February 12, 2008

HousingPANIC endorses Barack Hussein Obama for President of the United States

I'm not sure ANYONE would want the HP endorsement, but here it is, finally.

Folks, we live in a two-party system. We can fight it, we can hope for a well-funded and qualified Independent candidate to one day have the courage to run, and we can dream about candidates like Ron Paul capturing the imagination of the brain-dead American people. But that's just not gonna happen, not in this day and age.

So we get two choices every four years, and we usually try to pick the best of the worst.

Well, this year, we get a truly inspirational, transformational and grounded candidate, Barack Obama, vs. More of The Same - John McCain.

This one's a no-brainer. HP endorses Barack Obama.

I'll be against a good deal of what Obama proposes - including amnesty for illegals, any type of housing gambler bailout, raising taxes on high earners and entrepreneurs to pay for entitlements, and any type of big-government social programs. And I'll fight him just like I fought The Worst President Ever, George W. Bush, when he does stupid things.

But I'll be for so much more - a rational and outward-reaching foreign policy, a pro-business entrepreneurial economic policy, a re-introduction of America to the world, a commitment to pulling ALL the troops out of Iraq, protecting the rights of women, nominating sane moderate judges to the Supreme Court, a proactive energy and global-warming policy, a domestic policy that respects minorities, women and gays, a health-care policy that tries to reduce costs while increasing the rolls of the insured, a pro-science and pro-research approach to the problems of the day, and a reversal of the Bush Administration's attack on privacy, habeas corpus and the rule of law.

Barack Hussein Obama is a truly once-in-a-century transformational leader, uniquely positioned to help America recover from the stench of the Bush Administration, and reposition America as the country of hope, optimism, morals and freedom.

A young black man leading the most powerful country on earth is also a moment of inspiration and change whose importance will never happen again once it happens, a moon-shot for the 21st century.

HP enthusiastically endorses Barack Hussein Obama for President of the United States, with reservations and with hope.


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Anonymous said...

Hey Keith, can you add a sidebar post vote for:
What's the stupidest post I ever did?

I vote for this one....

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg, has it all, big money, good looks, self made man, good industrial logistician, affable and determined, very very experienced, accomplished deal maker, great thinker, ect, ect, but in the neighborhood i come from, and wisely perhaps, left for finincial self preservation, he is a carpetbagger, as is his right due to his fortune and luck and the power of the almighty *still somewhat" dollar, damn him..........

Anonymous said...

oh the tranquility of the amish

Ed said...

In case you all have missed the news, there are more than 2 parties out there. Really, look it up on the internes.

If you have McCain and Obama, don't vote for either.

Also don't stay home. You all vote for a congressman and 1/3 of you will be voting for a senator. Many of you will also all be voting for mayors, governors, state reps, council members and ballot measures.

Staying home just because neither McCain or Obama give you a hard on is not the rational choice.

Anonymous said...

Frank, you make yourself sound dumber with every post. You're worried about Obama raising taxes on the richest 5%, well guess what? Conservative hero Bush is responsible for the biggest tax hike in any of our lifetimes. It's called hyperinflation, brought about as a result of his out of control spending.

You accuse Democrats of being "socialists", but guess what? Bush is the biggest socialist of all, giving our money away to defense contractors, drug companies and big oil. So what if he used the printing presses instead of raising taxes? The end result is the same (much worse, really, when you add in all that interest).

You have the nerve to compare Democrats to the Nazis? Guess what? Nazis were corporatist Christians who also used the printing press to pay for endless war and transfer money from the working class into the pockets of defense and mining/energy corporations.

Republicans and conservatives have no credibility on the economy after whining for decades about fiscally irresponsible Dems, then cheering on reckless spender Bush for 8 straight years as he flushed a surplus down the toilet and gambled away our inheritance in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

keith said...
Frank, I realize you only vote for Republicans, but I refer you to this Kudlow video


After endorsing Fred, you must HATE McCain.

