At this point, I seriously don't understand what she's doing or what she's thinking.
Is she staying in the race just so she can raise money from suckers to pay off her debt?
Is she staying in to damage Obama to the point that he'll lose and she can start running again in a few months for 2012?
Or is she staying in because she seriously thinks there's some math or scenario that overturns the will of the people and gives her the nomination?
Serious post - why do you think Hillary won't quit? When do you think she will?
May 21, 2008
You lost. Go away.
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Labels: hillary clinton is kinda weird
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There may be a lot of side issues, like the ones you mention, but actually, I think it's pretty simple. She knows that this is THE most favorable national election condition for Democrats in almost ever. Everybody admits the Repubs are in serious trouble. Notice Hastert's old seat going Democratic? And that special election in Mississippi? Not only did the Democrat win but by 8 points. In a red, red, red district.
She KNOWS that the Democratic nominee is gonna win, even if national polls seem to suggest a current tie. She knows McCain is gonna screw up and show his age and temperment. She knows the kind of albatross Bush, the Wars, and the economy is gonna be around his neck. And she knows that even the most pissed off-at-her Democrats will be forced to vote for her when given the real actual choice between her and a Bush third term.
So the girl is trying to hang on, by any means necessary. She's hoping for a miracle Obama-shoot-himself-in-the-foot moment. (She almost had it with Wright.) Or some other scandal. Barring that, she's hoping to steal it. For her, the ends justify the means.
Hate to break it to you Keith while your busy writing your daily love letter to Obama, but Hillary is staying in the race till the DNC meltdown in colorado or longer.
Last time I checked, the mainstream media journalists and bloggers aren't the only ones who decide who gets nominated to run for president.
There's 301 delegates left to be allocated (90 pledged, 211 supers). Obama needs 63 of 'em, or 20%.
He'll win at least 45 in the last couple of races. So he'll only need 18 of the 211 supers left. Or 8%. And my #s don't even include Edwards' dozen or so now undeclared delegates that will undoubtedly switch to Obama.
You could say Hillary thinks she can get MI or FL seated. She can't. But even if she did, she still has no shot mathmatically.
Maybe she thinks she can launch a floor fight to change the votes of Obama's pledged and supers?
Or maybe she thinks something will 'happen' to Obama (know what I mean?).
Very strange political theatre, almost a greek tragedy in her case. Quite entertaining though. I just don't see her end-game.
Let's hear it for noodles 2.
That's as good as it gets.
Maybe her and her husband has a plan!
Remember Ron Brown?
Hillary hopes the supers come to their senses and realize Obama will get slaughtered in Nov.
Because she's a sociopath, and pursuit of power is the one thing that makes her feel.
I told you this a long time ago.
You're good at focusing on the housing fundamentals, but you still don't understand human fundamentals. So you're as surprised by Hillary Clinton's actions as other people were at the housing crash.
Who cares what that money grubbing hag thinks? She only wants to be preznit so she can sell the WH to the highest bidder.
She has wanted it for far too long, and WV and KY gave her ammo that Obama is not a viable candidate in lots of flyover country.
She might also be thinking of 2012. She fights the good fight now, loses, the economy goes to shit, she comes to save the day!
Hitlary knows she can't win but is trying to torpedo Osama's campaign against McStain. That is the only hope she has of running in 2012. If Osama wins, he will be the Democratic candidate in 2012. If Osama loses, then Hitlary can run against McStain in 2012.
Would you hit it? LOL.
simple...she's got nothing better to do...
The Clinton's know exactly how to rid of people.
This is about 2012.
Sabotage Obama, hope McCain gets narrowly elected and self destructs in office, leaving her the savior in four years.
She can't let can't let Obama win and hope that his VP is another Cheney who won't run in 2016.
Dear Hillary,
Todays PIG is tomorrows BACON.
You are a swine, oink oink.
Fly your broom back to Hillbillyville and thank your husband for all his help with your campaign.
You/r husband fumbled and LOST BIG TIME. Why not show some Class? Is that not in the Clinton DNA?
her bull-headed actions make Mitt look like a class act, and his early withdrawal the "fold" of the game.
All candidates are crap and no matter what they do, the US is going down.
I'm a woman and faced with such a choice I'd vote for a woman if I were American... Especially with the economy going in the crapper!
Because her being elected could maybe help women get more clout.
Isn't the US population more than 50% female?
I'm thinking she's trying to tank him so she can run again in 2012, she can't wait till 2016, so this is her best chance.
You lost, go away? Does that apply to all the people who voted for Hillary in addition to the voters in MI and FL? Liberals can be such strange people at times. Voting for Obama is the ultimate in political correctness.
Not sure.
Howard Dean said a couple weeks ago on one of the Sunday news shows that he was trying to figure out a way to seat the delegates from Michigan and Florida, so I'm sure that is part of Hillary's continuation.
Ego and pride...plain and simple. She is staying in it because she cannot believe she is going to lose this race and she just won't admit it.
raise money to pay off her campaign debt?
She seems be failing at that too. I read her campaign debt is now 30 Million.
Hillary hopes the supers come to their senses and realize Obama will get slaughtered in Nov.
