What, no more Mike Norman, Connie De Groot or Tom Adkins on Fox?
Wait until 4:08 on this video when one of the 'experts' goes nuclear on Schiff for speaking the truth.
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
What, no more Mike Norman, Connie De Groot or Tom Adkins on Fox?
Wait until 4:08 on this video when one of the 'experts' goes nuclear on Schiff for speaking the truth.
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Labels: faux news, mike norman is the dumbest guy in the room, peter schiff, tom adkins is a caveman
I love how the guy tries to pull an O'Reiley on Chiff and fails - "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!"
don't mess with the Schiff
What a bunch of idiots.
Everything Schiff said is right; there really is no debate about it.
Who is this Wayne a**hole and why are all Wayne's the same kind of a**hole?
Someone needs to spank this aging brat badly.
you do realize the fellow what exploded against Schiff is Trapper John.
Walking away is for speculators!
And Legislators!
All the rest of you suckers, please throw good money after bad like good Consumers.
Poor Schiff.
Having to deal with a room full of George Bushes cannot be any fun.
What do you say to an egotistical misinformed idiot who tries to outshout you and then sulks like a three year old with his hand under his chin in the classic F*ck you, Im not listening to you position...
Nice Going Schiff. You exposed another seamy underbelly class of what's wrong with America...
Memorial Day My Ass...
Thanks Veterans
F*ck YOU Politicians and REIC
Ya gotta love Schiff!
Straight talk No Bulls**t!
And he is absolutely right in his assessment!
Sad that the trained monkeys aren't being interviewed these days. Maybe they're gutless cowards now that their stupidity is exposed for the whole world to see.
No more Fabio the fliptard, with his most well thought out argument being a cackle. Guess we're making progress.
LOL - Good one!!!
I like that. We have two choices. 1990s Japan or 1932 America. I'm not sure which is better.
I've found another solitary hero:
You go man!
If someone let me borrow $53 trillion, I'd take it and stiff them too.
Holy crap!!! Trapper John had a coronary. He did the Clinton finger wag and told Peter to SHUT UP!!!
WTF? That 'expert' was what's his face on M*A*S*H.
Perhaps they'll have Schiff go toe to toe w/Bobby Brady next?
Hooooweee, after 3 days of nosediving, that's what I call a "bull" market:
DOW = -146 pts
NAS = -.81%
S&P = -1.32%
Attention, attention! Calling all sheeple to jump in the rotten market so they can fleeced next week, after another fake rally, by the crooks on Wall Street. We've hit bottom for the 1000th time this quarter and Obama has won the nominee without carrying any swing state, popular vote, or major demographics. Attention!
There is a lot of fear behind that anger.
Was that Trapper John????
NAR president Dick Gaylord
Best name ever for a NAR Pres
I feel like a pet whose been left at home with no food or water.
When will Keith return????
There is a lot of fear behind that anger.
BINGO. I had to laugh when an online acquaintance said he "hoped" we were bottoming as he had to put a property on the market next week.
WHAT IS THE POINT of discussing ANYTHING with people who have a nickel at stake?
"Ooohh my God! It's better for the lender and the homeowner to work together than to go through that horrible foreclosure mess"
Leave it to Fox News to find 'experts' from 'family and friends'
She is definitely your typical Bush supporter: NO DEPTH!!
Peter Schiff-- A God amongst mere mortals---
LOVE YOU Peter--keep fighting!
I love how the debate has now changed from real estate will go up v. real estate with go down to now being real estate will crash by 30% v. real estate will crash by 50%. And the guy arguing for a 50% crash is winning. Nice.
Schiff is a prophet. The rest of them are just weathervanes.
MASH sux! HOw is this guy taken seriously? Alan Alda was a douche...still is a douche. Why the hell do they still call this guy trapper? ERF I hate mash...
What a tard!!! What is "Trapper" talking about. I can tell you 3 people that have walked away from their homes from my great place of employement.
I can tell you 3 more people who are contemplating it right now! They wernt speculators, they were just dumb asses who thought they could afford a better life (not at our salaries).
They big hot shots need to look at the real America and see how bad it is getting. I saw diesel at 5.03 today! Oh gee what the hell is MASH douche going to do when the truckers go on strike!
1990s Japan or 1932 America. I'm not sure which is better.
I'd take Japan anyday. At least they didn't have soup lines. The Great Depression would have lasted another decade if not for WWII. Imagine 20 years of 25% unemployment and soup lines. That is the real Great Depression.
I see bought, and paid all over these guy's. Man you have to know your competition in life.
Once a fellow colleague slipped and said to me "It's all about the money".
It took a while to sink in but then I realized he made a really stupid remark.
I can now read him like a book along with his agenda, it's all about me and mine. No trust ever again.
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