Anyone else sick of having this jackass in the White House?
Think he'll get blamed for the housing crash?
From Time Magazine (who still hasn't put the housing crash on the cover!) this good bush sucks piece today:
The three big Bush stories of 2007--the decision to "surge" in Iraq, the scandalous treatment of wounded veterans at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys for tawdry political reasons--precisely illuminate the three qualities that make this Administration one of the worst in American history: arrogance (the surge), incompetence (Walter Reed) and cynicism (the U.S. Attorneys).
When Bush came to office--installed by the Supreme Court after receiving fewer votes than Al Gore--I speculated that the new President would have to govern in a bipartisan manner to be successful. He chose the opposite path, and his hyper-partisanship has proved to be a travesty of governance and a comprehensive failure. I've tried to be respectful of the man and the office, but the three defining sins of the Bush Administration--arrogance, incompetence, cynicism--are congenital: they're part of his personality. They're not likely to change. And it is increasingly difficult to imagine yet another two years of slow bleed with a leader so clearly unfit to lead.
Hasn't done anything to halt the problem before it started, leading one to ask, did he ever really go to school because it sure doesn't seem like he learned too much. Could it be the ounce of prevention saves a pound of pain would've been an endorsement of regulation, a Democratic staple? No doubt Bush's donors didn't want any regulation, leading to the explosive credit growth now unwinding. Just wait til the problem begins to come clear to the party faithful. There's going to be a lot of disbelief coming...
nice picture of bush
is he sucking on a lemon
or his latest poll numbers?
He lets Haliburton bleed the U.S. dry and then lets them abandon ship to Dubai. Where's the patriotism, especially during war time? Haliburton owes the U.S. bad.
A textbook case of why our founding fathers created the presidential impeachment mechanism. Corruption run amok and endorsed (Cheney-Halliburton; Wolfowitz-World Bank), inaction, collusion & corruption on the business of our nation that will destroy the economy (Greenspan & the fed's interest rate policies; Housing bubble-underfunding of FHA; Big Pharma & the medicare drug bill) and manipulation of the mechanisms of democracy to facilitate an illegal and unjustified conflict. (Iraqi conflict while simultaneously letting Al-quiada & UBL escape to remain a threat & creating a new breeding ground to man their 2nd generation network).
God help US.
Joe Klein, in his recent piece for Time entitled "An Administration's Epic Collapse", says it all in just one sentence (the last one).,9171,1607243,00.html
Well, guy across from me at work, makes about 40K has two kids and a stay at home wife. Listens to some local conservative talk radio host that exploits his frustration that he's not doing better despite doing right. Describes George Bush, who has probably undermined the financial safety of himself and his children as no other prsesident in history, as a "straigth shooter" who at least he can "trust to tell him the truth."
So my guess, no, all Bush has to do is lean back and show no awareness of harm.
“Sunday, bloody Sunday” featuring Georg W. Bush
20 more months? We're screwed
Incompetence defined. Add in a dash of arrogance and you have trouble
Sory about the Time link - try this:
Thanks for the time story I just modified the post to link there. Man, Klein threw Bush under the bus in that one
I swear, when I see "epic collapse" and "worst in history", that's the stuff HP has been saying for over a year. Nice to see (again) the MSM playing catch up
And lets not forget Katrina,that was A wake up call,if this administration couldnt handle that disaster here at home it shattered any hope abroad.
It really does not matter who the president is. Its amazing that people think that after 2008, Hillary, McCain, Obama, Romeny or will actually change anything. The system is corrupt. If you want change the entire structure of government and finance require a complete spring cleaning. Yep, W is a twit but things would not be that much different with Kerry--he would be able to make his lies sound better with complete sentences--but same spice different bottle.....
Don't forget about Bush & Co deleting emails...and Sen Corzine not wearing his seatbelt.
They can't follow the most basic of rules which they make for the people.
When the housing crash hits the front cover it will be time to buy!
based on my reading, klein tells us why nobody will cover for him anymore,... because he'll make you look like a fool one way or another.
my biggest problem with the bush is his: 1) smearing; 2) stealing (looting); 3) short-sightedness.
I like how he reveals his partisan bias by saying "installed by the Supreme Court". Yeah, the SC wouldn't let Gore steal the election with his selective recounts, so that means Bush was "installed".
Makes everything else he says just partisan hackery.
As for the 8 attorney firings, they are his to fire as he pleases. Clinton fired 93...was that a problem? No! Of course not, he's one of the good guys.
Slow bleed?
The pace has picked up.
The big question now is: will he be out of office before his policies cause the big crash?
Will Bush be given credit for the crash? Or will the "hands-off" Libertarian/Republicans blame try to blame it on Clinton?
Stay tuned.