No they won't and yes, it looks like the democrats will find the one nominee who won't be able to win against the idiot republican nominee.
Keith, this is the Reagan 1976 strategy.
She wants Obama to lose in 2008 so that she doesn't have to run against an incumbent Democrat in 2012.
President McCain will be enjoying Great Depression 2 for the next four years, while she works on New Deal 2.
It's all so obvious.
The one thing you and most people still miss is the fact that this country is entirely too racist still to elect a black man.
The Clintons are egomaniacs and are power mad, always lusting for more power.
Plain and simple.
I think she wants to assure that she is thrown a serious bone, such as vp or senate majority leader, for one thing.
She also knows that the slightest scandal could bring down Obama, although her time to benefit is running out. He's only been in the public eye for a short time, are we sure we know about all the skeletons in his closet already? Forget the REIC, how about the Military Industrial Complex investigating and investing against him in their desire to continue the war. Are we sure Obama can hold them off?
Finally, she is possibly the best chance against the Republican ad machine, which I'll explain.
Keith, please imagine the ads the Republicans will run this fall, especially in the swing states. Right now, the Dems are too PC to mention Obama possibly smoking pot as a kid or his middle name- that will change in the fall. The Republican ads will portray this as a battle of a tax-cutting, soft-spoken, grandfatherly, white WAR HERO against a tax increasing, pot smoking black man named Saddam, who's religious leader just happens to hate white people, based upon his sermons. The swing states might crap their pants and crush Obama :(.
Voting for Obama was very in vogue among college students and the liberal elite in the primaries. After some dirty Republican ads, I think that support will lessen to a degree, endangering the Democratic win that is all but assured with Hillary. Hillary is hated by many but will still get the black vote, although not as many will turn out for her. She will also get the crucial white, lower middle class vote that the Dems need to win in the fall. That was Bill's strong hold and they will see this as Bill III.
To end the war and for balance, we need a Dem win and Obama is a refreshing candidate. I would just hate to see Obama shredded and spit out by negative ads and thus lose a no-brainer chance to win. Hillary has already been shred and even stomped upon, we know her life intimately. And hey, having Bill running around the White House again would be comical on the one hand and on the other, if there ever was a real "3 A.M." phone call, it's nice to know that he might be there to say "I'll answer it, honey."
That's an easy one. On May 31st, the rules committee of the DNC meet to decide what to do about FL and MI. It's a very long shot that they'll be seated, particularly both of them will their full vote counting.
If for some reason that were to happen, it would move the goal posts out sufficiently such that she figures that she can either:
-argue to the 70% of superdelegates she'll need that she's more likely to win (not)
-hope that enough supers don't pick a candidate and take things at the convention
Personally, I'd be really disappointed if they seated either of FL or MI delgates.
Once the rules committee votes to not count FL or MI on the 31st she's officially toast. By then the remaining states and PR will have voted, plus, with Obama getting @10-15 new superdelegates a week, he'll officially have the magic number on 6/3 or possibly by 6/1. Best way to check it out is to use CNN's online delegate counter.
Finally she'll tell a long tail about how good this race was for America because every Democrats vote ended up counting. That plus her softening stance, will keep her angling for the VP position.
My VP choice = Wesley Clark.
See Ronald Reagan 1976.
When you can't get the nomination, see if you can help the weak dude from the other party win the whole enchilada. While he is busy screwing the pooch for four years, people will wonder why they didn't just vote for the other guy last time.
People who say she'll be too old haven't noticed the walking corpse across the aisle.
She'll quit when the fat lady sings. Period.
And she will run with Obama, period.
They will destroy McCain, period.
Clinton has put into the calculus that Bush is going to hit the nuclear sites in Iran this summer. She knows that this will change the politically landscape towards a more hawkish stance. This is why the odd comments about annihilating Iran a few weeks back. When the bombs fall she will be positioned as the pro hawk/pro Israel candidate on the Democratic side. Obama will be in a weaker "bombing is not the answer position". She will then go to the convention as “the stronger” candidate and make her argument to the Superdelgates that things have changed since the voting in the spring and to shift back towards her. The longer she stays in the more ominous this all becomes.
Hillary is no idiot, at least when it comes to doing what's best for her own self interest anyway.
She knows Obama has the nomination locked up and she really cant do much about it. However, she has a vested interest in him not winning the general election. If he wins he runs for reelection in 2012. She'll be 69 in 2016 (if Obama's vp declines to run) and 73 in 2020. If Obama wins, she wont have a viable chance to run again for 8 - 12 years. Much can happen in that time. Most important is the current favorable political climate for Democrats will fade, if not evaporate. That combined with her age dictates that if she wants to be President, her best shot will be going up against the Republican in 2012. After Obama gets smoked in November, she'll say "I told you so" and start campaigning for 2012.
McCain is gonna win and Hillary is doing her part to make it as close to a sure thing as possible.
Hillary may say she cares about "the people" but in reality the only thing Hillary cares about is Hillary. Remember that.
Keith, your blog is fantastic and a great public service. Keep up the good work. However, i need to ask why you support Obama? I just finished reading Ron Paul's "Revolution" and Obama is the political polar opposite of everything Dr. Paul stands for. It's a shame Paul can't win.
