Take the housing bubble ....all that fake equity allowed Americans to buy high ticket items without the Corporations giving cost of living raises .
Wall Street was able to change long term prudent lending standards and create a housing bubble with nobody objecting .
If you question why politicians and regulators did not stop the housing bubble ,than you have to get in touch with who is running this Country these days . The government isn't controlling big business to insure the welfare of the majority ,but rather Big Business is controlling the government .
I want a leader who can snuggle up to George W. Bush's armpit. Nothing says man-love like Mc Cain.
Why HP never addressed the topic that gays help to inflate the housing market through over speculation? It was even an episode of Will & Grace.
Hahahaha! The classic homophobe reveals his closet homosexuality by admitting that he watches Will & Grace!
Only gays watch that show and guess what the most homophobic people are the ones that turn out to be the ones that are suppressing their homosexuality. If you were comfortable with your sexuality why would you care what the gays get up to and why would you care if they get married?
It might be time for you to come out of the closet buddy.
It's not only a matter of your obvious sexual insecurities but it's also a matter that goes directly to the heart of what it means to be American. America is about liberty, individual freedom. The freedom to exercise your God given rights to privacy and the to live your life the way you want to as long as you're not imposing your will or interfering with the freedoms of others.
It's so sad that so many Americans do not understand that freedom also involves the responsibility of being tolerant of others lifestyles.
America is a republic that protects the freedoms of the individual NOT a democracy that allows the majority to rule over the minority.
Keeping America safe from terrorist attacks and decisively turning the tide in Iraq are accomplishments of Bush.
Hey moron! The last I heard the 9/11 attacks happened on George Bush's watch and we already know there was plenty of foreknowledge of the attacks from not only the CIA but foreign intelligence agencies too. And what happened to all of the US air defenses on that day?
How is it that the moron in chief is being praised for keeping America safe from terrorism when the worst terrorist attacks in US history happened on his watch, he led America into two disastrous and pointless wars that have only incited more terrorism (wouldn't you call US soldiers being blown up by IEDs terrorist acts?).
Your problem is that all of your information comes from the right wing propaganda networks.
Twenty five American Military Officers Challenge the Official Account of 911
Major Jon I. Fox is a former U.S. Marine Corps fighter pilot and a retired commercial airline pilot for Continental Airlines with a 35-year commercial aviation career. In 2007, in support of the Architects and Engineers[3] petition to reinvestigate 9/11, he wrote, “On hearing the military (NORAD/NEAD) excuses for no intercepts on 9/11/2001, I knew from personal experience that they were lying. I then began re-checking other evidence and found mostly more lies from the ‘official spokesmen’. Jet fuel fires at atmospheric pressure do not get hot enough to weaken steel. Structures do not collapse through themselves in free fall time with only gravity as the powering force.”
Have any of you noticed that the tide is turning in Iraq and that this war may turn out considerably more positively than Korea or Vietnam? Of course not. Haven't realized that we might win it? Of course not. Haven't noticed worldwide news stories proclaiming major military successes by the Iraqi Army? Of course not. Won't admit that this housing crash would have happened if Gore had been in office for eight years? Of course not. You are learning to hate America. Not just what America has become, but what America always was. Doubting the integrity of American Patriots right back to the Revolutionary War. "Progressive" means Change, right? Changing the way it has been to a new socialist utopia. Someone please sing John Lennon, please. You guys don't see the propaganda of fear in the scare tactics of Global Warming Alarmists predicting the end of civilization because cows fart too much? The hypocrisy of the abortion debate among Democrats? Always the same story, "republicans protest abortion but won't care for kids once they are born." Bul-sh-t!. What you mean is Democrats support government programs intended to help kids once they're born, while conservative statistically ALWAYS donate more money to charity than democrats - and Republicans always adopt more children that Democrats. I've seen the Progressive Dream of the Future. It's old news. Very old.
Have any of you noticed that the tide is turning in Iraq and that this war may turn out considerably more positively than Korea or Vietnam?
It's a little bit too early to be making proclamations like that buddy. What exactly is there in Iraq to win? It was a "war" that can't even be called a war because there is no military force that the US is fighting. It's an occupation. It was a war sold on lies. Nothing to do with protecting America from terrorism. 58 permanent bases are being erected in Iraq for a very long (permanent) occupation.
Man, you really have drunk up the fake conservative Kool-Aid!
Don't tell the Faux News fake conservatives...
That NBC has become Obama campaign headquarters doesn't seem to bother anyone.
brought to you by Weasel News. So funny it's sad.
