The question is, how to profit from this (hopefully) temporary insanity
* Dow hits all-time (non-inflation-adjusted) high as investors rush to safety of blue chips (although small-caps, S&P and NASDAQ lag behind)
* Oil and gold getting cheaper by the day
* Iran thumbs nose (again) at EU, US and UN - says 'bring it on - death to America'
* Iraq firmly in civil war, nobody in US cares
* US passes law making torture and no right to trial (habeas corups) OK, nobody in US cares
* North Korea readies a nuclear test, nobody in US cares
* The guy in charge of protecting kids from internet predators is... drumroll... an internet predator after kids. Head of House of Reps protects him like the pope protected the child molestor priests.
* Home sales reported to be rising 4.1% and prices barely dropping, when we all know home sales are plummeting and prices are crashing
* Guy in charge of housing studies for Harvard is a paid shill of the housing industry
* Britney and Kevin still married
Here's the update from Iran. Look for this to finally heat up, but the election does add a twist to the timing of our eventual attack.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned the West that sanctions would not stop his government from uranium enrichment.
"You are mistaken if you assume that the Iranian nation will stop for even a moment from the path toward using nuclear energy due to your nagging," he told supporters, drawing chants of "Death to America!" from a crowd in Hashtgerd, outside the Iranian capital, Tehran.
"It's been 27 years that they (the West) haven't allowed us to use technologies that they possess," Ahmadinejad said. "This nation is powerful and won't give in to one iota of coercion."
October 04, 2006
FLASH: The world has (temporarily) gone mad
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For the DOW and NAS, the correction will come swift and hard.
I think it will happen before the November elections.
the stock market will tank the day after the election when the dems sweep to power, which is kinda funny because the stock market does better historically under dems than reps
but the last two years of the bush administration will be to his liking, since he's a believer in armageddon
You don't believe in Armageddon?
Look good at that photo!
Brittany and what's his name?
Look at the way they present themselves in public!
This is one of the biggest stars out there folks!
This is an embarrasment!
What ever happened to some (a little) class!
What a couple o' Slobs!
Never realized she's got a fat ASS!
....and No Real talent!
They doll her up with make-up and some revealing gown, get her to gyrate and wiggle and becomes a superstar multi-millionaire!
nothing against those that actually live in a trailer!
She may be rather cute, but he's a complete TOOL!
yeah, a very rich TOOL!
That's kind of sad that the conversation immediatly went to Brit and Kevin. Keep focus people, it's not the point. Who cares what they wear?
The point is the public only cares about themselves (and obviously stars) and won't wake up to this disaster until it hits their pocket books.
I think the chips will fall after the election too and then it will be too late because the public is so dumb. We as a "free" nation have all the information needed to learn the truth at our finger tips and yet very few people even bother to learn. Why?
Doesn't it worry you even a little, that with all the turmoil going on around the world, the things we concern ourselves with?
Brittany, survivor, j lo, who's sleeping with whom..........etc
My point is, is you want things to need to vote. But prior to voting you need to open your eyes and stop eating every lie the gov feeds you. Learn, vote, and change this madness. I'm for voting everyone's time to clean house and take back our country!!!!
One problem with that!
Anyone 'smart' enough to run this government, is smart enough to stay out of politics!
These F**king career polititians are ALL alile!
I think it Does matter!
It's people like the two in that photo that somehow represent amerika!
This is the 'Ilk' that the world see's, no wonder everyone hates us!
WE have collectively lost our way!
keith - i think you mean to say
'home *sales* reported to be rising 4.1% ...' not *prices*.
Anon...I agree and would like to add that anyone with any morales would not touch politics either. The point once again is to make a statement and that is if you F**k with our constitution and our country, we will vote you the hell out. You have to remember they only care about themselves too and their paycheck. The problem, as Keith has put it is that nobody cares. Why? It pisses me off...and I am so excited to vote.
It does NOT matter what they wear...other countries do not hate us because of our clothing. They hate us because of our politics and especially our foreign policy, which if you bothered to follow it's an absolute "no brainer" that they would hate us for our policies. And if you hate other countries because of the clothing they wear, than you are part of the vast problem, yourself!
A SLOB is a SLOB no matter how much money they have!
A pig with a gold ring in it's nose is still a pig!
Policies or not, this is still representative of Amerika!
And it Pisses me off!
If it pisses you off, maybe you should not give them so much of your attention. They are only a "star" because you make them one.
Hey Keith - good job with getting the Military Commissions Act on the thread...
Now all that is lacking is that pesky peak oil thing....
When you finally get that - everything else will become clear to you.
This is one of the biggest stars out there folks!.
This WAS! one of the biggest stars out there folks! As in HAS BEEN!
