A week to go until the epic battle of the clueless and incompetent Democrats versus the corrupt and evil Republicans, so let's find out the political mindset of bubblesitters and various HP constituencies.
The Ten HP Midterm Election Questions:
1) Will you be voting?
2) What State?
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended?
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party?
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)?
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)?
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?)
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008?
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote?
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)?
October 29, 2006
HousingPanic Midterm Election Poll
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1) Maybe.
2) Drunk.
3) Maybe.
4) Maybe.
5) Maybe.
6) Maybe.
7) Maybe.
8) Bugsy.
9) Spackling.
1) Will you be voting? Yes
2) What State? Arkansas
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? Yes
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party?
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? No
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)? Yes
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?) No
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? No one. They all suck. Right now, I'd rather have Zombie Robot Duck over anyone else. Even if ZRD molested puppies on national TV, he'd do better than this administration.
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote? The Deficit. Healthcare. Wages. Jobs. (REAL JOBS.)
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? HELL FUCKING NO.
1) Will you be voting?
Plan To
2) What State?
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended?
Not every one, but mostly
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party?
NO, I will vote issues, not that it matters much.
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)?
No NO and NO
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)?
Yes, they were better with Sadam
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?)
short No
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008?
Anyone but Hillary
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote?
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)?
The US is not heading in the right direction.
You gotta be real stupid to vote for any Republican any time.
Unless of course you're in the 5% elite of the population that manipulates and profits from any Republican sap who frequents blogs like these and pushes convervative politics.
Middle class and below Americans supporting Republicans is like bending over real wide and thanking them.
But hey, lots of American stupids like taking it up the ...
anon, I disagree. Some people vote repug mot because they're stupid, but because they hate the stoopid American public. Vote repug, stick it to your stupid neighbor, you know you want to.
1) Y
2) NJ
3) NO going blue.
4) Democrat
5) Hell no
6) Absolutely
7) No, they are attrocious
8) Haven't a clue
9) Energy independence. It is what would free us from middle eastern entanglements.
10)No f'in way.
voting Repub the whole way. Iraq far from a mistake. Libs suck.
Ya, I hate them libs too. And city slickers, hate 'em, they think they know everything. Watch 'em squirm.
1) Will you be voting? Yes
2) What State? Washington
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? No, voting straight Democratic ticket this year. I wouldn't vote for a Republican if you paid me to.
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party?
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? Are you kidding. No, no, a thousand times NO!
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)? Are you kidding? Yes, yes, a thousand times YES!
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?) How could I? It's in the hands of a bunch of right-wing, extremist, brain-dead, idiotic REPUBLICANS!
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? Al Gore.
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote? The traitorous treachery of the NeoConservatives now controlling the government.
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? Are you kidding? Obviously, NO! We're doing just about everything wrong in terms of foreign policy, and our economy heading for the toilet about as fast as it's humanly possible.
As usual I'll be voting for the least despicable candidates this year. It turns out that this year it's the Republicans turn to be deemed (by me of course) as the most despicable, as demonstrated by Rush Limbaugh's laughable tirade against Fox. By the way, is his first name Rush because he does drugs?
Republicans have been in full control of everything in Washington over the past 6 years and have royally screwed up almost everything. The problem right now isn't incumbency, it's incompetency. I'll be voting straight Democrat this year. Time to kick the failed Republican party out of power so they can rethink what they stand for and hopefully decide against Christianism and Corruption.
1) Will you be voting? Yes
2) What State? Utah
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? No
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party? No, Never
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? No
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)? No
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?) No
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? John McCain
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote? Healthcare, education, job-training
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? I don't think so.
1) Will you be voting?
Yes, always do.
2) What State?
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended?
Most, but not all. Our governor, Janet Napolitano ROCKS...she is a liberal, strong woman.
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party?
Mostly Democrat
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance ?
Good God, no. Worst president in my lifetime.
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake ?
Yep, silly war for our silly Emperor. And to the nutcase weekend-warrior militants in our armed forces, feel free to go over to Iraq or Iran anytime you want to protect my 401K and keep gas cheap for me. Idiots.
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance ?
They're awful. They rubber stamp everything the Emperor commands. Worthless.
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008?
I like Hillary, but don't think she can win. Prefer another strong Democrat, preferably Southern Senator or current Governor. John Edwards is up there for me. I think if the Kerry/Edwards ticket had been flipped, Edwards would be President.
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote?
