"Sociopath" folks, pure and simple.
I'm just calling it like I see it.
Funny, a lot of us just kinda knew. But for her to ACTUALLY SAY IT, that's the shocking part. Meanwhile, you-know-who better hire some private security, and no more open-air mass rallies please. And Hill, even if the worst happens (or you make it happen), got some bad news for ya - it'll go to Gore, not you. Now leave. Go away. You're disgusting. And you're scaring the kids.
Here's some headlines that read like HP, and then watch Olbermann absolutely destroy this monster. Absolutely destroy.
The Cancer That Is Hillary Clinton
Clinton apologizes for Kennedy assassination comment
Clinton faces uproar with Kennedy assassination comment
We've Now Figured it Out - Hillary is Staying in the Race Why?
May 24, 2008
Well, now we know why Hillary is staying in the race. Just as we expected. Amazing.
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Labels: be afraid, hillary clinton is kinda weird, the deal
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HP I got news for you, but you are way off base. You may want to retract your statement.
I go to the beach for a couple of days and come back to this..
Well, at least I didn't come back to what I always think I'll be coming back to (you know, the special report).
Serious matter - I do not want to see Obama outside any unprotected environment for the next nine years. He needs to go into secure lockdown mode now. You know, the kind of protection that Bush and Cheney have.
And Hillary should be frisked before all joint appearances.
Hillary Clinton's colossal blunder simply the last straw
Hillary Clinton apologized Friday after citing the June 1968 assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in defending her decision to keep running for the Democratic presidential nomination.
SICK. Disgusting. And yet revealing. Hillary Clinton is staying in the race in the event some nut kills Barack Obama.
It could happen, but what definitely has happened is that Clinton has killed her own chances of being vice president. She doesn't deserve to be elected dog catcher anywhere now.
Her shocking comment to a South Dakota newspaper might qualify as the dumbest thing ever said in American politics.
Her lame explanation that she brought up the 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy because his brother Ted's illness was on her mind doesn't cut it. Not even close.
We have seen an X-ray of a very dark soul. One consumed by raw ambition to where the possible assassination of an opponent is something to ponder in a strategic way. Otherwise, why is murder on her mind?
It's like Tanya Harding's kneecapping has come to politics. Only the senator from New York has more lethal fantasies than that nutty skater.
Thank you for continuing to bash Hillary, Keith. The more you Hussein Obama's cult members bash her, the more you split the Democratic party. Therefore, Obama will lose.
Everyone with a brain and not evil knew what she meant. She meant that the future is uncertain, that's why the party shouldn't ask her to quit.
I love when you and the pundits bash the Clintons for every little thing, because Obama will never get Hillary voters to vote for him.
Please, bash Hillary more, so Obama can lose.
The drama queens are back!
Nothing to see here. Cheap attempt from the Obama camp and his bootlicker media to create something out of nothing. And they've proven again to be stupid because they should be kissing her butt, not trying to piss her off. She can destroy him, if she wants to.
20 million voters love Hillary and she's beating Obama in the popular vote, important demographics, and essential swing states.
Moving on...
I can't bring myself to watch another Keith Oberman (or whatever the heck his name is) video. I always think the grown man is going to burst into tears on the air, and one of the cameramen is going to have to come give him a hug to calm him down!
I'm still thinking that Hillary is going to pull it out (though it might be tough now). She seems to be a good fit for the "Whore of Babylon" mentioned in the book of Revelation. (I've got a whole tongue-in-cheek spiel on that that I lay out, for the amusement of my Christian friends sometimes, but maybe another time...)
Barak Hussein Obama.
You don't get a name like that in America without having brushed the Muslim world. Nobody names their kids like that without raising them in a Muslim house or with Muslim devotion.
Use common sense here, people.
wow! yes hillary cracked. now if she only had suzzanne's commonsense...!
Bubba's sociopathic tendencies kept the late-night humorists busy for years. Why should we be surprised that he's married to a woman with the same tendencies?
The Clintons are the kind of people that no matter what you say about them, it's true.
They don't call her a Feminazi and The Hildabeast for nothing.
That woman is Dangerous!
I love when redneck neanderthals use Obama's middle name; like it means some scary. Makes whatever point they're trying to make sound even more ignorant.
Now, go grab that shotgun off the back of your pick-up, and stick it in your mouth...
How do you defend the indefensible?
Her comment will have as little impact as her ooooooo so anticipated tax returns.
Bunch of nothing and people are having Hillary bashing fatigue already. First was her laugh, then was her tax return, then was her clothing...and on and on...
