But, hey, it was all pretty obvious, no? Maybe now we can get back to some sanity in this world... Even though tomorrow the Britney news may be even bigger than the housing crash or GOP meltdown news...
From TMZ:
Britney Spears has filed a petition for divorce from Kevin Federline.
Spears filed legal papers today in Los Angeles County Superior Court, citing "irreconcilable differences." In her petition, Spears asks for both legal and physical custody of the couple's two children, one-year old Sean Preston and two-month old Jayden James, with Federline getting reasonable visitation rights.
November 07, 2006
FLASH: Housing bubble bursts, Dems take house and senate, Britney (finally) files for divorce. Yes, HP is omniscient, all-seeing, all-knowing
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Man, K-Fed and the Republicans might both get thrown out of the house on the same day, that's spooky...
Why you dissen Spears - she is far left liberal...
Notice that anytime there's a successful woman, and the man isn't as successful, the woman almost always dumps the guy?
Notice that successful women always complain about not being able to find a guy? Meaning, she can't find a guy more successful than she is?
Notice that thing that are obviously horrifically wrong (Phoenix real estate going up 52% in a year, Britney marrying a loser with two kids) sorts itself out in the wash eventually
Anyway, I dissed Britney when she married K-Fed, so now that she's dumping him, perhaps she's finally getting a clue. Kudos to Britney.
"six of the nine Academy Award winners for best actress ended up splitting from the husbands or boyfriends they thanked on Oscar night: Witherspoon, Swank, Halle Berry, Julia Roberts, Gwyneth Paltrow and Helen Hunt. (The exceptions are Charlize Theron, Frances McDormand and Nicole Kidman, who was unattached when she won."
But don't cry for K-Fed he gets a bonus in the divorce settlement for each of the double digit mouth breathers he sired........and hey, with the fall in home prices he should get a great deal on a new double wide!
It's just interesting, don't you think, that in a society where women and men are supposed to be equal, that it's perfectly acceptable for a woman to leech off of a man.
But a man isn't supposed to leech off of a woman.
Seems like a big double standard. Also, why is it so typical for women to get physical custody of kids? Seems wrong that women should most all of the time (something like around 85% of the time) get physical custody of the kids.
It's just wrong.
Britney is gross. A few years from now people will laugh at her when she dances.
What this bim does is about as significant in the world as what I ate for breakfast. What IS significant is that somehow people care. Chilling.
Prozac sales are skyrocketing!
Keith, you're probably wrong about the Senate.
Actually, I'm the father of her two children. Don't tell my wife...
Why does every actor/actress/singer in Hollywood have to be a dumb*ss?
She's a perfect description of the word: c*nt.
Slow news day, heh Kweefer?
How 'bout some graphs and charts?
Keifer is about as accurate as CNN.
GOP wins both house and senate. Get ready! It's GOP smack down time on dims.
Prognostication: The 'pukes will be saddened by the loss of both houses. So sad that even their usual daily regimen of man-on-dog sex and vigorous cocksucking will fail to cheer them up.
"Dissen Spears said...
Notice that anytime there's a successful woman, and the man isn't as successful, the woman almost always dumps the guy?"
Most super successful female showbiz types have their own over-inflated egos for perfect companionship. It just takes them a little time to realize that they don't need (or want) anyone else.
I hope Kevin has an iron clad pre-nupt, the leeching chicks usually always do. It’s about time the guys got equal billing!
Little known fact is that Britney Spears is directly related to Albert Speer, architect of the 3rd reich and hitler's minister of armaments. Federline is a jew mascarading as hip-hop dancing trailor trash. The ouster of k-fed is merely a temporary setback for the zionist horde who have now polluted the womb of this daughter of the 3rd reich. When will you people wake up to what is really going on here?
Sorry guys, I've been wanting to immitate honica's jibberish for a long time now and I have nothing to add to this thread.
Yes, it was very clever of Britney's dad to change the family name from Speer to Spears. His Jewish lawyer recommended it.
Too much concern about trailer trash!
You can take a person out of a trailer park.
But you can’t take the trailer park out of the person.
Britney Spears has filed a petition for divorce from Kevin Federline.
Hey Kevin!
Shar and Britney are just inexperienced little girls with kids.
When you're finally ready for a REAL woman, I'm available.
How are those condo prices holding up in Fresno?
I'd certainly do Kevin, but I'd never marry him.
Why you dissen Spears - she is far left liberal...
Guess this poster never saw Farenheit 9/11, in which Britney explains to Michael Moore why she thinks Dubya is such a great leader.
Nice try, bozo. Next time pick a bimbo who doesn't put her political beliefs on record.
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