I'm not sure ANYONE would want the HP endorsement, but here it is, finally.
Folks, we live in a two-party system. We can fight it, we can hope for a well-funded and qualified Independent candidate to one day have the courage to run, and we can dream about candidates like Ron Paul capturing the imagination of the brain-dead American people. But that's just not gonna happen, not in this day and age.
So we get two choices every four years, and we usually try to pick the best of the worst.
Well, this year, we get a truly inspirational, transformational and grounded candidate, Barack Obama, vs. More of The Same - John McCain.
This one's a no-brainer. HP endorses Barack Obama.
I'll be against a good deal of what Obama proposes - including amnesty for illegals, any type of housing gambler bailout, raising taxes on high earners and entrepreneurs to pay for entitlements, and any type of big-government social programs. And I'll fight him just like I fought The Worst President Ever, George W. Bush, when he does stupid things.
But I'll be for so much more - a rational and outward-reaching foreign policy, a pro-business entrepreneurial economic policy, a re-introduction of America to the world, a commitment to pulling ALL the troops out of Iraq, protecting the rights of women, nominating sane moderate judges to the Supreme Court, a proactive energy and global-warming policy, a domestic policy that respects minorities, women and gays, a health-care policy that tries to reduce costs while increasing the rolls of the insured, a pro-science and pro-research approach to the problems of the day, and a reversal of the Bush Administration's attack on privacy, habeas corpus and the rule of law.
Barack Hussein Obama is a truly once-in-a-century transformational leader, uniquely positioned to help America recover from the stench of the Bush Administration, and reposition America as the country of hope, optimism, morals and freedom.
A young black man leading the most powerful country on earth is also a moment of inspiration and change whose importance will never happen again once it happens, a moon-shot for the 21st century.
February 12, 2008
HousingPANIC endorses Barack Hussein Obama for President of the United States
HP enthusiastically endorses Barack Hussein Obama for President of the United States, with reservations and with hope.
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1 – 200 of 256 Newer› Newest»Your 100% right. This is his time. Clinton and Bush dynasty are over Thank GOD....
Obama... CFR... Zbignew Brezinski... Meh.
But yeah, if it's a choice between him and John "The ShitStain" McInsane then we should absolutely get behind the dude.
I just hope he doesn't become another dead president. And I really hope he doesn't pick Hitlery as vice president.
damned if you do damned if you don't.
i choose don't.
What you should know about Barack Obama:
Voted to fund the wars, never voting against funding them.
Continually votes to fund The Department on Homeland Security to the tune of Billions of dollars.
Voted to reinstate the Patriot Act.
Is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Has threatened to Attack Pakistan and redeploy troops into Afghanistan.
hook, line, and sinker.
I supported Ron Paul but am now for Obama and donated today
Keith said:
A young black man leading the most powerful country on earth is also a moment of inspiration and change whose importance will never happen again once it happens, a moon-shot for the 21st century.
That's beautiful prose and so true!
Keith, you wrote what everyone has been thinking. Really, it's quite amazing.
I'm a libertarian/conservative and Ron Paul backer, and Obama's ideology is almost directly opposed to my own. However once every generation you get someone like an Obama, a man with charisma, leadership and intelligence whose motives and ideas transcend politics.
It's an amazing thing when you have people like me, small government conservatives/libertarians, who are effectively going to vote for a socialist candidate in this election. But I am going to do it. We need someone who will really turn things on their ear and revolt against the political establishment.
Amen brother
"a pro-business entrepreneurial economic policy"
HUH? Come again? This guy is a fundamental Communist. He'd nationalize all business into the People's State of America if he could.
It's a sad time when people vote for the candidate who is the most polished and articulate (i.e. the one who probably secretly went to acting school) instead of the one with the best ideology.
Part of the problem of today's youth is that their education left them clueless about critical thinking and the ability to distinguish between an appeal to senses versus a well grounded policy.
Don't get me wrong, I think Obama may be the best of the choices we have. I don't want another 4 to 8 years of Republican "Feed the Rich-Serve the Poor to War" attitude this current administration has provided. I want change just as much as anyone else, but I want a substantive policy on economics, freedoms and a retreat from abroad to concentrate on home concerns. The average person living in certain places I have travelled is much better off than the average American. Especially where taxes are concerned. This is an inhibition on Americans and their ability to advance. I hope that this candidate brings a return to the positivism that was the promise of previous Democratic thinking of the 60s.
You are a great man!
Is he the nominee? Geez, can someone tell the talking heads on my teevee that?
As a resident of Virginia, I voted for Hillary today.
Go Hillary!
Frank, I realize you only vote for Republicans, but I refer you to this Kudlow video
After endorsing Fred, you must HATE McCain.
Open your mind. Go away from the party line.
Or not.
Your a traitor.Stick by your man dude.You stay with your man through thick and thin.
Ladies and gentlemen, Keith is endorsing a highly liberal black candidate with no experience whatsoever, especially in national security, who's the son of Muslim parents from Africa, and who has even a Muslim full name of "Barack Hussein Obama". Helloooo, like in "Sadam Hussein" and "Osama", you know.
That's what I call a slap on the face of all Americans, not only Osama Bin Laden got away with the biggest terror attack in the US, but now you'll have a Muslim president. Oh man, you guys are a bunch of geniuses.
Hey Americans, prepare your wife and daughters to wear barkas, including at schools. Obama is the most liberal candidate, so prepare your wallets to support all the Muslim welfare people, just like Europe does. Welcome to your new United Muslim States! oh and have I told you that Obama is the new Ted Kennedy's protege? Bwahahahaha Watch for those Muslim visas and citizenships to increase exponentially after Obama becomes president.
I rather have an American president with no Muslim parents. Who knows what goes on in that Muslim upbringing mind of Obama. But that's me.
McCain was penniless and married into a corrupt family that wanted power
Hey geniuses, Osama f*cked good, get away with it, and now you are having Barack Hussei Obama, son of Muslims, as parents.
Don't you Americans have any dignity left? I guess not.
Keith has been living too long amongst Muslim Europe and now he wants that crappy system in the US. Prepare your barkas and your tax money to flood America with Mulsim immigrants and Mosques. Spin those hamster wheels harder because your welfare contributions to Muslims will increase a lot. You people are funny...sheeple abound!
Some stuff you should know about Obama before you get super excited:
Is he better than McShitStain? Yeah sure, at least he might avert WWIII but I hope you guys don't just go back to sleep after this election. Get involved with the RP campaign and get involved in informing your fellow American's on what is really happening in this country.
We might only vote every four years but that doesn't mean you take an extended vacation from defending liberty in your country until the next election season rolls around.
PS - When I say defending liberty I don't mean fighting a handful of islamo-fascist-jihadist-terrorists, I mean fighting for freedom from an overbearing bureaucracy.
Here's Obama base:
- Stupid college kids who love to play videogames all day
- Black people on welfare
- Obama black girls on youtube
- Ultra liberals
- Muslims
- Ted Kennedy
Are you going to let these groups run your lives for 8 years, while you work your arse off to pay for their welfare?
Welcome to the United Muslim States of Osama!
Ladies and gentlemen, Keith is endorsing a highly liberal black candidate with no experience whatsoever, especially in national security, who's the son of Muslim parents from Africa, and who has even a Muslim full name of "Barack Hussein Obama". Helloooo, like in "Sadam Hussein" and "Osama", you know.
You idiot. You're one of the same moron's that listens to their right wing radio and TV chatter about the endless-global-war-on-islamo-fascist-extremist-jihadist-terrorist-threat-to-America propaganda. Wake the hell up dumbass. You're being played for a fool.
Rolling Stone: The Fear Factory
Is terrorism real? Sure.
Is terrorism the greatest threat to Western civilization? Of course not!! How about the real superpowers Russia and China that the USA has become dependent upon?
How many more trillions of dollars, thousands of US soldiers and hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslim lives need to be wasted on a war against extremist thugs? Gain some perspective dickweed. Like Ron Paul said, declaring a "war on terrorism" is like declaring a "war on serial killers".
And to associate Obama with evil Muslims is just completely retarded.