Pleaz folks,
Politicians, on the average, have been known to speak with forked tongues, etc. Now, Hillary is coming out with the truth... a cult of personality type of leader. Yes, a lot of power brokers have that tendency but because they lie all the time, we don't notice them. So what's the big deal here, we see the soul of a typical dictator but in a democratic society.
Serious question:
Something happens to Obama or McCain (think scandal or health, not Hillary's nasty idea), who would the GOP and Dems put up there in '08?
GOP: Gingrich
Dems: Gore
that's my take, obviously hope it doesn't happen
One thing Hillary's nasty idea does is focus attention on Obama's VP selection - a ready-to-lead-from-day-one guy
There's some names for ya
See, isn't political parlour games fun? Bet Hillary doesn't think so this weekend though (has she quit yet?)
"Nobody names their kids like that without raising them in a Muslim house or with Muslim devotion"
Except that all African tongues have adopted Arabic names.
The democrats have already given this one away. Who is the nominee does not matter. Neither is electable at this point, since the dem base is fractured and neither candidate will be able to mend it at this point.
The dems should concede the presidency to McCrazy and focus on retaining the legislative branch, as doing so will help ensure at least some vague semblance of 'checks and balances'.
"who would the GOP and Dems put up there in '08?"
Really, does it matter?
I mean throw a name in the hat: Gore, Edwards, Dean, Gephardt, Kerry, Marion Barry, etc, and randomly pick one. Most people have lost faith and the current crop of applicants reflect that state of being.
Sorry, but I can't stomach too much of K.Olberman's tirades. I got to the part about 30-seconds in where he spouts off about "racial and gender hatred in America" and had to shut him off.
All this babble about racism and sexism and hatred is coming out of the Democratic "Left" camp right now. It's sickening.
Oh sure, we can all talk about the issues, as long as we are all Obama supporters. But the moment you disagree with him, then you're nothing but an uneducated hateful hillbilly. How convenient.
I for one, am gagging on this Obama parade that so many opinion makers in this country are pushing down my throat right now.
I am no fan of Hilary, But Oberman is a lunatic. An insane idiot. Keith, you are following fools.
Ah, c'mon, she said something dumb. Yeah, really dumb, and she forgot to apologise to the appropriate person.
All of the candidates say dumb stuff.
I'm for Obama, but it still disturbs me to see so much spleen being vented her way. Enough of the 'string her up' rhetoric. The Obama campaign seem to have accepted that it was a gaffe, and if they're not worried about it, I don't see any need to get all het up on their behalf.
Hopefully, this will totally train-wreck her chances of being VP, and hopefully this will also make it inevitable that she'll have to step down on June 3rd.
Most of the superdelegates are holding fire until then, and its only a few days away.
Hang tight, this will all be over by.... August ;-)
Anon 5.47
Lots and lots of people in the Middle East and parts of Africa are called Hussein. Its as common as Michael or Philip over here. Hussein is also a common name amongst Christians in the area too - from the Copts in NE Africa to the Orthodox in Lebanon and Turkey.
Obsessing over a name just proves you need to get out of the US once in a while, and see how the rest of the world lives.
Wow, Hilary is a moron, but Oberman is a complete lunatic.
The more you trash Hillary, the more the DNC splits.
Thank you for helping Obama lose the election, Olbermann and Chris Matthews.
Many months ago, Sean David Morton was on Coast to Coast radio show. He is criticized by some people and he isn't accurate on everything but he has predicted many things correctly. He purports to have some inside information.
He said that the Bushies and Clintons are friends from way back and that Hillary had been in secret meetings where they told her that she is the annointed one.
I believe "they" have been trying to help her with manipulation of votes etc. but it hasn't been enough. Now she's looking for the "Hell Hillary Pass" and she let it slip out. Why would she stay in unless she was waiting for something to turn? She is very scary. "They" also have all the goods on her so she'll do exactly as she is told.
BTW I don't want any of the current candidates. I voted for Ron Paul and now all I can do is pray and watch. Ron Paul is the only one that would have gotten us out of Iraq.
I erased the MSNBC channel from my TV set long time ago. That channel is another version of Faux News.
The only two people I watch are Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck, who bash both parties. The rest stinks.
RE: Hillary's nomination hopes grow brighter as she sets her sights on the Democratic nomination.
Is Hillary really a femme fatale? I know that she recently told the voters of West Virginia how much she loves packing her gun around. But is it logical to assume that she would resort to gunplay in order to advance her political career?
Not all of the mysterious deaths of over 50 Clinton associates involved the use of firearms. Browsing through the list, I have found that some people expired from other causes, such as:
Plane crashes.
Falling out of windows.
Car accidents.
