Ron Paul is trying to raise $430,000 in the next three days to pay for an advertising blitz in the early primary states.
Give the guy $10 or more. It'll make a difference, and you should sleep better knowing you went down with a fight.
The only anti-war Republican
The only anti-Fed, pro-dollar candidate
The only pro-constitution, anti-government candidate
The only hope
HP identified Ron Paul as the only member of Congress who cared about our issues back in early 2006. Then he goes off and runs for President, and starts to catch fire! It's the duty of all HP'ers to give $10 or more. Make a difference. Take a stand.
Ron Paul will not quit. He's going to the GOP convention with a message, and if this housing crash and dollar meltdown worsen, and America starts to pay attention, Ron Paul can win.
Who else do the Republicans have? Mitt Romney? Rudy? Pahh-lease!
October 20, 2007
Urgent Ron Paul appeal for donations
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donated $5 a couple weeks ago to get a button. I suppose I can give $10 more to the man who will save our nation.
Are you stoned?
Americans don't want freedom, and freedom is what Ron Paul is all about.
Americans want SOCIALISM.
Ron Paul can't sell freedom to people who want socialism.
Ron Paul is a great man in a humble package. He doesn't have Romney's looks nor Fred Thompson's height and voice, but he has the most pristine voting record, in line with strict support of the Constitution, that any of us will ever see in our lifetimes.
I have watched this man's campaign unfold. The MSM and political powers that be are terrified of him, because many bloodsucking parasites in Washington will be out of work if he becomes the President.
The establishment will do their best to keep this man out of the picture.
Nobody votes in the Primaries except political junkies. And Giuliani, McCain, Romney, and Thompson will split that vote roughly evenly.
This gives us the unprecedented opportunity for Ron Paul to WIN THE REPUBLICAN NOMINATION. He is going to win it with at least 25% of the vote.
Step up. Register as Republican. Vote in your primary. This is the ONLY vote in your lifetime where the people will be heard.
Tell your friends. Even if they hate Republicans, register for the Primary and vote for Ron Paul. You can change your affiliation later and vote for whoever you like in the general election.
This primary is KEY and he will win.
Here's why and how Ron Paul is going to win:
There are ~200,000,000 eligible voters in the US.
On average 10% of the population vote in the Primaries. Only political junkies vote in Primaries.
That's 20,000,000 people who normally vote in Presidential Primaries.
Those 20,000,000 will split their vote roughly equally among Giuliani, McCain, Romney, & Thompson.
So, 20,000,000 / 4 = 5,000,000
That means we only need 5,000,000 votes for Ron Paul to win the Republican nomination.
5,000,000 / 200,000,000 = 2.5% of eligible voters
Ron Paul supporters very close to that 2.5% and with a little extra pushing, they will certainly be within a couple months. And unlike the supporters of the other candidates, nearly 100% of the Ron Paul supporters WILL vote in the primaries. They are fired up.
So unless the establishment candidates can somehow increase voter turnout among regular Republicans, Ron Paul is going to win. It's inevitable. We're almost beyond the point of no return and the only question now is how big of a landslide it will be.
Help push us over that SMALL hurdle. Ron Paul is going to win.
Republican fever. Catch it!
Ron Paul scares me, so I think that I'll refrain from contributing.
I just donated to his campaign based on the message you posted here; the first time I have donated to a campaign since Reagan '84.
Even if you think he can't win, it's still worth while to donate NOW, during the early primaries, for the important message it sends.
For too many years, the democrats and republican have "played ball" with each other to carve up our lives and way of life.
Someone needs to put an end to "dale caragnie politics." Someone needs to take this not-so-great generation of politicians to the woodshed, and it appears that Ron Paul may be the man who can do it.
Go for it folks. Donate your money to a candidate that has no chance of winning - both because he doesn't throw red meat to a war-hungry base, and because the Republican party has always be a plaything of the super-rich, and Paul isn't part of that system.
Then go home and pout when Paul doesn't win, and don't vote in November 2008.
That would be the best thing you could do for your country.
Karen said...
Ron Paul scares me, so I think that I'll refrain from contributing.
Baaahhhhhh. The sheeple have spoken!
Yes freedom is frightening. You would have to think for yourself and take responsibility for your own actions. This would be a big change from what we have in America today.
Sometimes you do what's right even when you have no real hope of winning. It's called 'principle'.
I've never made a donation for any politician - I think they are all pandering demagogues, making calculated, pragmatic yet empty promises to a short-sighted, greedy electorate.
But I just donated $50 to Ron Paul. Like I said, it's called 'principle'.
Give the guy $10 or more..... you should sleep better knowing you went down with a fight.
Man, you are amazing. The open admission about the reality of defeat is just astonishing.
