On days like today (which come too frequently) I hope Americans realize that the NRA and the gun lobby are evil.
If you need a license, registration and training to drive a car, is it too much to ask for the same in regards to owning a gun?
Your leaders have failed you. And the American people have failed themselves.
I hope you have a good civil chat about this issue. Without the usual Democrat and Republican bullsh*t.
We'll return to the housing crash tomorrow.
April 16, 2007
Just a note
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 235 of 235"Looks like the guns were illegal and not registered"
Time for a law that makes illegal guns illegal..... that will fix the problem.
Now if we could only make illegal immigration illegal....
"But the NRA is possibly the single most evil organization in America. I'm at a loss to think of a worse one."
Congress comes immediately to mind!!
keith said...
Yes, the NRA and gun lobby are evil. Blood is on their hands, and on the money they give to our corrupted congress.
Gun owners are not evil. But the NRA is.
Responsible gun owners should support sensible gun registration laws, and a sensible gun lobby.
You're stupid.
If it wasn't for the NRA, there wouldn't be any gun owners left.
Exactly how would registration have prevented what happened? What makes you think criminal psychopaths will follow your new & improved regulations?
You a a liberal dolt. All emotion but no concern of whether or not you ideas will produce results.
Me: We don't comprendo the licensing, recurrant training, registration, checking out your gun and ammo from police storage after a drug and alchohol test, restrictions on use and carrying, restrictions on the types of ammo available, etc...
Reread the 2nd amendment and the reasons it is there.
" keith said...
Comprendo? "
Your showing your ignorance again! Huh? You understand yourself? Comprendo means "I understand". Do you mean to say comprende? Comprende means "do you YOU understand?".
I'm sorry to learn that you are deluded on this issue, but happy to see that most HPers know their head from their butt.
Just reading the posts on this blog is enought for one
to realize how vast the American human cesspool is of
sicko-wacko gun nuts.
The irony of this all, as someone posted previously,
is that Iraqi freedom fighting teenagers are wiping
the floor with these gun-breathing Ameri-cun wimps.
I would love to see the day when the US gets innvaded
and how these Rambo gun-loving maggots would react in
a real fight.
These gun aficionado faggots are terrified of Muslims
because they're not afraid to die for their beliefs
and values.
What are you Ameri-cun scum willing to die for,
American Idol and a Shelby Mustang?
Why don't you fat slobs get your asses off the
computer and go enlist to fight Arab teenagers who are
making a joke of your heavy firepowering gun-toting
your useless POSs, lurking on the web to find a cheap
house deal.
What a sick country ....
The guy with the guns was NOT a US citizen, should the 2nd amendment protect US citizens. It is very important that the gun-lobby and the NRA recognize that what we want is gun-CONTROL, not a ban on guns. You have to have a license to drive, why not to own and use a gun? At the very least, each person wanting to buy a gun should be checked to make sure they are at least a US citizen.
Europe has a more progressive, enlightened attitude towards gun control, precisely because we have such a bloody history. It is also, why we are much much stronger on diplomacy than the USA. If humanity has any chance of long term survival, we need to climb all the way out of the tree.
"Bomb France? No need, they will surrender without putting up a fight."
Have you idiots even read how Germans did get through the defences of France in WWII?
Through thick and dense forest of Ardennes with 3500 tanks and all of Luftwaffe. French and Brits put up a helluva fight but after Ardennes it was plain countryside all the way to Paris.
AOL News has obtained two plays a classmate says were written by Cho Seung-Hui. Ian MacFarlane, the former classmate and current AOL employee, provided us with the plays. A note from Mr. MacFarlane and links to the works appear below.
Cho was in my playwriting class last fall, and nobody seemed to think much of him at first. He would sit by himself whenever possible, and didn't like talking to anyone. I don't think I've ever actually heard his voice before. He was just so quiet and kept to himself. Looking back, he fit the exact stereotype of what one would typically think of as a "school shooter" – a loner, obsessed with violence, and serious personal problems. Some of us in class tried to talk to him to be nice and get him out of his shell, but he refused talking to anyone. It was like he didn't want to be friends with anybody. One friend of mine tried to offer him some Halloween candy that she still had, but he slowly shook his head, refusing it. He just came to class every day and submitted his work on time, as I understand it.
A major part of the playwriting class was peer reviews. We would write one-act plays and submit them to an online repository called Blackboard for everyone in the class to read and comment about in class the next day. Typically, the students give their opinions about the plays and suggest ways to make it better, the professor gives his insights, then asks the author to comment about the play in class.
When we read Cho's plays, it was like something out of a nightmare. The plays had really twisted, macabre violence that used weapons I wouldn't have even thought of. Before Cho got to class that day, we students were talking to each other with serious worry about whether he could be a school shooter. I was even thinking of scenarios of what I would do in case he did come in with a gun, I was that freaked out about him. When the students gave reviews of his play in class, we were very careful with our words in case he decided to snap. Even the professor didn't pressure him to give closing comments.
This kid was clearly very ill, we need more than just better gun laws....
"Take out the gang bangers shooting each other, take out all the "children" shot by the police while commiting crimes and your 5000 is in the hundreds of actual innocent kids hurt by guns."