Open your mind. Go away from the party line.

Or not."

Thanks for the personal reply, Keith.

First, I voted for Hillary yesterday in a vain attempt to see the Dems nominate someone with experience, declared policy, etc.

Agreed that McCain is not my guy, so I think I'll sit this one out (and help probably contribute to a Obama sweep in Nov.)

That said, Obama is clearly attractive, well-spoken, polished, and has the added advantage of making liberal-leaning people feel good about themselves just for voting for an African American (talk about condescending racism).

However, he has no relevant experience to speak of, few clear policies (and those mostly non-sensible on analysis), was raised Muslim (matters to me), is easy-going on illegals, and has such tell-tales as a Che poster in at least one of his campaign headquarters. Anyone whose campaign at least tacitly endorse mass murder is not a prez for me.

But I expect that the mass pro-Osama hysteria sweeping the country will take him into office, so we'll have plenty of time to figure out who had it right.

blogger said...

Good article on Obama and business in BusinessWeek


Anonymous said...

You've bought into the "Presidential BUBBLE" the latest greatest and the last bubble. Just look at the granite counter tops, and the gold "looking" fixtures, a three car attached garage, professionally landscaped and built with the best illegal labor available.

Enjoy the die-off.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Look at all the libertarian racists crawling out from under their rocks.

Chris said...

Hillary Clinton is done like dinner!

Anonymous said...

We're sick of Obama's "I have a dream" cheap $hit speech to fool the sheeple.

keith bought into the ...i have a dream....speech....

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me why they support Obama besides this mysterious "hope for change" baloney. What makes you think that he will change anything or is different from the others besides the color of his skin? So many Americans truly are shallow and "skin deep"

Anonymous said...

We're you spouting off "Ron Paul" and then "Bloomburg". Is there any current bandwagon you won't jump on? How far away from Ron Paul's philosophy is Obamas??

I think whatever you're smoking is bad weed Keith.

This blog just crapped the bed.

Anonymous said...


Here's his platform recapped:

High priorities: health care for all, ending the war in Iraq, social security

Abortion: Pro-choice

Capital Punishment: Supports capital punishment in certain cases
Click to learn more...

Education: Obama spports a new school construction program to improve crumbling schools. Supports recruitment of a “new generation” of teachers, improving teacher pay, and improvement in early childhood education. Opposes school vouchers. Has called for a “STEP UP” summer learning program for disadvantaged children through partnerships between community groups and schools. Supports increased funding for Head Start. Opposes reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind law until it undergoes reform. Supports merit pay for “master teachers” but opposes merit pay for teachers based on test outcomes.

“Our schools must prepare students not only to meet the demands of the global economy, but also help students take their place as committed and engaged citizens. It must ensure that all students have a quality education regardless of race, class, or background.” (www.barackobama.com)

Energy/Environmental Issues: Obama pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with a goal of 80 percent by 2050, and make the U.S. a leader in the effort to combat climate change by leading a new international global warming partnership. Supports implementing a cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Pledges to invest $150 billion over the next 10 years to develop and implement “climate-friendly energy supplies, protect our existing manufacturing base and create millions of new jobs.” Pledges to double federal clean energy research spending. Supports efforts to reduce dependence on foreign oil, and to reduce oil consumption by 35 percent by 2030. Would require that 25 percent of electricitycome from renewable sources by 2025. (www.barackobama.com)

Experience: Senator and attorney

Gay Marriage: Supports civil unions. Opposes gay marriage.

Health Care: Obama’s health care platform focuses on a new national health plan that covers the nation’s uninsured. The plan would guarantee eligibility, provide coverage similar to the federal employee health insurance program, offer “affordable” premiums, co-pays and deductibles; and allow enrollees to keep their coverage when they change jobs. He would introduce a requirement for all children to have health insurance and pledges to expand eligibility for Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Businesses that do not provide insurance to their employees would be assessed a fee based on a percentage of their payroll. His plan would allow states to continue developing their own reform plans. He would also make employer health plans eligible for reimbursement of catastrophic costs provided the savings would be used to offset employee premiums. Obama also pledges to support disease prevention programs, promote quality and cost transparency and reform medical malpractice insurance.