Obama might have no experience but at least he doesn't want to destroy the Muslim world. You think bombing Muslims doesn't breed terrorism? How dense are you buddy?
Has the world gone nutts, Black president is BAAAD news. Put white prez in most any non-white country and see what happens. I want equal rights, if my country is based of white culture I want a white prez. I cant even believe this country has gotten to the point of discussing black or female presidents. "USA is dead". This sound like common words but until you experience death you dont know what those three words mean.
Just wait until the blacks feel da powa, all the wussy whitie wimps will see real quick who the real racist are and that the world is very very racist against European peoples.
Anonymous Said…
> Keith is endorsing… who even has a Muslin Name….
> … That’s what I call a slap in the face to Americans.
Funny, I was thinking the same thing about your comment.
So if I understand you correctly, one of your problems has to do with what his parents NAMED HIM??
Sure, he was there at the time, but he was a little young to voice an objection to the idea.
@ Keith:
Glad to see you onboard. As you well know, if Paul couldn’t get it, I was supporting Obama in the general.
Sometimes elections are about larger issues than just the next four years.
@ All:
Keep an eye out. The more Obama surges, the more we’re going to hear the religion-baiting, race-baiting, and the rest.
Hey… maybe we can try the same swift-boating the neo-cons did on McCain on 2000…you know, start a rumor that Obama (whispers) … has a black child. :)
It's a sad time when people vote for the candidate who is the most polished and articulate (i.e. the one who probably secretly went to acting school) instead of the one with the best ideology.
Are you surprised?? We've had 8 years of President Sh*t for Brains who can't string a sentence together to save his life and repeatedly fails to pronounce "nuclear" correctly.
Hell, at this stage, I'd vote for a Sesame Street character. Big Bird for prez!
I had more doubts about Keith of HousingPanic - now I more clearly understand the host of this web site. And I have to say, I am very disappointed, but not surprised.
Gotta love the religious right-wing racists that are against Obama because his dead dad who he barely knew was a Muslim
I could care less what religion a presidential candidate was, as long as it wasn't Scientology.
Ever see that Tom Cruise video?
Anyway, watching the far-right-wing attack Obama because of his name shows me
1) His life is in danger and
2) He'll take 40+ states in November
Seriously, are you high?
Didn't our current have essentially no experience when he was hired?
I know this post will piss off 30% of HP'ers, who'll vote for the GOP even if Satan himself was the candidate.
My hope is that a few of those 30% will see that both parties are corrupt and no longer deserving of your support. And that given the choice between Obama and McCain, the choice is obvious.
Regardless of my endorsement, the anti-Obama crowd is going to have to live with it for the next eight years.
Obama is the next POTUS. Deal with it.
And be happy that The Worst President Ever is almost gone.
You are proudly displaying the average sheeple-American's need to back a winner regardless of your principals.
Paraphrasing - "I love that Ron Paul guy...but since he can't win I'm going to support his polar opposite".
Contrary to what you might think, this is not an angry post because you are not supporting Paul. This is a post to let you know that your "blowing in the wind" attitude in symptomatic of why we (the USA) deserves the government we get. You dish out the strong right/wrong judgements on this blog daily and you can't even make up your own mind about what is right or wrong for the country. Your credibility just took a huge dump in the crapper.
Can you really see Obama putting Putin, the Chinese, and the like in their place?
What exactly is his foreign policy experience? What exactly is his domestic policy experience? What exactly is his leadership experience?
Anyone can speak of hopes and dreams and change and promise a whole bunch of sh*t to people who haven't worked for it, but I wouldn't vote then as president without some other type of objective showing.
You're high.
The racists and religious nuts come out of the woodwork for this one. Trapped in their own minds -- and desperate to pull us in.
Obama is not muslim, idiots. He's christian (which, in my mind, is just as absurd and fanciful, but hey, that's me).
His father - who he never really knew -- was a muslim. His mother is a white woman from Kansas. He grew up in Hawaii, excelled in school and became editor in chief of the Harvard Law Review. Not too shabby. Basically, he's the anti-bush. And that's fantastic.
On a practical note, If you had to choose between the lessor of two evils, Mccain would be a better choice for the country. A republican president with a democrat congress would get less done, which is a good thing under the circumstances.
I am through making a choice between the lessor of two evils. That kind of thinking brought us the likes of bush and clinton. I will cast my vote for Ron Paul even if I have to write him in.
Obama's recent article for "Foreign Affairs" a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) publication:
For those that don't know, the CFR is a private think-tank that includes most of the 2008 presidential candidates (except Paul, Kucinich) and promotes American hegemony and the move towards a North American Union. In effect, it is directly at odds with the US Constitution.
Of course, it's all just conspiracy theory - there's nothing to see here. Just like the European Union was a conspiracy theory.
Obama is Satan - he's charismatic, is well liked by fools and other moronic types that like to be led into the abyss, and he has dark circles under his eyes and purple lips - if that is not the old morningstar, I do not know what is.
Women don't let men dictate your next president. Vote for a woman like you, so you can have more rights, like EQUAL PAY since you earn less for working more than men. Don't let the sexist male masters steal your futures and your rights. Vote for a woman president that will help women get ahead in life. Screw the sexist men who always put you down and treat you as a low cast in society. It's your chance for a revolution, don't waste it.
He's my choice.
From October 2006, HP predicted Obama would run and win:
October 22, 2006
Like RFK in '68, this changes everything. Hopefully he has really good security - the fox news crowd won't like this very much, but the rest of the world, and America, sure will
What a mess he'll have on his hands though. What a mess. But it's a start. Americans need hope again, after the disastrous administration we're currently suffering through.
>Obama is the next POTUS. Deal with it.
I posted my last post before I saw this comment from Keith. I repost it here as verification of what I said about Keith just needing to be on the winning team. Right or wrong doesn't matter...winning matters! Woo-hoo. I guess that whole Iraq thing wasn't that important to you after all.
Maybe this is a bit like the republican antiwar vote going to McCain in New Hampshire. It just shows how stupid the average voter is.
Keith, you're right, I hate McCain, but geez, even Hillary is better than Obama. He's the very vision of the socialists and commies coming to fruition.
I hate McCain but will fight tooth and nail to keep a fundamental Communist out of the White House. 8 more years of the status quo sucks, but it sure beats the hell out of 8 years of Soviet-style socialism/communism.
On the bright side, if either Hillary or Obama wins, their policies will do so much damage to both our economy and safety, and will be so severely rejected by the American people that come 2010 the left-wing will be finished and the moderates can retake the Democrat party.
Britney Spears has a better chance of being elected Miss America than Barack Hussein Obama as President of the US.
If the Democrats nominate Obama, their party will suffer the biggest election blowout since Nixon vs. McGovern in 1972. It will set back the Democratic party at least a decade.
Remember this post.
Hey, why not? You geniuses had a crack smoking mayor running your nation's capital, who got elected again by the same Obama's base.
So why not having another black hardcore liberal, son of Muslim parents from Africa, running your lives for 8 years. Go ahead geniuses...enjoy the die-off. Don't come crying later, like you've been doing after 8 years of Bush/Cheney.
The message is loud and clear: Hey Muslim terrorists, come on over because it's open season in America. The always stupid Americans just elected the son of Muslims, with no national security experience whatsoever, for president. And the liberal black Muslim president will keep the borders open to facilitate your terrorist work.
Let me rephrase: Here's where I'm confused:
If you are that anti-GOP, then why on earth are you endorsing a democrat who is *SO* extreme left that he will forever alienate the Democratic party from the American people?
If you are so anti-GOP, why elect a President whose victory would virtually guarantee the GOP taking 2/3 of both houses in 2010 and regaining the White House in 2012?
To be honest, if I were as hardline party-line GOP as you make me out to be, I'd be voting Democrat come November, regardless if it's Hillary or Obama, because that would be the best thing that could happen for the GOP.
Stick to HP and your over-devalued dollar!
Yes nobody likes the choices, they all suck...... Even the democrats are all divided.
Question: If Obama was so great, how come he is not the clear front-runner?