I love this blog; I've been a Cassandra on the housing bubble for the past two years, and your blog has actually (in one case) saved a dear friend of mine (single, 29, never married, no kids) from making the worst mistake of her life...all because of this blog.
I fail to understand the vitriol for Hillary; while I did not (and would not) vote for her, she had every right to keep trying--no matter how stacked the odds are against her--until the very, VERY end (e.g., nomination night). Indeed, if I were to run, I too would press on until the end--not for my ego, but for my supporters.
That said, I also fail to see the reasoning for the love affair with Obama. I truly believe that Ferraro was right: if he were white and male, he'd already be toast. I do not see what either he or Hillary (both 1st term Senators) bring to the table...except charisma and name-recognition respectively. There are so many other qualified people (Bill Richardson comes to mind) who could run, but didn't...or lost, etc. In short, this is too pivotal an election to give it to a candidate without (a) the experience (Obama, Clinton), or (b) the sense (McCain) to do the job.
Sadly, I see some major pain ahead for us all (i.e., not just the U.S.), and having another "anointed" leader will only serve to aggravate existing problems...and cause plenty more.
Rumor has it that she can 'negotiate' her delegates for the VP slot. Its been talked about on numerous talk radio shows.
Would be a nightmare. This country needs to get Dr Paul elected ASAP.
Contrary to your misguided belief, it is not about the math. For all intents and purposes, both Clinton and Obama will have completed the primaries more-or-less at a tie in terms of pledged delegates; neither will have the number necessary to become the default Democratic nominee. Therefore it will be a selection brokered by the superdelegates, who do not vote until LATE AUGUST. Until then, they are free to endorse and switch sides, etc. But it ain't over til the end of August.
Also, since Michigan and Florida WILL be seated, the victory threshold of 2026 delegates increases to... a greater number.
The fact remains that despite the will of the DNC and the mainstream media, Hillary has won most of the recent contests, and by significant margins in some cases. Also, every poll has her beating McCain handily in the general overall in the popular vote, as well as in the key swing states needed for victory. Additionally, the bulk of Obama's pledged delegates were won in small red states that will remain red, and where heavily manipulated Obama-biased caucuses took place. Ultimately it boils down to whether the DNC wants the White House or whether they want to appease their latte-swilling, white-guilt ridden white yuppies who contribute to their campaigns.
None of the above. She staying in the race because it's her right to do so. And she's not going to be pushed around by sexists like you.
I hope she brings that snake oil salesman down and all his media bootlicker along.
Geez, I thought that Obama was the winner already, according to all pundits who have been bashing Hillary from the get-go and showing little biased maps and charts. How can a winner be losing big in states like Kentucky, while outspending Hillary by 3 to 1 and backed by the vicious media that bashes her 24/7?
Oh, and one more thing, difference of votes in Oregon = 70,000.
Difference of votes in Kentucky = 250,000 votes for Hillary.
Your Messiah looks like a big loser to me.
Obama got a cold reception in Florida, especially from the Jewish community who already said that they won't be voting for him. That's 5% of Florida voters, add to that Latinos, Cubans who booed Obama's name during a McCain speech this week, blue collars, women, and everyone else who got screwed by the corrupt and sexist DNC which has been trying to shove their boy down our throats. Florida is a state of 18 million people.
Thank god there are still some women in this country who dislikes to be treated like trash by the boy's club. It's sad to see all those women slaves bowing to their masters on TV and on the polls. Bunch of obedient "sweeties".
And I am a man.
She's either delusional or purposely trying to create such upset and rancor in her supporters that Obama is forced to choose her as VP or risk losing the general...
The will of the people isn't always expressed in an election. In 2001 George Bush lost the popular vote, but won the election. The whole concept of delegates seems silly to me. Go figure. I personally don't care who gets elected, they all suck.
There's 301 delegates left to be allocated (90 pledged, 211 supers). Obama needs 63 of 'em, or 20%.
The roll of superdelegates is to pick a strong candidate capable of beating McCain. Your Olbernmann little biased calculations are useless, since Obama has been losing big while outspending Hillary by a margin of 3 to 1.
After the votes from Florida, Michigan, and Puerto Rico are counted, Hillary will have passed Obama in the popular vote by a huge margin. Puerto Rico has 12 million voters, 63 delegates at stake, and 70% of voters are going for Hillary. Yes, they don't vote on GE but the gigantic Puerto Rican community living in the US (FL, NY, NJ, CA) does. Plus, Hillary has won all the major swing states that are REALLY important in a GE.
Obama is winning in red states which will never turn blue in a GE no matter what, especially after the 527s and the GOP works Obama out real good, which hasn't happened yet. McCain just got warm on Obama this week and the Jews are already giving Obama a cold reception around the country. The Cubans in Florida are even booing Obama's name. Read today's NYT.
Who cares if Obama wins a Democratic primary in states like North Dakota or MT, since those states always vote Republican in a GE anyway? Those early primary wins are only good for Olbermann and his evil lesbian sidekick to spin things, but totally irrelevant in a true GE.