Immigration: Obama upports comprehensive immigration reform legislation that combines increased border enforcement with a path to legal citizenship for illegal immigrants already living in the U.S.

The war in Iraq: Obama spoke out against the war in Iraq when he was a state senator in Illinois but was not in Congress when the vote to authorize the use of force was taken. Supports a plan to immediately begin troop withdrawal from Iraq at a pace of one or two brigades a month, to be completed by the end of 2008. Has called for a new constitutional convention in Iraq, to be convened with the United Nations. (www.barackobama.com)

Social Security: Obama opposes privatization of Social Security. Has pledged to take steps to keep Social Security and Medicare solvent. Promises to amend federal bankruptcy laws to keep companies from choosing bankruptcy to avoid private pension obligations. Promises to eliminate the income tax for seniors who earn less than $50,000 a year. (www.barackobama.com)

Stem Cell Research: Obama supports expansion of federally-funded stem cell research, including embryonic stem cell research.

Taxes and Budget issues: Obama supports repeal of tax cuts for upper income earners to pay for health care. Opposes repeal of the estate tax.

Anonymous said...

Right - thanks for listing all the nonsensical Obama policies.

It saves all of us time looking them up.

Here we can guffaw at them all in one place.

The question is: who pays for all this utopian pap? Good thing that he will withdraw the US from Iraq immediately -- he'll also need to withdraw us from another 3 or 4 wars at the same time to pay for this foolishness.

robert said...

keith said...
“Obama is winning the HP poll 70% to 30% right now (right hand sidebar)”

Why is Ron Paul not part of your poll? What has he said/done in the last week or so to make you vote against him? Has he changed his position on a certain topic?

blogger said...

HP was one of the first Ron Paul supporters. But folks, you gotta move on. He got beat. He has 14 delegates and hasn't won a state.

Move on.

In November, you're free to write him in.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an amazing amount of hatered and stupidity. Barak Obama is not a Muslim, get that fact into your little tiny heads. If you believe he is you are an idiot. Just because he has the middle name Hussein doesn't make him related to Saddam. Just because his name rhymes with Osama doesn't make him a terrorist. Many of these posts are just plain revolting due to overt racism and bigotry. Grow up people, learn how to do research. Ron Paul isn't going to win no matter how hard you wish upon that star. Keith is right, Obama isn't the super awesome savior on a white horse that many of y'all are looking for but he is clearly better than the others. As for Frank, get a grip, he is not a Communist. You need to crawl out of your bomb shelter and figure out what the date is, the cold war is over and Communism is dead.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't understand how posters to this site - in particular - could support Obama. He is promising massive new programs/expansions of programs. All of these cost money.

I think posters to this site are generally aware that the very rich *always* avoid paying huge tax increases due to clever tax shelters, and that - if you crunch the numbers - there are few enough very rich anyway that it would scarcely make a dent in the current deficit if you took *all* their annual income.

That being the case, it is ALWAYS the middle class - low, mid, and upper - that bear the costs of big government increases like those that Barack "promises".

The middle class - especially savers - will pay for all these new programs, along with the sure-to-happen gov bailout-to-come for the slow-motion real estate/banking/financial crash. And don't look for a mythical funding from the military budget based on Iraq withdrawl - it is trivial (including Iraq) compared to the current government spending on existing entitlements.

(Irony alert) That being the case, it is good that there are no people on this site that believe in carefully managing their money, planning ahead, and saving. 'Cause people like that are the ones that are going to buy (i.e., pay for) all of these wonderful goods Obama is describing.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Obama is an
OBAMAnation! (pronounced abomination)

ha ha ha,

tell that to keith, he is causing an obamanation on this blog with his blather...

blogger said...