Deficit & the economy. Our debtor nation will soon collapse on itself. Could care less about terrorism. It is method used by both Islamic nutjobs and the administration to advance their causes.
10) Is the US heading in the right direction ?
No! I have never been more ashamed of our leaders, our policies, and the state of our nation. Since when did we start debating degrees of torture? Sad.
hillary is a socialist.
If you vote lib they will bail out the FBs wiff trillions and billions of yore tax $$$.
I wonder how many states are represented on this blog?
Bugsy, wait until the impeachment hearings in the House come January 2007. Who will be squirming then.
Red + Blue = Purple and we would be much better off avoiding Purple...the oligarchy plutocracy or what ever you would liek to call it.
Just Say No To Purple!
I say purple is just fine. This admin has a rubber stamp in congress. I say vote blue in congress.
1 yes
2 VA
3 No - i think it's more important to vote aginst Republicans this year that vote against Democrats, even though many Dems are in fact clueless, but they are still the lesser of evils.
4 Democrats - Voting straight Dem ticket is in fact in the spirit of voting against all incumbants, because the Republicans have been the dominant party over the last 6 years in particular, and since 1980 in general
5 NO
6 YES! - How could anyone but a blind AND insane person think it has been anything except horrible AND immoral (600,000 Iraqis dead)
7 No
8 we'll see, perhaps Obama, no Hillary
9 Low US savings rate, record wealth disparities in the US
10 - No
Go vote! That will show them who's in charge. LOL.
1) Will you be voting? Yes
2) What State? Virginia
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? No.
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party?
Yes. I usually vote Republican at the congressional and local levels but plan to vote the straight democratic ticket this year.
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? No. Bush may be the worst president since Warren G. Harding.
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)?Yes
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?)No
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? John McCain. He tells the truth, and he carries the potential for greatness. I can't see myself voting for a democrat at the presidential level, but if the Republicans put up an ideological religious conservative as I suspect they will, I'll vote libertarian, as I have the last two elections.
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote?
Reckless spending, corruption, and arrogance on the part of the ruling party.
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? No, we're running as fast as we can in the wrong direction.
1) Will you be voting? Yes
2) What State? CO
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? No
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party?
No, but the Dems aren't my favorites because they mostly haven't a clue.
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)?
Not really, but when life serves up a sh_t sandwich, sometimes the picture isn't pretty. Bush should have listened to his instincts and voter base instead of trying to make Democrats in Congress like him.
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)?
No, but the follow-up has been a disaster. They should have partitioned the country and been done with it.
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?)
No, but we do have the best pols money can buy.
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008?
None appeal to me but the more I hear from Obama, the more I like his chances. The man "gets it". This country was once about shared values, and that is what made it great. He talks the talk, let's see if he can walk the walk.
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote?
I'd have to say it's economic policy. I'm afraid the Dems will try and tax their way out of this mess, and it ain't gonna work.
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? Oh hell no!
hey - how funny is the thread's picture? I thought it was very appropriate
1) I voted last week in early voting
2) Florida
3) I voted for every Libertarian where available. When not available I voted Republican.
4) I split the vote between L & R.
5) I do not approve of Bush's job in office.
6) I do not believe the Iraq war was a mistake, but I do believe the way it was handled was riddled with mistakes.
7) I do not approve of Congress
8) I will vote Libertarian for president in 2008 unless the Dems put up a complete idiot. If the Dems put up a complete idiot, I will vote Rep.
9) Illegal immigration is my biggest issue.
10) The US is not headed in the right direction.
1) Yes
2) Vermont
3) House Rep Bernie Sanders is running for Sen. Jeffords vacated seat.
4) Democrats aren't fielding a candidate for Senate. I'm voting to send a Socialist to the Senate and Republican to the House.
5) He's performing to the best of his ability. He's not failing, we're witnessing deferred success.
6) all wars are a mistake
(Had OSB been dissuaded from setting up shop in Afghanistan, would we be there today?)
7) No
8) Bi-Partisan dream ticket: Barak Obama/Condoleeza Rice
9) a) Policing Islamic-Jidahists bent on terrorism b) Enforcing immigration laws.
10) We're capable of self-correcting. We're adept at succeeding despite ourselves.
Keith sed:
hey - how funny is the thread's picture? I thought it was very appropriate...
Well, it's the donkey's turn. I imagine the poor donkey is still mighty sore from the six year a$$ pounding he just took from the elephant though. ;-)
Thank g*d for this site. Everybody I know and myself are voting Republican on everything. Till I came to this site, I almost thought nobody was voting as a LibTard
+Keith, do you have a rage problem?