Falling asleep on railroad tracks.
Those who died of gunshot wounds account for only about half of the fatalities.
Here's a partial COMPILATION of the Clinton's guest register.
So, don't assume that just because Bobby Kennedy died of a gunshot wound that Barack Obama will suffer the same fate.
I hope this information will settle the Hillary assassination controversy once and for all.
Except that all African tongues have adopted Arabic names.
But not all of them had an atheist mother, a Muslim father, and were raised in Muslim radical Indonesia. Nobody really knows what happened in Indonesia, only what comes out of Obama's mouth. No data, no friends, no neighbors, nada. A true mystery surrounds our Manchurian candidate.
This will hurt her with those who worship the altar of RFK as the liberal martyr. Bobby wouldn't have won and if he had, would have been a lousy President. It really doesn't matter, Obama has the nomination and , thankfully, will most likely lose in November.
McCain 2008.
"Obsessing over a name just proves you need to get out of the US once in a while"
Well, I hate to say it, but that type of thinking isn't isolated to the US.
For instance, in Singapore/Malaysia, a Spanish sounding surname would get one labeled a Eurasian (ala half-Portuguese) or Filipino, etc, and then these kids would be less included from Chinese places, etc. Also, a lot of Persians and central Asians would name their kids Cyrus over let's say "Ali" because they don't like Arabic influences in their lands. You see, there is this sort of discrimination going around worldwide.
Hillary's comment was revealing and nauseating. Very scheming woman who had a Freudian slip of her tongue. Not really surprising, and I am so pleased it looks like she is going to back to the Senate.
So incredibly revealing.
I think you guys are supporters of f'n weak kneed pathetic racist, corrupt, incompetent, failed Senator from Illionois. The guy dint know what to do in Senate, so you want want him as president. Incredible logic. DOnt be so shamed of small penis and support Obama out of fear of a woman. 30% of democrats want her to run as an independent. If she runs she will get a lot of votes from Republican women too. She will absolutely decimate Obama for sure and defeat even McCain in general election. GO hillary go. Dont listen fools like this.
Actually being hated by Keith Olbermann is a good thing. Best thing to happen to anyone. You dont want friends like that.
This blog has become a juvenile blog. If you take Keith Olbermann seriously, I dont know what to say about quality of your contributions. You are falling lower and lower everyday.
What kind of indiot want to be on the same side of Keith Olbermann ??
Keith Olbermann is a gift horse for Republicans that keeps on giving. Idiots like this are ruining Democrats chances of appealing to majority of Americans. I am a life long democrat and frustrated by people like this that drive average American away from Democratic party. It pains me to loose opportunities right out of our hands, literally fumble in 4th quarter. Shut up Keith for a while please. Go away some place until election day, may be democratic party will pay for your vacation.
Its best thing that happened to Hillary, catching the attention of loonie Keith Olbermann and from the opposite side.
Keih olberman is a slow poison that is destroying the Democratic party built by Clintons from wilderness. Its unfortunate this guy to be on the side of democrats.
You're right keith, she is totally disgusting. We all knew she was hoping Obama would be killed, but to actually be stupid enough to repeatedly say that shit in public is un-friggin'-believable. Karma is a bitch.
I can't stand the way you vilify her based on absolutely nothing. Misogyny pure and simple. I put up with that *&^% when I was a kid because I was surrounded by bullies. I know it when I see it. Watch out you aren't born a smart woman in your next lifetime.
Wow Keith, I see the loonies ( I mean besides Hillary) are really out of today. I used to be a huge Clinton fan and would have voted for Hillary easily until she started to show this crazy reasoning and political games. Barak did not win my vote as much Hillary lost it.
Sorry for the "you're a woman hater because you don't support Hillary" crowd - I've championed women candidates for office and in business for as long as I can remember. I am disgusted by the white male dominated society that is America and root for change. It's like saying anyone who's anti-Obama is a racist. That charge in most cases won't stick.
And for the anti-Olbermann crowd, I understand you not liking his positions, as I wouldn't expect anyone to be in favor of mine either, but damn, you gotta love the passion. While Rome burned, Olbermann was one of the only voices of true opposition in the media. There's more passion and rage coming from Olbermann than from any elected official.
Olbermann is a patriot. He cares. That's all I ask for - care people, care. I can't stand Hannity, or Rush, but at the same time I like them because they care. Many HP'ers have polar opposity viewpoints from me, yet we have a great time debating, because we care.
That Olbermann rant is raw. Haters will say it's for ratings, I say it's because he cares, and is calling Hillary out on national TV for what she truly is, what some of us have been trying to say for years.
