Standing Rules of the Senate - RULE XXXV - GIFTS
1. (a)(1) No Member, officer, or employee of the Senate shall knowingly accept a gift except as provided in this rule.
(b)(1) For the purpose of this rule, the term ``gift'' means any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, forbearance, or other item having monetary value.
June 17, 2008
Welcome to MoziloGate. And it doesn't get more clear than this - Senators Dodd and Conrad, you are screwed. And you're done screwing America.
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The senators were just being high class by going to the CEO of Country Wide to get a loan. Only low class riffraff get their loans from anyone else.
"Mozilogate" is gonna stick
MSM need a good tag
Good riddance to that piece of lying crap Dodd.
We need the FBI to investigate Congress not Congress!
The Dems control both houses now and will soon have the Presidency. You think corruption is bad now? - just wait four years. Think Rostenkowsi and the Keating Five, on frikkin' steroids.
Here is my prediction: Not a damn thing will happen to Mozillo or any of his pals, hell by the time this is over they may end up as government economic advisers!
You have to wonder whether Mozilo or Dodd read this blog?
"Here is my prediction: Not a damn thing will happen to Mozillo or any of his pals"
Second. The Senators will protect their own...
Load them into the tumbril and off to the guillotine, LIVE on all networks.
Dodd first, then Mozilo...
Please don't fool yourselves.
Nothing will come of this.
Not even Mozillo will be arrested.
What decade are you guys living in? This is 2008. No one is accountable for anything anymore.
time to HAND WRITE your Senators and Representatives and demand they publicly condemn these corrupt scumbags.
dear god please find a way to mix up Barney Frankenstien in this mess.
1. 99.9% chance both senators will get off with little more than a slap on the wrist
2. How could they be that stupid? The Clinton's were at least smart enough to take their "favors" indirectly through miraculous gains in cattle futures (probable insider information).
3. The media will give them a pass -- they are liberals just like the Clinton's were.
4. Does anyone out there know of specific bills that the senators voted on that may have been beneficial to Country Wide.
5. The payoff seems a little too low --- 10 to 1 this is the tip of the iceberg as to what they got as a favor. Perhaps, the "favor" money is running low. Maybe, just maybe, if it get low enough the cuffs will tighten around Mozilo (although the paid off senators will never see jail time).
6. This is a good test for the Presidential candidates to see if they will step up and call a spade a spade and work to get the corrupt senators out of office ASAP.
7. There is only one way that Mozilo is still walking around --- he must have alot of dirt on more congress people/people of influence than we think.
Bernie Ebbers probably thought he was too big and too important to ever go to jail too.
Same with Ken Lay.
Same with Andrew Fastow.
And will be the same with Angelo.
Patience. It will come.
But they are democrats - they did it for the people and for the children...
Mozillo and Dodd would make a cute couple.
In a cell that is.
Dodd and Conrad must go, but who else was on list of Friends of Angelo?
The Republicans and Democrats are the same thing. They get you people to pick sides and fight each other. And from these posts, nothing ever changes.
Until Americans quit calling themselves Republicans or Democrats, and start demanding honesty from both parties, we are in a mess.
It started going downhill fast in 2000. Republicans looked the other way when the Supreme Court decided the election....because their 'team' won. Democrats would have done the same thing.
Quit identifying yourself as a D or an R and start demanding every politician do he right thing
The public wants blood. Somebody will have to be sacrificed. The Orange One in going down at minimum. Hopefully vermin like Dodd will go down with him.
Bernie Ebbers probably thought he was too big and too important to ever go to jail too.
Same with Ken Lay.
Same with Andrew Fastow.
And will be the same with Angelo.
Patience. It will come.
Ha ha ha! Wrong! Mozilo's corruption cannot be exposed too much, as it will expose the corruption of our government too much.
And there is no commodities bubble, either. Maybe there will be in the future, but not as long as demand beats supply and the US keeps creating more dollars.
Mozilo will roam free while we pay more at the pump.
But, don't whine about it. Gasoline is still one of the cheapest liquids we consume. Even at $5 per gallon, that's less than 4 cents per ounce.
Folks, beer and soda cost more than that.
You got used to cheap gasoline.
Well...get UN-used to it.
And that's how it is.
The apple does not fall far from the tree. Dodd's daddy is the infamous Tom Dodd who was one of the first Senators sanctioned by the full Senate for taking and making favors from corporate-types. He resigned in disgrace approximately 1968.
Keep voting Democrat everybody.
keith said...
Bernie Ebbers probably thought he was too big and too important to ever go to jail too.
Same with Ken Lay.
Same with Andrew Fastow.
And will be the same with Angelo.