Face it my friend, he is getting the anti-Hillary vote caucus vote, not the pro-Obama.
And guess what...Juan McCain will get that vote..race triumphs status-quo!
Sorry to say it but t is going to be the most divisive and brutal presidential race in the history of the US.
If you thought that America was divided....just wait until November.
Go Hillary! Kick their sexist butts.
Oh my the Limbaugh/Hannitys are PISSED!
Again, just telling you how it's gonna be.
And McCain is going to lose more states than Dole and maybe even Mondale
IF McCain is the nominee. He still has to get by Huckabee
Why did you put "Hussein" in your endorsement?
Is it very provocative!
Unbelievable, that 6 years after 9/11 , all you STUPID Americans fall for someone that sounds just like their worst nightmare.
Makes me wonder...perhaps 9./11 was not enough.....
Further proof that Keith should stick to housing and only housing.
It should be interesting since the right wing hates both McCain and Obama. Right now, McCain is probably the one who needs really good security.
Ron Paul scales back hopeless effort, refuses to back McCain
He's not really quitting. He's not really suspending his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. He's not promising victory, just to keep on keeping on. But, in effect, Rep. Ron Paul, at 72 the oldest candidate for president and the only GOP candidate to oppose the Iraq war, is facing reality.
In a statement to supporters on his website, first mentioned here early Saturday, Paul admits, "With Romney gone, the chances of a brokered convention are nearly zero. But that does not affect my determination to fight on, in every caucus and primary remaining and at the convention for our ideas, with just as many delegates as I can get."
Sure, just because Barack Hussein Obama paraphrases JFK on his vague and pointless speeches, the sheeple believes that he's the reincarnation of JFK. Sure he is, sheeple.
Geniuses, elect a president who's never run even a Laundromat, in one of the worst periods in America history.
@ all who are worried about Obama’s policies….
Don’t worry.
As everyone knows, primary season is about going to the political extremes, general elections are about moving to center, and presidential administrations are about compromise.
No president gets everything they want. President Obama won’t turn the USA into some sort of Muslim Socialist paradise. He won’t even try.
I think President Obama is going to surprise a lot of people. Bush ran on the idea of “humble compassionate conservatism”; and wound up with none of that. He ran as a traditional republican, and yet his financial policies were worst than any of the liberal spend-spend pols we were worried about.
Obama has expressed a willingness to negotiate with the republicans, to talk with our friends and enemies; and to bring a breath of fresh air into the country again.
I know that all of the old white racists are going to have a problem. But tough sh*t. While they’re all waiting for “the south to rise again”, we’ll just go about rebuilding the country in spite of them.
Instead of focusing on just this election, or just the next 4 years, you need to think long game. You need to think 50 years down the field.
It is the duty of each generation to reaffirm the beliefs on which America was built. When it comes down to it, we either believe in America or we don’t.
If we claim to believe in the message of the founding fathers but then through our actions disassociate ourselves with the results of these beliefs, then we are hypocrites and worthy of the scorn we receive.
This is the time. To quote the movie line: now is the time to either help or get out of the way.
How can someone endorse Ron Paul and then flip to the guy just voted the most liberal Senator for 2007?
Sane foreign policy? He said the USA should invade Pakistan to find OBL. Pakistan has 140 million people and nuclear weapons. It would make Iraq look like a walk in the park. He also said the US military should stay in Iraq and Afghanistan but not use any air power or large munitions because it could cause collateral damage. The guy is a bigger buffoon than Bush.
Sure, just because Barack Hussein Obama paraphrases JFK on his vague and pointless speeches, the sheeple believes that he's the reincarnation of JFK. Sure he is, sheeple.
Obama is the opposite of JFK. Kennedy was all about sacrifice for your country. Obama is all about taking handouts from your country.
I respect your choice.
McCain is my absolute last choice. He is a madman that needs to be institutionalized.
So, between McCain and Obama, I'd go with Obama.
If Obama becomes the Dem candidate, I hope he wins in a landslide against that crazy SOB.
Ron Paul inspired me to donate to a campaign for the first time and now Obama inspires me to vote
Expect Jesse Jackson and other racist race pimps to try and shame white people into voting for the charlatan Obama.
"If you don't vote for Obama, you must be a white KKK racist redneck."
All the while, 99% of blacks will be voting for Obama based solely on his race, because he has no record or accomplishments to speak of. That's not racist at all.
Obama's wife as 1st lady - you have got to be kidding me. That is something I am not ready to see. Call me anything you want - it is true - I can't handle that!
Keith wrote...
Folks, we live in a two-party system. We can fight it, we can hope for a well-funded and qualified Independent candidate to one day have the courage to run, and we can dream about candidates like Ron Paul capturing the imagination of the brain-dead American people......
Actually I believe it is a one party system. The Corporate Party, with two candidates.
Just like the Russians under communism. One party, 2 candidates. The Russians we used to laugh about in grade school. Them dummy communists, all running to vote like good little commies and they are all voting for Vladimir, Communist or Boris Communist.
Just like bread, you got your white, you got your wheat. Got no cinnamon rolls, no hotdog buns, no ciabatta. White & Wheat.
Pat ourselves on the back and Glory in our Goodness.
So can anyone tell me exactly which policies of Obama you like? Give me some specifics, not "change" and "hope" or other BS buzzwords. He says there will be free healthcare for everyone, same as Hitlary.
Anonymous said….
> How can someone endorse Ron Paul
> and then flip to the guy just voted the
> most liberal Senator for 2007?
Since I did just that, I’ll answer…. Both Paul and Obama represent, in many ways, the same thing.
Both are candidates who will over-turn the political apple-cart that put us in this mess in the first place.
Paul would upset the cart by bringing America back to economic reality.
Obama will upset the cart by undoing 40 years of political deal making. The kind of deals that required black America to start with the assumption that they were incapable of achieving the American dream.
It’s like a comparison between Bill Cosby and Jessee Jackson.
Riddle me this… when Obama becomes president, and someone comes along to tell the black people “you cannot achieve success without handouts, the democrats, or preferential treatment”…. What will the response be?
I’m actually surprised that the racists haven’t figured this one out yet. For the cost of one election, they shut down 40 years of “entitlement mentality”
Hmm... When I vote, I think I'm just gonna write in satan. He's seems to be the lesser of all evils here.
Keith, you claim Obama is pro-business, yet you also say he will raise taxes on investors. Where do you think businesses get their money from for projects and startups? If you raise taxes on investors, they will raise interest rates or invest in a more tax-friendly country. Do you even know what you're talking about? You didn't even give one good reason why you endorse him other than the fact that he's young and black. Why not endorse a young Asian or Hispanic or Aborigine?
Anyone who doesn't vote for Obama is a racist Nazi. End of story.
LOL @ Keith.
Let me get this straight.
If I don't like Hillary, I'm a sexist. Oh, scratch that...since I'm a female, that means I'm a self-hating misogynist.
If I don't like Obama.....I'm a racist.
If I don't like McCain......I'm a commie.
And there's plenty of people on this blog still giving money to RuPaul, even though he's sitting on $5 mill that he's probably going to use to save his Congressional seat.
No matter who wins, this country is beyond screwed.
If I dont want a black president then I am a right wing racist. But I am not a racist if I match one of the below:
(a) I am a black and hate whitie (which most do). [pick any US city]
(b) I were hispanic and preach whites must be eliminated from the Southwest USA. [Plan of San Diego] [anywhere mexicans are]
(c) I am asian and want only my race in my neighborhood, churches and stores. [Southern California]
(d) I am Muslim and religiously take over entire cities, then persecute Christians. [Detroit]
All of the above I have either personally witnessed, been victim of, or know directly someone who has. Crime stats and demographics also prove my point. In addition 1000's of web site by these non-white group openly discuss these items above. Also, my girlfriend is hispanic and frequently hears mexicans say they hate white and will kill them off and take their lands.
So here I sit, as a super small minority in the world and in my State of California, with a great heritage that build the most free country in the world that has given so much opportunity to many peoples , all awhile being taken advantage of by the entire racist planet. And I a have to tolerate being called a rightwing racist.
