It's election day. The housing bubble is bursting horrifically. We're getting slaughtered in the middle of an Iraqi civil war. We're $40 Trillion in debt and counting. Our government is incompetent and corrupt. We're China's poodle. The world hates us. Mexicans have invaded us. And American Idol is doing tryouts.
So, HP'ers, given all of that...
What's the word on the street?
November 07, 2006
HousingPanic Stupid Question of the Day
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the word on the street is
where do I try out for American Idol?
House: 224 (D)to 211 (R).
Senate: 48 - 59 D 49 - 50 (R) 2 (I).
Greenspan Unconcerned About Housing
By Nell Henderson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, November 7, 2006;
...Greenspan, a private consultant, said the housing downturn has "a way to go" before it hits bottom, but its effect on the rest of the economy should abate in the months ahead....
Buy Gold!
I wonder if the republicans will pull a rabbit out of the hat again today? The democrats are so stupid it's possible.
Either way, neither one of these corrupt parties will have my support.
Fed Raises Rates .25% In Australia.
Americans brains are too fried from guzzling Red Bull to care about any of it...
Republicans will cheat again but since they'll have to cheat a lot, they won't forget how slimy they were.
More seriously, I'm voting the straight D ticket. Looked online and background checked-- that was pretty cool, I got bio's and lots of other stuff!
In the last election, I voted for third parties but this time, I don't want to encourage Bush.
If the American people are stupid and/or manipulated enough to re-elect our current government, we're all doomed.
TOA down 37%. Sign of things to come for other builders.
Stock market booming!!! Loving that democratic resurgency and the coming boom in the economy. Housing has bottomed.
I saw a recent update that puts the "unfunded liabilities" at 60 trillion, up from the 40 trillion you mentioned 3 years ago. I like parabolas.
"...Greenspan, a private consultant, said the housing downturn has "a way to go" before it hits bottom, but its effect on the rest of the economy should abate in the months ahead...."
Of course it should.. the printing press.. ezcuse me.. I mean the '0' button on the keyboard will add enough zeros to the right to the money supply
The biggest news story of 2006 is that Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie are REUNITED
Sorry to say but have to admit it , I did not vote today, and will not vote.
I have voted since I was 18, this will be the first time for me, as i think both parties reek of coruption, and I refuse to continue politics as usual, different faces, but the same old same old, we promise this we promise that, and all along they back peddle.
Washington is one big Toilet that needs a big flushing.
unfunded liabilities, according to the mugambo's or some such newsletter was at 59 trilliun a few weeks ago.
I saw a recent update that puts the "unfunded liabilities" at 60 trillion, up from the 40 trillion you mentioned 3 years ago. I like parabolas
Then you wont want to peek in at all the off-balance sheet debt because that stands at $700 trillion.
The banking system is kaput.
I just got word from a friend at a property management company in Monterey, CA, that a big apartment complex, 500+ units, is planned to be converted to a condo complex. renters will be given the option to buy or move out. I have few friends living there.
so what do u have to complain about?
BORKA GET OUT THERE AND VOTE - you'll regret it forever if you don't
go vote for "Housing Panic" across the board, vote for "mickey mouse" but go vote
My favorite part is the slate of local judges (yes or no). I always vote 'em all out (yet every one of 'em wins)
Fight Club this election
Republicans need to win because the American masses still don't get it and need to be punished more to the point of capitulation. Only then is there a chance for real reform.
agree with Tuesday, November 07, 2006 7:47:50 PM anon
I hear you Keith. Aginst my better Judgement ill go fill in the blanks..going all independent!! screw them all.
No housing bust here. Sales of median priced homes is very robust. Upper bracket getting slaughtered with very slow (no) sales.
The word on the (Wall) street is "UP."
Isn't it strange? I've been pulling my hairs out the last couple of days and still don't get it.
from the daily show: its a sad time when a gay male hooker/ meth addict has the high moral ground. I laughed to hard I spewed the coke back out my nostrils.