"Obama ain't going to solve nothing,"
I agree!
One thing I do admire about Bush is he doesn't give a fuck what you think. I don't agree with much of what he has done his 2nd term, but so be it it. That's how the system works.
You elect a president for a 4 year term to do what he thinks is right. You don't elect a president to do whatever the latest poll says.
And I will bet a lot of that 84% is upset he isn't doing more to bail their sorry mortgage asses out. Or they are upset at $4 gas, foolishly blaming the president for runaway speculation in the futures market. Keith you are truly a babe in the political woods some days as you can't grasp these simple issues yourself.
re: Iraq
I know Iraq has turned around. How do I know? Simple. I never hear Obama talk about Iraq anymore. I also never see any stories in the MSM about Iraq anymore.
May 28, 2008
ABC News (Australia)
Britain's Defence Secretary has delivered an optimistic assessment of the situation in Iraq, saying the tide is finally turning.
Des Browne is currently in Australia and has just returned from a visit to Iraq.
He says he walked through areas of the southern Iraqi city of Basra, which until recently were deemed too dangerous.
Mr Browne has told the National Press Club his freedom to walk shows improvements have been made and it also suggests a major turnaround in the capacity of Iraqi forces.
"We may well have seen the tide turning over the last couple of months," Mr Browne said.
"I now have a sense that as far as Iraq is concerned, that if this substantial improvement that we have seen over the last couple of months is maintained and accelerates at this rate, then we are not just at the end of the beginning but perhaps the beginning of the end."
grandma pkk said...
For those of a biblical turn, I think we are the queen who thinks she will never know sorrow.
Do you remember grandma pkk back in the 70's the debate about whether or not there were subliminal messages being broadcast from the television? I believe we have our answer now.
The Invasion of the Body Snatchers is complete. All that is required is to say the words liberal/conservative in the same sentence and click your heels 3 times. This produces the catatonic, salivating, Pavlov's Dog state instantly.
While Wall Street and the government pick our pockets, and our children's pockets and their children's pockets we are busy repeating the same words over and over and over again.
just don't forget to click.
Easier than stealing candy from a baby.
Only 84%? I want to know what's with the other 16%.
This country isn't just on the wrong track, it's headed straight for a brick wall.
P.S. glad to be back from two months in China where H.P. is blocked!
never again in my lifetime?
Maybe not but I was around during the carter years and I bet at his low point he would have scored 84 or higher.
Never again? I sure hope so but part of me thinks not, unfortunately.
It's a little bit too early to be making proclamations like that buddy. What exactly is there in Iraq to win?
well, the left says that we are criticizing the war saying we are not winning. so there must be something to win, right?
but that is the power of their position. there really isn't anything to win, we don't fight wars to "win" something. what did we win in WWII? land in europe? We "win" the "defeating" of the enemy, which is really difficult to define when your enemy lives and hides amongst women and children and doesn't wear a uniform or have visible leadership.
The meme "We are winning in Iraq" is being pushed by the right wing, but are we really? Please consider this -
"PRESIDENT BUSH has been treating Iraq less as an ally than a vassal. He has been pushing Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to accept two long-term agreements that would, as many Iraqis rightly object, compromise Iraq's sovereignty and independence.
Bush and Maliki agreed in November on principles for a "status of forces agreement," which will be needed as a legal basis for American troops to remain in Iraq after the United Nations' mandate for them expires Dec. 31. The agreement would set rules for US forces in Iraq. Since March, Iraqis and Americans have also been negotiating a "strategic framework agreement" to define more broadly the long-term political and diplomatic relations between the two countries.
The two agreements have been reopened for negotiation. Though Bush speaks of Iraq as a free, democratic ally, the original versions gave the United States privileges in Iraq more suitable to the relationship between a colonial power and its protectorate.
The contents of the agreements were not cast in the form of a treaty because a treaty would have to be ratified by the US Senate. Bush plainly does not want senators asking troublesome questions about the implications of an open-ended Iraqi approval for 58 American military bases on Iraqi soil.
Five of the 58 are sprawling megabases that replicate the amenities of an American town. Balad Air Base, north of Baghdad, has air traffic comparable to Chicago's O'Hare Airport. No wonder some Iraqis see these bases as proof that Bush invaded Iraq to gain control of its vast oil reserves and to establish a new permanent military presence in the heart of the Middle East."
Of course, if you get your news from Rush and maybe 30 minutes of the network news, you really don't "know" anything much, do you? You have to make an effort. You have to read the newspaper and, God forbid, do a bit of thinking.