Here's a man who's not afraid of telling the truth:
We need more people like that in America.
Olbermann is a patriot. He cares.
Why, because he endorses your Messiah? Olbermann is an idiot and whoever kisses his butt is a bigger idiot. Olbermann keeps bashing Lou Dobbs, because Lou isn't an irresponsible socialist and doesn't take sides.
I never clicke on any of your Olbermann videos and never will. And I suggest everyone else to do so. It's pure trash and hatred to get audience to pay for his fat paycheck. Boycott that fool, be an independent thinker.
Thanks Olbermann for splitting the DNC and making Obama lose in November. The GOP loves you.
Oberman needs to get over himself and take it down a few notches. Pathetic girly man is what he is.
The media is doing all it can to marginalize and discredit Hillary, similar to what was done to Ron Paul.
Hillary needs to come out swinging at this point. She has nothing to lose. I am no fan of Hillary's but I see the number that the MSM has done on her. Oberman is just another puppet with marching orders from his master.
You wonder what goes through Hillary's dark head on a night like tonight
I think Olbermann is hyperventilating.
Politics-as-usual sucks, and endlessly dissembling every little statement a candidate makes is exactly that. Nobody is perfect, and politicians are human (as hard as that is to believe). Imagine if you had the camera on you 24/7. All those little slips and ambiguities would be captured and broadcasted.
Olbermann's own video proves that Clinton didn't mean to suggest Obama might get assassinated: she repeatedly used the Bobby Kennedy nomination in the context of a late-running contest, not an assassination.
I'm no Hillary fan, but come on, Obama has had his foibles in this one too. In fact I'm shocked he's even still viable. At least all of Hillary's dirty laundry has already been aired!
Oberman......sports hack!
Hillary, a woman whose time has passed... Seriously if she was a black woman with the same attitude, would she have gotten this far?
Its too funny watching you dems explode. Olberman was one of your heros who always told the truth untill he started telling the truth about Hillary.
I hope all you racists on the hillary or nobody bandwagon have a coniption fit and bark up your dark souls in time to vote for Obama and save the nation from the reps.
So Obama is the next Kennedy and Hillary is sticking it out just incase he gets assinated. I think Olberman needs to go back to being a sportscaster
God, I do love this so.
Watching the Liberals tear each other apart on the altar of political correctness is the best entertainment, ever.
I don't care if Olberman is hamming it up for the camera, at least someone is getting pissed off about the way things are going.
BTW, Obama shrugs it off.
I am lifelong Democrat. Here's my take. Obama is gone. Kaput from politics. Media cannot defend him for ever. The guy is part of left wing fringe hate groups. He will never be elected. You heard it from me first. Keith Olbermann's such passionate support for Obama certifies he will never win. What a nut case. I never click on this guys' videos either. How can anybody listen to this guy talk without taking a breath. I have seen a while back his clips, I said to my self I will not ruin my day wathing it ever again.
You are looking very desparate, using Keith Olbermann's hyperventilating hateful clips to attract bloggers. This is a new low of your site. As usual you are mis-representing what Hillary has said and using even more partisan clips to justify it. You are looking more ridiculous down this path of juvenile topics. Time for you to review your own handling of this blog.
Thanks Liz - I've reviewed my handling of my blog and decided that I'll be posting more of Olbermann's videos going forward
Thank you for the great idea! And keep sending in those "Hillary is a psychopath" links, much appreciated
I hope all you racists on the hillary or nobody bandwagon have a coniption fit and bark up your dark souls in time to vote for Obama and save the nation from the reps.
Don't hold your breath. Hussein Obama will have to pull a miracle to get elected without Hillary voters. Don't forget: Blacks are only 12% of the population and most of them don't vote.
Hussein's victories on red states (i.e., Dakotas), that never will turn blue no matter what in a GE, won't count for much in November.
Hillary voters can live with McCain/Romney ticket.
"Nobody names their kids like that without raising them in a Muslim house or with Muslim devotion"
Crap. My middle name is Marie.
That must meant my parents are secretly Jesus freaks. Because I've never seen them actually go to church in say 20 years must mean they are a part of some christian underground cult.
Hussein means 'handsome' in Arabic (and Swahili). It would be the equvilent of Kenneth, Alan, and Aden. Idiot however is greek.
I for one, am gagging on this Obama parade that so many opinion makers in this country are pushing down my throat right now.
May 24, 2008 6:31 PM
I love how wingers get all worked up about gagging on "opinions" being shoved down their throat.
Paging Doctor Freud
Or how Obama's amoena filled tenacle in his pants will strangle white women while the islamic call to prayer plays out of his ears.