I support Obama for what's best for America (and the world). McCain of "100 years in Iraq" infamy would be a disaster.

I fear Obama will raise my taxes and create new big social programs, which I intend to fight. I don't agree with him on everything, but I agree with McCain on much less.

Sometimes in life you have to do things for the benefit of others, and for your country, and not just for yourself. Most right-wing republicans don't understand this (me, me, me!), but most people do.

Anonymous said...

keith said...

HP was one of the first Ron Paul supporters. But folks, you gotta move on. He got beat. He has 14 delegates and hasn't won a state.

Move on.

In November, you're free to write him in.

February 13, 2008 4:06 PM<<<<

no.....this man is the last hope we have on the political side before revolution. do you want this situation to go hot , keith? just go ahead and vote for the man of all seasons....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me why they support Obama besides this mysterious "hope for change" baloney. What makes you think that he will change anything or is different from the others besides the color of his skin? So many Americans truly are shallow and "skin deep"

February 13, 2008 3:37 PM<<<

well he is everyman. to the arabs he is a caring and listening ear, to the whites he is a man of the people, to the blacks, he is black, to the mexicans, he is a minority and to the jew, he will continue the united states government policies of the past, according to their wishes.

and so many, even here, cannot see him for what he is. he is nothing folks. nothing. not worth the time it takes to go pull a lever.

the israelis controll the electronic voting machines and whoever they want to win, will win. do we have to go back(even a short time ago) to find discrepencies with these electronic voting machines? nope, the vote is fixed. the candidate is fixed and the choices are none for the American voter. As long as we cowtow to foreign interest and do the bidding of the jew, we shall always get the short end of the stick.

Anonymous said...

Obama is full of Sh*t! I will NOT vote rather than vote for him.

Malcolm said...

Anonymous said….

>HousingPANIC is a group forum; you are only
>the leader as you started the blog years ago.

That sort of communism reminds me of when my employees started complaining about wanting profit sharing.

Their claim was that since they did all the “real work”, they were entitled to their “fair share” of the profits.

I suggested to them that when I spent all of my life savings to start the business, they were not there.

When I went for 2 years without a paycheck and stayed awake at night wondering how I would pay the bills, they were not there.

If you don’t like Keith’s blog, then go out and start one of your own like many of us have already done. And, after years of hard work and building readership, if you want to turn it over to the masses, feel free to do so.

But to claim that this is some sort of socialist commune, where we each have equal “rights” to decide on the editorial content is downright un-American.

Anonymous said...

definition of Schizophrenia : switching from voting for RP - the ultimate libertarian - to Obama - the ultimate socialist.

Yet another politician who says they are FOR pulling out of Iraq, but voted every step of the way for funding that particular war.

Ethics ? None
Morality ? None
Integrity ? None

Credibility ? Zero.

What does that kool-aide taste like BTW ?

And while we're on the subject, if RP is using OUR leftover $5 million in PRESIDENTIAL campaign contributions to finance his Congressional campaignI am EXTREMELY disappointed in him as well.

Ed said...

"Anonymous said...

Frank, you make yourself sound dumber with every post. You're worried about Obama raising taxes on the richest 5%, well guess what?"

5%? Try more like 50%. The 50% that pays taxes so the other 50% (like you no doubt) can sit around blogging all day and complain about how unfair it is the "rich" get a tax cut.

Lemme guess, you are also going to get a rebate check next month even though you pay no taxes right? You're welcome asshole.

Anonymous said...

Right Wingnuts: You should be jumping for joy that Obama is going to win it...otherwise it would have been Hillary. I'm relieved. Obama never says anything comprehensible, but Hillary is just flat MEAN.

McCain will be swift boated for his role in the Keating Five scandal. They've held back so far, but once he gets the nomination, we'll be hearing about it every day.