How did we get into Iraq? Why are we there? Who is the enemy? What IS victory in Iraq?
Bottom? Most haven't even realized that we are just over the edge!
"Keeping America safe from terrorist attacks and decisively turning the tide in Iraq are accomplishments of Bush."
Heh, most papers that I read indicate that 9/11 happened when Bush was President (after ignoring warnings regarding Bin Laden) and that HE STARTED THE WAR IN IRAQ. Hence, "turning the tide" in Iraq is not an accomplishment when we should not have been there in the first place!
F*cking vacuous.
Looking back, I think we'd all agree that The Iraq Debacle destroyed his presidency.
Maybe, but Iraq was more like the drip, drip, drip on his approvals. Hurricane Katrina was the real turning point. Bush was eating cake with McCain and doing photo ops while people drowned in polluted water and their own shit. The Right Wing Authoritarians blamed the residents, but everyone else realized that it could just as easily have been them waiting and praying and being cruelly left to die. That was the defining moment that discredited the GOP and exposed them for what they were. All the rest was just confirmation.
You elect a president for a 4 year term to do what he thinks is right. You don't elect a president to do whatever the latest poll says.
Right wing authoritarian sentiment if I ever heard it. At least so long as it is their man in the office. Why not just call Bush "King for four years"? What's the difference?
If Obamination wins, the Libs will go wild with spending and we'll REALLY be toast.
Incredible. Someone who still thinks, obviously without the illumination of actual evidence, that of our two major political parties it is the GOP that is the party of fiscal responsibility. The same party that has said "deficits don't matter" since 1980. Pray tell me, which party was the last one to balance the budget?
If we're only close to hitting the bottom (and shame on you for calling bottom - you should know better) then we will see 84% again in our lifetime - on the way back up. Unless you're saying we'll never drop below 84% again. That would be pretty bad! But possible...
Mr. Flibble,
The balanced budget thing is ironic considering the conservative savior/shitheel Reagan made a balanced budget amendment the cornerstone of his brainstem agenda. Of course he never achieved one, it took CLINTON to do it.
And isn't it funny how the balanced budget disappeared from the conservative agenda once republicans took control of Congress? Sort of like term limits. Oh sure, the republicans had their brainstem followers all hopped up on term limits when the dems controlled Congress but you didn't hear much about that once republicans took hold of the reins.
Republicans are the scum of the earth.
"Yeah, but the priority in ultraliberal bankrupt California is gay marriage. The country and that state are falling apart but their priority is having the queens married.
Why HP never addressed the topic that gays help to inflate the housing market through over speculation? It was even an episode of Will & Grace."
The only reason it is such a big deal is because of the dopey GOP and the ultra-right wing christian do-gooders (that are raping little boys in their basements while chastising everyone else's lifestyle in public) making it such a big deal with their ridiculus "lets make an ammendment stating that marriage is between a man and a woman". WHO CARES! Seriously! What a couple, be it man and woman, man and man, woman and woman does in their personal life does not concern me. What concerns me is when neo-conservatives make too big of a stink about something. That usually means they are hiding something OF REAL CONCERN under the radar and fogging everyone's lenses with something ridiculus like that gay marriage prohibition nonsense.
I would much rather have a functioning economy, good energy policy, no war and gay marriage. People - the backlash is coming, and I agree with Keith, this November is going to be a bloodbath for the GOP. After November, the neocons, the far right nuts and bible bangers, hillbillies etc. that all are worried about gay marriage and banning stem cell research are going back to the stone ages where they belong, while people actually interested in fixing REAL problems might get a chance at the helm.
George W. Bush - highest approval rating. Ever. 90%. Currently at 29% and as expected, HPers are already mistaking the 16% "right track" poll numbers as Bush approval numbers. Nice solid C work there, gang.
Harry S. Truman - lowest approval rating. 23%. The worst president ever, according to polls.
The right track/wrong track is just a reflection of the effect of the MSM and public schools. Everyone is feeling bad, and they don't realize they've been prodded like cattle in that direction. It really is scary, scarier than Kerry and Osama-bama, even.
but that is the power of their position. there really isn't anything to win, we don't fight wars to "win" something. what did we win in WWII? land in europe? We "win" the "defeating" of the enemy, which is really difficult to define when your enemy lives and hides amongst women and children and doesn't wear a uniform or have visible leadership.
