May 05, 2007
Ron Paul is too smart to be President - too bad, because he gets it
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Labels: ron paul 2008
Ron Paul Wins MSNBC Debate Poll
Ron Paul steps into national spotlight
Congressman Ron Paul finished first in the MSNBC poll following the GOP primary debate last night held at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California. Dr. Paul received 43 percent, beating the second-place finisher by five points, and crushing the rest of the field.
he would get taken out if he won...
Let's become protectionists again, it worked so well in the 1930s.
What an excellent clip!
I skipped the debate because at this point I've decided that I'm voting democrat for no other reason than because I'm so damn angry at the Republicans who have spent us into oblivion.
Ron Paul might just lure me back. Damn, I wish he had a more authoritative voice.
I skipped the debate because at this point I've decided that I'm voting democrat for no other reason than because I'm so damn angry at the Republicans who have spent us into oblivion.
Ughhh! My best friend did this in 2006. He had a tantrum and voted for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. What both of you are saying is that you don't like Republicans spending a lot so you will vote for Democrats who will spend even more.
Fantastic logic.
Here's another alternative. Vote in the primaries for a Republican like Ron Paul who is commited to limited government. Vote for Libertarians. Don't vote. But for the love of god, don't vote for a Democrat who will just do more of the same just under a different banner.
Ron Paul would have a chance if he were running in 1908.
Smart guy, good ideas but come on, let's get real here. 50% of Americans pay $0 income tax. That same 50% gets the majority of government program spending.
How is a candidate who advocates the elimination of the IRS going to win?
The USA of 2007 is a socialist country. More people depend on the government for their existence than don't. Whether Hillary or Rudy or McCain or Obama win in 2008 will make no difference. By 2011 when we start this circus again, your taxes will be higher, and you will have ferwer freedoms. Repeat for 2015, 2019 and on and on.
i remember seeing him talking one time somewhere ......i am sure its on the net......he said he would get killed if he ever won the presidency and he did what he says he wants to do....this man is the real deal.....he makes the true owners of this country very , very nervous.....he is a man of principle.......with no vices....he is a man of yesterday....uncompromising in his beliefs......who says what he thinks and means what he says......
therefore he will never win....
If Americans had any decency, Ron Paul would win.
this guy is great.
>> Ron Paul is too smart to be President - too bad, because he gets it.
Well put, Keith. I didn't watch the debate, but was hoping someone would create a video clip like this. To anyone who did watch the debate, were any of the other (idiot) candidates rolling their eyes while Dr. Paul was speaking, specifically about the elimination of the IRS?
keith meister, while I don't agree with all your opinions, thanks for uncovering "ron paul" for me! the video of him is simply amazing! I couldn't imagine listening to the rest of the bunch talk aboug God, terrorism and hate.
Ron Paul might just lure me back.
if you support ron paul in the primaries, it is a way to help shape the debate on the republican side. you can still vote democrat in the presidential election if the republicans decide to go with crap.
I'd love to see a ron paul/kucinich ticket... ;-)
oh sweet, the wingnuts have found a new hero; wonder if he belives the moon landing was faked too
How is a candidate who advocates the elimination of the IRS going to win?
because it's obvious that income taxes don't work, so take them off the table. the wealthy will only find ways to take their money off the books.
for example, bill gates put his money into a tax sheltered foundation which, legally, only has to spend, I think, 5% of it's assets yearly by law which is probably below the return on their investments.
in this case, neither IRS policy nor FED policy impacts their wealth much. of course, the foundation would lose if equities crashed but, relatively, normal americans would be hurt that much more!
so, let's stop deceiving ourselves that IRS policy does anything, get rid of it and start real discussions about "paying for things."
I love Ron Paul too. I just wish he had a chance.
Voting democrat because you're mad at republicans is exactly the kind of stupidity that all of you will suffer for later. Go ahaed you moronic Gen-X / Gen-Y idiots. The 1st two generations unwilling to support and fight for their own country or believe the bible. Truly pathetic. You children don't get it, but you truly will when it's too late, and too let is just around the corner.