Bush will always be remembered as the face of the most corrupt and evil administration in the history of the U.S.
He is an unintelligent jibbering fool....actually quite perfect for his role....a puppet.
Oh he's fit to lead us, right down the toilet. That's what he'll do too. Of course stealing everything that isn't nailed down along the way. There is a large segment of American society that deserves this president. I feel sorry for the rest of the world though...
AIPAC (jew lobby) run Bush. He is a sockpuppet for Israeli interests. It is pretty obvious for anyone to see what an idiot he is. His public speaking should be proof enough.
Bush isn't so much the problem as Greenspan and Helicopter Bernanke are.
And spare me the "anti jew" garbage. The shoe fits, those people are not above criticism and its high time they wear that shoe.
Take a look at the cast of characters running the White House, and it is easy to see why it is falling apart.
World please hear us, we do not hate your peoples, Americans cannot stop this guy, please don't hate us, no more than the Germans under Hitler.
If we try to stop him we get arrested, tax audited, fired or any number of weapons they have.
The corporate types have taken control, we want better cars, we want to save the evironment, we want peace. The war machine is too big. We need the world to help us not the other way around.
"Bush the Hitler for the new generation."
He looted the peoples treasury like no other, ever. Check out the national debt of 8.9 trillion++ and growing in leaps and bounds. That is currently $30,000 for every man woman and child in the US today plus interest accrued.
He lied this country into a war that created a civil war in another country, he had Iraq destabilized, and that it was NOT a threat to the US, whereby so many continue to die, and for what. 'Operation Iraqi rathole', or operation enrich halliburton with no bid contrcts?
And he leaked a covert cia name to the press out of chicken scheitt petty spite. Fot payback, but 59 really stupid dumbasses wanted this, they said so in 04 re-elections.
In the meantime, almost every republican in congress and in the senate continue to support his every whim! That is the facts. Its all recorded for even the 'faux noise' lovers to wit.
And what do the democraps do, why they take down one of their biggest supporters, ever, in Don Imus over something stupid creating a wedge in the entire party. Talk about stupid...
So where do we go from here, as I feel I am surrounded by damn fools,on both sides, but make no mistake, the bush built scheiit sandwich commeth, and it will make the fall of enron look like childs play IMO; prepare.
The bush should have contained the all to easy, no doc lending policies of all lenders,starting in 2002, but no the republican mantra is no regulation, which strikes me as a joke, because they are the same party that started the plunge protection team under Reagan in 1988, that 'regulates' the 'free' markets daily with price 'fixings'. LOL, gawd damn hypocrites, the lot of them.
Do you morons realize that Clinton fired 93 US Attorneys in 1993 due to political reasons? I wonder why the Clinton News Network and other alphabet news lackeys didn't raise a ruckus over that
If Bush should have stopped the housing bubble, why didn't Clinton stop the dotcom bubble?
I forgot, the dotcom bubble was a wonderful thing. The housing bubble is bad.
Danielle said...
When the housing crash hits the front cover it will be time to buy!
April 15, 2007 2:10 PM
No. Ordinarily that holds true. But the problem festering now is much greater and a game changer. It may well be time to head for a place/society which has no relation to the dollar.
When the sh*t truly hits the fan, people are going to lose their trust in most things we've believed in for the past few decades. Couple that with today's entitlements and expectations and there's a whole lot of downside to come.
It really does not matter who the president is. Its amazing that people think that after 2008, Hillary, McCain, Obama, Romeny or will actually change anything.
Actually it really DOES matter who the president is---precisely because the system can always be so corrupt.
The above is just another Grover Norquistian meme propagated to make people give up on government doing the right thing, and then thereby give leave to those who want to destroy it and loot it.
It's the right-wingers Gotterdammerung strategy (not suprisingly similar to the end of the third reich). First they aggressively pursue their bizzare crusades with fanaticism, and when the shit inevitably hits the blowback fan---because when reality meets anti-empiricist ideology, reality ALWAYS wins---they bring down their and our own house in some cynical suicidal meltdown.
Would George Washington believe that it really doesn't matter who is president?
It matters desperately.
Would George Washington have invaded Iraq just to try to prove he was more of a man than his daddy?
F@ck no.
Do you morons realize that Clinton fired 93 US Attorneys in 1993 due to political reasons? I wonder why the Clinton News Network and other alphabet news lackeys didn't raise a ruckus over that
It's because that story TOO is bullsh!te. All presidents, at the beginning of their term, change all the US attorneys. Bush did it too at the beginning of his term.
But then oops, he did it again!
The point is that Bush fired Bush-appointed US attorneys (!!!) because they weren't pursuing his & Rove's ideological harrassment of Democrats and they were pursuing corruption charges (justifiably) against Republicans as well as Democrats. The other US attorneys were reliable Bushite lapdogs.