I for one will be laughing my ass off at all of you, grinding your teeth for 4 years, just like I laughed at your liberal brethren that were denied their Gore and Kerry.

What's that sound in the distance? Could it be? Yes! It's the WHAAAAAAAAMBULANCE!

Anonymous said...

"it is good that there are no people on this site that believe in carefully managing their money, planning ahead, and saving."

Funny, I learned the futility of that over the last six years. Are you a slow learner or something?

Anonymous said...

I think you're wrong on this point:
"For my fellow Ron Paul supporters, it's time for you to face reality
He's got like 1% of the GOP delegates, and he's been completely rejected by the voters.
Deal with it. Move on. Americans aren't smart enough to vote for Ron Paul. They don't want the truth.
You'll have the choice of McCain, Obama or Don't Vote or write-in RP in November. "Don't Vote" is the noble thing to do, but it's a waste and un-American.
So who do you think will do a better job? Obama or McCain?
Time to make your decision.
And I choose, with reservations, Obama."

This thinking is why we will never have more than 2 parties. The problem with the American electorate is that they feel they have to vote for the winner or else their vote doesn't count. The noble thing to do is to vote for the person who would make the best president, reguardless what the polls or media say.

Full disclosure: I am not a hard core RP supporter, but did vote for him here in CA.

Anonymous said...

just double the health insurance cost and compound it, like has happened over the last 3 years (low inflation..hahahaha) and add it to the property tax bill(slavery with a tied ankle) and the insurance companies will own all the lands thanks to their paid for politicians, and do this for 10 years, and the end of the consumerist society is at hand...be glad that dying from exposure while living under the bridge overpass is not unhealthy as what else will get you indoors,,,, got another solution????

Anonymous said...

Hey, Anonynmous 3:46 pm, here is the price tag for the bag of goodies that you would like Obama to have us pay for:

www.obamaspendometer.com (yes, it's a GOP figure but let's see his estimate if he doesn't like this one)

Better part of a trillion dollars.

Let's see: about 205M US households agreeing to be taxed an additional $850 Billion. I guess you don't mind paying about $4000more per household in taxes so that those who don't do better managing their lives can get some more freebies, right?

Anonymous said...

Keith said:

Sometimes in life you have to do things for the benefit of others, and for your country, and not just for yourself. Most right-wing republicans don't understand this (me, me, me!), but most people do.

Yes, I understand that much of the Democrat appeal is to make one feel superior to "selfish/stupid/redneck" others.

However, the truly correct "right thing" to do is to help people learn to rely on themselves, and not government handouts that lead to dependency and learned helplessness.

The Democratic party historically has done quit well by encouraging voters to consider themselves victims needing government handouts. The party knows this locks in permanent voters. And permanent underclass.

The truly "right" thing to do for people is to teach them to do for themselves. Anything else is just a trap supported by people who either selfishly created it for political benefit or who look at the surface "generosity" and enjoy the opportunity to feel good about themselves by voting tax increases for others.

In the end, no one wins this game but the political plantation owners keeping the dependent folks down. And they do it with your money. How is helping to free them selfish?

Anonymous said...

Obama is winning the HP poll 70% to 30% right now (right hand sidebar)

Your poll has no credibility because you only allow two options, Obama and McCain. As far as I know, Hillary is not out yet. As such, you're getting just the Obama crowd to vote. Haven't you had any basic statistics class in college?

You're so drunk on Republican wishful thinking that it'll be interesting to see your face when Hillary wins.

Anonymous said...

It's not surprising that a country full of flippers, fraudsters and fakes would choose

Anonymous said...

Actually I enjoy the possibility of Obama winning because all the humongous disaster that this Bush administration has been postponing, until they're out of the office, will blow at Obama's face.

That includes the Iraq mess, the financial collapse, depression, mass unemployment, perhaps a terror attack, etc.

