She's the First Lady people. A poll-led, disingenuous, contrived and laughable candidate. And after 20 years of Bush's and Clinton's, if I see another one I'll go postal.
America is NOT this dumb. No way. And Hillary Clinton is not a serious candidate for President. Neither is Mike Huckabee or Rudy Giuliani, but for some reason, their names are still out there.
Never in my life have I seen such laughable and pathetic candidates. 300 million people and this is what the two corrupt parties can come up with?
It's time for a revolution HP'ers. If you're a "Dem" or a "Rep", it's time to seriously ask yourself why. It's time to think for yourself. And it's time for an Independent candidate. The corrupt Democrats and Republicans in power got us into this mess. And what I'm seeing from the 2008 crew is seriously just a joke.
An Independent can win the White House in 2008. Just wait. The Housing Crash changes everything.
December 17, 2007
Just so I'm on the record on this one - Hillary Clinton disgusts me.
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Labels: 2008 election, bloomberg 2008, corrupt politicians, ron paul 2008
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Message from Ron (12/17/07)
What a day! I am humbled and inspired, grateful and thrilled for this vast outpouring of support.
On just one day, in honor of the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, the new American revolutionaries brought in $6.04 million, another one-day record. The average donation was $102; we had 58,407 individual contributors, of whom an astounding 24,915 were first-time donors. And it was an entirely voluntary, self-organized, decentralized, independent effort on the internet. Must be the "spammers" I keep hearing about!
The establishment is baffled and worried, and well they should be. They keep asking me who runs our internet fundraising and controls our volunteers. To these top-down central planners, a spontaneous order like our movement is science-fiction. But you and I know it's real: as real as the American people's yearning for freedom, peace, and prosperity, as real as all the men and women who have sacrificed for our ideals, in the past and today.
And how neat to see celebrations all across the world, with Tea Parties from France to New Zealand. This is how we can spread the ideals of our country, through voluntary emulation, not bombs and bribes. Of course, there were hundreds in America.
As I dropped in on a cheering, laughing crowd of about 600 near my home in Freeport, Texas, I noted that they call us "angry." Well, we are the happiest, most optimistic "angry" movement ever, and the most diverse. What unites us is a love of liberty, and a determination to fix what is wrong with our country, from the Fed to the IRS, from warfare to welfare. But otherwise we are a big tent.
Said the local newspaper: "The elderly sat with teens barely old enough to vote. The faces were black, Hispanic, Asian and white. There was no fear in their voices as they spoke boldly with each other about the way the country should be. Held close like a deeply held secret, Paul has brought them out of the disconnect they feel between what they know to be true and where the country has been led."
Thanks also to the 500 or so who braved the blizzard in Boston to go to Faneuil Hall. My son Rand told me what a great time he had with you.
A few mornings ago on, I saw a YouTube of a 14-year-old boy that summed up our whole movement for me. This well-spoken young man, who could have passed in knowledge for a college graduate, told how he heard our ideas being denounced. So he decided to Google. He read some of my speeches, and thought, these make sense. Then he studied US foreign policy of recent years, and came to the conclusion that we are right. So he persuaded his father to drop Rudy Giuliani and join our movement.
All over America, all over the world, we are inspiring real change. With the wars and the spying, the spending and the taxing, the inflation and the credit crisis, our ideas have never been more needed. Please help me spread them in all 50 states. Victory for liberty! That is our goal, and nothing less.
We're a Banana Republic for even considering electing a First Lady
The time for an Independant has been here since 1996...
Though Hillary is supposedly doing so well in the poles, I have yet to meet a person who intends to vote for her.
The MSM does not acknowledge Ron Paul for the most part, and it is limiting his numbers. You should not even acknowledge candidates that you find unpleasant. Do not aid to that candidate's name recognition.
Unfortunately, the person stuck with the job of president will inherit this economic meltdown. After the past two presidential elections, it is clear that "the people " no longer elect the president. The president will be installed by the criminal banking cabal led by Rockefeller and AIPAC. That person will either be Rudy the Nazi or Hillery the corporatist.
Funny, the morons who voted Bush/Cheney twice into office are now telling us that Hillary is a no-no. Do you guys any credibility left? Here's a headline for you:
Bush supports Russia sending enriched uranium to Iran
Weren't you the guys selling the Iran Kool-Aid here a few months ago, how Bush should invade Iran yada yada yada.
So, only the people with a functioning brain, and who didn't vote for Bush/Cheney twice should be suggesting candidates. Not you! If you voted for Bush/Cheney twice, STFU.
It is because of Bush senior's corruption that Bill Clinton got elected.
