Check out this video - Comedian Kathleen Madigan on CNN talking about moron lenders, and the the stupid idea of a government bailout.
Oh, man, this is ending badly... and yet it's so funny I could cry
Hat-tip to HP'er C for the link
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
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Labels: cnn, conmen, corruption, lending tree, mortgage brokers, nar stupidity, stupid banks, the great unwinding
ECON - Prediction of 50% house-price drops in Orange County, Calif
Surely not in the OC!
Does that make Schumer, Clinton, Obama, Dodd and Edwards morons too? They have all called for a bailout.
That's great.
Prediction of 50% house-price drops in Orange County, Calif...Surely not in the OC!
Easily in the OC.
"Does that make Schumer, Clinton, Obama, Dodd and Edwards morons too? They have all called for a bailout."
yep, but some of us already knew that.
they are simply chasing votes.
Politicians will find out that the subprime FB class normally does not vote. The 25% independent swing vote gave Congress to the Democrats and they will Congress and the White House to the Republicans in 2008 with this enormous bailout of irresponsible liars and greedy bankers
Great topic Keith. Yep, turns out the biggest buffoons in the whole mess are the stupid lenders and their MBS buyers.
Okay now everybody....get set....WALK!
Let that lender EAT that loan!
This is where the credit industry training of the past several decades of turning Americans into bigger and bigger indebted FBs who can easily claim bankruptcy to clean a record and start afresh with new debt comes in real handy!
You lnow the drill by now, my fellow Americans: Borrowed more than you can ever hope to repay? No problem!
LET the Lender EAT IT!!!. It's only way for you to fight back at the powers that be.
SHOW them who's BOSS!!! Grab the POWER!!!
-screw the lenders
For real I think soon Ill join the Not paying club..why not everyone else is..I got nothing to loose..what my credit HAHAHH! I have non anyway..all cash Baby...worthless gree toilet paper..just like the roll of tp to the right..
No job, no credit, no money... We're sorry, we can only lend you 103%...
The only problem I see is that in the end you know that each and every one of us will end up paying for this.
Maybe they're right when they say that debt is wealth and they're laughing as us because they know in the end it will be the people who saved, used money wisely and worked hard who are going to pay for it.
-=But wait! It's different this time... Susane researched it...=-
Just keep renting
Why worry. If the bailout happens, the USD will plummet in value. To bail out billions of dollars in sub-prime mortgages will require the creation of new money... otherwise known as inflating the value out of your currency.
And of course we all know how to protect ourselves against inflation... don't we?
The problem is ,its not like the old days.You DONT walk.Everything is setup to collect that money.The laws are already in place.Bks have been drastically been reduced already.Ex Real Estate Clerks will probably go work for collection agencies because they will be hiring by the boatloads.How ironic would that be.That dedt will be like herpes.
OC beach boys will become bitch boys soon!
Ha, that was very funny, and she was absolutely on point.
>>>This is where the credit industry training of the past several decades of turning Americans into bigger and bigger indebted FBs who can easily claim bankruptcy to clean a record and start afresh with new debt comes in real handy!<<<
We're all part of teh same culture. we see the same ads and get all of the same easy credit offers. Yet many of us, especially those who visit here and other 'bubble' sites, don't want wnat want and buy buy buy like impulsive little children. We use credit wisely and don't bury oursleves under a mountain of debt. My point is, the borrowers aren't innocent victims. They weren't "programmed" to buy more than they could afford, they did so willingly and happily. They don't deserve a pass on personal responsibilty.
Schumer is stupid said,
"Politicians will find out that the subprime FB class normally does not vote."
Good point. I am sure they know it already but it hadnt occured to me. (I am actually Australian and we are required by law to vote.)
