With gas prices soaring, the dollar in free-fall, inflation roaring, and an epic Fed-caused housing crash and debt crisis underway, why aren't there protests outside of the US Federal Reserve headquarters yet?
May 24, 2008
HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day
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Labels: ben bernanke is a traitor, if you believe the government employment or inflation numbers you're a fool, the fed has f*cked america
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President Hoover (oops, I mean Bushco) will be gone soon.
Happy Days are Here Again....
George, how does it feel to be the most hated man in the world?
Protests? LOL Have you taken a close look at the teenagers and college kids these days? Most of them walk around slouched over, listening to sh*t music, waiting for the world to change. They are passive sheep with nice wooly coats...
The Federal Reserve is no more "Federal" than Federal Express.
The US Americans are BEYOND STUPID. They've been DUPED, but yet too dumb to figure it out.
The dumbing down of America, has been a great success.
Because American women are being entertained by American Idol and American men are being entertained by NBA Playoffs.
Entertainment is the opiate of the masses.
Most people don't know what the Federal Reserve is...face it most folks can't name their own elected congress person or most of the cabinet secretaries.
Also, protesting has no impact with these people, they (the Bush Administration) wiped their ass with the Constitution so how receptive will their appointees be to protest?
I'd really like to go protest but I've promised the kids that I'd take them to the Water Park after the Mall and then Chuckie Cheese. Besides,I can still fill up the SUV with my Visa card. Bush cried at his daughter's wedding so he can't be a bad man. And we need to fight them over there instead of here, right?!
The people who really care are all outside the US.
Coming soon to a shore near you ...
Because Americal Idol is on and there is a new iPHONE coming out soon!
Because most of the idiots are too busy listening to trash like Death Cab For Cutie, playing Wii, buying overpriced Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirts, or rallying for Obama, to fake they care about anything. Have you heard how they speak English now? Pollsters and pundits still have the nerve to call this group, "educated voters".
This country is doomed.
afraid of government
because they will be shot on site.
Because less Americans than ever are that informed to put the blame on the FRS and gather outside the Eccles building! Expect sporadic protests against rising prices (or, even worse, against stagnant wages) across the country. Expect ridiculous price controls not involving FRS - last fall, in Russia the Anti-Monopoly Committee has successfully identified a number of "guilty" foodstuff wholesalers and imposed a price-fixing "moratorium" on them long before the Central Bank moved to raise rates. Expect coupons and "food orders" (say hello to the Soviet terminology) for a time before the lid on wages/prices is finally blown - if you believe in a hyperinflation scenario.
The mainstream economists do a fantastic job in calling rising prices "inflation". They never discover the original cause, so they can adopt an anti-inflationary package without affecting it.
Would love to, but some people have to work for a living, you know....
Because things are still fine for now...
The Federal Reserve is no more "Federal" than Federal Express.
The US Americans are BEYOND STUPID. They've been DUPED, but yet too dumb to figure it out.
Yes, Americans ARE stupid, but because they believe some wacko conspiracy crap.
The Federal Reserve Board of Governors actually is 100% Federal.
The Federal Government (President + Congress) selects and approves its management.
The profits of the Federal Reserve are turned over to the U.S. Treasury without compensation.
The Federal Reserve is instructed by Congress to perform regulatory functions of private institutions, like other government entities, and unlike private corporations.
The Federal Reserve is given powers by acts of Congress to do things which private corporations are prohibited from doing.
Control of management and receipt of profits: prima facie evidence of actual ownership and control.
Don't let the words fool you or the supposed "stock ownership" mumbo jumbo. If Congress passed a law, the Federal Reserve could vanish, because it is a government institution.
If the Federal Reserve is as federal as Federal Express, then what was the Act Of Congress which created Federal Express?
(there wasn't one)
The actual """conspiracy""" is right there in front of your face. The Federal Reserve, along with full acquiesence of Congress, acts in the interest of the wealthy hypercapitalist banking classes, because the people of the latter influence the government because of their wealth.
The morons think that Oboga will fix everything after the elections
b/c the average American doesn't even know it exists.
what's that line from Usual Suspects... the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
I can't afford gas to get there.
A lot of people have no idea that the fed even exists. A lot of people still think that the dollar is at least partially backed by gold or something of value. A lot of people cannot connect the dots and see how any of it affects them personally. A lot of people are focused on the problems in their lives and have no time to even ponder any of it all. A small faction of the population that gets it are often also profiting from it and have no desire to see the existing order of things change. Shall I keep going?
You know, I'm getting sick of all this sh-t.
I can't take it any more.
What's this country coming to?
Damn it!
Hey! Good idea!
You seem to be pretty good at putting things together Keith, why don't you start putting together a big protest. I'll come, so will 3 or 4 of my friends.
protestors would be arrested. We are not a free nation anymore
Protests? LOL Have you taken a close look at the teenagers and college kids these days? Most of them walk around slouched over, listening to sh*t music, waiting for the world to change. They are passive sheep with nice wooly coats..
Are you taking it to the streets?
If so, how, when, why, and under what circumstances?
"protestors would be arrested. We are not a free nation anymore"
How would you know, you young pup? You don't know history, and have a stranglehold on the truth so it can't breathe.
When then-President Clinton came to my town, the people who egged his limo were taken away, purposely detained for questioning until after Clinton was out of town, and in general treated very roughly. When Bush and Gorbachev visited a few years earlier, the people who egged the limo were left alone. I realize this doesn't fit into your little mold of the world gone to hell under Bush, but you cannot fool everyone by parroting the communist line.
P.S. - You probably don't know who Gorbachev is, since your world view fits into about 2 years of human history. Sorry for the "obscure reference".
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