Would you feel safest with your liquid savings tied up for the next 10 years:
1) US Dollars
2) Euros
3) Gold
4) Oil
5) Wheat & Corn
6) ________?
Then what are you doing about it?
March 14, 2008
HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day
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Labels: dollar collapse, stupid fed policy
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10 years - oil.
1 year - wheat, corn, gold.
Keep up the good work Keith!
tuna, spam, canned fruit/veggies, bullets, tobacco.
6) Guns and ammo
as if your typical 1 bed 1 bath renting troglodyte readers have any money.
porno mags full of wannabe realtors and lenders.
Sex, Drugs and 80's Rock & Roll...
Gold for the next year, foreign currency, South American markets for the next five, maybe China.
I wouldn't buy American for at least five years or longer.
What a Zen question....if a liquid asset is tied up in a ten-year contract, is it really liquid?
(* one hand claps in a forest where a is falling unheard *)
Answer for me and my situation is "Nothing over 6-mo. maturity to be poised to enter the housing market once it regresses to the mean," which will happen within 10 years.
Your situation my vary; e.g. Some rented by foresight, some rent ed out of grad school.
(* one hand claps *)
MRE's, water purifiers, guns, ammo
A small secluded 1 acre with forest and a bit of arable land with some fruit trees in a temperate climate. A fresh water supply (such as a small stream) with a water filtration unit and a 4KW solar off grid electrical system for a small house.
20 chickens, 2 pigs, 100 Mason jars and thousands of lids.
4 wine barrels, a still, a mill, 20 Kg of yeast, and bread machines.
All systems would be triple redundant.
And finally a mini-nuke with a dead man's switch which requires a code to be entered every 24 hours (ala LOST) or the whole 1 acre goes sky high.
I mean... if we're fantasizing and all...
Silver has treated me pretty well the last couple of years - I'll stick with it.
By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer
13 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Both houses of Congress endorsed the idea of tax increases for millions of Americans Thursday as Democrats pressed ahead with budget plans that would allow some or all of President Bush's reductions to die after he leaves office.
The candidates also wanted a chance to vote for a one-year ban on pork-barrel projects, though that late-night Senate effort seemed doomed to defeat. The practice of inserting "earmarked" spending into legislation is seen as a birthright by lawmakers in both parties — and a right under the power of the purse awarded to Congress by the Founding Fathers.
I'm so glad we got the new leadership in Congress. Raise taxes on the middles class during a recession and spend more on pork barrel projects.
Guns and ammo too. After seeing the Obama church video...
Not sure commodities is the place to be. If you say commodities are high then you are arguing for higher home prices. Not many people can afford 300oz of gold now either but that is the price of gold. So, if commodities were not as high then home prices would of slid farther.
6) Guns and Ammo
a few of these, fill it up w/ food supply.
10 years? Wait for it...real estate!
1. in a hole in my backyard
2. under mattress
3. wheat
4. water purification
5. drugs cigarettes and liquor
"Raise taxes on the middles class during a recession"
Yes, please do so.
I am tired of all you whining "middle class families" getting all of the tax breaks, credits and deductions and not pulling the weight for the CHOICES you have made.
Think about it, why do we have a deficit? Oh, because we are spending more money than we take in. Barring lowering spending for you and your dipshit kids, what has to happen?
Long live the AMT!
If you want to stick your money in a currency go with the swiss franc (CHF). Tied to gold and far better than the Euro, which is the next boom and bust for sheeple to follow. You think I'm crazy? How about this, the euro is tied to no national economy, the EC is a legal fiction. Not to mention the ECB is controlled by Germans, who hate inflation and are not concerned with the strength of currency (holdover from the past). They will crush the Euro at the first signs of a serious inflationary problem. If you invest in the Euro keep it short term, but the CHF is much safer long term.
South American markets for the next five,
Like Venezuela and Bolivia? Your losses there would be worse than in the USA. The natives down there are restless all the time and will overthrow the system every few years
land to grow wheat and corn
a few of these, fill it up w/ food supply.
Dude... chicken diapers??? Hahahha
long term: oil
short term: gold
I'm so glad we got the new leadership in Congress. Raise taxes on the middles class during a recession and spend more on pork barrel projects.
don't worry, the tax increase will be only for the rich. They are going to let the bush tax cuts expire and we all know only the rich benefited from the bush tax cuts. ;)
of course "rich" is defined to be AGI>50k.
Not to mention the ECB is controlled by Germans, who hate inflation and are not concerned with the strength of currency (holdover from the past). They will crush the Euro at the first signs of a serious inflationary problem.
When a central bank is concerned about inflation, they raise the interest rates. This will strengthen the currency as more people buy it for higher interest.
Ask any FX trader: rates up == stronger currency.
A stronger currency and higher rates means less inflation pressure as real import prices go down, and domestic demand goes down.
Wikepedia says the Swiss Franc hasn't been tied to gold since 2000 when the constitution was changed, and the referencing link backs that up.
Drey Premium Natural Resources Mutual fund.
More Indians and Chinese will be driving cars in the next 10 years than you or every person you've ever met in your lifetime can shake a stick at.
And they don't want electric cars either.
If you don't have an oil well in your backyard right now, then you should.
The No. 2 item? - Clean water.
Gold! It is the only currency that has withstood the test of time.
Learn about it through Jim Sinclair. He is my savior, along with HP, Peter Schiff and Ron Paul.