Patience. It will come.
June 17, 2008 4:06 PM
Yeah but those were all contributors to the GOP. They went to jail for 25 years and were buried by the media.
Dodd and Conrad are DemoRATS and pals with Tangelo. Nothing will happen to any of them. The media is silent. The demoRAT blogs are silent. Keith Olberidiot is silent.
Mark my words by Monday story will be history.
5. The payoff seems a little too low --- 10 to 1 this is the tip of the iceberg as to what they got as a favor. Perhaps, the "favor" money is running low. Maybe, just maybe, if it get low enough the cuffs will tighten around Mozilo (although the paid off senators will never see jail time).
There are two parts to the payoff. the immediate part is the reduction in fees (10k) the larger is the interest saved over the life of the loan, something like 50k as a previous poster pointed out.
So that is a 60k benefit. I think people would be up in arms if they found 60k in his freezer wrapped in tin foil.....
It's funny how these 2 senators happen to be Democrats. What about the Congress and House majority that allowed mortgage companies and banks make up their own rules? What should we do with them?
This all makes me laugh. Democrats are not for the middleclass. Here is the break down.
Republicans are for the rich and middle class. They would like three classes rich, middle class, and servants.
Democrats are for the rich and the poor. They would really like two classes, rich and poor. They want to tax the middle class into being poor.
But both parties are against the acquistion of new wealth. They don't want you in their club. They want you depending on the government. That is why they tax the crap out of the so called high earners. They pass laws to protect themselves as they stay congressmen and senators for life.
If any of them really cared about the people and corruption they would make it illegal for any senator/congressman to own stock in any company while in office. They would require that all politicians publish their tax returns, and they would require that any money/wealth they do have go in a blind trust while they are in office.
Public service should be a hard life not the gateway to wealth. Look at the crook Pelosi. She made 4 million dollars in the stock market her first 4 years in goverment. Why? Because they passed a law that makes it LEGAL for politicians to insider trade. We go to jail for that and they get rich. Crazy.
Not a single one of these people will go to jail.
You are full of shit. I would bet anything that you are afiliated to the Republican party.
For your benefit you post here as an independent, but then you'll throw your vote away for a Republican idiot like Bush. Bush won twice, remember? I attribute that to people like you that ask for everyone to be independent and than vote Republican because of "conservative" views. I wouldn't be surprise if McCain wins again as most Americans think like you. Good god, another idiot for president. We'll be in a war until we get rid of these Republican racists and natzis.
Senator Boxer said - she couldn't be bothered by pesky out-of-state citizens. OK California citizens; make some noise. Below is a copy of Boxers response to my demand for action
Dear Friend:
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns with me via email. I hope you will understand that, because of the volume of emails I receive from residents of California, I cannot at this time respond to messages received from residents of other states.
If you are a service member from California but are stationed out of state, please return to my webform at and enter your California Home of Record in the Address section. I will then receive your message and can send you a response.
If you are a civilian, I encourage you to contact your U.S. Senators if you have an issue or concern that needs immediate attention. You can access your Senators electronically by visiting for a listing of their contact information.
If you are still interested in learning more about the work I am doing on behalf of California, I hope that you will continue to visit my website at
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
to hell with patience... let's have some well placed lead do the job delivered via a lead delivery mechanism...
johnny rotten
I don't know. I remember somebody in the 1950's or early 60's being in trouble for an expensive coat, I think vicuna.
If it's wrong to accept the gift, what is the sanction for giving/offering the gift?I think all of congress should probably have mortgages checked for refi the last 8-10 years, but that might be a violation of privacy.
"Patience. It will come."
Although I wonder what happened, especially at Enron. With so much injustice in the world, what did Enron do to piss the wrong person off?
Yes Yes Yes Yes!!! Finally justice? We will see I guess. I know something big is happening cause I see it everywhere now! Hopefully the MSM will keep up on them and push all this crap into the spotlight.
How can it be fair that these retards like Dodd are screwing us because they got paid a ton of cash?
Did your Realtor get a Favor, Discount, or $$$ from your lender when you bought? Hmmm, makes you wonder who's interest they really represent.
I am sure Republicans got the benifit as well!
This story made NPR this morning.
Why are you people so shocked and appalled that rich people get better treatment? Better loan terms, better roads, better schools, better health care. I mean, you voted for it for decades when you elected republicans. Sure Conrad & Dodd are democrats, but they're RICH. Why shouldn't they take advantage of the perks created for them by 30 years of wealth-worshipping, elitist conservatives?
Like any one of you bitter libertarians would turn down a deal given you for having connections. hell, most of you people on here would do a lot worse than taking a sweet deal on a loan.