Do you really think that Obama can win a GE without Hispanics, Asians, Jews, women, blue collars, Reagan Democrats, lower income, etc? Impossible.
The DNC might even ignore all these alarming voting patterns and surveys, but Obama still won't get elected. Blacks are only 12% of the population and most of them don't vote, and aren't large enough in swing states to make a dent. College graduates are only 18% of the population and most of them are women or above 40 voting for Hillary. Elitists are less than 1% of the population.
A Democrat will always carry a blue state, which is not enough. Biased pundits like John King may tweak their biased maps on TV and speculate that Obama could carry this or that red state in a GE to compensate, but in reality, Hillary has already shown that she can win swing states by large margins over McCain. She got 460,000 votes in a primary in KY, without spending much money and with negative coverage from the media!
Why would the DNC take a chance with an unknown candidate like Obama and disregard someone tested already on the swing states is beyond me, but they've done many stupid things in the past. And don't forget that stupid Dean is running that mess.
And things are getting much worse for Obama now that McCain will pick Mitt Romney as VP. That's an attractive ticket: Mr. Strong Economics (Net Worth of $500 million) joining Mr. Strong National Security.
Bye-bye Obama.
RE: Why is Hillary is staying in the race?
Don't assume that the political process in the United States is fair and square. Don't assume that the Democratic candidate will be chosen by the people.
Hillary has been promised certain things. She remains spring-loaded and ready to take control when her opportunity arises.
For more on this, see "The Manchurian Candidate" (1962), available on DVD.
You could say Hillary thinks she can get MI or FL seated. She can't. But even if she did, she still has no shot mathmatically.
If the DNC doesn't seat FL and MI, those two states won't vote for Obama. People are really pissed there. I don't even think that seating them will make a difference now for Obama. Too late.
BTW, it's not Hillary who wants FL and MI to be counted. It's the voters of those states who do. The biased media has been spinning this as being a Hillary thing. Voters don't serve or are puppets of the DNC.
If it's a done deal that Obama is the nominee, with his victory laps and all, why are the bloggers and pundits so nervous?
"She wants Obama to lose in 2008 so that she doesn't have to run against an incumbent Democrat in 2012."
I'm leaning to "sociopath" on this one
I think she plotted acquisition of power even before she met Bill. He fit into her plan, and in school they made "the deal" where he'd be prez for 8 and then she'd be prez for 8. Note I heard about "the deal" from a party insider when he was still governor of Arkansas - true story. And then to see it transpire over the following 20 years has been amazing.
And to think, it almost happened. And still could if Obama loses in 2008. Then it's Hillary in a landslide in 2012.
Damn, this sh*t is like a movie.
If the DNC doesn't seat FL and MI, those two states won't vote for Obama. People are really pissed there. I don't even think that seating them will make a difference now for Obama. Too late.
BTW, it's not Hillary who wants FL and MI to be counted. It's the voters of those states who do. The biased media has been spinning this as being a Hillary thing. Voters don't serve or are puppets of the DNC.
Oh give me a f*n break. I'm not a fan of any of the so called frontrunners (Obamba, Hitlery or McInsaneShitStain) but it's well established that FL and MI were rightoffs last year because they jumped the gun. So Obama didn't bother campaigning for either and wasn't even on the ballot in MI.
They were not proper contests and there is NO F*CKING WAY you can justify counting those votes!
If they had a revote then that would be fair and fine but this is just Hillary trying to pull every dirty trick out of her dirty *you know what*.
Hillary not a quitter.
Hey, but this is a new America where having qualities like that are interpreted as being a b!tch. In the new America, white is black, hard work is shameful, having stuff is a no-no, success is bad...
I think she plotted acquisition of power even before she met Bill. He fit into her plan, and in school they made "the deal" where he'd be prez for 8 and then she'd be prez for 8.
Both of them chose careers in public office, so it's natural for those two high achievers to aim high. No candidate pursues the presidency without having a taste for power, hence the US being called a "superpower".
Oops, I forgot that in the new America being a high achiever or pursuing dreams is a no-no. We need to get permission from the media and from the socialist freaks in order to do that now. What, a woman trying to be president? How dare you, Hillary! You should be ironing men's shirts. Chris Matthews and Ted Kennedy said so.
Hillary Clinton '08 == Ralph Nader '00
They were not proper contests and there is NO F*CKING WAY you can justify counting those votes!
It's not for you to decide. Voters in those states are the ones who decide, not you, not the media, not the DNC, not Obama. Power to the people. If a little group of shady men don't want 15 million voters to count to count, don't expect them to vote for Obama either. Americans should use more of this power to voice their opinions.
Obama pulled out of MI because his advisers told him that it would be a better strategy. Besides, if everyone is so confident that Obama is the almighty, why has he been hiding from a paid recount in those states for months? That was offered many months ago but the Obama camp said no. Now Obama has the nerve to ask for votes in FL and MI. How rude!
Don't forget that Obama would be doing the exactly same thing if he was on Hillary's shoes. Does any impartial soul doubt that?
"If I can't win, everyone loses."
Hillary used to beat up and punch her friends when she was a kid for relatively innocuous grievances. She was instilled with a sense of entitlement - she was practically weaned on the idea that she DESERVES the presidency.