Who are these weak-minded Hillary supporters? Where on Earth do they come from?
I can understand somebody supporting Obama and defending him - he at least has some redeeming qualities but how anybody can defend Hillary (or McCain for that matter) just completely defies logic.
Understandably, the Hillary supporters *always* play the feminist card because that really is the only characteristic of Hillary that makes her stand out from the legion of corruption in Washington DC.
Can any of you Hillary supporters seriously say to yourselves that you would support Hillary if she did not have a vagina? If Hillary were male what qualities would seperate her from any of the other power hungry politicians on the Hill?
As for that douchebag that was saying they used to support Ron Paul but now they support Hillary because Ron Paul didn't display his manhood and tough guy presidential credentials by bitchslapping Anderson Cooper or some such nonsense - what do you expect us to make of that??! It's so ridiculous that it's not worth defending and you're not doing yourself any favors by saying stupid crap like that.
Plus, anyone that can flip-flip from supporting Ron Paul to supporting Hillary Clinton is mentally unstable.
Its no surprise, you joined rest of the idiots in Obama mania. You might enjoy while it lasts. Because come general election I will be laughing my ass off while you cry in your beer at the corner pub. I knew for a while your a f'n looser.
Olbermann is a shameless partisan hack. Why does he keep making an appearance on HP?
"Obama, meanwhile, plans to give the commencement speech at Wesleyan University's graduation today in Connecticut, replacing the ailing Ted Kennedy.
Obama will be greeted by an unprecedented amount of security. The ceremony will be closed to the public, and guests will have to go through metal detectors... "
Thank God.
Responding to Anon @ May 25, 2008 5:32 AM:
It means "being force-fed". Nothing more.
BTW, I think Dr. Freud was the one with the sexual obsession. Not his patients.
This probably eliminates Hillary as a potential VP candidate; which is fine by me. I don't like the woman at all but this comes off as an over-the-top method for kicking her out of the race with faux outrage.
Olbermann has an anger addiction and gives us no clear objective reasons why Hillary's statements were "simply unforgivable." Or at least the reasons fall flat and are overwhelmed by the anger thing.
Keith keep up the great work. You've been running a terrific blog and it must take a lot of research. Thanks much!
Can't you guys see the set up?
Its all Obama praise in the media during these primaries. But look at who Obama is and the background. C'mon sitting in that black nationalist church all these years giving the applause. Wonder if they'll find him on tape.
Once the general election start, all the crap comes out on Obama.
Lets be frank about it, the vast majority of whites never wanted the "diversity" thing anyways. It been forced on us by the elite for a long time now. Just another version of the colony plantation thing with a happy face. South Africanization.
Go ahead and elect your Obama. I won't be voting for him.
I really like the theory that Hill is now only hanging in the race to sabotage the democrats in '08. This allows the neocons to stay in power and than they bring Hillary back in '12 or so. It also ends the Bush-Clinton dynasty-and we all new that Hill would win in '08 so that would keep going, didn't we?
Who would have thunk any of this? It is amazing that a party-mate of the current president would be elected after the last eight years-so what do you do...you pull out all the stops and have him run against a black guy...brilliant.
Anyways, none of it really matters. It is upsetting that a lot of people will get into fights with friends, family, etc. about which choice is the less bad choice.
Think of the whole thing as Coke vs. Pepsi. Both will make you fat and rot your teeth.
"My middle name is Marie"
Please, that means only that there's a 90% chance that your parents were of some European, Filipino, or South American background. Yes, there's a spectrum there but it's a sort of western Christianity belt of nations. Obama's crime was being African-American and that's what's got all the mainstreamers into a "NOI" Farrakhan alert frenzy.
I wanna see Obama win an election without 20 million Hillary voters. Good luck!
"But not all of them had an atheist mother, a Muslim father, and were raised in Muslim radical Indonesia."
Cool... so that means that Tiger Woods can run 'cause his mom is from Thailand (~95% Buddhist, which means Atheist according to the born again Christians) and his dad, a cradle/birth certificate Christian African-American. At least the criteria for mixed race persons are clear. I feel sorry for poor Bobby Jindal, he'll need to get his mixed race (see South Asian) parents to convert to Catholicism before he can make his bid.
Hillardry looks sooo BUTCH!
I dunno but some blogger said that 'Bamma is a man goo smoothie sucker
McPain just so crazy.
"When all hope is gone, sad songs say so much"
Welcome to left wing hate groups. I dint know you are one of them. Keith Olbermann single handedly causing so much damage to Democratic party. I feel sad as a Democrat that he is on our side.