Then because of the Clinton's corruption that many Americans got so pissed they were fooled into voting for Bush II and even move corruption.
God help us if Americans are so stupid to re-elect Clinton version II corruption after finally waking up to Bush version 2 coruption.
Idiots who voted for Bush/Cheney have no business picking candidates. You have no credibility whatsoever, and you are the reason this country is in the toilet. Accountability anyone?
You have as much credibility as the NAR in my view. So, thanks but no thanks for your input re: presidential candidates.
Then because of the Clinton's corruption that many Americans got so pissed they were fooled into voting for Bush II and even move corruption.
Sure buddy, escape from accountability (the American way) and try to feel better by "alleging" that Clinton was corrupt so that's why you "had" to vote for Bush/Cheney twice. One term wasn't enough for you guys to see that Bush was the worst president in history. You needed 8 years + fake war + zillion corruption cases + pervert sex scandals + biggest deficit in history + biggest ponzi scam in history to get "wiser".
So again, if you IDIOTS voted for Bush/Cheney twice, you have no business telling people who to vote for.
Just STFU since you have no credibility whatsoever and YOU ARE GUILTY FOR HELPING THE GOP/BUSH/CHENEY/KARL ROVE/NEOCONS DESTROY THE COUNTRY AND KILL THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE IN A FAKE WAR. You have no credibility on picking candidates.
It takes a village idiot to vote for Hitlary. A chicken in every pot and an AIDS cocktail for every liberal
So Sleazy Willie left the dotcom crash for Dumbya and now Dumbya leaves the housing crash for Hitlary.
I forgot, the dotcom ponzi was a "good" stable economy while the housing ponzi was fraud.
Look at the dummycrat sheeple jump to the defense of the Ice Queen. Baaah Baaah IDIOTS!!!
I think we need a few more socialist programs like Social inSecurity and the Great Welfare Society. Nothing quite beats creating generations of people dependent on government handouts. Where do I sign up to join the victim class and get free services?
While I really do despise her, I would love for her to win for the sole purpose of seeing faces of the neocons who still talk about fellatio 10 years later- fellatio that shoudl have never made the news in the first place (thanks Ken Starr)-
Oh, then I could taunt and tease them that Hillary was President and watch their heads explode.
Nice to see the knee-jerk Republicans show up on this thread with their "dummycrat" stupidity.
Note to that crowd: You're just as bad. You're part of the problem, not the solution.
Drop the party crap. Both parties suck. You identify with one or the other because you're too weak to think for yourself.
Well, look where that's gotten us. You've been taken for a sucker, and thus, you're a sucker.
No more. It's time for a change. Both parties are corrupt. Both parties deserve to be kicked out on their asses. It's time to burn down DC and start over.
From Faux News:
Case Study #3: The Texas congressman's anti-war, U.S.-is-bogeyman message would seemingly make him a pariah among the Republican Party base. He also ranks near the bottom of most polls.
Still, Paul can't be ignored when it comes to the money game. He surpassed all previous fundraising records on Sunday, raising more than $6 million online in one day, in turn giving him more than $18 million this quarter. The campaign has attracted 118,000 contributors, with nearly 25,000 new donors just Sunday.
"We have the right message: freedom, peace and prosperity," said Ron Paul 2008 campaign chairman Kent Snyder. "We also have the right candidate: Dr. Ron Paul."
Paul's numbers have risen from nonexistent to about 5 percent in the last couple months, not enough to win the nomination, but certainly enough to motivate his irrationally exuberant, but small, core of supporters, who have frustrated poll-takers and opinion makers by unfairly weighting online polls and loading down talk radio shows with phone calls. That may cause Paul to lose credibility among news coverage providers, but it certainly has drawn notice.
I have not met one person who is voting for her, she has bought the media.
It’s amazing how blind you all are to what’s going on outside the world of blogs.
If you open your eyes and look beyond the horizon like you all did several years ago with the Real Estate market.
You’ll notice something interesting about Hillary.
Hillary IS the ‘American story’
Hillary IS every struggling American.
The Clinton days were good for America and the world.
Hillary was dragged out on the gutter and the Religious zealots mopped the floors with her.
All while Newt Gingrich was having an affair of his own, and we are likely to find the dirt on Ron Paul pretty soon too.
Hillary gets more abuse in the media from the left and the right then any other American.
Hillary is the candidate that we all openly say we hate her, but when we shut the curtain on the voting booth we’ll all select Hillary.
Hillary is the Real under-dog
( I know,I know all the little people with big conspiracy theories think Hillary is privileged like the ‘bankers’ or the Kennedys etc. but the rest of America sees and feels her struggle)
Anyway, like I said, if you raise your eyes and look out there you’ll know
That our next President is Hillary Clinton.