I also don't recall anywhere near this outrage when republicans get "sweet deals" like Bush's brother did in the S&L mess. Probably because we can just assume that republicans are slime and that taking bribes is par for the republican course.
But remember- you voted for it and probably will again. Otherwise the big bad democrats might make you pay taxes!
Republican don't look for favorable loan terms, they just ask for the cash free and clear.
But you people should keep voting for them. When you're living in tents maybe you'll wake the f*ck up.
Buh buh that's the same democratic majority in Congress who ordained the Messiah for nominee. So now you don't like them? Do you really think that they will disappear during the Hussein's reign of communism or won't have any influence whatsoever?
Dodd was on Obama's list of potential VPs, even the MSM was selling that day and night.
new gift law for congress based on bitterrenter:
gifts are only considered gifts when they exceed a certain percentage of the congressman's net worth.
this is doesn't matter what there party is...that's the difference between conservative republicans and liberal democrats.
Hang 'em high!
There can reach a point in history where the corruption in government and business reaches a critical mass ,and at that point, only a purging will stop the destruction that the current course of corruption will take .
The only ones that can save the majority of people now, and maybe America as we know it ,are the people .We have to object ,we have to educate the masses that don't understand what's happening .We have to demand Justice .
I beg the journalist to save yourself and expose the truth and bring up the issues.
At such a critical point in history ,the right decisions have to be made . America needs to be saved before it's to late .
Why shouldn't they take advantage of the perks created for them by 30 years of wealth-worshipping, elitist conservatives?
because democrats tell us they are above that. they are progressive. for the poor...
Republican don't look for favorable loan terms, they just ask for the cash free and clear.
But you people should keep voting for them. When you're living in tents maybe you'll wake the f*ck up.
yep, more progressives like dodd will do the trick.
damn, the left is just as stupid as the right.
I am sure Republicans got the benifit as well!
you lefty's make me sick, so two faced.
first you argue, hey vote dem because the republicans are corrupt and we are not.
Then when your guys get caught, you say "we aren't so bad because the republicans are probably doing it too"
Bastard Dems!!
We need another party. Heck, even our greatest ally with 5m people Israel have over a dozen parties that elect legislators. Why do we have to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea ?
We need new parties, lots of 'em so that my voice is heard.
I'm just getting a Hint on how they are going to try to put this loan gift scandal behind Senator Dodds .
They are now saying that a procedure need to be developed whereby Senators can get loans without being in a position of not knowing they are getting a bribe .
This a a classic. A new law or procedure needs to be developed so people who have already violated a clearly written known law , can find it easier to not violate the law .Therefore ,that person gets off the hood and the new law is enacted .
I can't tell you how many times during the course of this housing crash that I have heard the Politicians say that a law is needed to be enacted ,when the law is already on the books and the issue is violation of the law already.
The next time a criminal gets busted for a violation of a law ,I think that the defense for that criminal should be that a law or procedure needs to be enacted so that the criminal can know that they are breaking the law .
The new doublespeak in Obstruction of Justice these days is to ignore violations of law and banter on about how a law need to be enacted to address bad thing that happened ,that actually did happen because of current violation of known laws on the books .
So the public is appeased again because they think that a law has been created to help out a innocent party who came up with a bogus defense ,like they didn't know they got favorable treatment .
And we should further let this same party go ahead and be the promoter of bail-outs for the very company that same senator took a bribe from, but he didn't know it .
What does it say wneh Dodd is a big supporter of Obama??
Yoski said...
The public wants blood.
The public doesn't know or even want to know. July 4th is in 2 weeks. Get that BBQ planned so we can show off the new 50" plasma we bought with our rebate check.
I am sorry to say it, but we only have 2 parties in the US, The Democratic party and the Republican party.
In my view, when the Democratic party governed, things were much better, and there was still a middle class in the US. Mr Bush and just about every other Republican government has destroyed the middle class at the expense of the rich.
To hell with the Republicans. I rather have any Democrat than any Republican. And no, they are not the same thing.
"In my view, when the Democratic party governed, things were much better,"
This cracks me up... the 90s were good because of the actions that were taken during 80s. The 2000's are bad because of the actions during the 90s. Do you really think that a government can change our way overnight? It takes time for their policies to take affect.
Next you will blame enron on bush because they found out about enron druing the bush years... I Love it. Can you say Clinton>??? Nafta happened under Clinton... Can you speak spanish?
Good GAWD, I hope this gets rid of that pandering criminal, DODD!!
GEEEEEEEEEADDDDDDDDs people! I so cannot stand this meally-mouthed self-righteous ASSWIPE!!
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