IT MEANS ALL CHILDREN KILLED BY GUNFIRE: "No children in Japan, 19 in Great Britain, 57 in Germany, 109 in France, 153 in Canada, and 5,285 in the United States".
You know where that "chickens coming home to roost" came from?
The children of your European ancestors coming to get you for whatever reasons you escaped from Europe. Be prepared.
I believe it was little over a year ago when there was a near catastrophe here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It only got about 5 minutes worth of news for one or two days.
What happened was a person drove all the way from New Brunswick / Nova Scotia (over 1000 km away) and ended up in a Toronto park where hundreds of people were enjoying the day.
As he walked around, a dog (being walked by their owner) came up to this man and started to play with him. Being a dog lover himself, he decided that since people around the park were dog owners too, they were too nice to be killed.
He then proceeded to turn himself in to the police which found all kinds of guns and over 6000 rounds of ammunition packed in his small car.
Here's the article:
Where in your right mind do you think any law could have stopped this person... who actually travelled so far to kill so many people?
And this is Canada... where we have such TIGHT gun control laws.
Get a clue people... when you ban guns, the criminals will figure out how to manufacture plastique explosives from supermarket ingredients.
You want to get rid of crime - give your people hope, and something worth living for. Nothing is more dangerous than a person who has nothing left to lose. And there's alot of those types of people walking around the US.
In case it hasn't been mentioned:
The NRA fought an effort to ban
teflon-coated "cop killer" bullets.
I don't know if they won.
this "s.korean" kid was raised in the USA from the age of 8.
he is as american as a driveby.
On other news Virginia housing inventory increased by 32!
Anonymous said...
There were plenty of guns around in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s.
Why didn't the proliferation of guns cause more senseless school shootings then?
I believe because they did not have the media, the videos, games, etc...That promote violence in this country. Plus..many decades ago, people may have hunted. How many Americans still hunt today?
There were plenty of guns around in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s.
Why didn't the proliferation of guns cause more senseless school shootings then?
Mainly because fo the media, movies, games, etc...
I can't of any one I know who hunts....
I'll never get people who bash their leaders in the White House and Congress and then demand gun registration laws that would make it easier for said "corrupt" and "oppressive" politicians to disarm them. It makes no sense. If you think Bush and Patriot Act are infringing on your freedoms, why would you want to make it easier for Bush to disarm you?
The culture is rotten with nihilism.
I come to this blog to relish all the nihilism here.
How many posters on this blog will go postal during their lives? What would be thier preferred weapon?
Car bomb? Gun? Knife? Poison gas? Fire? Small Aircraft? Poison?
One more thing about US Government... at any given time there is about 2300 nukes aimed at Russia and also Russia doing the roughly the same.
That means about 10 nukes are targeted to Dallas alone. What the hell are you going to do A) against your Government B) Against Russia?
You think your frigging lousy M-16 gonna make any difference? You will be dead because of radiation before you even know it.
Gun lobby prepares for battle over rights
By Andrew Ward
Published: April 17 2007 18:40 | Last updated: April 17 2007 18:40
Last Saturday, Wayne LaPierre, executive vice-president of the National Rifle Association, urged delegates at the group’s annual convention in St Louis, Missouri, to prepare for “the storm that lies ahead”.
He was referring to the threat posed to the gun lobby by a Democratic-controlled Congress and the risk that the White House could also fall into enemy hands next year.
Mr LaPierre cannot have imagined that the storm he predicted would arrive two days later in the most tragic circumstances.
Monday’s fatal shooting of 32 students on a Virginia college campus has thrust the issue of gun control back towards the top of the political agenda and put the country’s powerful gun lobby on the defensive.
Opinion polls consistently show that a majority of Americans would support stricter controls – a Gallup poll last year found 56 per cent in favour – and the proportion is likely to increase following this week’s tragedy.
But, for many of the estimated 80m Americans in possession of a firearm, gun ownership remains a cherished constitutional right.
According to accounts of his speech at the NRA convention, Mr LaPierre implored gun-owners to resist those seeking to limit the “right to bear arms”. “Today, there is not one firearm owner whose freedom is secure,” he warned.
The NRA is one of the most powerful lobbying organisations in the US, with more than 4m members and a $180m annual budget. Its role in helping secure Republican control of the White House and Congress for much of the past decade has arguably been matched only by the Christian conservative movement.
Before the 2000 presidential election, the NRA boasted that it was so close to George W. Bush that it would “work out of [his] office”.
The most evil organization is the ACLU. They refuse to defend legal citizens rights to have the Constitution enforced, concerning illegal immigration.
-TOKYO April 17, 2007, 9:12 p.m. ET • The mayor of the Japanese city of Nagasaki was shot to death in a brazen attack Tuesday by an organized crime chief apparently enraged that the city refused to compensate him after his car was damaged at a public works construction site, news agencies reported.
The shooting was rare in a country where handguns are strictly banned and only four politicians are known to have been killed since World War II.-
Handguns are banned. So how is this possible? Evidently, this criminal is not familiar with his countries laws.
