Want to know a secret? There were two moments I especially enjoyed at
the CNN/YouTube debate -- despite my frustration at some of the
questions, and the maldistribution of time.
First, I was pleased at John McCain's attack, which he clearly had
planned. Not because that sort of stream-of-consciousness nonsense about
Hitler and WWII -- when the neocons openly want what they call WW IV! Are
we to forget that the first war crime charged at Nuremberg was waging
aggressive war?
I mean this: mainstream politicians NEVER attack an opponent they think
is far behind. The McCain campaign, we've heard, is worried sick about
New Hampshire, and they thought a slam at me would help. Ha! Of
course, it only strengthened our forces.
Then, after the debate, Rudy Giuliani walked up to me and said, "Oooh,
you sure have a LOT of supporters." It's only the beginning, I told
Indeed, he could have told that by the crowd outside after the debate.
Mitt Romney had a few people, but no one else did. We, on the other
hand, had about 500 enthusiastic revolutionaries, plus a boat, a trolley,
and two planes towing lighted signs. As I looked out at the crowd, I
thought: the establishment has no idea of what they are facing. We have
an army of freedom, prosperity, and peace. As the LA Times political
blog noted the other day, the British also thought they had no problem with the Americans--until Yorktown.
But we have an astoundingly short time before the first contests. The
Iowa caucuses are on January 3, the New Hampshire primary is on January
8, and Nevada and South Carolina are both on January 19. We have only
30 days to stake our claim to the nomination, and to the new America
that restores the ideals of the founders, and leads the world through
free enterprise, a sound dollar, the rule of law, and peaceful example.
Not through inflation and bombs.
Help me surprise the neocons and all the establishment with our
success. Help me build the foundation for the America we all want. Send your
most generous contribution: https://www.ronpaul2008.com/donate. The
military-industrial complex, the biased media, the big banks, the Fed,
the waterboarders, and the IRS don't like what we're doing. But every
good American is applauding us, and daring to hope for a better future.
Please, help me give it to them, to us, to all Americans to come. Keep
this revolution growing and winning: https://www.ronpaul2008.com/donate.
December 03, 2007
A letter from Ron Paul
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Labels: ron paul 2008
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You know what's hilarious about Ron Paul? All of his dumbass followers who are sending him the FEC maximum are being conned.
The guy hasn't spent hardly any of his money on campaigning. And after he gets crushed in the GOP primary with his 3% or so of the vote, all that unspent money becomes -- his.
Pocket change that he can spend any way he wants to.
Gullible Ron Paul retards are basically ensuring that he never has to work another day in his life.
Talk about "DOPES!"
PS -- Another example of how stupid he is... Giuliani's comment was clearly made *sarcastically*. Very few people other than internet trolls support Ron Paul, because he's a batshit-crazy right-wing moron. Sure, he says some things that make sense every once in a blue moon, but he also has the enthusiastic support of David Duke and the Grand Knights of the KKK -- and refuses to lift a finger to criticize them or even send his money back.
well there is talk that if the republican party disses him and i think they will, that ron paul will run as a independent.......in that mode, i think it is higly probably if he builds a good machine, that he can and will win because people are sick of this whole mess, sick of the lies and sick of the crap that is going on in washington and sick of the taxation and the wasting of money that goes on everyday in that hell hole. is it any wonder that a man who speaks from the heart, who says what he thinks and thinks what he says, in this year, 2007, will at this very moment in history be able to gain the presidency in the race to come? nope...for you see, this man came along at the right time, saying the right things(which are for the most part all true) and being who he has always been...so, has ron paul changed? God forbid. so who has changed? we have. we have been dragged kicking and screaming into the wonderful wide world of active citizenship and proactive politics.......this scares the hell out of the rulers of this world. for if he does make it , he will change the plans that have been on the books for this country since the revolution....
Anon @ 10:56
Hmmm...a man with a strong belief system who speaks from the heart, has a large fringe following, and runs as a third party candidate?
Are you talking about President Perot or President Nader?
"Very few people other than internet trolls support Ron Paul, because he's a batshit-crazy right-wing moron."
You sound shrill and scared.
To the first anony-mouse poster.Your lack of intelligence is very evident.Usually I like to make fun of people like you ,but damn,your idiotic post did it for me.Thanks for the laugh,at your expense of course.
Neocon dumbasses are afraid of ron paul. Even if Paul doesn't win, he will draw away enough votes to keep the Neocon creeps out of the white House. I usually vote Republican, but I'd rather see Hitlary in the White House than any of the other Neocon Bush-clone creeps. I'd take the dummycrap fascism over bushista fascism. We're dead with either of them anyway. I'd prefer Ron Paul's Freedom though.