This was the stuff ( not the $10 money aspect but the acknowledgment of the realities of the fight aspect ) written by Orwell on his involvement in the Spanish Civil War - and some books I read about the revolutionaries who supported the Dr. Sun Yet-Sen( sp?) revolution in China in 1922.
Just for that- count me in. And who knows ?
Amerikans today want socialism!
Their Lazy and want big brother to take care of them, feed, and provide education and medical care!
You know abb, that logic about Ron Paul supporters being more active does make sense. However, look at Howard Dean. During the 2004 democratic primary he was heavily favored due to his massive internet support. But then he lost by a ton because those internet voters never took the time to actually show up to the polls. I think we could be looking at the same scenario here.
Also November 5th, there is a donation drive. RP wants to collect the most money in a single day in campaigning history. HP, please do an announcement then too.
Look it up on youtube.
too bad he's not pro choice.
being anti-choice; that's not freedom.
The Sheep Said
Anonymous said...
Go for it folks. Donate your money to a candidate that has no chance of winning - both because he doesn't throw red meat to a war-hungry base, and because the Republican party has always be a plaything of the super-rich, and Paul isn't part of that system.
Then go home and pout when Paul doesn't win, and don't vote in November 2008.
That would be the best thing you could do for your country.
Yeah, the best thing I can do for my country is vote how I am told by the mainstream media and Poltical Party Operatives. Yeah, why vote according to my principles and values. Why not hope for change. The best thing I can do for my country is not listen to conforming zombies like you. True americans vote according to their values not according to whoever NBC and the RNC anoint as a winner 13 months prior to election. People like this annon who do not understand why we vote for Ron Pual would have said--no need to fight the English and King George they are the winners and you losers better stay home..........Its about principle not following the herd.
Just to let you know that quite a few "mormons" are not kool-aid drinkin' idiots. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR MR. CFR MITT ROMNEY.
Go Ron Paul!!
I sent $25 to help with the radio ads.
Go over to YouTube and search on Ron Paul, if you want to know more about what he has to offer.
Ron Paul can win if the system isn't totally corrupt. The other Reps are all the same, so they will splinter the neo-con votes. Also, Ron Paul voters are not apathetic. They will show up and vote.
Dean was sidelined by MSM because of the "dean scream." They have tried to do this with Dr. Paul, but it's different with the growth of blogs and youtube. Citizen media is informing more about these tricks. For instance, I wouldn't have known about CNBC taking down Dr. Paul's successful post-debate results if it weren't for a comment here on HP. they want us to think he doesn't have a chance. that the internet is this strange world of fringe voters, when everyone I know uses the internet.
not sure if this is true, but I've heard that the people being called for the votes bias against RP because 1) they only call land lines, and 2) they call people who voted in the last primary which are the die hard Bush neo-cons.
lastly, the anti-abortion issue bothered me too, but he is right to let the states decide on it. it is a complex personal issue. I understand where he's coming from given that he delivered babies and it's kind of arbitrary to say it's okay to destroy what he's about to deliver until such and such point. so basically if he wins, many states will retain legal abortions because he believes it's a state issue and he does not push his personal feelings about this on the states. I think this might be the most fair way to deal with such a tough issue when I put my personal feelings aside and try to look at it objectively.
How can you be "pro-constitution" and "anti-government" at once?
The founding fathers created the institutions of government.
I actually heard an arrogant media talk show host on Clear Channel Say,
"Ron Paul can not win simply because the media has not endorsed him."
Last time I checked The Media does not select our President.
Being pro-constitution is one matter - believing in a right to trial, believing in the separation of church and state, believing in the rule of law, balance of power, etc
Being anti-government means limiting government to its necessary roles, but not expanding government to interfere unjustly an unnecessarily with private lives and matters
the founding fathers would be disgusted with income taxes, bureaurocracy, entitlements, out of control spending, military adventurism, torture, secret prisons, illegal wiretapping, etc
Ron Paul scares me, so I think that I'll refrain from contributing.
Oh I know, its good to know you sleep well at night with George Bush at the reins..WTFU!
Being pro-constitution is one matter - believing in a right to trial, believing in the separation of church and state, believing in the rule of law, balance of power, etc
Being anti-government means limiting government to its necessary roles, but not expanding government to interfere unjustly an unnecessarily with private lives and matters
Keith, given all the economic destruction being heaped on this country by private bankers and their hedge funds, not to mention HMO's I dont think we can claim Government to be overly intrusive. In fact they've all but abdicated their role to private wealth and power. Now that would cause the founding fathers to have a heart attack. After all they risked life, limb and property to remove these private powers for our country.
if you all enjoy throwing away money, why not buy a McMansion,
not only will Ron Paul not get more that about ½ %of the cookoo vote.
But no one is a greater danger to freedom then Ron Paul.