She will not go away. She will fight to the finish. The books I've read about Queen Hitlery are so scary they make me sick to my stomach.
And these women who want to vote for her because she's a woman make me want to puke too. I would rather vote for Eva Braun.
I hope she does win. Obama's first act as President would be to burn the Constitution and institute a socialist nanny state. God Help us if he is elected.
Better check the recent polls folks:
By the looks of things, McCain is set to win in November. My suspicion is that Obama will get the candidacy but lose the general election. However, I anticipate the house and senate will be a democratic majority.
Historically, that is one of the best combinations; a president from one party and a congress from another. It creates a built in check and balance.
And honestly folks, what is the primary reason for disliking McCain? His stance on the war. Here is a news flash for everyone: neither Obama nor Hillary will end the war. They can rant and rave to futher their political agenda, but in the end, it will make no difference. They know damn well they cannot simply withdraw and they would be crucified by the right for the quagmire that would ensue. So from my perspective, the war in Iraq will continue as is regardless of the candidate.
So from that standpoint, I am actually more in favor of a McCain presidency because he, unlike Obama and Hillary, is not a proponent of this idiotic housing bailout. My first and foremost issue is the economy, not the war. And that seems to be the general consensus. And frankly, either Obama or Hillary would be far more damaging to the general economy than McCain due to their predilection towards wanting to "resolve" the problem rather than letting free market run its course.
My two cents.
Historically, that is one of the best combinations; a president from one party and a congress from another. It creates a built in check and balance.
Yes, in theory that's the way it's supposed to work but not when both parties are serving the same masters!
It's not for you to decide. Voters in those states are the ones who decide, not you, not the media, not the DNC, not Obama. Power to the people. If a little group of shady men don't want 15 million voters to count to count, don't expect them to vote for Obama either. Americans should use more of this power to voice their opinions.
Obama pulled out of MI because his advisers told him that it would be a better strategy. Besides, if everyone is so confident that Obama is the almighty, why has he been hiding from a paid recount in those states for months? That was offered many months ago but the Obama camp said no. Now Obama has the nerve to ask for votes in FL and MI. How rude!
No idiot! They should let the votes of MI and FL count but they need to revote! When MI and FL had their primaries it was clearly understood that those votes would not count so of course Obama would not waste time campaigning in those states and he wasn't even on the ballot!!
They've had plenty of time to do a bonafide revote but to suddenly change the rules now because it works in Hillbillary's favor is not democracy!!
Besides, democracy is a sham anyway. It's just mob rule if those elected do not obey the Constitution.
Both of them chose careers in public office, so it's natural for those two high achievers to aim high. No candidate pursues the presidency without having a taste for power, hence the US being called a "superpower".
Actually, there are a few that pursue the presidency to repeal un-Constitutional powers like Ron Paul. Why anyone would think having a power hungry individual as president is a good idea just blows my mind.
The USA is also called a "free country" and the "land of liberty" which is in direct opposition to power hungry individuals abusing executive power.
You just don't understand what made the US a superpower.
PS - here's a hint: it wasn't power hungry individuals in high office that did it.
This article reveals the cold, calculated duplicity of Hillary Clinton. You really think she gives a damn about counted votes? No she only cares about the counted votes that go to her. You Hillary supporters are so freaking stupid it's incredible! And now I hear you praising her for being a manipulative lying power hungry scumbag!
The Bosnian Sniper Math of Clinton's Popular Vote Claim
Obama did the right thing by praising Clinton following the Oregon and Kentucky vote, and working to reweave the fabric of Democratic unity. And I'm delighted that Clinton said, "No matter what happens, I will work as hard as I can to elect a Democratic president this fall." But then she insisted once again, that "we are winning the popular vote." This lie undermined every word she said about coming together.
The superdelegates understand the real math, or they ought to. But given the "bitterness" of so many Clinton supporters toward reality that the woman they thought would be America's first female president will not be, the more they hear a story that suggests Obama's win is illegitimate, the more likely they are to bolt. If Clinton's voters embrace that story that "a man took it away from a woman," denied her a victory she rightly deserved, they're at risk of staying home come November, or holding back from the volunteering and the get out the vote efforts necessary for the Democrats to prevail.
Look at Clinton's math. She leads only if you give her 328,000 votes for the Soviet-style Michigan election, while giving Obama zero for not being on the ballot. And if you then ignore the caucuses of Iowa, Nevada, Maine, and my own state of Washington--where a record quarter million people turned out to participate. Our votes don't count under Clinton's math. She disappears them down the memory hole of history in an argument that invents reality as much as Bush's claims of Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction or Clinton's earlier story about running the gauntlet of Bosnian sniper fire.
If the media corrected this, it would be less of a problem, but they haven't, or at least not in the same stories where they repeat her claim. The AP story in my local Seattle newspaper reported Clinton's claim without question, saying only that it included contested Florida and Michigan votes and excluded the Iowa caucuses. The otherwise excellent New York Times story included not even the slightest corrections or caveats. Neither mentioned that polls actually have Obama doing marginally better in Michigan than Clinton, nor have they explored the impact of roughly 60,000 Democratic voters who crossed over in Michigan to vote Republican, many of whom were participating in a mirror image of Rush Limbaugh's "operation chaos" campaign. Had these crossovers all voted for Uncommitted, her margin in an uncontested race would have been 48%. Clinton's argument also ignores that this isn't how the rules are set up, and that if they had been, Obama would have made time, following the Iowa victory that made voters take him seriously, to have made more than three brief visits to California and one to New York State.
