Random bubble thoughts for your comments and consideration:
* What percent of Wal-Mart's sales are to illegal Mexican immigrants? And wouldn't a good percent of that turnover be in jeopardy now that the illegals in housing have no jobs?
* Why doesn't the US have to record it's outstanding debt plus future liabilities ($40 Trillion total) accurately when reporting its financial condition?
* Why didn't David Lereah have much to say last week after the horrific numbers? Perhaps a coup? Or maybe he figured there'd be nothing constructive he could say or spin?
* Does the actress who plays the wife in the Suzanne commercial get sneers and evil looks when she's out in public?
* Why does society think housing prices going up 100% is a great thing while gas prices going up 100% is the worst thing ever?
* Will George Bush be seen as the worst president in US history?
* Why hasn't iamfacingforeclosure.com Casey been arrested yet? Will he be?
* What MSM source is doing the best job today covering the housing crash? I'm leaning toward USA Today lately - coming on strong
* Why aren't young people in America rioting in the streets? Why are there no war protests taking over DC?
* What's Fox News gonna say after the Republicans are shown the door in a few days?
* Will the Dems be blamed for the economic collapse of America, which will now occur on their watch?
* Why is Britney still with Kevin?
October 29, 2006
Random HousingPanic Questions of the Night
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Whew, that's a lot of questions. I will answer one.
What percent of Wal-Mart's sales are to illegal Mexican immigrants? And wouldn't a good percent of that turnover be in jeopardy now that the illegals in housing have no jobs?
If there are 12-20 million illegal alliens in the country, and lets say 120-200 million Americans shop at Wal-Mart, I would say 10% of sales go to illegal alliens. It's going to hurt big when the illegal alliens have less money to spend and start going back home.
I think only repukes who support the war should pay it back, if you are a war supporter, then you pay a special tax...
Libs love taxes, that much we know. I think we should make the rich city folk pay for the war by taking it out of their social security. Never mind, I think we just did. (snickers)
To come from a burro,dirt floor and outhouse to a SUV, carpet and flushing toliets. Like cockroaches their here for good.
Oh, I forgot a question:
* Did the feds pick Richard up? Is he getting waterboarded as we speak?
Oh, one more:
* How stupid does Bill O'reilly look on the jingoistic cover of his new book?
"What's Fox News gonna say after the Republicans are shown the door in a few days?"
Wont happen, you watch. I will check back after the elections to rub it in.
How stupid does Bill O'reilly look on the jingoistic cover of his new book?
O'Reilly is such a tool, he should be on the cover of a snap-on catalog.
nice that a gutless, nameless "anon" will be back after the election to check up on us eh?
Mark check Bill O on Letterman. A very funny interview. And yes Oreilly is a bonehead!
Why did this mix drink I just made for myself go down so smooth that I have to get up and make another???????
Cause It Is What It Is.
just watched bill o on oprah. he played a different character for the oprah audience - all nice and warm so the housewives would love him and buy his books
I like o'reilly believe it or not - I find him entertaining. even if he is a blowhard and bad for the country. I think I just see through the act.
It is no act. He is crazy and just makes up the facts. He says he makes no personal attacks yet every show he makes personal attacks. O' Reilly is a "social dominant" that never went into politics (read John Dean's "Conservatives Without A conscience"). It is no act Keith seriously Al Franken has him listed on the nut job list.
Although I don't usually comment on issues other than housing, living in San Diego, I must chime in about illegal aliens. Actually, I have less of a problem than most on this board, because they DO work hard. I can't say that about the scores of "homeless" white guys who hang around San Diego, looking for a handout, and some dope to smoke. There simply is no political will from either party to end the flow - Democrats want more Mexican voters (note the historic election of Laura Sanchez over conservative Orange County Dornan back in the 1990's). . .and Republican contributors (i.e. agribusiness to car wash owners) want cheap labor. . .I think it is a lost cause, and we might as well learn to speak Spanish. . .just thank God the Mexicans aren't moslems!!!
Why is the USA spending almost $1,000,000,000.00(USD)/day?
Answer: Because we print the money...