It's funny how Obama has no chance to get elected although he's already leading mcCain by 8pts. By Nov, it'll be a 20pts lead at least.
As for women Hillary supporters, they will vote Obama once they realize mcCain roeVwade stance.
Obama in 08.
No actually the things people say about her completely out of the blue, are wierd.
She's smart, she's got a mind that sucks up information like a sponge, and she's got a husband with a roving eye. And??
Where in the heck are some of these comments coming from? Sounds like maybe it's time to look at how women are treated, viewed, and basically blown off as 100% human beings. Young and gorgeous is okay. Hard working and quiet is okay.
Yes women (as in yes men) are okay.
But a thinker? What is it that she threatens? Tell me.
Grandma PKK
Olbermann is more annoying than Rush Limbaugh. At least Limbaugh stays calm and puts a few smart jobs in there with his diatribes. Olbermann seems like he's an out of control lunatic frothing at the mouth with rabies.
Anyone who doesn't vote for Obama is a right-wing Nazi KKK redneck hillbilly. No further debate needed.
Let it go folks, this is another example of socialism coming near you:
Just like you wanted Bush so much, now you will choose to live like a socialist, following your Messiah's cult. Don't come crying later, because we're going to punch you in the mouth until you can't chant at your cult of sheeple any longer.
Anyone who doesn't vote for Obama is a right-wing Nazi KKK redneck hillbilly. No further debate needed.
My gosh, now you got me. I'm rushing out of the door to buy a new Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirt so I can participate in your cult of retards.
It's funny how Obama has no chance to get elected although he's already leading mcCain by 8pts. By Nov, it'll be a 20pts lead at least.
Really, why is that Obama can't close this nomination then? If he's so strong, why is he getting the a$$ kicked all the way to the end, by a woman who's been trashed by the media 24/7 from the get-go, and while outspending her 3 to 1? Your "strong candidate" can't win swing states, popular vote, and the only way he's ahead in delegates count is because of Caucus trickery that doesn't reflect at all the will of the electorate in a real general election.
The Obama camp and his cult members are so desperate that they need to be taking cheap shots at Hillary, by taking every single word she says out of context. We're already in May and they're still in desperation mode! Furtthermore, the GOP and its 527s haven't even got started on Obama yet. Who knows what kind of bombastic scandal they're holding for Obama. It's too quiet out there, don't you think?
Polls from biased networks shouldn't be taken seriously anyway. Watch Hillary voters moving to McCain once the DNC and Obama camp pushes Hillary out in a rude manner.
The low probability of having Roe Vs. Wade overturned isn't enough to make them go for Obama. Having their candidate abused and insulted from day one is a more compelling reason not to vote for Obama, the leader of the boy's sexist club, hence the "sweetie" and "likable enough" remarks. You see, when you attack Hillary, you attack all the voters supporting her, including women. Apparently the Obama camp and his cultists haven't figured that one out yet.
Lots of rosy scenarios being forecast by the same biased pundits that gather everyday to bash Hillary on TV. My inbox is full of emails from Hillary voters all over the country who are organizing to boycott Obama in November. It's a growing movement. Obama is the new Kerry, Dean, Gore, or McGovern. And with the help of the entire media to split the DNC with their relentless attacks on Hillary (like this one from Olbermann), it's becoming easier and easier for McCain. Hillary voters can live with McCain for 4 more years until Hillary comes back. But Obama will be doomed forever once he loses this election, and black voters will be totally ignored for life.
Watch out Obama, you know what they say:
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"
Doubly so for a Clinton woman scorned!
We are angry bitches, just like Hillary, and we won't forget how Obama has won this. I've lived my whole life under politicians who didn't speak for me, didn't care about my vote, didn't respect people like me. Damned if I will vote for one. I don't want to vote for another Democratic loser, and the way he has alienated the party core means Obama will be another one. I would have voted for Hillary because she is a better candidate, and represents my views on all the issues better than he does. The more he has his supporters smear her, the more I dislike him.
We are angry bitches, just like Hillary, and we won't forget how Obama has won this. I've lived my whole life under politicians who didn't speak for me, didn't care about my vote, didn't respect people like me. Damned if I will vote for one. I don't want to vote for another Democratic loser, and the way he has alienated the party core means Obama will be another one. I would have voted for Hillary because she is a better candidate, and represents my views on all the issues better than he does. The more he has his supporters smear her, the more I dislike him.
Wow! This post really displays the level of retardation amongst Hillary supporters.
First up, I'd like to make it clear that I support neither Hillary, Obama or McCain so this is the opinion of an impartial observer.
How he has Obama alienated the party? By winning more votes??!! If anyone has done more damage to the party it's Clinton!