If he would back off about eliminating the income tax and the IRS, he would have a chance to win.
People are scared to make these kinds of significant changes to our economic system. However, I think Congress would have to go along with this.
I'm really sick of the idiotic claim that dems are tax and spend. Isn't that better than the repubs who are borrow, borrow, borrow and spend, spend, spend. What the hell are people thinking voting for republicans. The current administration has just about destroyed the USA.
Back in 1988 when Ron Paul was running for pres, I lived in Prescott Valley, AZ. My wife and I decided to go vote because he was on the ticket (My wife had met and talked to him a few years earlier at a convention, and she was impressed.) When the local results came in the total votes for RP in Prescott Valley: 2.
I wonder if it will be any different this time?
Two thumbs up for Ron, I really hope he wins. But he's gonna have to get a rifle and blast-proof Popemobile, and probably soon.
Look at this, from Paul's website:
Brief Overview of Congressman Paul’s Record
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.
How can you not like this guy, if not just because he is actually an HONEST politician? Isn't that worth its weight in gold (pun intended).
It sounds like Ron P. is a Libertarian. He really sticks out like a sore thumb from the rest of those candidates.
Really, I couldn't tell the difference between the rest of the Republican candidates. They all think, dress, and act alike, they were in (almost) perfect agreement with each other. What's the point?
Somebody needs to remind them that it is okay to disagree and dissent on the issues. Afterall, that is the American way. Remember, it is still okay and legal to think for yourself and be creative but apparently these guys didn't get the memo. It is almost spooky at how hard these guys are trying to sound like the guy standing next to him.
Ron Paul for Prez!
He's got my vote!
I just gave $100
I have to thank HP for introducing me to Ron Paul. I'm somewhat ashamed to admit I had never heard of him before (partial excuse is that I'm Canadian).
He's pretty extreme and I'm not sure I agree with all the components of his platform (gun control, isolationist foreign policy). But I love that someone is representing these points of view so that at least we are considering and discussing all elements of the policy matrix.
Thanks HP.
Ron Paul will be the Howard Dean of 2008
Let's hope he doesn't scream
I'm also going to donate to his campaign. He has a far shot of winning it, but the important thing is to get his view out to the general public. To influence the thinking of Americans.
If Ron Paul and Mike Gravel don't make it through the primaries they would make one hell of a 3rd party ticket. They are the only combo that can undo the damage of Chaney/Bush.
Paul is a Republican because it was the only way he could get elected, and Gravel doesn't seem too attached to the Democrats so it just might work.
Ron Paul is not an isolationist. He is against sending the US military around the world to protect countries like Japan, South Korea and Germany. Those countries are rich enough to defend themselves. Why does the US still have military bases in Germany? I thought the Cold War ended about 20 years ago? Is Germany going to be invaded by Luxembourg or Denmark?
Iraq was never our enemy until G Bush Sr made them our enemy.
The ***ish masters would never allow a non-inflationist to win
Really Fun interactive sight. See the votes before the debate and rate the candidates now. Ron Paul is # one, hands down. He creamed Rudi.
Ron Paul is not an isolationist. He is against sending the US military around the world to protect countries like Japan, South Korea and Germany. Those countries are rich enough to defend themselves. Why does the US still have military bases in Germany? I thought the Cold War ended about 20 years ago? Is Germany going to be invaded by Luxembourg or Denmark?
we have troops in over 120 countries around the world.....why is it we have this problem of not leaving??? can i ask, if indeed it would appear that after a unneeded conflict, we never seem to leave, then what makes anyone think we are ever leaving the middle east? why indeed.........
He just got my vote.
Thanks Keith
We DO NOT need the IRS! A national sales tax would replace it easily. A luxury tax on top of a 10-12% base tax is the GAAP that has long been considered.....It hits everyone at the same level. Make more/Spend more/taxed more. Problem is we need 100 Ron Pauls to be "Sacraficial Presidents" willing to give their lives for our freedom. Sad very sad.