"Why doesn't the US have to record it's outstanding debt plus future liabilities ($40 Trillion total) accurately when reporting its financial condition?"
ummmm, the problem is that if retirees are poor and have no money, then there is no economy... America is screwed with or without social security and/or medicare.
in my youth, my teachers showed us images of the poor in India, stooping alongside roads, begging
wouldn't it be something if pictures of elderly americans begging in front of hospitals started showing up in books? or living in tent cities?
I've seen those pictures out of Japan already...
Why aren't young people in America rioting in the streets? Why are there no war protests taking over DC?
They will be sooner or later, after the national ID Cards, called Digital Angle (RFID technology) are introduced in May of 08. You can not get your drivers license without this National ID Card. The law is on the books and already enacted. Civil Disobedience will become a way of life here in the Good Old US of A I fear.
Why does society think housing prices going up 100% is a great thing while gas prices going up 100% is the worst thing ever?
This is a conundrum and a really GOOD question. More Kewlaid please.
Why is Britney still with Kevin?
He is hot? Britney is a very successful, beautiful, young Business Woman, she can f@ck whom ever she wants.
bill o is a propagandist who talks in circles. on oprah (and his book) he says basically you're an america-lover or an evil secular progressive, and that you can't be both
I would suggest almost all americans are both - they love america, have good values, and want positive change
but he makes money turning american against american, and it seems to be working great for him
maybe this is how rome fell in the end too
oh, my count is dems take control of senate 51 to 49, and possibly 52 to 48. They'll take the house easily. this will be a big story around the world
there. I'm on record.
Why is the USA spending almost $1,000,000,000.00(USD)/day?
Answer: Because we print the money...
We do not print the money, fool, the Federal Bank, a private business prints the money then we, the people pat them interest for it with the IRS taxes.
pay not pat.
Good Grief you aggravate me to the point of missing the correct keys.
House for sure senate? NJ is wierd in that we are corruption scandal overdosed. This is how our state works, we operate as dems until we have had enough. Right now we are cleaning some house so do not count that Menendez seat just yet.
Why is the USA spending almost $1,000,000,000.00(USD)/day?
Answer: Because we print the money...
"We do not print the money, fool, the Federal Bank, a private business prints the money then we, the people pat them interest for it with the IRS taxes.
I have heard of the Federal Reserve Bank. be careful who you call a fool...show me a dollar I'll show you racket...
Read Below Monkey Boy:
The FED began with approximately 300 people or banks that became owners (stockholders purchasing stock at $100 per share - the stock is not publicly traded) in the Federal Reserve Banking System. They make up an international banking cartel of wealth beyond comparison (Reference 1, 14). The FED banking system collects billions of dollars (Reference 8, 17) in interest annually and distributes the profits to its shareholders. The Congress illegally gave the FED the right to print money (through the Treasury) at no interest to the FED. The FED creates money from nothing, and loans it back to us through banks, and charges interest on our currency. The FED also buys Government debt with money printed on a printing press and charges U.S. taxpayers interest.
I take it all back...
And I am Monkey Chick.
guadalupe hidalgo,1848 wrote:
"Why is the USA spending almost $1,000,000,000.00 (USD)/day to bring democracy to Iraq...while there is no democracy in the USA?"
Agree! It seems that we as a nation are more worried about other countries democratic practices while we are losing it here at home.
david in jax:
"It's going to hurt big when the illegal aliens have less money to spend and start going back home."
But, don't we want them to go home anyway, don't we?
* Why doesn't the US have to record it's outstanding debt plus future liabilities ($40 Trillion total) accurately when reporting its financial condition?
Because Congress has written its own accounting rules -
which would be illegal for a corporation to use because they ignore important costs such as the growing expense of retirement benefits for civil servants and military personnel. Last year, the audited statement produced by the accountants said the government ran a deficit equal to $6,700 for every American household. The number given to the public put the deficit at $2,800 per household ... The audited financial statement - prepared by the Treasury Department - reveals a federal government in far worse financial shape than official budget reports indicate, a USA Today analysis found.
