July 10, 2006

NY Daily News front page: "It's World War Three"

Man, talk about bad timing. Our housing market is in melt-down mode, our country's finances are a house of cards, and of all the damn things to happen right now, WWIII has to break out? Good grief! This sucks!

Seriously though, someone tell me how this thing ends. At what point do the islamists put down their guns, their IEDs, their bombs and their hatred, and say ok, we're good to go now - war over, let's open factories and call centers now and get our people educations and food!

(A side note - I was on the tube a year ago when those stinking you-know-what's decided to blow a few of 'em up. So I'm still pissed, and yes, judgemental against what I call islamists, an evil cult in my book)

Meanwhile, I know more than a few HP'ers are hunkering down, at least financially. I hope you are all out there preparing, or at least preparing to prepare. The other shoe may indeed drop soon.

It's WWIII, and U.S. is out of ideas

Last week's headlines prove the point: North Korea fires missiles, Iran talks of nukes again, Iraq carnage continues, Israel invades Gaza, England observes one-year anniversary of subway bombing. And, oh, yes, the feds stop a plot to blow up tunnels under the Hudson River.

World War III has begun.

It's not perfectly clear when it started. Perhaps it was after the Berlin Wall fell and the Cold War ended. Perhaps it was the first bombing of the World Trade Center, in 1993.

What is clear is that this war has a long fuse and, while we are not in the full-scale combat phase that marked World Wars I and II, we seem to be heading there. The expanding hostilities mean it's time to give this conflict a name, one that focuses the mind and clarifies the big picture.

The war on terror, or the war of terror, has tentacles that reach much of the globe. It is a world war.

While it is often a war of loose or no affiliation, and sometimes just amateur copycats, the similar goals of destruction add up to a threat against modern society. Even the hapless wanna-bes busted in Miami ordered guns and military equipment from a man they thought was from Al Qaeda. Islamic fascists are the driving force, but anti-American hatred is a global membership card for any and all who have a grievance and a gun.


Anonymous said...

i love the media and those controlling it.

Anonymous said...

housing anyone.......anyone?

Anonymous said...

It ends when you infidels prostrate yourself as the faithful followers of Islam pass by.

Or, when the radiation level at Mecca falls enough to permmit limited access by CNN camera crews.

Anonymous said...

It's over already.....Italy won! Zidane got a RED CARD. Viva Italia!!!

Anonymous said...

You say "threatening and attacking other countries" like that's a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

You don't wanna talk housing, we no talk about housing. Poor Ms. Liberty never did nothin' wrong, right? Can't figure out why the rest of the world hates her. They hate her for her freedom, yeah, that's it. She just wants to make the rest of the world free and prosperous, like her. How come don't everybody love Ms. Liberty?

Anonymous said...

Yeah we should be nice to mentally ill dictators who have access to nuclear weapons and won't blink an eye before using them. If we're nice to them, then they'll like America yippee...

We should direct our foreign policy so that other countries like us. I can't sleep at night because certain countries hate us. boo hoo I'm a libtard.

I love the posters here who hate Amercia yet:
1) Live in America and thus benefit from all the horrors and sins of our terrible oppressing past.
2) Use the internet which was created by the US Military who is the cause of all problems in the world.

Anonymous said...

Amurka, love it or leave it, huh? If you don't like the way the corporate fascist pigs are running things in the world then just get the hell out. Us fascists tell the world how to run things good, the Amurkan way. If you enjoy the benefits of fascism then just shut the hell up, okay?

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. So America is fascist now? Let me guess, you read the NY Times, you love Noam Chomsky, you like the Daily Show, and love Michael Moore.

How are you on the Internet? Who made your computer, the lines that transmit the data, your ISP, the servers? Well golly gee big bad ole corporations.

I know in college you learned that it was cool to hate America and that you had to have a lot of guilt for living here, but grow up and stop being such a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Most people like to be told by others and to feel within themselves that they are good and decent, that morality and god are on their side. When reassured often enough of their own innate goodness it becomes easy for them to believe that they are capable of righting the injustice that is in the world. What they do not understand is that they, themselves, are often the culprit of the grievous ills they would seek to remedy. There are many ruthless and selfish people who exploit this self-indulgent attitude. Once they get a majority mindset going this way they can justify or explain away almost anything. Often the sheeple will perform work of censure for the ruthless because they really to not want things to change in any profound way. The manipulators prey on the fears of the weak and easily dominate the feebleminded.

Anonymous said...

Why is this going to be WWIII?
I think we are currently in nothing more than a Vietnam or Korea - since we are a nuclear armed superpower no country is going to do anything on scale that would result in "retaliation" in kind.
Besides everyone knows WWIII is going to happen around 2020 when China is ready. China will have their allies and the lines will be clearly drawn. The worst war is yet to come. On the plus side the human population will be dramatically reduced in numbers.

Anonymous said...

Well said BSPAYS!

Anonymous said...

Name a religion which isn't an evil cult, to one degree or another.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so was the internete created by the military or by corporations? Let us know when the voices in your head reach a concensus.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, these groups were a few thousand weirdos in the hills of Afghanistan and Yemen until Bu$hco decided to go apeshit after Sept 11. Now there are hundreds of thousands of them and they have many many sympathetic allies (probably 3-4 for every Iraqi we've killed). How will it impact the housing bubble? I say only that Bu$hco has virtually INSURED a WMD attack on a big US city.

Anonymous said...

Get a grip Keith. Al Qaeda has maybe 2000 members worldwide.
The old geezers in that pathetic
Minute Man group could take care of Al Qaeda with a bunch of weedwhackers on a druken weekeend. So there you go again Keith buying into the "threat" hype. Fear the fear.

blogger said...

good read - i'm off to catch the tube and hope I don't get bombed today by angry islamist cult members

welcome to reality

Anonymous said...

ahhh, the loser bitter lefties. Love ya. Full of anger and fear and hype.

Anonymous said...

BTW Keith, I am off to catch the 4 express train to Wall St, and I will walk by ground zero...hope that doesn't happen again.

Anonymous said...

>> housing anyone.......anyone?

STFU already.

Anonymous said...

chump change, loser. I made over $4000 playing on-line poker last month.

Anonymous said...

skytrekker dates dudes

Anonymous said...

Bravo Bspays!!!!!!

"lefties" is obviously a very high compliment.

Anonymous said...

Fear the fear. Had enough yet?
You finally catching on to the BushCo vision for AmeriCo.

Anonymous said...

Love your neighbor as yourself.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


Anonymous said...

"As a result of the tests, the PRC got a free look at U.S. capabilities. The PRC saw which military resources the U.S. committed, which tactical weapons were deployed, (ships, air and land-based systems), which frequencies used (to be jammed in time of war). They also got to see how quickly and accurately we identified and tracked the North Korean missiles."


Anonymous said...

You got me thinking Hiram. The Jewish lobby has a significant influence on American foreign policy. Good or bad it’s just the way it is. I wish the best for all people.


InfidelSix said...

Hey look, the religion of peace (pieces) has struck again.

check ccn or bbc

train bombed in India (multiple simultaneous explosions) 135 dead.

Boy they must really hate us to kill so many Indian commuters.

It's probably our fault for being such fascists.

InfidelSix said...

Oh, and skyTrekker,

please explain how Islam is not fascist, but the U.S. is. I'm very curious as to how you can come to this conclusion.

I guarantee you the traditional victims of fascism are much more worried about Muslims than they are about the U.S.

Anonymous said...

You know they bombed those Indian commuters because they are in essence, outsourced Americans!

Anonymous said...

Since when does any religion have anything to do with peace?