Ron Paul would follow the Constitution which is what every President is supposed to do.
Two thumbs up for Ron, I really hope he wins. But he's gonna have to get a rifle and blast-proof Popemobile, and probably soon.
He's safe. He has zero chance of winning. Great guy, great message. We are freaking doomed :-)
"Ron Paul would follow the Constitution which is what every President is supposed to do"
You mean we don't need a flag burning amendment? And another amendment to ban gays from marrying? And another amendment to allow Arnold to be president? And another ammendment to require a balanced budget? And another amdendment to allow the ten commandments in courts? And another amendment to get rid of habeas corpus?
Gee, Ron Paul sure didn't get his GOP talking points. You know, the ones on how awful the constitution is and how it needs to be rewritten to suit their needs
when you compare this man, to the scum in this video (
sitting there yucking it up while the country dies and our boys and girls die for no good reason in a war that they should not be fighting.....God we have fallen many people making money off of this government beast, not caring about anyone or anything execept their precious retirement checks......see the women all dressed up in their gowns, looking so nice and laughing......oh God, it is not time to laugh now is it oh Lord but a time to cry.......cry for a nation that is hurting and dying a slow death.....and our people Lord, what are they doing? nothing but worrying about their own little worlds of their own making, talking on their cell phones, chasing the almighty dollar. But oh Lord, we ourselves have done this thing. We turned our backs on You , oh Lord....we surely now the evil people in this world have taken our country.......for now we call evil good and good evil....we laugh, we laugh while we should be crying.......i , cry for this nation oh Lord.....i cry for her now...for like You must have seen her at one time, i too realize that she has fallen far.....but oh Lord.......she was great at one time, full of independent men and women, who could reason and think.....but those days are long gone.....for as it was oh Lord, in the garden of eden.....the snake, offered ......and we accepted.......we turned our back on the Most now we reap what we have sown.....
He won't win.
More people voted for Gore in 2000 and he lost. Now we have electronic voting machines... No way they can be tampered with... No way at all...
I'll bet Bush is elected again... Seems right for our facist regime...
In reality whoever wins will be holding a hot steaming bag of ca-ca...
If you like Ron Paul, vote for him in the primaries. It will send a huge message. And that will have a lot of influence whether he ultimately wins or not.
Personally, I think he can win.
These times remind me a lot of the Nixon era. Towards the end of Nixon's term, even his most ardent supporters were sick of him (sound familiar?!).
Then this peanut farmer from Georgia came out of nowhere and won the next election. Carter. He was a total long shot. Much as Ron Paul is now.
Oh yeah, Ron Paul could win. But people have to actaully vote for him for that to happen.
People have only have to KNOW about him. Send emails, links to videos, bug the hell out of your friends.
This is critically important. Notice how nearly everyone who actually listens to him, wakes up and says, "Wow, I'd actually get up and go vote for this guy."
The majority desperately wants Ron Paul, they just don't know who he is yet.
"It sounds like Ron P. is a Libertarian. He really sticks out like a sore thumb from the rest of those candidates."
He ran in '88 as a Libertarian candidate.
I'm changing my party to Republican so I can support him in the primaries. You should, too!
America is fascist, which is why Bill Clinton won in 1992 and 1996 and why the Democrat won control of congress in 2006. That explains it perfectly for the morons
You guys don't support Barrock Obama anymore? He's a clean, articulate half-black man. He deserves your vote. Besides, he has the support of Jesse Jackson and Al Shrpton, so he can't be all that bad.
looks like we're not the only one on the internets pushing ron paul
everyone go here
and here
Saw Ron Paul on Bill Maher, who spent the whole interview trying and succeeding to make him look like a kook.
If he won the primaries, he'd be completely submarined by out-of-context quotes and misinformation. His opponent and the media would have any easy job of making him seem even more fringe than he already is.
But I love the guy. I will vote for him. I was planning to vote Dem anyway (before they all clamored to bail out lenders and nutcase borrowers in the housing debacle), so really nothing to lose.
what is ron paul's position on immigration?
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