This really is unprecedented.
World please hear us, we do not hate your peoples, Americans cannot stop this guy, please don't hate us, no more than the Germans under Hitler.
Did you ever read Hitler's Willing Executioners?
There's always hard core 30% eager to round'em up for the Gestapo and the Faterland.
Back in the 1990's when Yeltsin was boozing his brain blotto and the country was going to crap, he had something like a 2% or 3% approval rating in the polls. That's where it was deserved. Nobody except the mentally ill alcoholic constituency.
And yet who are those 30% STILL who support Bush?
De'nazi'fication round II.
I was thinking today that the people that voted for Bush, gave him the power to put his finger on the nuclear trigger!
I just had to pay the US government 22K in taxes- wtf?
"20 more months? We're screwed"
Don't worry, Pelosi and her posse will save us! (snicker).
"The bush should have contained the all to easy, no doc lending policies of all lenders,starting in 2002,"
You know, I didn't hear the democrat minority sounding the alarm.
Fact is, both sides are bought and sold. The demos were double bought and sold because the bought the "helping those who can't afford a house buy a house" hook, line, and sinker.
*I*M*P*E*A*C*H* *T*H*I*S* *P*I*E*C*E* *O*F* *S*H**T*!!!
You will be MORE responsible than he for the destruction of this country because YOU stood silent and did NOTHING about it.
YOU will be MORE at fault than he, because he's simply stupid and evil, something you should not be assisting with your own inaction!
And you Congressional Republicans, how the hell do you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning. Morally bankrupt you ALL!!
Is it any wonder other countries are rolling up the immigration barriers even higher recently.
They KNOW U.S. citizens are eyeing an escape route from the tyranny these jackasses are devising.
We're so screwed....
"Do you morons realize that Clinton fired 93 US Attorneys in 1993 due to political reasons? "
Somehow it is ok to make political firings at the start of a president's term but it is not ok to fire a US Attorney you hired if you feel he you wouldn't have hired him or her in the first place if you had known what you know now.
Put another way: it is ok to hire them based on politics but it isn't ok to fire them based on politics, unless they were hired by the previous president?????
Somewhere along the line the Government that was our servant at one time now believes it is our master.
Ps What imbecile thinks the dot com bubble was good.Was it it people with CMGI stock they bought at $160.00 ????
He has given up! Maybe he stared drinking again? Maybe he is as dumb as we all think? O course he will get the blame for housing he has to it happened on his watch. I think he will be remembered as the worst president ever of all time. It is funny what he has done with Korea; all he did was go back to the deal Clinton made nearly ten years ago. And by his own rhetoric the must be a considered a foregen policy failure he capitulated to a member of the axis of evil. He talked one on one with the Koreans and in the end bribed them to shut down a reactor they probably can't keep running anyway. The only thing that keeps me going is 1/29/09. Keith has the right idea moving to Europe!
If Bush strikes Iran I am leaving this country...I am so done with it should this happen! I'm sick of attacking other countries because the decider says so. I am tired of traveling abroad and being given an earful from Ireland to Ghana to China about our corrupt decider and his foreign folicies!
People we need to impeach this bastard and right now... not 20 months from now. No way is our democracy going to survive these last 20 months let alone the fact the rest of the planet isn't gonna put up with him much longer either. Let us hope they don't take it out on us!
Okay, I'll bite the hook. Why is Clinton getting a different response than Bush? Clinton did the firing when he took office. Standard political move. Bush did the firing when he needed cover for his crimes. Hence the firings, well into his second term.
The problem has nothing to do with Bush, it has to do with childish Americans mis-using credit b/c they want want want and they want it now now now. Exactly which politician, if they were President, would have stopped this? Isn't is also fair to say that Congress should have taken a look-see at the Banking industry? How many Senators and Congressmen were sounding the alarm 2 yrs ago? How many politicians were talking about the ridiculously low interest rates 2002-2004 and how they were bad in the long term?
Our culture has become lazy and impatient. The idea of working hard and saving your money, of delaying gratification, is practically heresy in this country and it has been for a long time now. And anyone who says otherwise is painted as a Holier-Than-Thou Killjoy.
I guess it's just easier to blame the President.
The problem is not the man in the picture, the problem is that he was elected. Then, he was elected again.
Hey, which one was the "tax and spend" party? Oh, uh-huh....
So Pete, did you forget Bush saying that American consumers NOT spending was "unpatriotic"? Do you NOT recall how Alan Greenspan lauded sub-prime loans as the greatest innovation since sliced bread, trying to encourage their use to prop up a flagging real estate market? Did you ever wonder WHY the bubble didn't pop sooner? Oh, uh-huh....
As we used to say in the military, the fish stinks from the head down....