Clinton's been praised of late for refraining from any truly outrageous comments, like her claim, following the Indiana and North Carolina primaries two weeks ago, that only she has the support of hard working white voters. That still reminds me of a workplace sign proclaiming "14 days since a fatal accident.". But every time she claims she has a popular majority, she's shattering whatever ceasefire exists and making it that much more likely that her supporters stay home come November. If she really wants a united party, she needs to stop, and the media and the superdelegates need to hold her accountable.
I have decided not to vote any more. Seriously. It just rewards power-mongering bad behavior. I have read too much about Hitlery's and McSame's bad tempers to believe that they are stable people. They are unstable. I want a stable pack leader, as the Dog Whisperer would put it.
I have not read about a temper problem with Obama, thank God, but since I am not a socialist who wants the nanny state to wipe my nose, I will not vote for him.
After immersing myself into Ron Paul's campaign over the past year, I've concluded that voting for anything else would be settling for garbage. I am tired of voting for the lesser of the evils because they are all evil.
I can "pledge" to vote for obama, but come election day, pull the lever for mccain.
"Pledges" don't mean a damn thing.
Why does Hillary stay in the race? Because she doesn't care what people think, and believes what she wants to believe. One is a mark of a good leader, the other one not so much. You pick which is which.
Bama gonna gits me a check!
bearmaster said...
I have decided not to vote any more. Seriously. It just rewards power-mongering bad behavior.
After immersing myself into Ron Paul's campaign over the past year, I've concluded that voting for anything else would be settling for garbage. I am tired of voting for the lesser of the evils because they are all evil.
I wonder what would happen if everyone just stayed home and refused to participate in the sham any longer? Would congress just pick one and coronate him/her?
I am with you they are ALL evil and paid for and it is such a farce.
To the Hillary and McCain supporters.............
You more than likely voted for Bush in '00 and 04........
You have been foreclosed or are about to be foreclosed on....
You are heavily invested in hedge funds that are about to evaporate..
You have a distant relative who thought it was 'cool' to buy a ticket either on the TITANIC or the HINDENBURG.
And you probably still believe that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction too!!
My satisfaction in watching people like you is to watch you SUFFER!!
The only finger I will ever lift for you is the middle one!!
Oops, General Petraeus just announced reduction of troops by Fall:
That totally destroys Obama's sweet speech about pulling out troops from Iraq during the campaign.
Troops will be already coming home before November and McCain's camp will be showing that all over the news, with footage of troops pulling out and arriving in the US.
Sorry Obama.
Why does Hillary stay in the race? Because she doesn't care what people think, and believes what she wants to believe.
If that were true, which is not, Hillary wouldn't be receiving millions of votes until now, while beating Obama in major states.
Voters are the ones who want Hillary to stay. And she'll pass Obama in the popular vote by a huge margin, once this is done. The people are voting and sending money to Hillary so she can keep on the race. They donated $23 million to her in April, which is not small change. Enjoy.
Hillary is the George W Bush of this election. A highly divisive personality which the opposition party has a rabid hatred of. She is the ultimate elitist and insider in this contest.
McCain is the John Kerry of this election. A long time senator with plenty of seniority and a very shallow level of support amongst his base. He is still viewed as a maverick and an outsider by much of the population, but he has trashed that image in order to get the nomination (cozying up to the religious right, unflinching support for the Iraq war, etc.). We'll see if he gets back some independent credibility after the nomination.
Obama is the black swan. He's not an insider and he's not part of the establishment. That is his greatest appeal because the people know that the establishment have been leading them down the wrong path for 30 years (both Repubs and Dems). Once he's done with Hillary, if she doesn't steal the nomination from him, it will be interesting to see how he goes head to head against McCain.
Right now I am leaning toward Obama, strictly on his outsider cred, but I am also considering McCain for the simple reason that Congress is going to move heavily democratic in November and we'll need a good counterweight in the oval office.
The Clinton family and the Bush family are best friends.
Jeb Bush calls Bill his "bro".
The Bushes have been helping to groom Hillary as a presidential candidate for many years now.
She'll steal this election the same way George stole it in 2000.
I will never, EVER vote for this woman no matter what!
I am 39 and I have never been able to vote in a presidential election that didn't have a Bush or a Clinton on the ballot.
This just in from the GOP strategy room. That's how's done kids from the Messiah cult and pathetic DNC:
The biggest card that Obama had was pulling out the troops.
1. General Petraeus will start pulling a few troops out by Fall, before the election. That cancels Obama's speech.
2. In a pass of magic, before the election, Iraq oil will start flowing and help pay for the Iraq war and maybe lower our own gas prices.
Bang! Double-whammy.
And they're just getting warm...