I agree with bork
We can only hope!
This is one of the biggest stars out there folks!.
This WAS! one of the biggest stars out there folks! As in HAS BEEN!
This is one of the biggest stars out there folks!.
This WAS! one of the biggest stars out there folks! As in HAS BEEN!
This is one of the biggest stars out there folks!.
This WAS! one of the biggest stars out there folks! As in HAS BEEN!
Bork, DUDE!! you need to get some help!! Sick-o
Hey I did not post that 3 times.
screw you anonymous if i was a sick-o I would be standing in your bathroom window watching your fat ass wife shower. But i am not, and i did NOT! post that 3 times.
Man I tell Ya you people kill me..GIve up the Glue it is bad for your brain.
Housing correction "substantial," Bernanke urges
"I would estimate that slowing housing construction will probably take about a percentage point off growth in the second half of this year and probably something going into next year as well," Bernanke said in response to questions after a speech.
The housing market is still supported by a good job market, strong income growth and low mortgage rates, but policy-makers will keep an eye on whether slowing housing activity will affect consumer behavior, Bernanke said after addressing the Economic Club of Washington.
"Let's not forget his brilliant beginning of the year predictions of DOW 8000."
When a two bedroom house goes for $400,000, that makes Keith entirely correct. Apply a 200% correction (for inflation) to the DOW, and you get DOW 6,000.
Today's DOW 12,000 certainly won't buy you what DOW 12,000 did around 2000!
it's always nice to see anons flame. talk about gutless!
get on record. you may look good today as the market rallies, but I'd like to track you down when the shi* hits the fan to mock you
hope you're out there today buying pre-construction condos and tech stocks.
Easy Girls, there is a lot of market manipulation going on. Take that into account.
I've been saving my bonuses up in an account just for this reason. The DJIA is at an all time high, there are virtually no signs of any warnings or people calling for a fall which reminds me of last years' Phoenix housing luncheon where housing was to boom another year..
Stock market pros like realtor pros rely on information from the past and have very little in the way of making accurate predictions. Yet, here we are with an analogous situation and gravity should take hold...
On a positive note, what would you do if you had say some money to put in stocks and waited? I'm going to wait for the 'correction'but for how long? Any clues on this would be appreciated.
my cash is waiting to start shorting with both fists
patience though is called for today. the time will come
* Home sales reported to be rising 4.1% and prices barely dropping, when we all know home sales are plummeting and prices are crashing
That is a totally false statement here in Baltimore City. For much of the country that is a false statement. Deal with it.
You again?
What part of get the f out don't you understand?
You keep saying, you didn't find what you were looking for....but you keep comming back!
What the Hell?
Or in a nutshell:
1996 was far nicer than 2006. Then we had global growth, jobs, political stability (hell the USSR had just folded its tent), lowering interest rates, optimism & balanced government budgets.
Now, every piece of news is negative - governments & people are carrying massive debts. And all we seem to see are governments side-stepping the hard questions.
Somehow, it doesn't seem like a good time to be going long on equities or RE...
Hi, i was looking over your blog and didn't
quite find what I was looking for. I'm looking for
different ways to earn money... I did find this though...
a place where you can make some nice extra cash secret shopping.
I made over $900 last month having fun!
make extra money
Here let me help you find the door. Don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out.
I made over $900 last month having fun!
$900 a month and and having fun, Gee I did not realize being the republican Boy toy paid so much.
If it's such a great deal, why would you tell everyone?
Brought to you by the twilight zone
Hey, I care. I do care. I care.
I'm writing a TV pilot. Here's the setup: Osama bin Laden and Jerry Fallwell are freshman roommates at UC Berkeley in 1967 just before the Summer of Love. Through a series of whacky misadventures filled with colorful party-hearty characters clad in grooooovvvy tie-dyes and bellbottoms and a cute girl named Star Moonbeam in a tiny miniskirt, they discover that they're really more alike than two peas in a pod. Every episode will have whatever conflict appears resolved during the 22 minutes of pure fun in ways that leave them smiling and clapping one another's shoulders (in a nonthreatening, non-gay sorta way) in celebration of true friendship. I'm thinking it will be big big big. (Oh yeah, something bad is happening in a place called Vietnam, but it will end soon for sure and there will be some grooovvvy and wacky protest scenes with a great laugh track!)
When my TV show is picked up Americans will CARE. Anything that can be resolved in 22 minutes is real to them. If it goes on much longer, it's out of our realm. It's TV. We care about TV. It has the laugh track. Do you have a laugh track? Welcome, my friends. Welcome to the machine.
B.S. and K fed.........trailer trash!
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fermented methanol distilled from sewer waters, and the mafia garbage business is back again, only is it chinese, indian, or farmer government, this time
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