MORONS... that cop killer bullet thingy was from that movie Lethal Weapon....
the leftnuts were looking to ban bullets in lieu of guns.... ultimately. that is what the NRA fought.
BTW...my whole family joined the NRA today, and 5 of my friends as well.
Half of us went to Ivy League schools, some work on Wall Street and 2/3 of us live in liberal BLUE states.
So go eat a 'sausage' you prozac'd Marx worshiping libtards.
Prior to 1934, you could walk into any hardware store and buy full auto machine guns and silencers.
Life was better then.
Now we have more gun control than ever...all of it un-Constitutional, and look where we are headed....
Towards a Facist Police State.
Some day in the USA, you'll be told to hop on the train...your going to your 'camp'
Wake the phuck up you libtards!!!
"This kid was clearly very ill, we need more than just better gun laws...."
We need laws against being mentally ill!
last week it was don imus.........this week it will be this shooting.......the news in america......a never ending parade of distractions......just be sure you keep your eye on the ball.....
bush said today, that it was too early to discuss policy issues..........oh really.....bush, just what are you talking about anyway?.......
mark my words........they use things like this , to try and pass draconian laws, about guns.......and this time will be no exception......
and who knows.........while the public is distracted, they might attack iran.....who knows.....i do not trust this corrupt and illegal government....
"I would love to see the day when the US gets innvaded
and how these Rambo gun-loving maggots would react in
a real fight."
And you'll be running to the closest gun owner to sit your sorry ass down in the corner of her basement while you soil yourself.
One of the errors in your use of statistics is that while gun homocides in other countries are much lower, other homocides are not factored in. Japan is a prime example. The country is essentially gun free in the civilian population. Still, Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the industrialized world. In point of fact, many of those suicides are actually murders where a husband kills his family and then himself. For sociological reasons, the Japanese authorities record this as 5 suicides. In the USA it would be "Man MURDERS family in cold blood then turns gun on self." Here it happens about 8 times a year. In Japan its about 8 times a month.
All of this leads me to the following. I have always found your site helpful and I visit it daily. I will continue to do so but only so I can see who your sponsors are so I can contact them and inform them why I will not use their services but will actively seek out one of their competitors. My suggestion to you...leave this site dedicated to the housing crash (a useful endeavor). If you feel a need to rail on Bush, Republicans, Guns or fig newton snacks, start a new site to do so.
Violent crime went way *up* in England as a result of the drastic gun banning in 2000.
P.S. There's already gun bans at practically every college in the U.S. Didn't help did it?
I wonder if the lunatic who killed everyone was licensed? Criminals don't register their weapons. Just think of how it would have ended if citzens were allowed to carry concealed firearms. The bastard at VA-Tech would have been shot 862 times before he could have killed more than one or two people.
The anti-gun lobby are the biggest jerkoffs on the planet...not the NRA. ;)
have all the guns you want, but register them, submit to training and review every two years, and enough of the anarchy.
and if you're caught committing a crime with an unlicensed gun, you get 10 years added on. first offense.
I doubt gun regulations would have stopped this nut, but stories like these show the stupidity of US gun policy.
April 16, 2007 7:35 PM
I'll agree to this as long as it also gives me the right to carry my weapon around legally. Now that's fair in my eyes.
FYI, Gun registration is bad because it enables governments to confiscate guns and has no legitimate benefit, this shooting included. You'll note that this guy filed off the serial numbers before commiting the crime. Criminals can and will obtain unregistered guns with or without registration. The only thing it does is let the man know who to visit when it's gun banning time.
And legally requiring people to get training before being able to get a gun is bad for the same reason waiting periods are. Women facing domestic violence need their gun *now*, not next week after the official training session that she can't make because it conflicts with her job.
The way to handle gun crime is to make hurting innocent people very illegal which it is now and to provide education to the general population which makes it very very clear the protocol to follow in handling violent confrontations with guns, basically deputizing the entire population. This way, everybody knows when using a gun is appropriate, how to ensure that they use appropriate force when repelling violence, and is competant to avoid hurting bystanders. This sort of education should be voluntary but since anyone with a gun knows that they're responsible for what they do with it, clearly people will take advantage of such education and training to ensure that they will not incur liability.
But instead the police and government make it very difficult to carrying guns legally and we allow private institutions to have gun bans without holding them accountable when they horribly fail to ensure security. The US also frequently releases violent criminals to make room for drug convicts and since most violent crimes are committed by the same people, this increases the crime rate.
::this "s.korean" kid was raised in the USA from the age of 8. he is as american as a driveby
Well technically, if his parents had citizenship before he'd come of age, then he's an American, however, I don't think this thread has to do with citizenry.
It has to do with white people freaking out over a Korean (see: Asian-American) shooter whereas they would have been more content if it were the white Columbine kids, Eric and Dylan, so that they could blame their teachers or parents instead of race baiting the thread. And what's surprising is that a lot of these racists forget is that Korean-Americans have the highest SATs/GPAs of any ethnic group in the US but then they turn around and use 'dumbing down' of the white culture as another misdirection to make a point.
Keith, why do you ignore the obvious?
1) the students were defenseless
2) the police were useless
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