The one thing you and most people still miss is the fact that this country is entirely too racist still to elect a black man.
bingo! that is what i have been saying along. It sucks but it is the truth.
hussien, hillary, mccain, will not end the war, so that is a non issue.
No more clinton. Hussien is a socialist and I just can't bring myself to vote for a socialist. Don't like mccain. what am i to do?
I live in Oregon, so it probably won't matter anyway as the idiots around here will vote for whoever is the dem nominee.
think i will write in Ron Paul.
BTW, it's not Hillary who wants FL and MI to be counted. It's the voters of those states who do. The biased media has been spinning this as being a Hillary thing. Voters don't serve or are puppets of the DNC.
at this point it is probably best for hillary if fl and mi are not seated as this should help defeat hussien in november. She should talk the talk about seating fl and mi but should do everything possible behind the scenes to sabotage it. it will benefit her for 2012.
face it. Ohio, florida, mi, and PA will go to mcloser in november, which means hussien will not win.
Actually, there are a few that pursue the presidency to repeal un-Constitutional powers like Ron Paul. Why anyone would think having a power hungry individual as president is a good idea just blows my mind.
That's why Ron Paul is getting 3% of the vote. Not enough power to win, to really change things. There are levels of power. But in the new America, power is always bad, no matter what type of power.
I was going to vote for Ron Paul, but looking back...what a pu**y he is. Took a bunch of punches from idiot Anderson Cooper during the Reagan Library debate and got quiet like a little girl. I want my president to throw punches back...hell, Hillary has more balls than Ron Paul.
To the Hillary and McCain supporters.............
Nope, none of the above. But I don't want a communist closet-Muslim running the country while we have a Democrat majority in the Senate and the House, without any checks and balances on what those freaks do.
OT, elitist cult member, don't you have something better to do, like bow and pray facing Chicago? Or watch Oprah?
Future Vice President Hillary Clinton wants to keep herself and Obama on the front page as long as possible.
Look at Clinton's math. She leads only if you give her 328,000 votes for the Soviet-style Michigan election, while giving Obama zero for not being on the ballot.
I don't even think she'll need that. Puerto Rico has 12 million registered voters and they come out strong to vote every time; it's part of their culture. Puerto Ricans love the Clintons and will give her at least 70% of the votes. Figure, even if just 20% vote; that's a lot of votes!
And to make things worse for Obama, the Governor of Puerto Rico, Obama's strong endorser, just got arrested by the Feds for serious criminal charges of corruption and embezzlement. That crook was pushing Obama like crazy there and then he got arrested for serious stuff that pissed the entire island.
Funny how the media never mentions Puerto Rico. They're huge!!!
PS - here's a hint: it wasn't power hungry individuals in high office that did it.
Certainly weren't people like Ron Paul either, because pu$$ies like that just lose elections.
Hillary is shrewd and simply doesn't want to lose. I realize now she has planned her whole life for this moment and thought she had everything in place to game her way to the top. Her whole identity is wrapped up in becoming "President", if she loses this dream then she loses her identity. If she goes down she will try to take the party with her.
She complains that people have not been fair towards her as a woman. She is right when she includes FOX News and the low-life like, but many other media outlets have been fine. She plays the gender card as a sore loser and it drives me crazy.
I am a woman, and I don't respect Hillary as a candidate. Initially I was excited that Hillary was going to run and would have voted her in a heartbeat until I saw her gamesmanship and ethics. They do not represent what I want the first woman in the Whitehouse to be like. Barak didn't necessarily win my vote as much as Hillary lost it.
Now, here's a black man who's not afraid of telling the way it's, and who deserves everybody's respect:
This stuff passes for discourse?
Clinton remains in the race because of her tremendous sense of entitlement, and her endless hope that guile and the big lie will win the day. Is anyone surprised that the same people that brought us "I didn't inhale" now keep trying to change the definition of winning? That they will bend the rules, reinterpret them to their advantage, parse the meaning of words and phrases("It depends on the meaning of is", "I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.") to their advantage without respect to reality, should be especially instructive to one wondering what the hell is going on here. Not content with only moving the goalposts, she now wants to throw away the rule book, and will have a go at it when the Dems meet on May 31st to figure out MI and FL. While I detest the Clintons, I harbor no particular brief in support of Obama, except that he leads in the popular vote, the delegate count, and the superdelegate count. He is the front runner and will be, absent some idiocy by his party, the putative front-runner.
Certainly weren't people like Ron Paul either, because pu$$ies like that just lose elections.
Actually it was people like Ron Paul - intelligent, honorable people with ideals and people who believed in liberty. I guess you don't know so much about the Founding Fathers.
People like you don't understand honor or sticking to your principles. For people like you life is just a meaningless pursuit of wealth and power (and houses obviously).
That's why Ron Paul is getting 3% of the vote. Not enough power to win, to really change things. There are levels of power. But in the new America, power is always bad, no matter what type of power.
I was going to vote for Ron Paul, but looking back...what a pu**y he is. Took a bunch of punches from idiot Anderson Cooper during the Reagan Library debate and got quiet like a little girl. I want my president to throw punches back...hell, Hillary has more balls than Ron Paul.