Good news is: it’ll give you kooks 8 more years of major conspiracy blogging.
Go Hillary – U are my hero
she's worse than that NAR guy. If you have Hillary again, please put something from Ron Paul there too... to clear out the clutter.
Deny whatever you want but my argument beats yours. You Bush voters have no business telling us who to vote for. And that goes to you too, Keith, since you voted for those two monsters. You are responsible for helping to destroy the country and killing thousands of innocent people by voting wrong. I don't expect you guys to give a f*ck because you're a bunch of selfish Americans with a lack of accountability. Deny, deny, deny and call names...what's new.
Baa waaa ha ha ha.
soo this whole “revolution” / Tea Party thing, ended up being one big flop.
See, I saved my money. actually bought flavored herbal tea ‘on sale’
And enjoyed it nice and hot, with a little honey and lemon.
What happened guys? I thought he was gonna raise a gazillion dollars, ooops I mean a gazillion gold coins.
And all he raised was: ahem, less then $7 mil in falling paper currency.
Haha he he tee heee.
If I laugh anymore I’ll have tea coming out my nose.
Guys this is really funny.
Viva la revelutionuts!!!
I’ve been visualizing rows of blimps with sacks full of silver and gold coins dangling underneath, and bloggers feverishly hitting keys on the keyboards, saying its now time to get back into the Real Estate market.
Oh Well, twas fun for a while, (not the donating money part though)
Notice the stupid Democrap Fascist sheeple have nothing to say about Hitlary and Obama's Wall Street bailout plans. The morons probably believe that the DemoRats are trying to help the "poor homeowners who were tricked" into 100% LTV option ARMs and will now lose their homes (which were never theirs). Give it up Keith, these left-wing knuckle dragging neanderthals are beyond reasoning with - they got their talking points from the DNC website and must regurgitate the garbage. Don't confuse them with the facts.
Hitlary will bring back the dotcom bubble!!! Everyone will become dotcom millionaires again.
I think we need a few more socialist programs like Social inSecurity and the Great Welfare Society.
The socialism you keep bringing up (it's the GOP catchy word, another bogeyman to scare sheeple) has been serving well republican bankers and republican cronies alike who get billions of dollars through a made up war. Provide health insurance for poor kids is bad, but give billions of taxpayer money to republican gamblers that go belly up with CDOs and SIVs, or to cronies making money with a fake war in Iraq, is great! No socialism there.
You GOP bootlickers need to move on because nobody here buys into your neocon rhetoric faxed from the White House. Go find stupid people to brainwash, like in AZ or any other parasite red state, for instance.
Have I told you that I sent money 4 times to Ron Paul?
She is a danger to herself and others, imo.
OMG. She's such a nasty bitch. She looks like the freakin Joker.
She's such a cold hearted bitch I bet she has to drink anti-freeze for breakfast.
"America is NOT this dumb. No way. And Hillary Clinton is not a serious candidate for President."
Wrong on both counts. She will win and yes America is this dumb.
"Blogger devestment said...
I have not met one person who is voting for her, she has bought the media.
December 17, 2007 11:59 PM
I don't know anyone named Adam. Guess nobody exists with that name .
Seriously folks. I dont see what is wrong with selecting a first lady as president. Or is that worst than being a doctor.
My take is, she is an OK candidate, she just f*cked up with the housing bailout crap. She really screwed herself with that. She definetely lost my vote. I was kind of in the middle between her and Ron, now it's all Ron. If Ron does not make it, I wont vote.
I'm not very interested in Hillary, but that video proves nothing. The questions were inflammatory and had no worthy answer. Why should Hillary care what her husband says about Obama? I don't have an opinion on it, but her answer was simple - because I have more experience than him.
I need to spend some time and watch the democratic/republican debates on youtube to start eliminating people.
Honestly, from the small parts I saw of RP in the Iowa debates (whom I like because I'm fiscally conservative), he didn't answer very well. You can see the polish of Mitt Romney...but I don't think I can vote for someone who looks so slick in such an obvious way (unlike Bill Clinton). There is no way I'm going for anyone who is strongly religious (Romney and Huckabee).
It's truly funny to see each candidate pick a pet topic as their own, like Fred Thompson's SS reform or Edward's whole back the poor people story. Will be an exciting year. :)
Watch this video (the whole video) if you love Hillary:
"Hillary is the candidate that we all openly say we hate her, but when we shut the curtain on the voting booth we’ll all select Hillary."
I want some of what you're smoking. Just a little...I don't want to end up in the emergency room.
Does that mean that will make a comeback?