OMG you're such a dolt! That exactly proves my point. In WWII there was a real and present danger the Nazis and their formidable war machine. They were an aggressive invading enemy. How does that compare to Iraq? Where is the real and present danger there? When was Iraq ever a threat to America? Where's their army and military might.
In WWII there was victory over an aggressive and powerful military and ideological force. Iraq does not compare in any way.
You'll probably say well we're fighting Al Qaeda. There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq before the US invaded. And what is Al Qaeda anyway? A small ragtag bunch of third world Arabs with no wealth, no military might, no real organization that we're supposed to be terrified of? As far as I can tell Al Qaeda is just a label for any arab or muslim that is outraged at US and Israeli foreign policy and resists it. It's not a shadowy organization of interconnected terror cells that share secret handshakes and report to their shadowy leader Osama Bin Laden. It's ridiculous.
The point is that the Nazis were a very real and defineable threat. What the hell is Al Qaeda? Can anybody tell me?
One thing I do admire about Bush is he doesn't give a fuck what you think. I don't agree with much of what he has done his 2nd term, but so be it it. That's how the system works.
You elect a president for a 4 year term to do what he thinks is right. You don't elect a president to do whatever the latest poll says.
That's interesting. I thought a president was elected to fulfill the role of the executive arm of the government and obey the Constitution. Not be a dictator that does whatever he thinks is right for four years.
You fake conservatives are too stupid to function and you're an embarassment to the legacy of the Republican party.
Amen, Keith. I hear ya. Bush & Co. looting of the U.S. and the world could not have gone any more perfectly. Billions upon billions of dollars flow fast and furious from the Treasury (yes, those are our tax dollars) into the deregulated corporations, corporations that have absolutely no allegiance to the citizens of this country (or any other, for that matter), leaving us, the American people, with nothing but a big ass bill and an empty shell of a country, too broke and riddled with debt to function as the great nation it once was. Too bad the American public is too stupid to grasp this realty. Instead, Americans watch the so-called "news" on the TV machine and consider themselves "informed". ROTFLMAO! Distracted by corporate propaganda and out right lies, Bush & Co. have freely gutted the United States. They could not have planned and executed this any more perfectly. Mission accomplished.
I think Ron Paul makes the case pretty clear right here:
Ron Paul puts Fake Conservatives to Shame on Morning Joe
"Harry S. Truman - lowest approval rating. 23%. The worst president ever, according to polls."
Can you even IMAGINE giving Bushco-Cheneyburton the button for the bomb?
That poll cited above IS WRONG.
George W. Bush - WORST EVER.
Fighting Words from Mike Gravel
The Faux Conservatives are so predictable that I know what they'll say:
"Who cares what that this America hating kook says?! F*&@ing liberal! George Bush is saving us from the terrorists!! Support the troops!! Support the war and support the continued unnecessary deaths of our troops!! Support the continued wasteful spending on the war and foreign intervention and the destruction of the dollar!! Freedom ain't free!! Eeerrrgghh!! It's Miller time and Hannity is on in 5 minutes! God Bless America!!! Yeeeaaahhh!! U S A!! U S A!!"
Too early to say? I'm drinking the faux conservative koolaid?
Here is the "nothing" that Iraqis have been doing in the last few months:
1. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki sent the Iraqi army into Basra. It achieved in a few weeks what the British had failed to do in four years: take the city, drive out the Mahdi Army and seize the ports from Iranian-backed militias.
2. When Mahdi fighters rose up in support of their Basra brethren, the Iraqi army at Maliki's direction confronted them and prevailed in every town -- Najaf, Karbala, Hilla, Kut, Nasiriyah and Diwaniyah -- from Basra to Baghdad.
3. Without any American ground forces, the Iraqi army entered and occupied Sadr City, the Mahdi Army stronghold.
4. Maliki flew to Mosul, directing a joint Iraqi-U.S. offensive against the last redoubt of al-Qaeda, which had already been driven out of Anbar, Baghdad and Diyala provinces.
5. The Iraqi parliament enacted a de-Baathification law, a major Democratic benchmark for political reconciliation.
6. Parliament also passed the other reconciliation benchmarks -- a pension law, an amnesty law, and a provincial elections and powers law. Oil revenues are being distributed to the provinces through the annual budget.
7. With Maliki having demonstrated that he would fight not just Sunni insurgents (e.g., in Mosul) but Shiite militias (e.g., the Mahdi Army), the Sunni parliamentary bloc began negotiations to join the Shiite-led government. (The final sticking point is a squabble over a sixth Cabinet position.)