"The problem is not the man in the picture, the problem is that he was elected. Then, he was elected again. "
What do ya expect?
The DUMBING down of AMERICA has been a GREAT SUCCESS!!!!
Have a great day!
Which crimes in San Diego and Phoenix did Bush commit that he needed to fire the DA's in those areas? You liberals are full of shizz. Just admit it already. There's plenty of legitimate things you can pin on Bush, but you left-wingnuts have to discredit yourselves with petty things like this. That's pretty stupid of you guys.
The problem is he never was elected the first time around. Let’s remember the Governor of Florida his brother made it so he could cheat his way into office the first time around. Christ it sounds like some third world banana republic.
Anonymous said...
"The problem is not the man in the picture, the problem is that he was elected. Then, he was elected again. "
Yeah. Thanks Red Staters.
Better 'tax and spend' than 'borrow and spend'. The former is honest, and that's is just one reason why Republican's are attracted to the latter.
And the more obvious cause of the problem is those of you that keep insisting Bush was 'Elected, Then Elected Again'.
The stupidity of the people in this country goes beyond the pale.
For GODS SAKE, how many times repeated does it take for you sH*t for brains a-holes to get it right; HE WAS NOT ELECTED! He was appointed by the SUPREME COURT!!!
And THEN the error was compounded by his election by people that were too blind, weak minded or ignorant to know what they had wreaked or learn a single GD thing from the first botched election debacle.
One thing is for sure, the mindlessness and laziness that exists in the country is going to DESERVE what it gets. Damn, if you can't even get the simplest fact correct, what the HELL makes you think you are doing any good whatsoever drawing a breath every day!
Gezzzz....uzzzzz Kee--RISTttt
Where does it end!?!?!?
Anonymous said...
Okay, I'll bite the hook. Why is Clinton getting a different response than Bush? Clinton did the firing when he took office. Standard political move. Bush did the firing when he needed cover for his crimes. Hence the firings, well into his second term. .
Clinton did the firings in November 1993, 10 months after he took office. Had he done in in Jan or Feb, I'd agree with you, but 10 months into a term is not "when he took office".
I can't. And probably many other Europeans. I can not stop wondering how Americans can manage to see this man every day on their TV-Screens without running out on the street to start a revolution.
I do not want to gloat too much, though.
Everything is far from perfect in Europe. For one thing, we still have our elites explaining us that, in order to succeed ("to catch up with the US" is the standard sentence) Europe should become like the US. (Right, in the 80ies, they told us to become like the Japaneses) In particular, the European Central Bank should copy Greenspan's monetary policy - as if the European housing bubble had not been and still is not bad enough. And when Europeans, in a poll, state that they consider the US a rogue state and Bush more dangerous the Bin Laden, our politicans apologize... Who are they for apologizing in our names for something the people thinks?
Most people in Europe are still in full denial about what is brewing in the US.
I really feel quite some Schadenfreude thinking of all those hip dudes who emigrated to the US during the last years thinking that Europe would tank and the US were the only place to make a decent living. Believe it, Europe has become a much more interesting place since the Iron curtain came down, so many countries to visit. Ever been to Prague or to Krakow? I am looking forward to discovering Slovenia and Bulgaria.
Ok, gas is much more expensive here than there, but I ride my bike to work, to the movies and the stores, and my car only consumes 5 liters on 100 km (would that be like 55 miles on the gallon?), when I have to use it, which I do less and less, thanks to the Fast speed train, that gets me to Paris in 3 1/2 hours, where it would take me seven by car. And with my new furnace, I burnt just 300 liters of fuel to get me through the winter.
I wonder when the majority of Americans will finally realize that their country is in the hand of crooks and act accordingly.
Good thing that not even Bush can believe that he can bomb and nuke himself out of looming political and economic disaster - otherwise I am afraid he would try it.
When reading this and other blogs, I conserve some tiny bit of hope that the coming of Bush's and Cheney's day of (political) reckoning is not entirely excluded. But basically, I am pessimistic.
I feel sorry for all the people that have to suffer under the oncoming disaster, but, honestly, the US has to go down very far before it has a chance of making it up again.
Good luck, you all will need it.
And to hell with the GOP, the Fed, all the neo-cons, the josixpacks who brought you in this mess.
banana republic without the bananas, 49 cents a pound better buy now before your forever priced out!!!
Bill Clinton rewarded no bid contracts to Haliburton during the Bosnian war.
How come the idiot liberals never yell about that?
Keith, I used to think you were pretty smart ... but apparently you never heard of the electoral college and the constitution. Bush won, not Gore you f*cking idiot. I despise Bush too, but you are as wrong as you can be about the 2000 election. Bush won fair and square. Now, let's elect Rudy to fix what Bush f'd up.
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