McCain will be lucky to remain in Politics after the 2008 election cycle. Maybe he can be dog catcher of Scottsdale - maybe not.
He is a hapless doof that walked himself out on a limb and then sawed it off and killed himself by shamelessly promoting illegal alien amnesty and blindly supporting George W. Bush's insane illegitamate programs.
McCain should be investigated and if found guilty, placed in a bamboo hut in downtown phoenix and poked with sharp sticks by little pissed off men for the rest of his unnatural life. Feed him warm rainwater and dead bugs. He is used to it and may acquire a taste again...
McCain is an embarrassment to all that was good in American.
I honestly don't care what platform he runs under he has my vote. I don't agree with everything he says such as 9/11 but he is simply the right person to turn our country around and make us strong again.
I have a question for you Paul nuts who also wish for an economic meltdown.
Don't you realize how the latter would destroy the former?
When did socialism first arrive to the US? The 1930s after an economic meltdown. If another GD or even a severe recession comes, the same thing will happen. Hitlery and a Dem congress will establish "FREE" health care. And that is only the start. You think her bailout idea is bad? You ain't seen nothing yet. Look for subsidized housing for the "victims" of subprime. Forget rate freezes, we will see debt elimination altogether. You think taxes are high and govt has too much power? Just you wait till 8 years of Hillary have passed. You'll be wishing for the good old days of Bush and only a $10T debt.
Ron Paul has no chance. You know that, I know that. His ideas though may morph into a movement for 2012 or 2016 or 2020. Unlikley but not impossible if someone a little more charismatic and a little less nutty looking takes over.
But if HIllary wins and the crash you all want happens, his ideas are dead. When unemployment hits 20%, nobody will give a fuck about gold standards. They will vote for the guy/gal who will give them free shit. Just like they did in the 1930s. And you might as well kiss this country goodbye.
Careful what you wish for. Those laws of unintended consequences can sure be a bitch.
The first poster is clearly wearing a tinfoil hat and preaching to pigeons in the park. Dr. Paul DOESN'T EVEN COLLECT HIS CONGRESSIONAL PENSION.
It's impossible to smear Ron Paul with his actual words, because they make sense and are completely consistent...so the neo-cons are simply making stuff up out of thin air. It's flattering to know that we are finally being taken as a serious threat, but really...the masterminds behind the Swift Boats can do better than that.
Also, you made up poll numbers out of thin air. Ron Paul is over 7% nationally, not 3% -- and that is amongst registered Republicans that answer random calls to their land line from unknown numbers during the evening (i.e. those who still have a land line AND are too dumb to use caller ID to screen telemarketers).
As should be clear from straw polls, post-debate polls, donation totals, and campaign rallies, his real support is much higher. Did you hear about the Giuliani rally that drew more Ron Paul supporters than Giuliani supporters? Hahahahahaha!
That's OK, though. When Ron Paul becomes President, free speech will be OK again and you can say any damn fool thing you want. Just don't count on being listened to.
To the dumbass anonymous #1. People are willing to give their money and have full faith that Ron Paul is not ripping them off because of his solid gold record. You clearly do not know anything about this man and you're probably just some pro-Guiliani, pro-war fucktard.
Here's a vision of freedom straight from Rudy Ghouliani's mouth:
"We look upon authority too often and focus over and over again, for 30 or 40 or 50 years, as if there is something wrong with authority. We see only the oppressive side of authority. Maybe it comes out of our history and our background. What we don't see is that freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."
Wow, is Rudy a man of the ages or what? I wonder where people get the comparison to Mussolini? And the rest of those CFR Neocons that call themselves Republicans are not any better.
well there is talk that if the republican party disses him and i think they will, that ron paul will run as a independent.......in that mode, i think it is higly probably if he builds a good machine, that he can and will win because people are sick of this whole mess
No, he won't win, he'll just take enough conservative votes away from the republican candidate to guarantee that Hillary wins and America is destroyed.
well there is talk that if the republican party disses him and i think they will, that ron paul will run as a independent.......in that mode, i think it is higly probably if he builds a good machine, that he can and will win because people are sick of this whole mess, sick of the lies and sick of the crap that is going on in washington and sick of the taxation and the wasting of money that goes on everyday in that hell hole.