We're a Banana Republic for even considering electing a First Lady
I have been thinking the same thing. Isn't that what happens in those f'd up south american countries?
While I really do despise her, I would love for her to win for the sole purpose of seeing faces of the neocons who still talk about fellatio 10 years later- fellatio that shoudl have never made the news in the first place (thanks Ken Starr)-
It wasn't about banging a chick in the oval office. It was about lying under oath. It was about getting some while talking to another head of state.... It was about a relationship with a subordinate that would get most people fired.
I forgot, the dotcom ponzi was a "good" stable economy while the housing ponzi was fraud.
Yea, funny how the clinton supporters overlook that. They blame bush for ruining that "stable" economy.
I have not met one person who is voting for her, she has bought the media.
No, the castrated MSM is ga-ga over the thought of a female president. Some people support her just because they think it is time for a female president. Doesn't matter who the candidate is.
Hillary gets more abuse in the media from the left and the right then any other American.
Yea, it really sucks when reporters ask her to answer a question, repeatedly. Who do they think they are? She is Hillary. She has paid her dues. She should have to respond to impromptu questions!!!
Seriously, did you what the video clip associated with this thread? Reminded me of the "news anchors" when the teleprompter breaks.
Hillary is the candidate that we all openly say we hate her, but when we shut the curtain on the voting booth we’ll all select Hillary.
uh, no. I will vote for ANY of the republicans before I vote for hillary. You may say one thing in public but do another behind closed doors (most libs are like this) but I don't.
Baa waaa ha ha ha.
soo this whole “revolution” / Tea Party thing, ended up being one big flop.
See, I saved my money. actually bought flavored herbal tea ‘on sale’
And enjoyed it nice and hot, with a little honey and lemon.
What happened guys? I thought he was gonna raise a gazillion dollars, ooops I mean a gazillion gold coins.
And all he raised was: ahem, less then $7 mil in falling paper currency.
Haha he he tee heee.
If I laugh anymore I’ll have tea coming out my nose.
Guys this is really funny.
Viva la revelutionuts!!!
I’ve been visualizing rows of blimps with sacks full of silver and gold coins dangling underneath, and bloggers feverishly hitting keys on the keyboards, saying its now time to get back into the Real Estate market.
Larry King Live Poll - Ron Paul Has 70% - Vote! THE FRONT RUNNER BY FAR!
Who, Bloomberg? He's a horrible nanny-stater like Huckabee.
Not alone. She's acting like she has already won and that she is a 6 million dollar woman.
I luv you Ron Paul, because you are one of us.
Huckabee looks good on most policy, until you read his bio:
He is an ordained Southern Baptist minister.
Just what we need. Another religious fanatic.
As my favorite band Rush appropriately said in their 2007 album:
"From the Middle East, to the Middle West, it's a world of superstition."
Yes, all the demoncratic and republisatanic candidates have already pledged their allegiance to israel.
They are, at this point, merely bought and paid for shabbas goyim for their jewish masters.
I wonder which puppet will get voted in this time?
East Bank?
Hillary IS the ‘American story’?
Really? She was born in prosperity,
She didn't struggle for shit.
She is a disingenous, power hungry,
insincere, lying, fake.
Hillary IS every struggling American?
NO, she exploits every struggling AMERICAN.
Hillary was born into privilege.
Do some research idiot.
Get ready for another Raw Deal from the Democratic Nazi Committee. Wall Street bailouts and more cradle to grave welfare for everyone.
Hillary seeding the audience:
Not that other candidates don't do the same, but it's something to think about anytime you see a Q&A from "random" audience members with "random" questions (for any candidate).
If RP is sincere,and means his every word then the office of President of the u.s.<--- is way beneath him.
By the way I would enjoy seeing what Hitlery does with Monica(: :)
Hilary reminds me of Nixon. Intelligent, cunning, and ambitious, but also corrupt and dangerous.
Huckabee doesn't believe in evolution.
I'm not sure where he thinks dinosaur bones came from. Noah's Ark I guess.
If it comes down between voting for a Demican or a Republicrat, I won't waste gas driving to the polls. I'll just file my paperwork to move to South America. At least their banana republics aren't $9 trillion in debt. I think more and more young educated Americans will be doing the same. They will be replaced by throngs of uneducated illiterate illegal immigrants funnelled in by both corrupt political potties. Say good-bye to social security and other welfare programs. Say hola to the 100,000 member MS-13 gang. They're just here to do jobs that Americans don't want to do, like hacking off the limbs of rival gang members.
I think all the candidates are bad. Even Dr Paul. My qualms about him are that his ideas are not practical. He really does need a revolution to get rid of the institutions he talks about.