I now know how the woman feels, who was beaten and raped, then accused of tempting the perpetrator.
Not voting for Obama. Period.
Obama's own words, written on his memoir:
"I had learned not to care," he wrote. "I blew a few smoke rings, remembering those years. Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though. ..."
"Blow" is a street name for cocaine. "Smack" is slang for heroin.
Is that the son of Muslim parents from Africa that you want for president of the USA, in one of the worst periods in our history? Nice to see how Obama knows the ghetto terminology for his drugs. No wonder his base is a bunch of stupid college kids.
Wow, some of these posts keep referring to his muslims parents in Africa. No, idiots, his mother was white,from Kansas, and he is related to Dick Cheney, even though it is pretty distant. For crying out loud, don't be so stupid.
It is Obama's hour. Can he do it? Likely, yes. He is pretty gifted. We could never elect someone as incompetent as George W. Bush again, I hope. Never mind the party he belongs to, he was just a terrible decider.
Couldn't agree more with the endorsement.
What have you been smoking? He's just another politician who got lucky enough to have a shot at the title.
All he speaks about is generalities becuase that's all he knows.
You're as big a fool as everyone who bought a house from a realtor.
McCain said he could see US troops in Iraq for 10,000 years, Obama said he'd get them out next year
Obama's got my vote
A democratic president with a democratic congress? That will be fun.
Buy your inflation hedges now.
Voting for Obama, eh? Maybe this will change your mind:
P.S. It's been hard getting into Hillary's campaign office, where a poster of Lenin hangs...
You're ALL losers. We Americans are going to get *exactly* what we deserve...
Oh, and would someone please remind me which candidate said they're going to undo ALL of W's unconstitutional executive orders, signing statements, etc.?
...[sound of chirping crickets]...
Shame on you Keith. This country is TRULY and TOTALLY fucked. We're at a singular point in time where we MUST have REAL change, for the better of the American people. And with the exception of Ron Paul, we're not going to get it.
Barack Obama FOR THE WIN!!!
For those against Obama, can you see yourself voting for McCain?
I'd rather get my teeth drilled than vote for that fake angry old fart
Given the two choices, Obama is a no-brainer.
But what is needed is a 4-party system, not this 2-party bullsh*t
if the GOP's lone fiscal conservative wasn't mocked and laughed at, then it would be a no-brainer. they told my kind to F*CK OFF in no uncertain terms.
i don't know where Obama gets his ideas about Pakistan and Darfur but those advisors better shut him up during the general.
For my fellow Ron Paul supporters, it's time for you to face reality
He's got like 1% of the GOP delegates, and he's been completely rejected by the voters.
Deal with it. Move on. Americans aren't smart enough to vote for Ron Paul. They don't want the truth.
You'll have the choice of McCain, Obama or Don't Vote or write-in RP in November. "Don't Vote" is the noble thing to do, but it's a waste and un-American.
So who do you think will do a better job? Obama or McCain?
Time to make your decision.
And I choose, with reservations, Obama.
Wow lots of hate spewed at the Muslims by the glass parking lot redneck crowd guess we know now who on this board brought us 8 years of Bush and the neocons and trillions of debt and the destruction of the constitution.
Obama gets my vote. Thanks Keith for supporting him.
Good call, Keith. I fear the mess that has been made will be too great for anyone to clean up, but if anyone does have a shot, it's a young, bright, energetic man like Obama and not a senior citizen like McCain.
Obama might win 48 states
Poor, uneducated and racist vote for Clinton while Obama gets rich, educated and progressive
Obama has my vote
I love this blog
Obama trained in al-queda camps I hear
>>>I now know how the woman feels, who was beaten and raped, then accused of tempting the perpetrator.
February 12, 2008 9:23 PM
That was a great read... Thanks for sharing and the chuckle. :)
Wonderful Keith.
We will get an enormous tax hike.
We will get a lifting of the SS cap, or another massive tax hike
We will get a decimation of the military.
We will get amnesty for illegals.
Oh but he has charisma and he's 1/2 black so I suppose I should ignore everything else.
i ain't voting for that scumbag mcpain in the ass. google "keating five" if you think this shit-shyster mccain is pure as the driven snow. bullshittin ole criminal fart is what is he. and hitlery is just as big a scumbag as mccain is.
so, i ain't voting for mccain or hitler(y). if Obama is the winner on the democratic side, then he's got my vote. i say give him a shot. he ain't no worse than the rest of these political hacks thats running.
"McCain said he could see US troops in Iraq for 10,000 years, Obama said he'd get them out next year"
Hahaha. Good one. "Do as I say, not as I do" should be Obama's mantra. That guy isn't ending the war. Didn't you just see his 60 Minutes interview last weekend? He said "yes" to timetables for withdrawal and then said if there is still violence there then he reserves judgment about leaving.
Guess what?! There is still violence there and will continue to be violence there as long as we are there. In other words, Obama isn't leaving Iraq anymore than Bush or Clinton or McCain are leaving Iraq.
Kind of funny that there's a black author quoting my comments here on CNN right now :)
"He's got like 1% of the GOP delegates, and he's been completely rejected by the voters."
he was rejected by the MSM; the people I know love ron paul but, being sheeple, go to a "brand name" candidate.
Sorry but I don't think I can vote for anyone who supports bailouts.
I rather vote on some independent without a chance.
Keith if Obama wins and there are bailouts you lose any right to complain about it.
"Obama is Satan - he's charismatic, is well liked by fools"
I'd have to agree! Many obama supporters I know who know nothing expect "health care for all," etc... because the "wicked witch is dead."
Obama for President!!!
A presidential candidate opposed to costly FB bailouts: $trillions.
A black presidential candidate with an Islamic middle name that sends America's bigoted know-nothings into noxious apoplectic fits: priceless.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But just to be clear on these specific ideas, you think that, by freezing home foreclosures for 90 days and freezing adjustable-rate mortgages for five years, that could create moral hazards; that's why you're not for it?
OBAMA: Well, I think it is important for us not to bail out lenders who made, in some cases, poorly considered or speculative loans. I think what is important is to make sure that people are staying in their homes, particularly first-time home buyers, families who are actually living in the house, as opposed to just flipping a condominium. And I think that we have to sort through how we can help those individuals aggressively, at the same time that we're not bailing out banks who made loans that they shouldn't have made.
A young black man leading the most powerful country on earth is also a moment of inspiration and change whose importance will never happen again once it happens, a moon-shot for the 21st century.
With the risk that his watch is the one in which the US completely loses that "most powerful country-on earth" status. And sees a massive decline in the standard of living.
So through no fault of his own (these seeds are already sown, and well and truly watered) the first black president sees the country collapse.
Not sure that's such a great deal...
I'm fine with Obama or McCain. It's Hitlery that would have been a disaster
Go Fred Thompson!
Hey, if Obama is a Muslim, shouldn't we send him to Guantanomo?
What if he's a radical-islamo-extremist-jihadist-fascist-terrorist-threat-to-America?
We're going to give him access to the USA's nuclear arsenal?!! He'll nuke us all!!!
Oh my lord - the TERROR!!!
I'm sorry to have to say this Keith and I say this respectfully...
Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination and then will become the next President of the United States of America.
I hope you respect my support of Hillary as much as I respect your hatred for Hillary. This is still an open forum right?
And YES, I dare to be different.
Bad choice Keith. Of all the candidates McCain is the most dangerous for the country. McCain will beat Obama, if Obama is the democratic nominee.
Obama has failed to deliver the largest states in the union-California,New York, Florida and Texas. No-one has won a presidential campaign who did not win those states.
I really think that Hillary will be the democratic nominee and that she will deliver a beating to McCain.
Given McCains' statements regarding Iran, who can forget "Bomb, Bomb Iran...", and Brezinski's views, who is the main force behind Obama, as they are described in the books "The Choice" and the "The Grand Chessboard", I feel that Hillary Clinton is a safer choice.
I hope that she can deliver on the following
a) Bring the troops back, as promised
b) Healthcare for everyone
C) Stop this insanity of globalization and outsourcing.
D) Eliminate property taxes
If not the constitution has given the citizens the right to revolt against tyrannical goverments.