Anon said:"Thank g*d for this site. Everybody I know and myself are voting Republican on everything. Till I came to this site, I almost thought nobody was voting as a LibTard"
Start practicing your squats because in 10 days you and you're Repuke circle will be bending over and spreading W-I-D-E.
But like most homophobic Repukes, you probably enjoy it anyway.
deferred success.
We need more PC. (end sarcasim)
LOL story, if it wasn't sad, so sad.
1) Will you be voting? Yes
2) What State? VA
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? Almost, cant vote for Webb, he is a sicko, worse than foley!
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? sorta
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)? not at first
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?) No
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? No one. as a repub, maybe the dem's can give me a non-laughable candidate? i didnt want bush but had to vote him back, you gave me kerry!
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote? corruption, illegal imm.
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? no way
1) Will you be voting? Yes
2) What State? CA
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? No
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party? Mix, mainly Rep
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? No
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)? Yes
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?) No
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? They're all terrible but No Hillary
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote? No new taxes
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? NO
1) Will you be voting? Yes
2) What State? Ohio
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? Pretty much
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party?
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? No
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)? Yes
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?) No
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? Hoping for Al Gore (environment & alt energy rationale)
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote? Energy Policy, Fiscal responsibility
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? No way
1) Will you be voting?
Yes, I already have (early voting by mail).
2) What State?
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended?
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party?
Mostly Republican. And yes on some great AZ ballot propositions like denying bail to illegals arrested for violent felonies, denying in-state college tuition and tuition waivers to illegals, and denying punitive damages to illegals in civil cases. Maybe they will get the message.
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)?
Overall, yes.
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)?
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?)
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008?
John McCain.
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote?
Avenging my friend who was killed in the WTC.
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)?
Yes, especially if it learns to control its borders.
already voted in california, all democrats
Drink some more Kool Aid.
1) Will you be voting?
Why bother. The elections in the US have been rigged since 2000.
The incumbent Republicans aren't going anywhere.
Do they still close the bars on election day? Damn!
anonyruss: "Avenging my friend who was killed in the WTC."
Study this: http://patriotsquestion911.com
1) Will you be voting?
2) What State?
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended?
Yes, but not only because of HP, but also because of the outrageous pay raises the ReThugs and Demcraps in PA awarded themselves while deciding that raising the minimum raise was bad for the rest of us.
4) Libertarian Party, Constitutional Party, Green Party, anything but the 'big two'
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)?
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)?
Yes, not going in, but in the failure to plan on how to get out!
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?)
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008?
Undecided, can't make up my mind between Jason, Freddy, Saw Guy, Scooby-Do, or even Kevin,any of whom would be an improvement
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote?
Energy dependence. The time to start getting away from oil is NOW! Not continually to try to improve the existing fossil fuel burning technology, waiting until it runs out, and then try to figure out something else!
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? No, No, NO!
1) Yes
2) Washington
3) No
4) Yes
5) No
6) Yes
7) No
8) Don’t know
9) The general direction the US is heading in
10) What do you think?
1) Will you be voting?
Damn right - will it count? the game is rigged.
2) What State?
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended?
Damn right - the one of two things we agree on Keith.
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party?
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)?
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)?
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?)
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008?
Too soon to tell. Maybe Roscoe Bartlett(Rep MD)
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote?
Energy and those who understand the dire situation we are in.
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)?
No - nor is the human race.
1. But of course.
2. Two or three.
3. I always do.
4. HaHaHaHa……
5. Mixed bag.
6. Yes, we should have depopulated the entire middle east.
7. See 4.
8. A nationalist dictator.
9. Wetbacks and other foreign criminals(mandatory slur for the sake of the self righteous lefties).
10. Is careening toward self destruction the right direction?
1. Heck Yes
2. CA
3. Heck YEAH
4. Yes, mostly Libertarian except for Tom McClintock
5. No
6. Now I do
8. No one from the so-called two parties (who are actually one IMHO)
9. Tie between border security and state and federal spending
10. NO
1) Will you be voting? Yes.
2) What State? AZ
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? No.
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party? Every five or ten years I actually vote for a Republican. None on my list this year. Straight Democratic for me this year.
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? Hell no!!!
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)? Yes. It was a mistake conceptually, and Bush & Rummy made it worse than it had to be with their operational mistakes. It also drained resources from the effort in Afghanistan, which was a necessary mission that will end in failure.