Dude, running as an independent is utterly pointless in this country. There's two parties - that's it - nobody is going to win as an independent and that's why these fuckers in the mainstream media always ask Ron the question: "Will you consider running as an independent if you don't get the Republican party nomination?". It's a veiled insult aimed at marginalizing Ron Paul - that's all it is.
RON PAUL following is growing here in Riverside Ca!!!
ron paul wins virginia straw poll last saturday...well, well, well, lost somewhere in the vast information overload. somehow the major media missed this. gee, i wonder why?
Signs that can be printed out from his site cost nothing.
The guy hasn't spent hardly any of his money on campaigning.
Had you actually read their web pages - you'd know that they spent over 3 million in October alone. In fact they were asking for people not to wait until December to donate since they needed to spend the money on their campaign now.
all that unspent money becomes -- his
You're talking about the same guy who gave back his salary increase back to the treasury right? He voted against salary increases and refused to take them - unlike anyone else in Washington.
So even if it does become his, at least he deserves it. But chances are that he'll give it to someone needier.
PS -- Another example of how stupid he is... Giuliani's comment was clearly made *sarcastically*.
Or it might show how stupid Giuliani is. Besides the very rich and corrupt - who's supporting Mr. G?
BTW wasn't Giuliani the guy who didn't understand the term blowback?
Very few people other than internet trolls support Ron Paul
And the 4.3 million raised in one day was donated by who? Internet trolls? Get a clue!
because he's a batshit-crazy right-wing moron
Well, if we're going to start calling people names - then maybe you should start looking in the mirror to see who's batshit crazy?
Do you have a specific point you don't like in his platform - or are you just venting any stupid ramblings which are rolling around in that hollow head of yours?
but he also has the enthusiastic support of David Duke and the Grand Knights of the KKK
So what? If he got support from the Dalailama - would that mean that he's Budhist? I can only imagine what you would say if Putin endorsed him... He'd have to be a COMMUNIST!
Desperation bordering on the cusp of madness.
and refuses to lift a finger to criticize them or even send his money back.
Buddy - go back to school and do some research.
Besides the lies, slurs and inuendo - do you have anything useful to add to the discussion?
I'm not saying Ron Paul is the best - but for God's sake man... open your eyes and look at the alternatives. Everyone else wants to be fighting perpetual wars and bringing people home in body bags.
You're not going to get any sympathy from your readers, Keith, because the majority of them are Republican Fascists who are voting for Giuliani. Your blog is infested with Republican Fascists typing straight out of a government desk in Washington, while we, taxpayers, pay their salaries.
Or it might show how stupid Giuliani is. Besides the very rich and corrupt - who's supporting Mr. G?
People who eat babies.
I know you won’t post this comment but your blog is now becoming what we claim we despise. You are censoring comments that you don’t agree with. I wrote yesterday that the first two posts on this thread were written by the same person. I am now convinced that person was you. You are purposely writing protagonistic and antagonistic posts simply to bait people. You should not have to resort to such tactics, your blog is very informative and has helped so many, including myself. I will start to copy the posts not and save them and will demonstrate if needed why the same individual (I am now convinced it is you) has been posting messages both pro and con to bait people. Has the viewership of your blog really decreased that much that you would have to resort to World Wrestling Federation moves. Keep it real Keith, I am not the only one who sees through this.
housingonsteroids - I don't spam my own blog
only solution to conspiracy theories like yours would be to ban anon posts but I think they add something
I do wish people would at least sign their posts with a user name or choose "other"
I deleted your original post because after looking at the first two posts here it's pretty obvious they weren't from the same person, unless they were a total schitzo
God help us, Ron Paul may deliver us from our zionist masters.
I don't know how this is even possible, Lord knows we don't deserve it.
Frank@Scottsdale-Sucks.com said "he'll just take enough conservative votes away from the republican candidate to guarantee that Hillary wins and America is destroyed"
Yeah, Bush has done wonders for America. Housing bubble, budget deficit, warrantless spying, $100 oil to help his Texas buddies...I do not think Dems can do much better.
To the first anonymous poster....
obviously your an AIPAC supporter and therefore scared shit of Dr. Paul.
Funny how the frightened neocons call Dr.Paul crazy.
Crazy is when Romney said he would consult his lawyer before congress when faced with an imminent national threat
Crazy is Huckabee setting up a bridal registry at target so his constituents could send him illegal gifts, or sending Arkansas tax money to Mexico so they could build a consulate in Little Rock, or smashing all the computer hard drives in the Governors office, then asking a judge to drop the charges so he can become President.
I'll take Ron Paul crazy anytime......
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