Obama will be taken down in scandal paving the way for Michael Bloomberg!
Keith you have spoken like a true Brit, propping up Obama long enough to take down Hillary Clinton. Once she is out of the way then they will take down Obama and bring in Michael Bloomberg.
"Obama is Satan - he's charismatic, is well liked by fools and other moronic types that like to be led into the abyss, "
The road to HELL is paved with good intentions.
Oh yeah,
America IS an Enron.
Barack Hussein Obama, the Muslim, for president of the USA. And Oprah will be the Secretary of State. The same Oprah who endorsed him and who buys her sheeple audience with corporate fascist leftovers.
Prepare you wallets America, because you'll be working like crazy just to pay for black and Muslim welfare all over the country.
Wow, you guys are insane, including you Keith!
Democrat = Socialist.
"For those against Obama, can you see yourself voting for McCain?"
Yes, I can.
The only issue I have that upsets me with McCain is illegal immigration. Ah, Obama is for -- you guessed it -- illegal immigration. Most of the other issues I tend to agree with McCain. No universal health care. I'm pro life too.
McCain does have a point that the surge has worked. It took risk to take that position. He has been consistent on Iraq even if you do not agree with him. I'm not seeing casualties everyday on the news.
Its likely Obama will loose the general election.
I gave donations to the Ron Paul campaign. I'm not voting for a guy who has a last name that sounds muslim and goes to a strange multi denominal church that praises Farakhan.
Over and out.
Okay, so let's review our choices here again. We've got Cain (the son of Satan and wicked brother of Able), Hitler(y), and Obama bin Laden?????
Sounds to me like it's time to start voting from the rooftops.
"Riddle me this… when Obama becomes president, and someone comes along to tell the black people “you cannot achieve success without handouts, the democrats, or preferential treatment”…. What will the response be?"
I can guarantee you the response would be, "Well that's only because he's half white". You need to educate yourself on the Jesse Jackson way of thinking.
"You'll have the choice of McCain, Obama or Don't Vote or write-in RP in November. "Don't Vote" is the noble thing to do, but it's a waste and un-American."
Any true fiscal conservative would throw their vote away rather than voting for either the super liberal Obama or the fake Republican McCain.
I'm voting for Hillary. No Barack Hussein Obamas who did "blow, "pot", "booze", "but no smack" for president. While that ultra liberal Muslim was getting wasted on drugs, Hillary was working her arse off.
Go Hillary!
It's a sucker's job. Check out this extremely scary article:
Depression risk might force U.S. to buy assets
Should be interesting to see if Obama can first survive the Clintons for the nomination and how he handles the presidential race against McCain. He could show that he has the grit for the office. We do need to shake up the "politics as usual" BS we've seen for decades.
I won't be voting for anyone in the socialist Dem party.
If McCain is GOP nominee, I'll skip the presidential and vote the under ticket to support those who stand for less government.
To each his own, but Keith, you surprised me here.
enthusiastically??? I will say that Obama offends me the least and if it comes down to him or McCain I just won't vote. How can anyone who believes in capitalism be enthusiastic about Hillary, McKennedy or Obama? God ( or Allah if your an Obama supporter ) help us all....
I think he's an empty suit.
There's no there there.
Absolutely no experience.
He's the "anti-choice" with a big smile, good looking wife and adorable little girls.
But that doesn't make me feel confident that he can lead this country.
An extreme leftist (or rightist) is not going to get the US through the next period of intense pain.
We need an inspirational centrist.
Unfortunately none of the candidates seem to meet that need.
Typical Americans = flash over substance
Let me do my endzone dance while my team is down 42-10
Obama, an empty suit for the empty headed MTV generation. Perfect
A presidential candidate opposed to costly FB bailouts: $trillions.
Once again, empty rhetoric from an empty suit. How do you bail out the FB's without bailing out the bankers? You send them checks to pay their mortgages and the banks get paid for bad loans that should have defaulted. Of course the post had to include that anyone who doesn't support Obama is a bigot and racist. Typical slimy liberal methods.
Terra! Terra! Terra! Terra! Terra! Terra! Terra! Terra! Terra!
Better than Hitlery
Riddle me this… when Obama becomes president, and someone comes along to tell the black people “you cannot achieve success without handouts, the democrats, or preferential treatment”…. What will the response be?
Do you really think that affirmative racism policies and quotas will end with Obama in the White House? You're dumber than DOPES
Obama is part of the establishment. He's been in politics all his adult life speaking out of both sides of his mouth. The only difference is that he's half-black and a little younger than the has-beens. I would compare him to Jesse Jackson Jr or Kwame Kilpatrick.
It's obvious that anyone who doesn't like Obama is an ignorant racist and Islamophobe. I hate all you Christian nutjobs.
I read this post alot....my theory is that many of you are quite educated and well off. Why is it that your thoughts are so stupid and lack common sense.
For the person who mentioned his "muslim" parents...do your homework, his mother is "lily" white living in Kaaaaaaansas.
As far as your vote, this country will continue to suffer from the prejudices of ignorance, regardless who is President; when do we realize that it's a melting pot and will continue to be; we need to begin uniting the country. What does color matter when a bomb hits a major city; your neighbor's color won't matter when you reach out for their...GROW UP!
"We will get an enormous tax hike.
We will get a lifting of the SS cap, or another massive tax hike
We will get a decimation of the military.
We will get amnesty for illegals.
Oh but he has charisma and he's 1/2 black so I suppose I should ignore everything else."
Exactly, this is what infuriates me. Nobody thinks anymore.
I'll probably stay home in November. We're better off in the long run if Obama/Hillary wins now because if McCain wins he'll be a one-term loser and then Hillary/Obama or someone equally extreme will win in 2012. Might as well get it over with now. But since I cannot vote for a Communist I will be staying home in November.
In the meantime I will be hiring tax & asset protection attorneys to start protecting myself now against the Obama/Hillary tax hikes under the new Union of Soviet American Republics (Formerly known as the USA).
According to Obama, the only "fair" tax system is to steal and seize from those who have worked hard to earn something, only to hand it over to those who refuse to make something of themselves. And to seize my assets to pay for healthcare for a bunch of losers unwilling to give up their cell phones and Starfucks to cover the $150 Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance premiums.
But you're already living in a Socialist society, Keith, where the government has already seized the guns of honest citizens (like Obama supports) and garnishes your wages to pay for someone else's healthcare so what do you care?
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but my hatred of Obama has NOTHING to do with race, religion, his political party, or anything else. It's because he's evil. When you're dealing with a socialist, you're staring into the face of pure evil, and that's what he represents, even more so than Hillary.
But like Hitler before him, he's charismatic and articulate and the bland and timid masses are seduced by his words and promises of a worker's paradise.
I refuse to accept voting for the lesser of two evils. It's unprincipled and that's how we got into the mess we are in.
Ron Paul is the only candidate who is telling the American people the truth and also telling them what must be done to fix the mess.
Why would I vote for anyone else? If the sheeple are so dumb, then they will get the government they deserve.
As for me, I'll stand firm and write in Ron Paul for POTUS.
Thank you for your rational endorsement.
As an expat myself I see the benefits Obama will bring to the USA. Some of these nuts/bigots here only have to travel outside the US to see how screwed up the country is. Bush et Al fucked up this country so badly. And now they want another Bush in the form of McCain.
As a former republican I whole heartily endorse Obama. For one simple reason: Sincerity, Hope and enthusiasm for the younger generation to do better than the Boomers. The establishment does not own this country. It belongs to the young future upcoming generation. This is our chance to say "Fuck You" to the establishment and the status quo.
Watch this funny video on John McCain.
The difference could not be more striking.
Yes, we can.
This guy is a new world order type, wake up.
Shoot straight and
keep your powder dry.
Let's say that we have this hard working mother, who's been working very hard on her career and for the same company for many years.
She's reliable; she knows the work; she has years of experience. However, she's a mother and her age is showing. Her long hours at work and taking care of her family haven't been kind to her looks. The men at the company like to make mean jokes about her looks, but she shrugs off and keeps working hard.