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?) No.
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? Russ Feingold. Barack is o.k. Also: Gov. Bill Richardson of NM
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote? Gov't's general insensitivity to needs of working people.
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? No.
1) No.
2) WA
3) See #1.
4) See #1
5) Yanks are trying hard to tell me they didn't vote the loser in, but someone must have. I thought maybe Yanks all hated themselves and wanted as much of the world to turn against them as possible by voting him in, so I can't tell if he's doing the job Yanks want him to do well, or if they wanted a world leader.
6) Yes. It was illegal, and the UN didn't approve of it.
7) No. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 should have had Boehlert's amendments voted in, and Michael J. Rogers should never have pushed the Food Labeling Act, and Congress should have paid no attention to Terri Schiavo. Senate should not have passed the Habeus Corpus act.
8) A sane person whose mind hasn't been corrupted by drink and coke, whose life has been committed to good works and public service, who doesn't yap publicly about "Jayzus" while being two-faced and arrogantly oblivious about the very types of people Jesus associated with and helped, and who knows what it's like to be poor and without benefits.
9) See #1.
10) Is the direction to make my home country look really good? If yes, the US is doing a terrific job. If the direction was to motivate highly skilled workers like me to stay in here to keep the economy healthy and the country globally competitive through excellent governance, then, no, the US sucks donkey dong in that respect.
-Never vote on a party ticket
-Pat Buchanan
-Illegals Invading America
) Will you be voting? Yes
2) What State? Oregon
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? No
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party? The democrats aren't ideal but they're a step in the right direction. I'll mostly be voting for them.
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? No
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)? Yes
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?) No. I know wages are a big deal to most people and the Senate voted down party lines to defeat the minimum wage increase bill that would raise it from $5.15, an amount that hasn't increased in 9 years. Inflation is hosing a lot of people.
As for illegal immigration it seems the obvious solution would be to crack down on businesses that do illegal hiring. It's no coincidence that the republicans don't seem to pursue this as vigorously as they would an expensive-ass fence. Those companies make billions on this cheap hardworking labor. Wake up.
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? Al Gore would be a great candidate to confront what's really vital.
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote? Government complicity in certain terrorist attacks and intentional deception by the Bush Admin., especially the politicization of pre-war Iraq intelligence. The 911 Commission was very suspect. Its executive director, the guy responsible for the direction and the editing of the report. The extent of their lies will not be spoon fed to you by the mainstream media but there are many outlets available to learn the whole story.
I'm also very concerned about the damage being done to our planet. Even if you're mostly greedy and only care about what happens in the near future you will still be impacted by the stress that 12 billion people will place on the earth, our life support mechanism. Imagine the additional land that will be leveled in the name people food. The water tables in the mid-west, soil erosion and water quality, especially in populated areas.
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? In the scope of what's reasonably possible for a US administration to do, I can't imagine it going much worse.
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommend?
Your an idiot
Anon said:
"3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommend?
Your an idiot"
Its spelled ,"you're an idiot", you stupid illiterate piece of white trash and most likely Republican
loser faggot.
1) Will you be voting? Yes
2) What State? Missouri
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? No
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party? Never do, but vote mostly Republican
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? No, but I don't think anyone could have done better given the hand they were dealt (slowing economy, Islamic extremists).
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)? No
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?) Doesn't seem to make much of a difference either way
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? McCain
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote? Economy
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? Yes, I think you need to look at the big picture, and I just don't see the US heading in the totally wrong direction right now.
1. Yes
2. MN
3. Yes
4. No, may go independent for gov. as my DFL choice lost the primary. DFL for the rest.
5. No
6. Yes
7. No
8. Nader's '08 comeback tour
9. Economy, environment, female autonomy
10. No
1) Will you be voting? YES
2) What State? SC
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended? ALL BUT SC GOV SANFORD, A LIBERTARIAN
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party? NO
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? NO
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)? YES
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?) HA HA HA HA HA ok NOOOOOOO!!!
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? S. COLBERT
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote? WE HAVE BECOME THE GALACTIC EMPIRE (NONTHINKING REPUBS ARE THE CLONE TROOPERS)
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? NO WAY
1) Yes
2) District of Columbia
3) Most races are unopposed
4) No
5) No
6) No
7) No
8) Nobody
9) SS and Medicare
10) Mild No
I know wages are a big deal to most people and the Senate voted down party lines to defeat the minimum wage increase bill that would raise it from $5.15, an amount that hasn't increased in 9 years.