How has Obama had his supporters smear Hillary???!! If anyone has been doing the smearing it's Hillary and HER supporters.
You Hillary supporters are so delusional and retarded it makes me sick. You're a disgusting bunch of weak-minded sycophants who would be better represented by a monarchy. Get lost losers - liberty is NOT for you!
somehow I really, really doubt you are impartial.
If you don't know how Obama has alienated the core of the party, how he failed to gain the support of women, older people, working class people, people without college degrees, latinos, asians, and pretty much everyone but the ivory tower liberals and the blacks, you just haven't been paying attention.
If you haven't seen how Hillary has been smeared and turned into the Great Pink Satan by a bunch of misogynist wankers then you are clueless.
If you haven't watched how the Democrats went from a sure thing for the white house to a hopelessly split party, you are blind. And you and all your smirking, clueless, frat boy buddies who couldn't help trashing the Clintons, spitting on their supporters, and trashing the party will be wondering what the hell happened for a long time to come, while the repugs continue to trash the country. good going! :) Hope you figure it all our someday.
somehow I really, really doubt you are impartial.
No, I really am not a supporter of either Hillary or Obama or McCain. I think they all equally suck. I'm just baffled by fools like you that go out of their way to defend Hillary and raise her onto a pedestal.
If you don't know how Obama has alienated the core of the party, how he failed to gain the support of women, older people, working class people, people without college degrees, latinos, asians, and pretty much everyone but the ivory tower liberals and the blacks, you just haven't been paying attention.
Hahahaha!! So Obama is only beating Hillary thanks to the Ivory Tower Liberals and the vast Negro Conspiracy. Hahahaha!! You make me laugh! BTW - How exactly do you define a Ivory Tower Liberal?
If you haven't seen how Hillary has been smeared and turned into the Great Pink Satan by a bunch of misogynist wankers then you are clueless.
Oh really? Hillary has been unfairly smeared? Because the impression I was getting (as an impartial observer) is the 3 week assault on Obama over a handful of remarks attacking US foreign policy made by his *pastor* not Obama himself (remarks that I actually agree with BTW) were just slightly unfair and definitely an ugly, mindless smear job. What kind of smear campaign aimed at Hillary matches the magnitude of the Rev Wright smear? Could it be that people just genuinely dislike her because she is so obviously insincere?
The other impression I've gained from Hillary is that she is always the first to attack Obama's character, chide him in debates and dodge questions. But hey! That's just my opinion.
Maybe special moments like these were enough to turn the majority of Dems against Hillary?
Hillary's Crocodile Tears
Hillary Cackles in the Face of Serious Foreign Policy Issues
Hillary - The Obliterator
If you haven't watched how the Democrats went from a sure thing for the white house to a hopelessly split party, you are blind. And you and all your smirking, clueless, frat boy buddies who couldn't help trashing the Clintons, spitting on their supporters, and trashing the party will be wondering what the hell happened for a long time to come, while the repugs continue to trash the country. good going! :) Hope you figure it all our someday.
You're absolutely right that the Dems were a shoo-in but NOT with Hillary!! It's bizarre how you claim that the candidate with the most support is somehow ambushing the party!
Thanks for the trip to Bizarro Land.
Would you quit if you had a multi-million dollar churn rate? That is quite the racket she has going.
hey Olberman; now shut the f__k up and get down on your knees while your pal chris mathews mounts you cuz Obama is unzipping for you!!! you effin homos
First up, I'd like to make it clear that I support neither Hillary, Obama or McCain so this is the opinion of an impartial observer.
Maybe the bigger question democrats on this board should be asking themselves is, "How come if we are the party of promoting racism and classwarfare for votes, did we end up with a halfrican & woman attacking each other and all of us looking shocked that this is happening?"
You reap what you sow dems.
Anonymous said...
Olbermann seems like he's an out of control lunatic frothing at the mouth with rabies.
MSNBC has become a dumping ground for liberal sociopaths like Olbermann, Matthews, and Mitchell.
Ok, the ivory tower liberals are defined as a bunch of twenty something nimrods who just discovered politics, and think that Obama is something new and different. They are wrong, because he isn't. Many of them are in college, full of pure ideals, and living off their parent's money. They have a lot of spare time to bully people in caucuses.
Their idea of having a political opinion is linking to youtube clips. They have no idea that a lot of people like me think that Hillary has genuine tears and are moved by that clip.
They can't fathom that even though Hillary has been outspent and made out to be evil, she is still in the running and ahead in the popular vote. Where did the money come from to puff up this candy ass candidate Obama, who came from nowhere? Follow the money: who would profit from the party being split? Did it all come from the piggy banks of the little people? No, it did not.