Britney and Kevin are buying a Toll Bros' QuadrupleWide!!!
Toll Brothers' newest model signifying the epitome of success and class boasts satellite HDTV & kegerators in all the toilets.
Where? The fabulous new Luxury Lake Community of Mullettown, Florida, of course.
Pardon me for disagreeing with you Bork, but writing in the blanks is nott going to fix anything, and nobody will really notice your message. Automatically voting against all the incumbents to ‘give them a message’ may do just that, but how about instead sending a message against ‘the ruling party’ by voting straight Democrat?
Everyone knows the Democrats aren’t perfect, but if they received a majority of the votes in today’s election, this would indeed send a very clear message not only to the republicans, but to the whole world.
The word on the (Wall) street is "UP."
Isn't it strange? I've been pulling my hairs out the last couple of days and still don't get it.
Isn't it obvious?
Fiscal discipline, getting out of Iraq and euthanizing Republican wingnuts is good for business.
They're buying the rumor that adult supervision may be coming to town.
The word on my street, specifically the cul de sac I live on, is this:
-Three homes for sale...been on the market for months
-Two single family homes for rent
-The owners of the recently built townhouses are pushing to rent them out since no one will buy
-Most of the townhouses are empty anyway
This is on a street with about 20 single family homes, not sure how many townhouses.
by voting straight Democrat?
Agreed, but leaves a bad taste in my mouth even saying Demo or repub, lest we hope the changes we are all looking for happen...even the smallest ones is a step in the right direction, cause as we all know the bottom is coming..and quick.
The Democrats have no ideology except blame America first and hate the rich all the while living off inherited money. The are an empty set of clothes.
I hear ya. If you don't like either party, I can understand not voting. Its the folks who still support and vote for the Republicants that I just don't understand.
I hear ya. If you don't like either party, I can understand not voting. Its the folks who still support and vote for the Republicants that I just don't understand.
Yup the Red state 33%, have not a clue, yet Chimpy Mcflysuit pulls into town and the Hogs are running the street looking for the free dollar day giveaway..
funny thing to you watch the News and you see Bush at one of these GOP support stops, and the Camera is wide angled to make it look like a stadium full of supporters, all fatass soccer moms holding
WE LOVE BUSH signs, smells fishy to me (Punt intended)
"It's election day."
I'm glad to see Borkafatty deciding to cast their vote. Not voting is stupid. Our government will probably cry if Noriega wins in Niguragua with only 38% of the vote (good for him) but we remain silent when many off-year elections show 15% of the people deciding on candidates or issues?
I've voted every election since I was 18. I've found the last four major and four minor elections has been difficult. In Arizona we didn't have much to choose from, Democrate or Republican with few other choices. Just voted in Austin. Couldn't believe how many libertarians were on the ballot, not to mention independents. I did vote for two republicans (the best choice for those races as it always comes down to the individual, not the party) and every where I could vote libertarian I did and if there was no libertarian to vote for, a democrat. Why? To send a message even if my candidates don't win. The more people vote concience instead of party or who they think will win the sooner this farce of a two-party state will end. A protest vote is better than no vote.
"The housing bubble is bursting horrifically."
Guess we have different ideas on what is horrific? The market is taking corrections but the future is still unsure. Just look at the market in England. As for those bargains? The discounts I've seen in Phoenix are still no bargain, nor a meltdown. Prices of $150-185 a sq ft may be down over 2005 but no where near the prices of $65-99 a sq ft they were in 2002 and remember, most people didn't buy in 2005.
" We're getting slaughtered in the middle of an Iraqi civil war"
Iraq? No Vietnam or Korea let alone WWI and WWII. Those who were not teens in 1972 don't know war, a draft, or real casualties. The outcome of Iraq still has to be determined. The problem is an incompetent Rumsfield and the lack of "will" to send in the troops necessary to control the situation or to take the hard measures needed. If you believe the Iraq war deaths to be horrific no wonder you think the house market is too. Wake up to past house deflations (local) and past wars for comparison.