The Congress and Senate had to make sure there was money left over to vote themselves an increase in pay.
In regards to #10, no.
We will be heading in the right direction only after arresting, and executing, the government officials who have commited high treason against us, and our nation (in other words about 95% of them).
Then we could fully get on the right track by deporting all jews and criminal mexican invaders. The jews assets would have to be seized first though.
Colorado, already voted, all Dem. The Dems took CO in 2004 on a state level and already things are headed in a much better direction.
I'm amazed at the people here who don't like Bush's job, or the war, and yet are voting Republican! Don't you get it? A Republican congress did NOTHING to keep Bush from his totally crazy shit! Voting Republican this year is telling Bush everything he is doing is just fine.
Even if you can't stand the Dems you need to send a message to Bush...and that means, at least for this year, voting Dem.
I'm amazed at the people here who don't like Bush's job, or the war, and yet are voting Republican! Don't you get it? A Republican congress did NOTHING to keep Bush from his totally crazy shit! Voting Republican this year is telling Bush everything he is doing is just fine.
Even if you can't stand the Dems you need to send a message to Bush...and that means, at least for this year, voting Dem.
Couldn't have said it better. And you people voting Libertarian--ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? Do you love Bush and his cronies so much that you're willing to keep them all in office? Sheesh! I can't believe you people! WAKE UP! YOU'RE JUST THROWING YOUR VOTE AWAY!
1 Yes, 2 CA, 3 'When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging' so I'll be voting to reduce the size of Bu$hco's shovel, 5 6 nobody who can operate a computer could approve of Dubya's job performance or imagine the Iraq war was not a mistake, 7 Congress caved and let the oil thugs have their way, 8 In 2008 I'll vote to keep Bu$hco or their remnants (they only have to change mascots in 2008) far away from power. 9. Medicare crisis/healthcare system collapse, 10. No, but a 180 degree turn away from Bu$hco would get us much closer.
1. Yes
2. Texas
3. No
4. Democratic
5. No
6. Yes, since the day the butthead began trying to ram it down our throats
7. No
8. Any combination of Gore, Edwards, or Obama Pajamas. Hillary is waaaaay too corporate.
9. Illegal immigration
10. No. We began losing it in 1970.
) Will you be voting? YES, have always voted since I turned 18.
2) What State? TEXAS
3) Will you vote against every incumbent on the ballot as HP has recommended?
You've recommended someone here in Texas? Wow Keith you'r a superstar influencing the vote in every US election! No, I vote for canidates, not the party, the man, who represents my issues and values be they independant, libertarian, democrate, republican or communist.
4) If not, will you vote a party-line ticket - and what party?
No, never have, never will.
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)?
No, not now, not in 2000. Didn't vote for the man (nor for the democrats running).
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)?
Complex. First we shouldn't have invaded until Afganistan was finished and Osama caught. But having invaded we should have built a coalition, brought in at least one million troops, and secured the nation and its borders from the beginning and executed Sadaam in that pit and dragged his body through Bagdad. As long as he is alive the insurgents hope to restore him to power.
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?)
No. Throw all of them out. Pass a law that they don't show up to work they don't get paid! Limit them to two terms.
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008?
Depends on who actually becomes the canidates. I'd like to see a woman or a minority become president, maybe even a muslim to show the world we are actually tolerant!
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote?
No, it is the economy stupid!
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)?
No, hasn't since GW has been in office, or should I say since Cheney and Rumsfield have been our Presidents.
5) Do you approve of Bush's job performance (Yes or No)? No
6) Do you believe the Iraq war was a mistake (Yes or No)? I think it was based on manipulative lies. They will claim to protect you from terrorists by invading a land where from which there were no 9-11 hijackers and take your taxes while piling a mountain of debt on your back whether you thought there were WMD's in Iraq or not. Who will protect us from the inflation it is bringing?
7) Do you approve of Congress' performance (Yes or No?) No. They seemed to favor the iron triangle (term used by Eisenhower to describe the military-industrial complex).
8) Who are you leaning toward for President in 2008? The field of candidates has not been declared.
9) Besides Iraq, what is the most important issue effecting your vote? Inflation, big govt. spending, deficits.
10) Is the US heading in the right direction (Yes or No)? Who is the US? There are 300 million of us. Some people think they are the US, until they get voted out.
for anyone who says they are going to continue to vote the same way they always have (even if that means a straight ticket), just a reminder that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and over again while expecting a different or more favorable outcome.
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