When that happens, you won't have a sleazy bull$hitter candidate ever again for president, and types like Oprah and Ted Kennedy will be shunned from society.

And Hillary will come back after 4 years to clean the mess and remind everyone that she was a candidate more qualified than Obama. All the voters will still remember that this mess was created by Republicans.

Mark my words.

Anonymous said...

If Romney was smart, he would pick Bloomberg as VP to run as an independent ticket. Bloomberg has plenty of money to fund the campaign until November.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it pathetic that we have to look back to the Moon landings as a great accomplishment? Whatever happened to the future? Where's my rocketcar?

Anonymous said...

Obama is an empty suit who has produced not a single passed bill or important legislation since still in his first term as a senator.
I don't care how many "I have a dream" speeches the guy says and how he's going to fix the world. Every day now, he promises something new that he would never be able to deliver on. Hell, a few days ago, he announced he's going to solve global warming.
Last week, he said he's going to dialogue with our enemies and that will fix everything.
I'm sure next week he'll be claiming he'll be curing cancer if elected.
So Keith, go ahead and slap a Obama sticker over the top of the faded Kerry04 sticker on the back of your car like all the rest of the liberal Obamanites are currently doing. Vote for an empty suit full of empty promises just because he has a (D) next to his name on the ballot.
Come Nov. I'll be voting for the candidate who has the most experience and strength to run this country. That sure as hell won't be a Barack Hussien Obama.

Anonymous said...

Here's required reading on Obama:




Anonymous said...

You guys are kidding right? Obama says nothing! He speaks emotionally and gets people fired up, but:


Upper management will not allow someone to get close to the presidency unless they are known to play ball. Two things about Obama are known from that fact:
- he can be bought
- he can be blackmailed

I'm disappointed most of all in Keith.

Nothing will change in DC except prettier words like:

"We are the ones we've been waiting for. This time can be different because this campaign for the presidency of the United States of America is different. It's different not because of me. It's different because of you."

Anonymous said...

Besides, the power brokers want Hillary. Diebold will assure it.

Even though he's leading at the moment I'd give Obama a 30% shot.

But either one is bad for the greater population.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha...

Thanks for the laugh, Keith, nothing more amusing than watching the "me me me" right-wingers' heads exploding!

AndrewHac said...

Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man"

This nation and its Americano citizen is as toasted as a snapper turtle skewered on a stick from head to ass all sizzling, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.

Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle

Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...

So, tell me, does the average Americano take it enough in the butt yet by the forceful penetration of "Little Boy" + "Fat Man", or do you want more "Enter The Dragon" ?

Americano = Being Entered By The Dragon up the Kazook

Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...

And all of you retards, ass-head that voted for SHRUB and worshiped his ASS over the last 8 years, guess what, the chicken are coming home to roost on your head-ass. A Snapper Turtle is probably more intelligent than you all Bushy's lovers. Are you retards sorry yet ? Do you feel ashamed and stupid about your shallow thinking, narrow-minded love and swoon for DUBYA ? Do you, do you, do you ???

robert said...

keith said...
“HP was one of the first Ron Paul supporters. But folks, you gotta move on. He got beat. He has 14 delegates and hasn't won a state.

Move on.

In November, you're free to write him in”

Sure keith. Just “move on” from this housing bubble thing. How many times have you heard that in the last few years? Why keep writing about it? I for one thought the blogs made a difference, actually stood up for being financial responsible.

So folks, let’s just “move on”, don’t stand up for your conscience or morals. After all, you don’t want to throw your vote away do you?

Anonymous said...

Hey Keith,

Did you read this article yet?


Oh dear, did I touch a nerve? Gee, I guess so seeing as you didn't post my earlier comment.

A conscience? What's that?

Again, have a nice life.

zapparulez said...

What does Obama stand for?? I hear he stands for change, but I have heard nothing about what he actually plans to do.

The guy is an empty suit and far scarier as a candidate than known scumbags like Billary or McKennedy.