At home she takes care of her family, cooks dinner, care for them when they get sick, and blames her looks for the indiscretions of her husband. She decides to stick to her family no matter what. She also decides to stick with her husband because his big corporation wouldn't look good to have a divorced CEO.
So, as many women out there, she works double shift to take care of her company and family. She's been working hard for so many years always dreaming with that well deserved promotion to care for the company she loves.
Enter Mr. Suave, the new hired employee, the bullsh!ter that tells everything the boss wants to hear. Mr. Suave hasn't been working too long and everything has fallen on on his lap, including an Ivy League scholarship paid by the American taxpayer. Mr. Suave even jokes with the guys at the water cooler of how wasted he used to get not many years ago, while Mrs. Mom was hard at work or putting herself through college.
Contrary to Mr. Suave, Mrs. Mom never had anything given free to her, but she's hopeful that the company will recognize her efforts.
Unfortunately, her boss was so impressed with Mr. Suave fairy tales at the water cooler break that he decided to giver her promotion to Mr. Suave.
So, my question to all the women and good sons with hardworking mothers out here, are you voting for Mr. Suave-Bull$hitter with no experience to run the company or to Hillary?
Why is it that because this guy is black folks just don't believe he can be good. You all loved Hillary, when she left the white house she stole furniture. I guess that is the black part of Bill Clinton. Don't be afraid of Obama's power he is only going to be able to do what the congress will let him do. I worked for old white women and they are mean and nasty, know it all, very judgemental. I don't think Hillary is any different. Plus she stole furniture that speaks volumnes to her character. Thank's for you vote of confidence. Even Bill Clinton said he made tons of mistakes his first year but after a while with any job you get in the swing of things. Remember Swartzenegger didn't know jack shit about running California, mistakes left and right. Hated by the Bush admin who felt he stole the office from Grey Davis. No respect what so ever. But he was successful because he has people who work for him who do the paperwork. Don't you think Obama will have people who do the paperwork or he will read all those bills and proposals himself. Good Luck Obama and with godspeed. PS: Anyone ever wonder why black folks came out to vote for Obama but hardly any turn out for the other elections. Perhaps we were tired of the same ol same ol. Lying old white men so I guess black people do vote when there is a reason.
That's better. You're on your way to being a better human being.
The freak conservatives here will hate you though.
Hear that, Marky Mark?
This guy gets elected, and I foresee quite a few Secret Service employees taking early retirement.
*They would have if Hillary won too.
I will support any democrat that wins the primary. I, however, still think Hillary has a better chance of beating McCain than Obama.
I dont believe this endorsement anyway, in the long haul, you will problably regret it.
A more-Republican Supreme Court
is unacceptable to me.
More Hilly-n-Billy is unacceptable.
Wasted votes are unacceptable.
Choice by default & hope: BHO (though Iraq 2003 was lawful and ethical after French sabotage of diplomatic efforts)
I have doubts that enough rednecks
will vote their conscience, and
Republicans might continue their
reign of error.
Ok ill buy that.
I agree that Obama would repair our foreign relations, and since I spend two months of the year in Europe, it would be nice - but from a tax standpoint, I will probably vote for McCaine. . .can't say he is great, but he is better than Bush. . .not saying much.
come on people...obama can be a crappy president just as good as the next guy.
The most important thing is that he's the first black man...
This is paramount...
Nothing else matters...
He is the new liberal Messiah...
Anyone Obama supporters want to buy a bridge or some snow? I'll get you a good deal.
I will never vote for Barak Hussein. I am crossing over to Republican side if he is the candidate, even open to consider voting straight Republican ticket for every contest. The guy is a total phoney. He does not stand for anything. He has absolutely no experince. He's just a wind bag like Jesse Jackson. Talks for hours saying nothing.
I am not a redneck. I am a minority. I'll never vote for a total phoney like Barak. I would rather vote for Republicans. If he's the candidate, I am done with democrats.
Oh so I see now. Anyone who opposed Obama is a racist Klan member.
Ohhhh Kayyy then by that rationale...
I hate Hillary, so I must be a woman hater.
Wait I hate McCain too. I must hate old white people.
I'm no fan of Harry Reid. Therefore I hate Mormon men.
I can't stand Chuck Shumer. Therefore I am a Jew hating Nazi.
Another Bilderburg backed puppet. Yippee.
I applaud your courage!!!!!!
I hate listening to Mccain he's so FAKE
Either way, Bama, Hill or Cain. They're screwed this upcoming term. Wrap your heads around this reality US, it's gonna hurt bad for everyone before it gets better. No avoiding it. I will say this, if they stick Bama with this mess we won't see another black prez for another 20 years and likewise for the lady nominee.
Best blog on the net.
Honesty. Pragmatism. All-American values.
May God protect Obama, he's gonna need it.
"I hate listening to Mccain he's so FAKE"
Well, considering McCain was tortured in Vietnam, I think McCain has a much better understanding about war then any of the other candidates.
Best blog on the net.
Honesty. Pragmatism. All-American values.
May God protect Obama, he's gonna need it.
Geez, now we'll have to put up with this wave of newbies here just because there was an Obama endorsement. Don't you kids have to buy more pot or play the latest videogame?
Good, Obama is the winner already, so my entire family doesn't have to vote and will stay home during elections. Oh, and one more thing, it's better that Obama be the next president because all that Iraq and Economy mess will blow up in his face. Then there won't be an African American democrat elected for president ever. You convince me Keith, I want Obama to be the president because this country needs to go down in flames. I couldn't care less. When you have the corrupt MSM brushing off Ron Paul, bashing Hillary daily from day one, and then making Obama a superstar without asking himn any tough questions, you know something stinks.
I rather have an American president with no Muslim parents.
You know, there's a saying that the more things change the more it stays the same. First it was slavery, Indians, then the early 30-40's It was the Chinese exclusion act. Then the Japanese interment camps in Nevada. Now it's Mexicans & Muslims. Man, some things never change. Shit get's old.
Well, it doesn't matter if it's Hillary or Obama because their policies are identical, but for fun, let's face reality:
Hillary massively ahead in Texas polls.
Hillary has 2/3 of the superdelegates.
Hillary it is.
Let's face facts, whether you think this is about race or not, Obama has swept a bunch of states that happen to have the largest black population in the U.S., and over 90% of black democrats voted for Obama.
Time to get back to reality.
Hey Hillary voters, everybody vote for McCain now, since the rest wants Obama so badly.
Everyone who would be voting for Hillary should vote for McCain in November, including all Hillary voters in California, New York, New Jersey, and Florida.
Let's spread the word on the web that Hillary voters are going to vote for McCain in November. F*ck Obama and his idiotic followers manipulated by the media.
The rappers and Oprah are endorsing Obama. He must be good.
And now they want another Bush in the form of McCain.
What makes you think that people here against Barack Hussein Osama can only vote for McCain?
I'm voting for Hillary but if she's not the nominee, I'm voting for McCain for sure. Let's burn this mofo down.
And I'll campaign vigorously to convince all the Hillary voters who feel disenfranchised to vote for McCain, if she's not the nominee. Let's see if Obama wins without all the Hillary votes, which will be going to McCain. And I can tell you that a lot of Hillary voters are totally unhappy with Obama's bullsh!t.
That Muslim bull$hitter is not fooling me with his generic "I have a dream" Bullsh!t speech. He's your typical black bull$hitter. With that bull$hit talk, that guy should be selling cars or picking up stupid women at the clubs, not running for president.
I don't buy his generic bull$hit speech a bit. Show me the money beatch, like the blacks love to say. And for all the women who are voting for him, instead of voting for a woman running for president for the first time in the US, shame on you.
Oh my the Limbaugh/Hannitys are PISSED!
Again, just telling you how it's gonna be.
No, you're endorsing him because you're a hardcore Republican who can't conceive the idea of having Hillary as president.
So save us your fake altruism, Keith.
Smart people here know what you're up to. You've been changing your endorsements since Ron Paul was a huge fiasco and now, without anywhere to run, you rather pick the most liberal and inexperienced democrat candidate than having the possibility of Hillary as a winner. We, with working brains, know that you couldn't care less for Obama.