Ron Paul is very afraid that the 'Christian white male' is loosing its monopoly.
Am very surprised you’re asking for people to donate worthless dollars, I would have
expected a call to donate ‘real money’ like gold coins or a basket of eggs.
All ye sheeple
All ye sheeple
There is only one man that can guaranty a weak dollar and a weak America.
Only 1 candidate that can actually work on bringing back the good ol’ days were the white male can actually have a reserved seat on a public bus, donate to Ron Paul and you wont have to share things with un-godly brown people.
If you believe that the MAN aught to wear the pants in your house dig deep into your pockets and donate now.
You fools actually think this nutjobs has a chance. You kidz are funny.
I can't get past his stance on the rights of women to have choice over their own bodies.
Did you know that there is no statistical difference in abortion rates between countries that outlaw the practice and those that give women the right to choose.
Did you know that the historic reduction in crime rates in the United States and the availability of abortion are directly correlated?
Ron P's stance on reversing RvW is where his campaign skids off the track. Not a penny Keith. Not a penny.
Legally Ron Paul is wrong, dead wrong, on Roe vs. Wade. This is settled law, and a woman has a right to choose under the constitution, and nationwide.
But at least he's not calling for abortion to be illegal. What he's saying is return the decision to the local level, to the states.
I'm against that, but I understand his logic, as it's consistent with this limited role for the Federal government in favor of state's rights
But in the end, in my book he's wrong on this issue, and it's the only one so far where we disagree.
That's a lot better than the other candidates, where we disagree on 50% or more
Just donated $50, first time I have ever donated to a presidential campaign and I have never missed voting for local or national since 84.
JimAtLaw said...
Done and done.
October 21, 2007 7:41 PM
Me too! Another $75.00!
Women's Rights Matter -
you're preaching to the choir with respect to being pro-choice. I'm pro-choice, but I also think Dr. Paul's idea to leave it up to the sovereign states is fair.
I would rather vote for a candidate who will end the invasion in Iraq (lives in Iraq matter too), end the "Patriot" Act (all our rights matter), etc.
Dr. Paul's personal stance on abortion turned me off, but then I listened to him more and I think he's right about it being a state issue. You can't tell me abortion is not a gray area, and the legal implications somewhat arbitrary. on one hand, a doctor is liable if the doctor harms a fetus that the women wants, but on the other hand the doctor is expected to abort it if desired. I do not feel I should push my beliefs on other states about such matters, just as I don't want them pushing their beliefs on my state.
To those of you who referred to me as a member of the reason for not supporting Ron Paul is his stance on choice. My spouse and I chose to abort our first pregnancy late in the second trimester because of anencephaly. Abortion is horrifying, but I cannot support a leader who is anti-choice.
I am also a strong supporter of weapons management, while Ron Paul is opposed to it. Ron Paul is not representative of my opinions on issues that are of great importance to me, so I won't support him.
And borkafatty, I don't remember saying anything about what I thought of George Bush.
Frankly, there isn't anyone in office or running who comes close to aligning with my values and dreams for America. Enough said.
In a society of 300,000,000 people it is impossible to have a one-size-fits-all government.
Abortion is a complex issue that must be decided by the community in which you choose to live.
Most everyone I know has never voted in a Primary in their lives(including me). But we're all registered to vote specifically for Ron Paul.
Daniel wrote...
"Baaahhhhhh. The sheeple have spoken! Yes freedom is frightening. You would have to think for yourself and take responsibility for your own actions. This would be a big change from what we have in America today."
I see. So, the only way I can think for myself is by agreeing with you. Does anyone else see the irony in that?
Borkafatty wrote...
"Oh I know, its good to know you sleep well at night with George Bush at the reins..WTFU!"
I haven't shared my opinion of George Bush. You might want to ask before you make assumptions.
I donated $25 the other day. I've been a lifelong democrat -- this is the first time I've ever actually donated money to a campaign.
Honestly, I've been skeptical of RP, but Hillary is warhawk and I'd like to see someone who makes financial sense run against her. Plus, the recent PBS interview (on you tube, ya'll can search it out 20 min, 2 parts) was very interesting, made a ton of sense, and relieved a lot of my fears about him.
If he makes the ticket, I'll probably vote for him. I'm definitely voting for him in the primaries.
Karen -
I don't think it's fair to paint Dr. Paul as anti-choice. He is not going to make abortion illegal. He's going to leave it up to the states to decide.
Also, I seriously doubt many states will rule that abortion in all scenarios should be illegal. In reality, not much would change. Women would just go to the nearest state that has legal abortions.
Then there's the poor teen in the bible belt who can't get a greyhound ticket argument, but they have trouble getting abortions now anyway because you can't force your will on other states. Again, not much would change, except maybe there will be a more profitable black market in RU-486 in some states.
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