They are the kind of people who say that she cackles, when a man laughs it wouldn't be turned into an evil trait. They are the kind of people who pin the Iraq war on her, when she voted to support the people who made sure that Iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction, the way her constituents would have demanded of her, after the most horrifying terrorist attack on US soil in history. Obama would have voted exactly the way she did if he had been in Washington, or he would not be a serious candidate today.
They are the kind of people who hate a woman who wants to win, when that is the only thing any politician wants to do. The ones who ignore that Obama says he will withdraw troops, but only if there are not Al Qaeda bases there, which of course, there are. He likes to have it both ways, it's so much easier. And his followers don't much care about looking into what he really represents.
They are the ones saying they hope she dies. Over and over. It doesn't matter who she really is, the like having someone to hate. So if you really enjoy that, here's some more hate for you. Suck it up.
Hillary is evil if she would ever try to protect our country, but Obama gets a pass, and no attention at all for this: U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama suggested Friday that the United States one day might have to launch surgical missile strikes into Iran and Pakistan to keep extremists from getting control of nuclear bombs.
It's a double standard. Of course. But you're comfortable with that.
And, by the way, if you think that the Wright "smear job" came from Hillary, and you think it was mean and unfair, you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until he gets the nomination, and the repugs have their way with him. If you are shivering in terror from what you see as Hillary's brutal handling of your creampuff savior, you'll be sad to see him by the end of the general election.
It's a double standard. Of course. But you're comfortable with that.
You're just full of assumptions aren't you? How can it be a double standard when I think very lowly of all three stooges?
I just find it amazing that you have so much faith in your Hillary. The way you describe her she sounds like a saintly Biblical figure, not a politician.
For the last time, I'm not trying to have some Hillary vs Obama debate or even a Left vs Right debate with you. As far as I'm concerned all of the three stooges are stooges that would be horrible presidents. The simple reason being that all of them are puppets of the power elite (just look at where their donations come from) and all of them are despots that do not even understand the Constitution and by their Congressional and Senate voting records have ignored it every time.
A president is meant to execute the laws of the land and stay within their Constitutional limits NOT BE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.
Shouldn't we all be a little concerned when a presidential candidate thinks they can make the decision to OBLITERATE another country for the actions of that country's government? It's NOT up to the president to make that decision.
Unfortunately, where you see a sincere, loving, courageous, honest, dedicated and wise stateswoman the rest of us see a cold, calculating and manipulative power-hungry personality.
You're the first person I've heard of that thinks Hillary's tears were genuine. It's not only her cackle that sounds completely forced and insincere but it's the appropriateness of when she uses her cackle - after Mike Gravel raises a very important point on the rattling of sabers towards Iran leading us into another disastrous war (that has nothing to do with 9/11) - not exactly the most appropriate time to cackle and dismiss Mike Gravel as some kind of loon.
I think you need to take the time to watch this recent documentary "Washington, You're Fired!":
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
This is the death of America we're talking about, the death of the Constitution : the Law of the Land - the very embodiment of Freedom in America. Without it you don't have an America any more. Do you understand?
So what does Hillary have to say about it?
All I see are crocodile tears.
Ok, the ivory tower liberals are defined as a bunch of twenty something nimrods who just discovered politics, and think that Obama is something new and different.
Thank you for your insightful posting about the farce Obama and the double standards applied by his cult and his corrupt media bootlickers.
oh, okay. I didn't know we were talking about a fantasy perfect world with perfect candidates, where we could choose who we wanted and not be stuck with a democrat or republican. Alrighty then.
So, once the revolution is complete, all will be happy, happy, yes?
Meanwhile, back here in the present day, in our present country, I'm sick of the hate spewed against Hillary, and the double standard. If we are going to choose her to represent evil, and use a lot of loaded, misogynist language, then we are going to alienate a lot of voters. Do you get that?
After there was a major attack on US soil, and GW used that as an excuse to rush to war, and most of congress went along with it, now what do we do? Do we blame Hillary for all that? Believe Obama is above it? Believe that McCain will win it for us? These are the real choices, not a bunch of bullshit wishing in one hand and spitting in the other.
Personally, I think Hillary can walk the fine line between the reality of our situation, where we are already at war, and find a way to get us out of it. Not McCain's total commitment, not Obama's hugging it out with the bad guys. And I think the country was better off when Bill was in office. I'm not ready to call him a racist and trash his legacy. I think we need to move in the right direction. Trashing the whole thing and starting over sounds fun, but it's not going to happen like that, and most people realize this.
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