It is like cooking a meal. You decide to make a stew, you put the water, the meat, the potatoes, and you cook it for a few hours. Suddenly, you decide you want to have this stuff grilled. You take them out and you put them on a grill. Let me tell assure you will be hungry for the night. This is what Dr Paul wants.
Our way of life has been altered considerably since our Founding Fathers wrote the constitution. I think it was a great idea but just as everything, with enough time, the country changed dramatically.
It is too late to change back with a vote. The government is using the rich people's money to pay the rest to vote for them. Older people will vote for them because of SS, unemployed ones for the unemployment insurance, freeloaders for the welfare, sick people for the Medical, poor people for the housing programs and such, businesses for grants, tariff protections, quotas and such.
Funny, but yet real story. I come from Bulgaria. See, we had communism there, and it was pretty cool. We didn't get any of the bad crap. Everyone was ok, and we didn't have KGB and Russian armies running amok. Anyway, after communism fell in 1989 everyone was excited about democracy, and they voted a democratic government in. It scraped all those social programs, and 3-4 years later socialists were voted back in. Why? Because the old people went to vote in droves since many lost a part of their pensions, prices increased and life was different.
In fair elections the older and the poor are the only one that matter because it is their livelihood that is on the line. See, for young people it is more of ideology. But once you get your family and life set by the system, you don't want it to fail. So anyone over 25-30 with kids and 401k and such will not risk it all on some wild idea.
Now, I know history pretty well, and let me tell you: no country just went on and change fundamentally just like that. With a simple vote of the people. I challenge you to show me a single example.
"Huckabee doesn't believe in evolution."
And liberals don't believe in science either!
"He is an ordained Southern Baptist minister.
Just what we need. Another religious fanatic."
But if he were a muslim you'd have no problem with that, would you?
man, what is going on with all the videos you post? it always tells me they are unavailable and taken off. is this video elsewhere? is youtube being censored?
"Anonymous said...
"Huckabee doesn't believe in evolution."
And liberals don't believe in science either"
Neocons do not believe in science, and liberals do not believe in economics. All the more reason to support RP.
Given the horrific problems that this country faces, the public should be outraged by the fact that we have one pool of candidates proposing socialistic bailout plans and another pool of candidates fixated on where the Bible validates their stands on abortion and policy towards gays.
You idiots better get this through your heads. Hitlery will be the next dictator of this country.
Huckabee doesn't believe in evolution.
I'm not sure where he thinks dinosaur bones came from. Noah's Ark I guess.
That one is easy. the bones are fake planted by "scientists" who stand to benefit from their discovery.
Seriously, that one explanation proffered by the religious establishment.
Bloomberg getting ready to move, as predicted
December 18, 2007 -- Mayor Bloomberg's aides have been reaching out to consultants from his past campaigns about whether they are free for a possible 2008 White House bid - including one who helped make his slick mayoral TV spots, The Post has learned.
The moves took place in the past few weeks, as the primaries for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees are about to begin - and aides have suggested that he will wait and see who the nominees are before making a decision about an independent White House run.
Bloomberg aides reached out to people involved in ad-making - including one who had been involved in creating the mayor's vaunted TV spots - asking about their availability in the coming months, the sources said.
That Bloomberg aides would look to lock up an ad team dovetails with what the mayor has privately told people about how he would spend up to $1 billion of his own fortune on an independent run, which would be played out mostly on the TV airwaves and through direct mail.
The Post has learned that a New York political activist who worked on the mayor's last campaign had been planning on joining up with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign team and reached out to discuss it first with Bloomberg's aides.
Bloomberg's advisers told the politico he should not sign up with another campaign and instead wait and see what happens with the mayor, the sources said.
The new flurry of activity by Bloomberg's political aides - led by Deputy Mayor Kevin Sheekey - comes amid speculation about whether the mayor will make a third-party campaign.
I think all the candidates are bad. Even Dr Paul. My qualms about him are that his ideas are not practical. He really does need a revolution to get rid of the institutions he talks about.
It is like cooking a meal. You decide to make a stew, you put the water, the meat, the potatoes, and you cook it for a few hours. Suddenly, you decide you want to have this stuff grilled. You take them out and you put them on a grill. Let me tell assure you will be hungry for the night. This is what Dr Paul wants.
Dummy, Ron Paul knows that he can't change everything overnight but at least turning this country around in the right direction would be a good start, don't you think?
The USA is like the Titanic. Ron Paul wants to grab the wheel and try to steer it away from that iceberg but of course inertia will stop him from doing a complete 180 in 60 seconds.
Has that dumb Bitch answered One hardball question yet!
And she wants to run this country?
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