However as Keith pointed out Shumer's contibutors are
1 Goldman Sachs $350,850
2 Citigroup Inc $227,550
3 JP Morgan Chase & Co $195,900
4 Credit Suisse First Boston $191,294
5 Morgan Stanley $186,500
6 Bear Stearns $154,250
7 Merrill Lynch $125,100
8 AOL Time Warner $114,000
9 UBS Americas $108,500
10 Lehman Brothers $107,000
So who will get the bail-out money? The losers who lost their loan money, can't pay it back and don't vote. Or the bankers who have the politicians bought and paid for?
Also it is incorrect to say bail-out money is coming from taxpayers. Taxpayers don’t even come close to paying for current expenditures let alone new ones.
They made their bed let them lie in it
The funniest part is that she doesn't understand that the bailout is for the guy who didn't pay the money back.
"Does that make Schumer, Clinton, Obama, Dodd and Edwards morons too? They have all called for a bailout."
Nah, it just means they're cynical. We already knew that, though.
The 2008 race will be contest to see who can promise to throw the most money at this debacle.
I agree, at the bottom of a lot of this is entitlement and a leveling anger that these people have to live a normal life. Ignorance, I don't buy it, why shouldn't they own a house? buy great furniture? have plastic surgery? they didn't do anything wrong, they went out and worked everyday.
I was apalled to discover the amount of margin borrowing a relative was using to invest, at first I thought it was ignorance about the danger, now I realize he just doesn't care about the danger, so what if he (and masses like him) bring down the idiot lenders who gave him 90 cents on the dollar, who cares is his spouse has to spend the rest of her working life paying off the debt if they declare bk.
That's who we're bailing out folks. A bunch of entitled and embittered little babies working as little as possible until they can draw on their social security checks and get their medicaid for free. And a bunch of powerful parasites who love the power and want none of the responsibility.
On another topic, did you see these jackasses getting paid 6 figures for sitting on the boards of student loan companies. (Oh that Sarbannes Oxley, the root of all evil) Were it not for that we never would have known.
Anonymous said...
Does that make Schumer, Clinton, Obama, Dodd and Edwards morons too? They have all called for a bailout.
April 14, 2007 5:13 PM
Yes, it does make them Morons
Yep. Its amazing that so many thought this would go on forever. I think Krugman put it best---Americans are making money by selling each other houses with money borrowed from the Chinese.... Some made fees, some made some gains. When its over, it will sting all! Me? I am delighted to be overseas--in 3 months the Ausie dollar has appreciated 13% agains the us paper thingy.....
in reality, it does NOT matter:
"Most of the world's crops depend on pollination by bees. Albert Einstein once said that if the bees disappeared, "man would have only four years of life left"."
Are mobile phones wiping out our bees?
Scientists claim radiation from handsets are to blame for mysterious 'colony collapse' of bees
By Geoffrey Lean and Harriet Shawcross
Published: 15 April 2007
It seems like the plot of a particularly far-fetched horror film. But some scientists suggest that our love of the mobile phone could cause massive food shortages, as the world's harvests fail.
They are putting forward the theory that radiation given off by mobile phones and other hi-tech gadgets is a possible answer to one of the more bizarre mysteries ever to happen in the natural world - the abrupt disappearance of the bees that pollinate crops. Late last week, some bee-keepers claimed that the phenomenon - which started in the US, then spread to continental Europe - was beginning to hit Britain as well.
Attention all HP bloggers:
Let's call for NO BAIL OUT to Obama, Dodd, Clinton and others.
We have a voice and there's strength in numbers.
Was this situation planned? The bankruptcy laws were changed just before the loosening of credit. If the debtor cannot pay in full how long will they carry the obligation? It will be interesting to see how this works out.
Actually, I think the FBs CAN walk. All that happens is their credit gets ruined? Big deal.
The bailout is for the lenders, so they get their money, right?
If the FBs don't care about paying the mortgage, and don't take the gov. "help", it' s the lender who gets screwed, right?
I say, let the FBs walk and go rent somewhere. Who cares if these creepy stupid lenders ever get repaid?
lent 100 for every dollar in deposits, insured payment by taxpayers, bidders used funny money to outbid cash buyers???
Choose slavery???
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