. "We're $40 Trillion in debt and counting."
Vote. Insist on accountability. Insist on dismantling pork for votes, lack of means tests for benefits (like the Drug plan for the elderly expecte do cost som $1.4 tril over 10 years) and all the other expansions of government programs. As I mentioned before on this site and got bashed, I forfeited my military pension because I believed it immoral for the taxpayer to support me for 30-40 plus years. I'm sorry but a 40 year old doesn't need a pension to begin the day he walks out of the military. People on this site called me nuts as did friends and family (and wife) but hey, principle is principle. Change has to begin somewhere.
"Our government is incompetent and corrupt."
Since time in memorial. What government isn't? The question is to what degree and most western countries are not at the bottom of the list. Again, Vote.
"We're China's poodle."
Time will tell. We need to stop exporting jobs, factories, be willing to buy American and pay more for those goods even if it means buying LESS. Still, paying China with fiat dollars puts them on a leash as well.
"The world hates us."
Yes, they love to hate us or any world power. Yet, look at how many of them (even muslims) would rather come here. We can't care if they hate us. We should try to be a good neighbor, friend, stop interfering in their internal affairs, but no matter what stance we take we'll always have those who hate us.
" Mexicans have invaded us."
So? We are a nation of immigrants. The only thing we should care about is values. Those with western, Christian, values to the front of the line. By western I don't care if they are muslim, atheist, etc, as long as they believe in our secular values. Christian? I'm not one but since the west if based on Christian values that lead to many of our secular values I'd rather have people come here from Christian nations or who are christian as they are more likely to not want to kill us.
"And American Idol is doing tryouts."
Gee Keith, sorry you are in London so you can't try out?
keith - love your sense of humor.
isn't american idol an adapted british import...?
now for my cynical view of things, the stock market is up for the same reasons that gas prices are down. the republicans that CONTROL EVERYTHING just wanted two less things on people's minds when they go to vote.
there, off my soapbox. go vote, i already did.
Unfunded liabilities are a joke. Social SEcurity can be cut slightly and that unfunded liability GOES away. It makes sense as people are living longer, so of course you don't get as much.
Japan actually has more gov't debt per GDP than we do. Did you know that?
The only real unfunded liability is gov't retiree pension benefits.
Everything else is changeable.
derivatives aren't "debt". That's like saying my 200K life insurance policy is 200K of "debt".
Been thinking of buying puts on WCI. Can't figure out how the defaults effect them...what were the downpayments for those things?
BBC NEWS - US consumer credit drops $1.2bn
US consumer credit sank by its largest amount in almost 15 years last month, US Federal Reserve figures show.
Consumer borrowing fell by $1.2bn (£629m) in September, its first decline since March and its biggest drop since a $1.78bn fall in April 1992.
The drop meant borrowing fell at annual rate of 0.6% in the month compared with a 4.2% increase in August.
The central bank blamed a sharp fall in loans for cars, boats, education expenses and holidays for the decline.
----------------------------- mention of the fledgling housing market here
Borrowing for car loans led the fall, sliding at an annual rate of 3.2%, compared to an increase of 3.5% a month earlier, the Federal Reserve added.
By contrast credit card borrowing was one category to record a rise, recording an annual increase of 4% in September.
However, even credit card borrowing grew at a slower rate to the 6.7% increases seen in August.
Economic worries
The economic picture has been affected by a slowing housing market, sluggish consumer spending and oil prices, which despite recent falls, remain historically high.
Experts added that declining house prices had taken their toll on consumers, who tightened their purse strings as property prices fell making them feel less wealthy.
Afterall, it was only paper wealth, right?
Recent figures showed property prices in the US slumped by almost 10% in September.
The Federal Reserve report does not include mortgages or other loans secured on property.
I wonder if more Americans are starting to feel the pinch of their rising mortgage rates now???
"It's election day."