I am sitting out this election, screw them all.

Anonymous said...

Image and reality are not always the same.




Anonymous said...

What's your worst nightmare? A black Muslim Harvard lawyer leftie. This guy with no record or history but a glib talker, is capable of inflecting immeasurable harm on this country. If he should con enough people and get elected, the borders and airports will be choked with people trying to escape, much as Jews tried to flee europe in the 30's. Talk about a housing glut as millions of people try to sell their houses and try to exit.

Frank R said...

Obama is winning the HP poll 70% to 30% right now (right hand sidebar)

Hmm, that's about the same percentage that says it's okay to walk away from your mortgage without paying.

Immoral, unethical people who don't feel a need to pay their bills just happen to be the same people voting for Obama.

Ya think there's a connection there? Ya think?

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the Obama "change". Let's look at the bill he sponsored today:

Presidential frontrunner Barack Obama is pushing a bill that will lead to the implementation of a UN global tax, costing the U.S. at least $845 billion dollars over thirteen years in the name of fighting worldwide poverty, as well as banning "small arms and light weapons".

The "Global Poverty Act," which is sponsored by Obama, is up for a Senate vote today, and if passed would mandate the U.S. to spend 0.7 percent of the gross national product on foreign aid, on top of the money being sent out of the country already.

The "change" is palpable. If by "change" you mean the socialism is going global.

This "endorsement" of yours... the pragmatic choice between the lesser of two evils is very sad Keith. I thought you were smarter than that.

You've watched the pattern all your life and you AGAIN fall for sweet sounding words. I live in a nation of idiots.

Anonymous said...

I can't support Ron Paul any longer. He was given all the breaks by his grassroots supporters but he let them down. Out of $17 million he got last quarter, he spent only $2 million on TV ads. This tells me the candidate doesn't want to win. Why? I don't know. He's scared, doesn't believe in his own message, never was in it to win but just start a movement - take your pick or more.

This is where Obama earns my respect. It's clear he wants to win, he wants to lead and that is what the POTUS is supposed to do. I am disappointed in Paul and guessed that he was going to let his supporters down a long time ago, around the time when his "Catchin On" ads were first shown. I caught a lot of flack from his supporters for criticizing him and his ad and his general lack of competency in running the campaign but I have proven to be correct and many of the grassroots are abandoning him.

This is being practical; why throw away your vote to satisfy the ego of some dude when by doing that, you could actually be helping to elect your worst nightmare of president - McCain or Clinton.

Obama is to the left of Clinton on foreign issues - he is antiwar unlike Clinton although she pretends to be - and to the right of Clinton on domestic issues. Very intelligently he has said he will work with Republicans in some areas of policy ... he doesn't alienate the Republicans and shows himself to be more moderate than Clinton.

Clinton is just as insane as McCain. She seems really unbalanced to me - over-excited at times and showing exaggerated facial expressions. Kind of phoney. Is she on antidepressants or something that gives her a lift?

McCain represents the worst in the rightwing Republicans and the worst in the liberal Republicans.

He will not win this election cycle as it's for a Democrat to lose so unless you want Hillary grabbing the election with the help of the superdelegates, you had better register Democrat and vote for Obama in the primaries and caucuses (if your state still hasn't voted).

I wouldn't feel guilty about not voting for Ron Paul; he has made it clear in his performance and his actions relating to the campaign that he has no desire to win - in fact, he should not ask for donations as it is really fraudulent to keep leading on (gullible) people to donate letting them think it's for his presidential campaign when it's actually for some kind of 'revolutionary' movement he wants to start. Who knows what he's on about there? The more I find about him, the more crazy he seems to be. I didn't notice that at first but it's apparent to me now. And yes, one can have many good policies but still be looney as a bat.

Having said that, looney or not, I would have not criticized him and might have even voted for him if he had shown a will to win. But he hasn't, and I don't support lameducks, would-be-failures, people who just want to waste my time, money and vote for goodness knows what reason .....