Admit it. You want us to lose. You hate America. You won't admit that we buy Iraqi oil at OPEC prices. You won't admit that we will turn over power to the Iraqi government at the time of victory. And most importantly, you won't place the blame for the majority of Iraqi casualties on insurgents who target civilians or allow civilian casualties for the purpose of defeating the USA. How's the left-wing Koolaid?
Admit it. You want us to lose. You hate America. You won't admit that we buy Iraqi oil at OPEC prices. You won't admit that we will turn over power to the Iraqi government at the time of victory. And most importantly, you won't place the blame for the majority of Iraqi casualties on insurgents who target civilians or allow civilian casualties for the purpose of defeating the USA.
DeepCGI, you are so mentally retarded that it's very frustrating arguing with you.
You keep speaking of this victory in Iraq. What is this victory that you speak of? If it's destroying every last remnant of Al Qaeda in Iraq I would counter with Al Qaeda was never a problem in Iraq before Bush and his boyz decided to level the country and build those (58) permanent bases. Now with those permanent bases and a permanent military presence in Iraq do you really think attacks on US forces are going to end as long as that permanent US presence is there? How is that possible? How is that winning?
Insurgents? What is an insurgent exactly? It sounds like a very clinical term for resistance fighter and the fighters between the various religious sects in Iraq. Were there insurgents before Bushes invasion? No.
According to Bush and the fake conservative Kool-Aid drinkers, we "won" in Iraq back when he declared "Mission Accomplished" so how can we believe the propaganda from the same people now who say "the surge is working" and we've won in Iraq? This is from the same people that sold the war on Iraq with a carefully planned propaganda campaign of lies. How can we believe them now? They should be in prison as war criminals not applauded as "winning" this so called "war".
And what is Al Qaeda while we're at it. Define it for me in detail. Then explain how Al Qaeda is such a threat to the USA and then explain what their motivations are. When you can clearly define Al Qaeda and prove that they are a real threat to civilization then maybe the trillions spent on these wars and defense spending can be justified - except even in that case they can't because Iraq had no Al Qaeda.
Iraq is a three-front war -- against Sunni al-Qaeda, against Shiite militias and against Iranian hegemony -- and we are winning on every front:
-- We did not go into Iraq to fight al-Qaeda. The war had other purposes. But al-Qaeda chose to turn it into the central front in its war against America. That choice turned into an al-Qaeda fiasco: al-Qaeda in Iraq is now on the run and in the midst of stunning and humiliating defeat.
-- As for the Shiite extremists, the Mahdi Army is isolated and at its weakest point in years.
-- Its sponsor, Iran, has suffered major setbacks, not just in Basra, but in Iraqi public opinion, which has rallied to the Maliki government and against Iranian interference through its Sadrist proxy.
Even the most expansive American objective -- establishing a representative government that is an ally against jihadists, both Sunni and Shiite -- is within sight.
Unfortunately for your argument, I read a hundred books a year.
The idea of "permanent bases" is a joke. These "permanent" bases are a bunch of concrete poured in one place. We have more than a dozen "permanent" bases in Saudi Arabia that have been empty for years. Just ask Osama Bin Laden about that one. Even if we entirely pull out, the Iraqis will please ask Obama to please keep a number of them operational. Watch and see. If Bush is just an imperialistic fascist, he's not very thorough or effective. Pay attention. Reread my posts more slowly. Maybe you'll learn something. You are lucky I even bother with you people. I guess I'm justing having a good time, here.
Unfortunately for your argument, I read a hundred books a year.
Well, your mother must be very proud. We all read books you arrogant dipsh!t but you just keep repeating the same right wing bull that we've already heard over and over. These are the same talking points that I hear on the fake conservative radio stations every day. The same sources that have been discredited and exposed as liars over and over again.
BTW - What is Al Qaeda exactly? Can you answer that simple question?
We did not go into Iraq to fight al-Qaeda. The war had other purposes.
Well please elucidate what those purposes were for us, DeepCGI. I've heard everything and I don't know what to believe from the Bush Administration and their fake conservatives apologists.
So far we've had:
1) Saddam was supporting Al Qaeda. FALSE.
2) Saddam was developing nuclear weapons with Niger "yellow cake". FALSE.
3) Saddam had WMDs. FALSE.
4) Saddam was a brutal dictator. TRUE. But there are brutal dictators all around the world what makes Saddam special?
5) For oil. Why are we paying so much for gas? FALSE
6) For Israel. MAYBE
7) US imperialism and goals to secure the Middle East as layed out in the Project for a New American Century documents. MAYBE
8) Al Qaeda in Iraq. Well Al Qaeda wasn't there in 2001.