BTW, enjoy your universal healthcare in England.
I dare you to post my comments.
I'll probably stay home in November.
Don't do that, Frank. We, the Hillary voters, will be voting for McCain in November. Let's see if Obama can win without the Hillary voters.
We're sick of Obama's "I have a dream" cheap $hit speech to fool the sheeple.
I told you all many months ago that the corrupt MSM was bashing Hillary unfairly from day one, while giving a free pass to Obama. Sure enough, it's working because all the sheeple has been changing their votes. Let them have McCain then.
Hillary voters unite and vote for McCain in November. We don't want the bull$hitter Obama.
WTF, where's Andrew Hac when we need him.
you are right keith, this is a no brainer. i am not going to vote for this pinhead....
I will sit this one out. The choice between dumb and dumber is not one I wish to make.
its all a play and they are actors on the stage. it makes no difference who is president. things keep getting worse and the people keep getting dumber. sometimes i wonder why the founding fathers even bothered.....
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Let's say that we have this hard working mother, who's been working very hard on her career and for the same company for many years.
She's reliable; she knows the work; she has years of experience. However, she's a mother and her age is showing. Her long hours at work and taking care of her family haven't been kind to her looks. The men at the company like to make mean jokes about her looks, but she shrugs off and keeps working hard.
At home she takes care of her family, cooks dinner, care for them when they get sick, and blames her looks for the indiscretions of her husband. She decides to stick to her family no matter what. She also decides to stick with her husband because his big corporation wouldn't look good to have a divorced CEO.
So, as many women out there, she works double shift to take care of her company and family. She's been working hard for so many years always dreaming with that well deserved promotion to care for the company she loves.
Enter Mr. Suave, the new hired employee, the bullsh!ter that tells everything the boss wants to hear. Mr. Suave hasn't been working too long and everything has fallen on on his lap, including an Ivy League scholarship paid by the American taxpayer. Mr. Suave even jokes with the guys at the water cooler of how wasted he used to get not many years ago, while Mrs. Mom was hard at work or putting herself through college.
Contrary to Mr. Suave, Mrs. Mom never had anything given free to her, but she's hopeful that the company will recognize her efforts.
Unfortunately, her boss was so impressed with Mr. Suave fairy tales at the water cooler break that he decided to giver her promotion to Mr. Suave.
So, my question to all the women and good sons with hardworking mothers out here, are you voting for Mr. Suave-Bull$hitter with no experience to run the company or to Hillary?
February 13, 2008 12:53 AM<<<<
what is this nonsense?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What you should know about Barack Obama:
Voted to fund the wars, never voting against funding them.
Continually votes to fund The Department on Homeland Security to the tune of Billions of dollars.
Voted to reinstate the Patriot Act.
Is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Has threatened to Attack Pakistan and redeploy troops into Afghanistan.
February 12, 2008 7:48 PM<<
sure,... he does this to please aipac, just like all of them. traitors everyone and maybe one day, this treason can be dealt with in a sincere manor.
Hey Ron Paul followers, that's what Republicans like Keith do to you. They pump you and at the first sign of defeat, they drop you cold for Obama. Talking about a total 180!
I hoped that you learned your lesson and change your vote too, so you can stick up the arse of those who treat you like a cheap whore.
Join us, the unhappy Hillary voters, and let's all vote for McCain in November. Let's burn this mofo down. Nobody cares, why should we, Ron Paul and Hillary crowd?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Obama... CFR... Zbignew Brezinski... Meh.
But yeah, if it's a choice between him and John "The ShitStain" McInsane then we should absolutely get behind the dude.
I just hope he doesn't become another dead president. And I really hope he doesn't pick Hitlery as vice president.
February 12, 2008 7:43 PM<<<
we will never leave iraq, as long as we allow these dual citizen jews to be in our government, communist, whose only care in this world is one world government and itsalie.
In hindsight, all you had to do to become rich in America in 2000 was go long with GWB. That is, go long big oil, West Texas crude, Halliburton, Defense stocks, war machine, etc.
In the Obama presidency, I guess going long with Hussein Osama means going long welfare state, food stamps, affirmative action, Kenya, the Congo, Africans, $ for Aids, Muslims, etc.
It makes so much sense. This country is obsessed with pop culture. So while we were watching Angelina Jolie, Maddona and Oprah adopt African children, lobby for $ for African Aids assistance and start schools in Africa, this country was enriching REIC, Wall Street, Big Oil and Oil rich Muslim countries and letting the quality of its people, infrastructure, education and manufacturing base deteriorate. All the while there were so many needy young, sick and uneducated people in this country we could have been helping. You know, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, Christian, Buddist, Muslim, whatever. Americans!
Now we are going to bring an African president to power. When can we have a president that we can long on Americans. You know, hard work, manufacturing base, infrastructure, etc.
For Keith's sake, if we are going to have a Black president, why does it have to be one with a Kenyan and Muslim background?
One thing you hopefully won't argue with Keith is that as it becomes clear that Hussein Osama is going to win, the housing and other asset price declines should really kick into high gear.
Barack Hussein Obama is a truly once-in-a-century transformational leader, uniquely positioned to help America recover from the stench of the Bush Administration, and reposition America as the country of hope, optimism, morals and freedom.
A young black man leading the most powerful country on earth is also a moment of inspiration and change whose importance will never happen again once it happens, a moon-shot for the 21st century.<<<
who is it that writes this bullshit???
Take from the rich, give to the government and make the poor subservient to the government. It's nothing new. It's seductive. It's popular. He's young, but the ideas are not. He's preaching socialism in an inspirational style, but it's still socialism. If I'm forced to choose between only two (and I'm not sure that I am), it will be McCain - the more moderate of the two candidates.
Again taking inspiration from Mish...?
Did you know that Obama is a big fan of Che Guevara?
All 4 leading candidates are horrible.
are you voting for Mr. Suave-Bull$hitter with no experience
(Mr Suave-Bull$hitter) You're talking about Bill and Hillbillary, right?
I met both Obama and Hillary on their respective campaign trails.
Obama autographed my watermelon.
I gave Hillary a cigar and wished her good luck.
Anonymous said...
“I refuse to accept voting for the lesser of two evils. It's unprincipled and that's how we got into the mess we are in.
Ron Paul is the only candidate who is telling the American people the truth and also telling them what must be done to fix the mess.”
Right on anon. I will be voting for Ron Paul, write in or otherwise. This “vote for the lesser of two evils” is what has gotten America in trouble in the first place. Vote for the best person for the job, period. Sure, you’ll be hearing “you’re just throwing your vote away”, but what would be worse is voting for someone just because the MSM thinks they have the best chance. If you don’t vote your conscience, morals, what are you voting for anyway?
Need a better reason? If Obama is president, who do you think will be Vice-President?
What would you do for a Klondike bar? Would you sell out Ron Paul?
Based on your your post, I am no longer an HP'er. So long pal
Previous long time reader...
Your's Tuly,
- Waiting for Godot
I'm from Chicago and I can tell you that I am sick and f- ing tired f-ing the political machine that runs rough shod over the working middle class in this shit hole of a city. And Obama is their puppet. Keith, you are dead ass wrong here. Obama will be the biggest mistake for this counrty. Mark my words. 4 years from now you have a little vote on the right side margin and it will read 99% wished they did not vote for this nobody. Save this msg. Print it out. Stick it to your fridge, and read it every day that we live in hell here. Go to his web site and read his issues. TRY and add up all the new funding that will be required for his ideas of change. You wanted communism, we will get it. Guess this is a big joke to you since you are hiding out in jolly old England, tho.
P.S. The angry urban aficans here in Chicago violently rioted EVERY time of the 6 times the Bulls won the NBA championship. I cannot wait to see them tear shit up when Obama wins!! I just hope they televise it so ya'll can see his roots with your own eyes.
P.S.S. If Obama does not get the nom or if he loses by a hair in the General, be ready for some rioting BIG TIME!
We will be in for a show!!!!!!
This country needs Ron Paul. I have voted Republican for a long time, but will not vote for McCain.