Essentially, I think his lack of motivation stems from basic fear. There ARE people like that: they will say they want to win but when it comes close to attaining that goal, they will do everything to sabotage it - mostly subconsciouslessly - because they're scared they might actually have to take charge and lead. And deep within the recesses of their mind, they know they're not leaders and the thought of being given such responsibility frightens the blazes out of them.

And this shows in other ways; Ron Paul never distinguished himself in Congress, most people never heard of him before the election. And this happens by choice. You don't stay unknown as a Congressman serving for twenty years unless you choose to, and this is obviously Ron Paul's decision - to fly under the radar. His views might be well-known now but did he ever call a press conference or make sure his aides got him press attention for a stand he took while in Congress - say about the vote for the Patriot Act, Iraq War, tortures bill and so on? Even with the latest spying bill being debated now, Ron Paul hasn't drawn attention to himself as he easily could - by calling a press conference and pointing out that he is strongly against the bill ...

Having a good voting record is not good enough; many of us can vote the 'correct' way if given a chance - he was supposed to effect change; stand strongly on issues, get his name known, be influential.

But he didn't do that; he's not one for putting his neck out - he plays it too safe - an ultra-conservative, not a risk-taker and certainly not a revolutionary as he tries to portray himself as.

He wants the accolades however without really earning his stripes, and we should not reward such a timid man with our money, attention and vote.

Barrack Obama is the only viable choice. Don't listen to those who say his father's Muslim background is an issue; I suspect they will be the very same people who get upset and call you antisemitic if you point out the Jewish nature of other candidates' associations.

Like another poster pointed out, he is intelligent and eloquent and is sincere. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard, no easy achievement. His parents seem very bright too; his father did his PhD in economics at Harvard (not sure if he completed it though).

And the fact that he grew up in different cultures makes him the polar opposite of Bush the current president. And his policies will reflect the same. And after Bush, I think this is what we all want.

Except for those who call themselves Americans but do not have America's interests at heart. Be wise and learn to discern who these people are; you can't assume everyone who voices an opinion on the elections is thinking about America's interests foremost.


Anonymous said...

Besides I can't vote for someone with fat ankles to be president.


Anonymous said...

"Ladies and gentlemen, Keith is endorsing a highly liberal black candidate with no experience whatsoever, especially in national security, who's the son of Muslim parents from Africa, and who has even a Muslim full name of "Barack Hussein Obama". Helloooo, like in "Sadam Hussein" and "Osama", you know."

Yea, because our "experienced" presidents have done such a good job. And I don't care if he is a blue man from the planet Uranus, he STILL is better than the monkey's we have now. Listen, I am just glad that the cycle is coming up, and Bush is out. This country just can't take anymore of the usual "experienced" morons in Capitol Hill. At least Obama HAS charisma, and a grasp of the english language. A lot of the reason we have no respect in the world is that Bush has made the whole country look like a bunch of brain dead six packers. Not that 80% of the country is not, but damn, at least we should try and show the world there are a few smart people left here...And if he does not have experience - that is a good thing in my book. Because experience in Washington consists of kissing everyone's a$$ instead of doing what is the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

reservations: no end to the War on Terror, fully plugged in for the MIC.

No change, therefor (but a better PR for the US towards the rest of the world would be a good start).

Refuse to buy overpriced said...

This endorsement makes no sense. On the housing issue, you should have endorsed Thompson or Paul.
I will cast my write-in protest vote for Ron Paul. If Obama beats McCain, with a significant Ron Paul write in, it will be clear that the Republicans lost because of the unnecessary war against Sadam Hussein.
The Republican party can then be rebuilt on the solid foundation of a stable currency, balanced budgets, rule of law and a non-interventionist foreign policy. Ron Paul + Pat Buchanan = reborn post-Bush republican party

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