I'm glad to see Borkafatty deciding to cast their vote. Not voting is stupid. Our government will probably cry if Noriega wins in Niguragua with only 38% of the vote (good for him) but we remain silent when many off-year elections show 15% of the people deciding on candidates or issues?
I've voted every election since I was 18. I've found the last four major and four minor elections has been difficult. In Arizona we didn't have much to choose from, Democrate or Republican with few other choices. Just voted in Austin. Couldn't believe how many libertarians were on the ballot, not to mention independents. I did vote for two republicans (the best choice for those races as it always comes down to the individual, not the party) and every where I could vote libertarian I did and if there was no libertarian to vote for, a democrat. Why? To send a message even if my candidates don't win. The more people vote concience instead of party or who they think will win the sooner this farce of a two-party state will end. A protest vote is better than no vote.
"The housing bubble is bursting horrifically."
Guess we have different ideas on what is horrific? The market is taking corrections but the future is still unsure. Just look at the market in England. As for those bargains? The discounts I've seen in Phoenix are still no bargain, nor a meltdown. Prices of $150-185 a sq ft may be down over 2005 but no where near the prices of $65-99 a sq ft they were in 2002 and remember, most people didn't buy in 2005.
" We're getting slaughtered in the middle of an Iraqi civil war"
Iraq? No Vietnam or Korea let alone WWI and WWII. Those who were not teens in 1972 don't know war, a draft, or real casualties. The outcome of Iraq still has to be determined. The problem is an incompetent Rumsfield and the lack of "will" to send in the troops necessary to control the situation or to take the hard measures needed. If you believe the Iraq war deaths to be horrific no wonder you think the house market is too. Wake up to past house deflations (local) and past wars for comparison.
. "We're $40 Trillion in debt and counting."
Vote. Insist on accountability. Insist on dismantling pork for votes, lack of means tests for benefits (like the Drug plan for the elderly expecte do cost som $1.4 tril over 10 years) and all the other expansions of government programs. As I mentioned before on this site and got bashed, I forfeited my military pension because I believed it immoral for the taxpayer to support me for 30-40 plus years. I'm sorry but a 40 year old doesn't need a pension to begin the day he walks out of the military. People on this site called me nuts as did friends and family (and wife) but hey, principle is principle. Change has to begin somewhere.
"Our government is incompetent and corrupt."
Since time in memorial. What government isn't? The question is to what degree and most western countries are not at the bottom of the list. Again, Vote.
"We're China's poodle."
Time will tell. We need to stop exporting jobs, factories, be willing to buy American and pay more for those goods even if it means buying LESS. Still, paying China with fiat dollars puts them on a leash as well.
"The world hates us."
Yes, they love to hate us or any world power. Yet, look at how many of them (even muslims) would rather come here. We can't care if they hate us. We should try to be a good neighbor, friend, stop interfering in their internal affairs, but no matter what stance we take we'll always have those who hate us.
" Mexicans have invaded us."
So? We are a nation of immigrants. The only thing we should care about is values. Those with western, Christian, values to the front of the line. By western I don't care if they are muslim, atheist, etc, as long as they believe in our secular values. Christian? I'm not one but since the west if based on Christian values that lead to many of our secular values I'd rather have people come here from Christian nations or who are christian as they are more likely to not want to kill us.
"And American Idol is doing tryouts."
Gee Keith, sorry you are in London so you can't try out?
What's next? Roving bands of maniacs as the social structure collapses.
The solution is to give immigrants easy legal work status, but tax them heavier than citizens. We need them to pay for the baby boomer social security and medical bills.
Damn I'm good.
Another solution to entitlement insolvency. Mandatory disintegration at age 80. That will save a lot of social security and medical bills.
What? I'm just sayin' is all.
Vote or Die Borkafatty!
Vote or Die!
Vote or Die Borkafatty!
Vote or Die!
I voted Demo, and also voted in the first African American Governor in my state, with that the first Demo in 16 years. So I only hope my property taxes dont go thru the roof, IE: Tax and spend.
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