The economy cannot withstand the continuation of war in Iraq or anyplace else. It is time to take care of THIS country and OUR people and put our money into our own problems.
The best thing Obama can do is get Ron Paul to advise him on the sly - he is going to need his advice.
I'm not voting for a guy who has a last name that sounds muslim
So, if he changed his last name to Hitler or Stalin then you would vote for him. Neither of those names sound muslim.
Obama is not muslim, idiots. He's christian (which, in my mind, is just as absurd and fanciful, but hey, that's me).
Obama offically belong to the Trinity Christian Church in Chicago. They are a black sepratist church. No white person male or female could belong to such a pro-white church and get away with it.
About Us
We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.
The Pastor as well as the membership of Trinity United Church of Christ is committed to a 10-point Vision:
A congregation committed to ADORATION.
A congregation preaching SALVATION.
A congregation actively seeking RECONCILIATION.
A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.
A congregation committed to BIBLICAL EDUCATION.
A congregation committed to CULTURAL EDUCATION.
A congregation committed to LIBERATION.
A congregation committed to RESTORATION.
A congregation working towards ECONOMIC PARITY.
anon said: "Well, considering McCain was tortured in Vietnam, I think McCain has a much better understanding about war then any of the other candidates."
WTF? This alone makes him unfit to be president.
Anonymous said...
Sane foreign policy? He said the USA should invade Pakistan to find OBL.
Benazir Bhutto before she was killed said OBL was dead...
2 min 15 sec's in!
Some people say "Obama might talk big and then MAYBE not produce change". I say "Maybe, but McCain and Hillary talk big and DEFINITELY will not produce change." I'd rather give him a chance and MAYBE America can start turning itself around.
Well, considering McCain was tortured in Vietnam, I think McCain has a much better understanding about war then any of the other candidates.
We're not at war dude. How can you be at war with terrorists??!! Especially terrorists that never came from the country you invaded in the first place!! Get us the f out of the Middle East for f*cks sake!! We have no business being there and I would like somebody to explain to me how the hell they think Islamic terrorism is not a response to US intervention in the Islamic countries. How can anybody say that and expect to be taken seriously???!! Idiots!!!
"This is a post to let you know that your "blowing in the wind" attitude in symptomatic of why we (the USA) deserves the government we get. You dish out the strong right/wrong judgements on this blog daily and you can't even make up your own mind about what is right or wrong for the country. Your credibility just took a huge dump in the crapper"
It's called being pragmatic, something sorely lacking in modern day America where both the left and right are obsessed with their own narrow ideologies.
I worked for old white women and they are mean and nasty, know it all, very judgemental.
So they ALL must be too huh you racist sexist prick?
Mark in San Diego said...
I agree that Obama would repair our foreign relations,
ofcourse he will! Bec he will get walked on by ANY world leader with more experience than him!
You are out of line on this endorsment post ...
HousingPANIC is a group forum; you are only the leader as you started the blog years ago.
However, what makes this blog so unique and valuable is the 'group' think of the loyal bloggers here.
You only speak for yourself. You do not speak for the group. I urge you to restate your post to reflect that the endorement is being made by you and not HousingPANIC.
If you continue to attempt present your policitcal positions as those of the 'group' think... you are going to destroy this unique group by driving off many loyal bloggers.
A vote for Obama is an
OBAMAnation! (pronounced abomination)
Here is the dictionary definition:
a·bom·i·na·tion - Pronunciation [uh-bom-uh-ney-shuhn]
–noun 1. anything abominable; anything greatly disliked or abhorred.
2. intense aversion or loathing; detestation: He regarded lying with abomination.
3. a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.: Spitting in public is an abomination.
I work at one of the major global banks and I can say with 100%certainty: walking away is not immoral, it's a business decision, protect yourself because the bank doesn't give a f*ck about you, you are just someone we can suck money from.
Immoral is banks like mine charging insane interest rates on credit cards and mortgages, using tricky language to sucker in stupid people, etc.
In the area of banking I work in, we have very rich clients walking away from deals all of the time (this is before the credit/housing crunch) and nobody ever brought up morality. You'd probably be laughed out of your job. It's all business, period. Unsecured loans are seen as the holy grail for clients around here because everyone knows if a rich guy walks away on an unsecured loan there's probably nothing we can do about it.
It's time people got with the program and stop getting suckered. Declaring bankruptcy is a very small price to pay to free yourself from debt. Just do it, learn from your mistake and move on.
By the way, if you ask how I can live with myself after saying all this... I have never sold any banking product to a retail consumer, I have only ever dealt strictly with rich individuals and companies doing business/investment loans, so if they screw up and we have to bring down the hammer I have no sympathy :)
During the primaries, its the right thing to vote for the person who most closely reflects your views....like many of you who back Paul. But during the actual election, you must vote for someone who can lead best. They all have good qualities, and limitations. And they all will have a cabinet to depend on, and a legislative branch to overcome, but the President must be a leader. We've just experienced a President for the party's sake, and that isn't the best criteria. Now's the time to pick a leader.
Rational choice Keith!
I hate listening to Mccain he's so FAKE
I suppose hillary is sooooo real?
Ok, I just re-read your post (still in total disbelief as Obama's positions contradict everything this site stands for) and noticed a major contradiction - first you said:
I'll be against a good deal of what Obama proposes ... raising taxes on high earners and entrepreneurs to pay for entitlements
and then you said
But I'll be for so much more ... a pro-business entrepreneurial economic policy
Huh? Which one is it?
Unfortunately, her boss was so impressed with Mr. Suave fairy tales at the water cooler break that he decided to giver her promotion to Mr. Suave.
you forget that the working mom is quite a futures trader who could get her seat back on walmarts BOD. So, don't feel sorry for poor working mom.
It's obvious that anyone who doesn't like Obama is an ignorant racist and Islamophobe. I hate all you Christian nutjobs.
Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
I normally vote Republican but gave up on them after the neocons took over the party. I would take Hitlary over Obama because he nothing but talk. He would make a great realtor or mortgage broker. He can offer his clients lots of "hope" and nothing else of substance. I'm not surprised he charmed all the old white women. He's a charlatan. You know he has 100% of the black vote. The Mestizos want him because he wants amnesty and open borders. The under-25 crowd wants him because they are dumb and easily influenced by the shallow "cool" guy.
i used one of those talk show advertiser roofing companys once and my roof leaked from day one on a new instalation, sort of like the result gotten from one of the candidates they brainwash me into voting for.......
Great comments, and I expected 30% of you to be pissed
Obama is winning the HP poll 70% to 30% right now (right hand sidebar)
Meanwhile, for the "Obama sucks" crowd, are you excited to vote for McCain, or being such a lousy candidate will you just sit it out?
McCain = Bob Doll. A perfect example of a party nominating someone because it was "his turn", when he had no chance of winning and was a pretty lousy candidate.
If the GOP had nominated Romney or Huckabee, I would have had a tougher time choosing a candidate. But McCain made it easy for me. The only chance the GOP has this year is if McCain has a health problem between now and the convention.
did not get to choose a young asian, but richardson is looking very fine today as a new mexican
is there a write in for revolt? beyond revolting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in the olde days of old new york...irish vrs italian, , where the irish considered the italians brown and both built a great city, and much of the country of the last century, now blindly we get a black half white, black as president, and never had our italian? what mafia jokes we missed out on, why they even have a gay mafia nowadays. sad.
Now that I've calmed down and thought about this rationally, I realized you're actually a closet Republican.
Electing Obama (or the slightly less extreme Hillary) would result in a seriously disastrous one-term presidency, guaranteeing a massive Republican takeover of government and Republican rule for the next 30 years.
I'm seriously considering voting for the Democratic candidate and convincing others to do the same for this reason alone.
To sum it up:
McCain wins: One-term disaster followed by 30 years of Democratic rule.
Obama wins: One-term disaster followed by 30 years of Republican rule.
I choose the latter.
i come from a suburban community and the only problem we ever had was multi racial, multi religious and multi ethnic drunken driving that use to be able to be avoided by walking leaving no reason to hear "das papers please"...
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