9) Now you're implying that it's to defend against Iran. But Iran is not a threat to the USA. It has not shown any aggression - certainly not on the scale the US has. Let's not forget that it was the US that sponsored terrorism in Iran going back 50 years and overthrew their democratically elected leader.
So, instead of throwing fake conservative talking points at us how about you just stick to the basics. Why are we in Iraq and how is the cost justified? And what is Al Qaeda? And why should we believe a word that the discredited and proven liars of the fake conservative movement?
DeepCGI, I'll tell you what I see. I see a formerly great country that is squandering it's wealth and future on pointless adventures and interventions in third world nations that are no real threat to America. Is Iran a threat? How? Was Iraq ever a threat? No.
Meanwhile, other nations (China for example) are focusing on development and are rapidly growing their economies, infrastructure and productive capacity. A nation of over a billion people is rapidly developing and the US is already a debtor nation to China with no plans for correcting this situation.
If America continues down this hyper-militaristic path it will find itself completely bankrupt and a bankrupt nation can not support a hyper-militaristic foreign policy.
Do you dispute this?
I'm normally not overtly arrogant. But endless moral equivalency arguments comparing America to Nazi Germany will do it to me every time. Just because you don't hear it on the Mike Malloy Show, doesn't mean these are right-wing talking points. Which of the seven facts I listed three posts ago do you deny?
Al-Qaeda has been labeled a terrorist organization by the United Nations Security Council, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General, the Commission of the European Communities of the European Union, the United States Department of State, the Australian Government, Public Safety Canada, the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan's Diplomatic Bluebook, South Korean Foreign Ministry, the Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service, the United Kingdom Home Office, Pakistan, Russia, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and the Swiss Government.
I'm not sure Lithuania exists either. I've never been there. I've never met anyone from there. And Mike Malloy never talks about it on his radio program. How real could it possibly be?
Let's start with this one...
Saddam violated the Persian Gulf War Cease Fire Agreement over 150 times. The agreement stated that any hostile violation would be considered an act of war.
Remember, I was opposed to the war. I'm just as opposed to our pulling out. Do you want to kill Iraqi civilians? Do you want to be cold and heartless? Pull the troops out.
Oh, and this is MOST DEFINITELY about oil. Oh, yes! The Dems are right about that one. Oil is money. Lots and lots of money. It buys things, like Iranian long-range missiles, Russian scientists and flying lessons for terrorists.
Was Clinton in on the right-wing imperialist plan for world domination? What did the world think regarding your item #3?
How many Americans did Bin Laden actually kill?
Compare that to say the number of Americans who died in the last 8 years to cancer, heart disease, and car accidents. What does that suggest should be the priority to focus on?
To Anon @ June 18, 11:18PM:
Eight of your 9 points address the reasons for invading Iraq. That's like crying over spilled milk. Yes, we screwed up. Royally. Now what?
Well when it comes to fighting a war you never half-effort it. Once we declare war, we've got to have the intestinal fortitude to stick it out. I'm amazed and saddened by our Congress, our media, and much of our country at large for not understanding the full scope of this commitment.
Learn the expensive lessons that history has taught us. After the Allies "won" the Great War (no one imagined it would be given the name, "World War 1" yet!) We bugged out and left Germany the bill. The next, more painful, time around, we stuck it out and finished the job right. We helped rebuild and got the Germans and Japanese back on their feet again.
Let's not forget this lesson with Iraq.
"How clueless are those remaining 16%?"
If you can kill 1 million Iraqis without a blink of an eye and torture everyone at all times, what's so hard on taking voting rights away from the dumbest of the dumb?
It should be a no brainer for such a country.
"So go ahead Kieth. Call me a fool. Throw all your insults you got at me. And throw your tantrums too. I don't care because I AM RIGHT."
*trillion dollars wasted -> check
*riséé of the world -> check
*more terrorist -> check
*more croniism with deliberate war -> check
*fool the idiot voter again -> check
*still no clue who actually attacked the US on 9/11 -> check
Do you vote voluntary or is it time to write a law against it? Depression 2009, you get what you voted for.
*No 911
*No deceptive/misleading war in Iraq
*Budget surpluses from Clinton/Gore administration to be continued under Gore/Libermann resulting in continued strong dollar policy against Eurodollar.
*Oil at $28 a barrel
To the 48% who voted for Bush in 2000...........especially Florida...
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