Please. Consider buying gold and silver.
ammo, liquor, water, and dry rations.
VW hippie busses, 60's style, complete with painted flowers and those curtains on every window. After this batch of republican looting, and subsequent all out theft; liberal will be the new 'buzz' word. I can't wait. Haight asbury revisited.
Anonymous said...
Guns and ammo too. After seeing the Obama church video...
Not sure commodities is the place to be. If you say commodities are high then you are arguing for higher home prices. Not many people can afford 300oz of gold now either but that is the price of gold. So, if commodities were not as high then home prices would of slid farther.
March 14, 2008 2:53 PM
Anonymous said...
March 14, 2008 6:22 PM
really, this is what y'all think,
Fucking commodities...
right now oil, corn, and soybeans are all hitting record highs because investors are only using these markets as a hedge for the falling dollar. when,not if,the USD stabilizes and when, not if, the stock market stabilizes all of these investors will lose thier ass. A Mass exit in the commodities market just like.... HousingPANIC called the burst of the housing bubble. Zachary Pittman (me) is now calling the bursting of the commodities bubble.
And as for the anonymous farmland piece. do a search on the recession in the early 1980's farmland prices lost 75% of their value. farmland is a good investment for the LONG TERM(100 years) but in the short term the prices are directly correlated to the price of the commodities you can produce on them.
Also realize that now corn and soybeans are an input into the alt fuels so these commodities are also tied to the oil price.
speculative investing is driving the commodites markets Feb oil contracts on the nymex were at about 20,000(contracts) for march there are 90000 (cts). now keep in mind that at usual levels there are 4 times as much paper traded as there are actual commodites......
yeah.... comoditiesPANIC here we come
or we could just change the name to A bunch of amature economists that accidently got it right on the housingPANIC
Commodities are consumable. Oil, Wheat, Soy, Pork Bellies and on and on and on.
Gold is called a commodity.
If you REALLY think about it, it's not.
Gold is a medium of EXCHANGE.
Put my entire 401(k)--$250,000--entirely in BGEIX (gold) in 2001. Gold was less than 290/oz at the time.
Sold my house in 2004. Had owned it for almost 15 years. Put the profits in foreign currency.
I'm pretty happy right now! Not for my country, though :(
Am waiting for real estate to fall by half or more, then will pay cash (I rent now). When I sell my gold fund, I'll move the money into bonds, which should be paying double-digit interest by then. I'll be set for the rest of my life then.
Good farmland, stock in oil/gas/mining companies
Not many people can afford 300oz of gold
You really are retarded. You don't have to buy 300oz of gold. You can buy one or two ounces. You can buy the gold ETF for $100. The median house price in Clownifornia is still $450,000 and requires a 20% down payment. That means it takes $80,000 to even start borrowin gmoney to buy a house. It takes $100 to start buying gold.
really, this is what y'all think,
Fucking commodities...
Wow, somebody's got their panties all knotted up. I guess the combination of bad flips and a crashing stock market is getting to the cheerleaders. You seem so much more convincing when using foul language. I didn't even bother to read the rest of your diatribe
I am tired of all you whining "middle class families" getting all of the tax breaks, credits and deductions and not pulling the weight for the CHOICES you have made.
The nerve of those horrible working class people wanting to keep more of their own money that they earned through their labor. Why should get get paid at all. We should become a nation of slaves and have the government give us housing and food in return for our labor. Slavery worked so well back in the 1800's
More Indians and Chinese will be driving cars in the next 10 years than you or every person you've ever met in your lifetime can shake a stick at.
That's a lie created by the oilmen. You must be their paid lackey. The Chinese and Indians don't want cars or electricity. Everyone knows that there has been no increase in demand for oil since 2000
A small off the grid farm
Would you stupid old retarded hippies just die off already? I'm sick of your stupid old chants from the 60's. Hey hey, ho ho, hippie scum have gots to go
Oil? As long as prices go higher, the acceleration into alternative fiels will increase. Cellulosic ethanol!
Wheat and Corn? They will just plant more and the demand for corn will diminish as cellulosic ethanol takes hold!
Gold Gold Gold!
wheat, corn, sugar, rise...
For next 5 years.
I bought seeds, water, and canned food at the store the other day. I plan to keep on buying water and canned food. Fing seeds what is up with that I am scared.
The guns and ammo go without saying. As Al Capone said you can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word. I tried to buy another AK 47 today (I was going to use my $600) but they are all sold out. It seems there has been a big surge in demand/price lately. Don’t take my word for it check out the website http://www.classicarms.us no more till April fool’s day.
Burn Baby Burn
Not sure commodities is the place to be. If you say commodities are high then you are arguing for higher home prices. Not many people can afford 300oz of gold now either but that is the price of gold. So, if commodities were not as high then home prices would of slid farther.
That makes no sense. First, gold is not $300/oz, it's $1,000/oz now.
High commodity prices does not mean higher home prices necessarily. It means that the cost of construction is higher, but if there are no buyers then new construction grinds to a halt. Too expensive to build, too expensive to buy. When there are no buyers, prices come down.
Prices aren't set by commodities prices. Prices are set by supply and demand.
There's an endless supply of houses right now and a dwindling supply of idiots willing to pay through the nose for a cookie-cutter McMansion or risk their life savings simply to be the bag holder on the losing side of a property flip.
Supply and demand. It's very simple.
Ky jelly
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