Like oh my God. America is becoming a nation of half breeds. Third world everywhere. I would move back to Europe (Italy) if they would get rid of the Arabs.But the dollar is in the toilet compared to the Euro.
loved the oreilly interview on letterman. when dave wouldnt let him finish speaking he had a lil hissy fit and got up and put the little mask thing on. funny, every interview i've seen of him, he cuts EVERYONE off, doesnt let them finish a complete sentence
"Why aren't young people in America rioting in the streets? Why are there no war protests taking over DC?"
Young people are too busy working low-wage jobs and trying to keep up with student loan payments. You know the federal and state gov't have cut financial aid programs for the past 10 years. And then, there are credit card bills.
In all, I have much sympathy for the young college graduates these days. They're the most indebted generation and will eventually have to support the most entitle-minded generation (the Baby Boomers).
However, I don't have much sympahty for those who are STILL IN college who are not protesting (anything!).
anon 1:25:52,
no, don't move back to europe (italy). they might treat you the same as the way you've treated people from the so-called third world countries. in other words, you might also stink when you move in to their neighborhood.
My bad here is the interview.
Why aren't young people in America rioting in the streets? Why are there no war protests taking over DC?
Because there is no draft.
The US is currently using volunteers to commit its war crimes and other atrocities.
Start the draft and the young people in America will once again start rioting in the streets and war protests will begin in earnest.
keith said...
oh, my count is dems take control of senate 51 to 49, and possibly 52 to 48. They'll take the house easily. this will be a big story around the world
there. I'm on record.
I don't think they take either.
My prediction is R=51, D=47, I=2 in the Senate and R=219, D=216 in the House. I'm not basing this on any personal beliefs, just where the polls are heading.
In the Senate I don't think the Reps can hold Ohio, Penn, RI and I don't believe they can take NJ. I also don't think the Dems can take MT. That's why I make this prediction. For the house, I'm just looking at where the polls are heading.
here's Keith the Dem in all his glory.
"oh, my count is dems take control of senate 51 to 49, and possibly 52 to 48. They'll take the house easily. this will be a big story around the world
there. I'm on record."
Not a chance! What will you loser Dems do when it doesn't happen? You will hear that giant sucking sound. I can't wait. Here is why it wont happen (this is the poster you call a coward btw):
1) Repubs show up to vote way more than Dems
2) Economy is very good right now. Dow all time highs, very low unemployment, and low rates.
3) Dems will want to raise taxes, and this just wont fly with voters.
4) Voter know that Repubs do a better job defending this country. Period! That matters.
Guadalupe Hidalgo has a point.
When this speculative based crony capitalist economy collapses and is replaced with a no handout based, work or die pure capitalism (I pray), the illegal aliens who are surviving in the underground cash based economy will thrive. The fat, overweight, consumerist based middle classes will suffer.
"* Did the feds pick Richard up? Is he getting waterboarded as we speak? "
In your dreams Keith...
Just got back from land shopping - totally off grid - own water (best water table in AZ) - surrounded by like minded NRA card carrying, bill o' rights, in back packet - 12 guage and dried food packed root cellars - fu$k the gov - and will die with my boots on.
Bunker gets buried in 60 days time -
I 'll be thinking of you on a slightly inclined board - bag over head - near death.
Or - you can join me. Just shoot me a line.
BTW nice pic?
are you gay?
Dems are great with phone polls. Maybe Dims are too fat and lazy to vote. Why do you think Tennessee Harold "the crook family" Ford Jr. (D) is so angry with "Boob" Corker (R). The press only had Ford ahead 2% in the phone poll. Corker knows that means he's ahead by 10-15%. We shall soon see.
Republicans are great about showing up and voting. I'm voting early and often.
Metroplexual said...
It is no act Keith seriously Al Franken has him listed on the nut job list.
I'm no fan of Bill O'Reily, but I believe Al Franken is definately the bigger nut job of the two. He's the left wing equivalent of Michael Savidge in my oppinion. He uses personal attacks on the people he doesn't like instead of facts and figures. I understand Bill-O does this too, but not nearly to the degree that Al Franken does. Bill-O's real problem is that he pushes his show as news, which it obviously isn't.
