On Monday I reported that the NY Daily News is now calling the state of the world WWIII. I was criticized for that post and responded:
"I'm off to catch the tube and hope I don't get bombed today by angry islamist cult members. Welcome to reality "
24 hours later, hundreds in India died doing just that, riding the train in India, as these evil radical religious fools decided to go murder women, children and other innocents in the name of their cult of a religion.
Deal with reality folks. And deal with the impact on the world economy (and yes, housing prices) as this islamist situation continues to spin out of control, for the rest of our lifetimes I believe.
If you don't think this effects you, just wait.
July 12, 2006
WWIII Continues - Deal with it.
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I think I'm taking this blog out of my daily routine, because I have no interest in these off-topic political posts. There are plenty of places on the Web to read informed commentary about world politics. This is not one of them. You understand so little of this issue that you cannot even follow what people who disagree with you are saying.
If I want random barroom bloviations on politics, I'll go to an actual bar, where at least I can get a beer.
Stick to real estate.
You want Bill O'Reilly every night don't you?
"If I want random barroom bloviations on politics, I'll go to an actual bar, where at least I can get a beer."
"Stick to real estate."
While I agree in part with this sentiment, I still feel that the literally-exploding world situation does indeed affect real estate. Political and social unrest in and around the Middle East will have a detrimental effect on the price and availability of oil.
A shortage of oil will cause severe economic disruptions while suburbia and exburbia die. As a result, real estate prices will drop dramatically. In fact, oil shortages will quickly bring about the end of the so-called free world. But not before there is a huge war.
I'm looking at the headlines in today's San Francisco Chronicle: "India vows to battle terrorism", and "Violence 'out of control' in Baghdad -- 50 die in a day." In the US, we currently have controlled violence. This situation will quickly change as the oil dries up.
Will the country pull together or split apart (maybe along ethnic / racial lines) when sh*t really hits the fan here? I suspect it will be the former. That would be a really bad scenario. Look at Ireland or Iraq for a preview.
A shortage of oil will cause severe economic disruptions while suburbia and exburbia die.
Yeah, we'll all crowd onto public transit and move back to the cities in response. I don't mind political commentary tangential to the housing panic but I too am tired of knee jerk agenda replies.
While I agree in part with this sentiment, I still feel that the literally-exploding world situation does indeed affect real estate.
Agreed. But ill-informed rants that are too confused to even begin rebutting are unlikely to help us understand how.
funn - i just fixed
HP'ers who want to tell me what to write about - not a chance
it all goes together my friends, it all goes together
how is a train bombing politics? is that a republican or democrat issue?
keep your head in the sand and i'll keep reading this blog, doofus
I like the mix on this blog, and support Keith. I don't agree with everything he says, or other posters, but this is the least booring housing blog to say the least.
I believe politics, macroeconomics, demographics, all have their place. People can always skip/scan over posts they don't like, just like reading a newspaper ;-)
Hey Keith,
Your Islamophobia is readily apparent and the cause of your sopho-moronic political analysis. The 1000+-year Judaist-Christo-Hinduist-Fascist crusade against Muslims continues. And they respond in kind. Barbarism is as barbarism does. Take the plank out of your own eye, Keith, before you complain about the speck in your neighbor's eye.
keith's not a bad guy, but he has a bad habit of getting drunk and then posting. better to post, then get drunk, sleep it off, then post again.
Explain how this is political? I don't understand how it's not just a plain old factual event?
What does Bombay have to do with Dems, Repubs, Bush, Cheney, or Michael Moore?
I guess you'd rather Kieth shut up when it comes to an event that threatens to shatter your world view.
It should be evident by now that the "religion of peace" is really the "religion of pieces". Factor that into your world view and you'll be much better.
Get a grip the Islamist "thing" is a media phenomenon where significance of common events in the middles east are blow out of proportion. The average American thinks that there are 100s of thousands of
Al Qaeda worldwide whereas the reality it is more like 2 or 3 thousand. Hardly much of a threat.
17,000 people die in this country of slip and falls every year ... year after year. 42,000 die on our nations highways every year
... year after year. This dwarfs any damage that Al Qaeda (and Islamists) could do to our country. But hey keep hyping the threat I guess you think you are getting something out of it
in some perverse way.
Fear the fear.
The only thing "blown out" is not proportion but the windows etc on the Mumbai trains!!
It's all about Islamofascists!
Anon wrote: 7,000 people die of slip and falls. 42,000 die on our highways year after year. This dwarfs any damage that Al Qaeda (and Islamists) could do to our country (abbreviated)
Because markets fluctuate massively on sentiment, on the prediction for future earnings, the economic damage caused by terrorism is significant. Much more so than th 49K people who slip in the bathtub or crash their cars.
If you recall, in the days after 9/11, our economy virtually stopped. Commenters called it the CNN effect. Why do you think after about a week politicians were encouraging us to go out and shop?
Anon wrote: Your Islamophobia is readily apparent and the cause of your sopho-moronic political analysis.
I think Keith's been very clear to distinguish Islam from Islamist. One being the world's 2nd largest religion, peacefully followed by the vast majority of its adherents. The other being a radical, extremist cancer fueled by Saudi money and inspired by Wahhabi philosophy.
I've debated Keith's analysis of real estate in the past, but he's not Islamophobic.
Guerilla and terror tactics are very different than WAR.
You are still much more likely to die of a car crash than to die from a terrorist.
In wartime cities of london, dresden and tokyo death came en mass from the air.
Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Well, yields and delivery options have multiplied the potential for destruction. Think megadeaths.
WAR will be when france, russia, future china, the US, and any other player s have drawn up sides and literally go ballistic against each other. Leaders don't like to loose - that is when masses die.
Doomsday clock strikes midnight before 2020 A.D.
When debts are called, resources are scarce and population pressures boil over look for a massive reductions in population - problems solved.
I like the way you think.
This was an attack on up and comers in Mumbai. It is relevant.
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