If I ever meet a Hillary supporter like you in person I am going to beat them to a pulp for their stupidity.
Ron Paul is a pussy how? He's the only candidate that actually has the guts to stand up to the corruption and bullsh!t that candidates like yours endlessly spew out of their mouths!
We all know why Ron Paul received so little of the vote - because if he wasn't being completely ignored by the media then he was being ridiculed and attacked by the media. That was all too clear to anyone that was paying attention.
I know that you're just an immature, imbecile that is trying to provoke others. You obviously have the shallowest understanding of what these candidates stand for so I don't know why I'm bothering to reply to you.
Morons like you will always vote for empty slogans or mindless tough guys over intelligence and understanding that's how the US ended up with George W Bush - the lowest common denominator of presidential candidates.
It's OK, you'll only end up paying for it like you already have with out of control inflation, job loss and taxation. You've only seen the beginning of what bad policies and bad presidents have done to this country. Just wait until the rest of the world really loses faith in the US dollar and treasuries. Then you'll be doing stupid human tricks on the side of the road for Ameros just like our Mexican neighbors.
It's OK, you'll only end up paying for it like you already have with out of control inflation, job loss and taxation. You've only seen the beginning of what bad policies and bad presidents have done to this country.
Sorry to disappoint you but I've been preparing for this dark period in America for years. I've invested wisely, including properties overseas in countries rich in natural resources. Or do you think that I just found a new cult like Obama's or Ron Paul's, where the Abercrombie & Fitch idiots feel like they're doing great stuff?
I didn't see you cult members marching American streets when Bushco was sticking to you and to the rest of the word without Vaseline. Now you all fake bravery with your little pathetic e-mails, youtube videos, or aggressive postings. Hell, even illegal Mexicans have more balls to protest than you pu$$y American Gen Yners.
The people who's going to get screwed are kids like you, who bow to pu$$y Ron Paul, a man who can't even go head-to-head with that idiot Anderson Cooper. At least the freak Ronald Reagan would have punched Cooper in the mouth. Why do you think that the media hates the Clintons? Because they don't take sh!t home from no one, especially from idiots like Anderson Cooper or Obama.
Now go back to your Latte and playing brave with another childish youtube video or Blog entry. Whaaaa's everyone else's fault that my candidate Ron Paul wasn't elected, whaaaaaa whaaaaa....
That's the problem with America, the pu$$ies are trying to elect pu$$ies for president.
I am a woman, and I don't respect Hillary as a candidate.
That's right. You should obey the boy's club. When they tell you to quit, you should quit. When they call you evil woman on TV, like Chris Matthews did, you should STFU. Women are still slaves and soon you'll all be wearing Burkas in America bowing and praying to Chicago, to your new president Hussein. You're an embarrassment to your gender.
And I am a man.
Anon May 22, 2008 9:46 PM:
"If that were true, which it is not..."
You a mind-reader now? What a laugh. Hillary has the popular vote? So what? Delegates. It's all about the delegates. Obama has the delegates and Clinton is splitting the support base over her little drama. Al Gore and his supporters thought the popular vote was all that mattered, which is scary that so many people would want someone running the country without knowing how it works.
"You've only seen the beginning of what bad policies and bad presidents have done to this country."
I agree. The beginning really happened with the socialist programs of The Great Depression and WWII. Kind of hard to unwind 70 years of dependence.
When are you going to grow up. I understand all the immature idiots (with small penis) are supporting Obama and afraid of a strong woman. You conduct like a punk that sprays graffitti with spray can and runs, looking from a distance for attention from people.
Thats why Ben Jones is considered more of an authority on Hosuing Bubble than you.
You need to come up with some quality content than this immature stuff.
I think this article and videos answers your question Keith:
Hillary Is Waiting For Obama to be Assassinated
That comment about the "pact" was completely worthless. So what if she wanted to be President in Law School. What should she have aspired to, having the cleanest kitchen on the cul de sac? What do you think Hussein Osama is? A naive modern day Mr. Smith, the empty suit, goes to Washington? He is shrewd and calculating and just as much a political animal as Hillary or anyone else
I knew about his Preacher's Muslim leanings (Wright used to be a Muslim according to the New Republic but felt he would be more accepted as a Christian!) and Osama's childhood, raised by an Athiest mother and Muslim stepfather in Muslim Indonesia. Also Wright's award to Farakan and his long support of Farrakan. As well as Trinity United RACIST stance as stated on their mission statement (have not checked recently but as written in March, substiture white for black and see how it sounds). i knew about all these things for months. However, I completely lost all respect for Osama in how he distanced himself from Wright. For years he prayed with this person, wrote books in collaberation with him. Yet when suddenly it was discovered that this person was a liability, then he dumps him. Acts like the fact that he had worshipped with this racist anti semite anti american for 20 years, was something to be shrugged off, liked someone you see at a cocktail party who had a few too many. None are ideal but Hillary is the pick of this litter
Keith Man you gotta stop watching MSM and that closeted "Obama infatuated" Chris Mathews
Out of the 2 Clinton in my opinion is the stronger candidate How about Ron Paul and Hillary start something that would be just a dandy duo to mop up the GOP
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