20 quid says Keefer is too lazy to vote. What a surprise! Keith, the typical Dim doesn't vote!
as far as the MSM goes, front page of the Denver Post has a great story on real estate/mort. broker/criminal fraud. Part of an 'occasional series'. Im sure Osman saw it! check out the papers website, its too long to post here......
I don't think they take either.
My prediction is R=51, D=47, I=2 in the Senate and R=219, D=216 in the House. I'm not basing this on any personal beliefs, just where the polls are heading.
If the Dems can't take at least the House this coming election, you might as well kiss democracy good-bye in America because it's not going to survive.....
Mark in San Diego said...
to end the flow - Democrats want more Mexican voters (note the historic election of Laura Sanchez over conservative Orange County
Gawd, I remember that opportunist little shit. Ran as a republican with an Anglo name, Brixey I think, lost, saw where the district demographics were going, switched parties, switched the NAME to a Latina one - first name as well perhaps cos she is now known as Loretta but certainly her last name - won narrowly and became a up-and-coming dem from then on - got her sis into Congress too I see.
That's what I fear most about the Mexicanization of cali and the USofA - we'll get people used to doffing their cap to the padrone and the padre and to nepotism - voting for measures and people that their 'betters' suggest will run rampant and they'll cramp the lifestyle of aging ex-hippies like me. I want to be able to say "F*ck the Pope" if I so choose. or "Mother Teresa is a lying callous authoritarian heartless bitch who consorts with dictators" if I so choose. And I so choose.
I read an article about Britney, and she made a remark about how men over 40 are "so gross". I would have just loved seeing her say that to her own father's face! And now, she's had problems with DHS and her kids. She's gained a bit of weight. Wait 'till you're 40, Brit. Trust me, it ain't that far away!
(I'm a housing bear, by the way, and this is my first post on this blog)
What we'll see is more people piling into houses and apartments. I already see that happening where I work. 2 or 3 people buying a house together.
Like I said when California had rolling electrical blackouts, like in India where power is rotated to different cities and towns during the day, we are becoming a 3rd world nation. It is happening slowly, like the boiling of a frog who won't jump out of the water because the heat rise is gradual.
Have you gone to an "emergency" room lately? Even 10 years ago you had better hope you don't have a real emergency because you'll be waiting HOURS to get seen.
These observations are Los Angeles area. I can't wait to get out of here but I'm stuck until my retirement benefits vest.
If you think Britney is a doll, come to California where 60% of the girls her age are prettier than she is.
None of these celebrities are anything special (except Jennifer Connolly) unless you live in the South or Midwest where the girls are pigs.
"Will George Bush be seen as the worst president in US history?"
Without question.
My bet & partial answer to one of your questions.
If the Dems don't take the House/Sen - not only kiss what was left of democracy out the window temporarily, but because of frustation you are going to see something common in the 3rd world in politics.
That is political assassinations directly or of family members of the target person. Something from the late 60's - Every one remembers King & Kennedy, but during that time there were a bunch of governors & local polticians shot.
My guess of the top 5 target on the hit parade:
1) W's daughters & nieces/nephews.
2) Rove's son.
3) Cheney's daughter
4) Any big wig/well known Neo-Con
5) Non-elected political party Dem/Rep leadership
Russo is a msrked man I reckon.
This country has evolved into a shithole..Thank God for my dual citizenship as well as house and cash assets abroad.
Name of the game is to think and act like a corporation and the elite.
Use every loophole and benefit to enrich yourself, avoid taxes and leave the crumbs and tax burden to the great unwashed American masses. These Republican stupids deserve what they get...a life of struggle and mediocraty.
Except people tend to forget what happened to the illegals during the Great Depression. They were rounded up and deported in mass. Few to no jobs and the citizens of this country were fed up. If it gets bad enough I expect a huge outcry from the populace who will FORCE the government to do something other than speak out their ass.
perhaps he is good at sticking his rocket in britney's socket which wouldn't be so bad now that she has fille dout a bit!
20 quid says Keefer is too lazy to vote. What a surprise! Keith, the typical Dim doesn't vote!
All he has to do is an absentee ballot.
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