Take 60 seconds and think through the financial effects of a worldwide flu pandemic. That's tough to do, since most of us weren't around in 1918. But think it through.
U.S. Regulators Warn of Bird Flu
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and Office of Thrift Supervision together issued an advisory notice to financial institutions urging preparation for the possibility of an outbreak of avian flu.
The notice refers to the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza, which stated that the "private sector should play an integral role in preparedness before a pandemic begins, and should be part of the national response."
Financial institutions and their service providers supply essential financial services and should consider their preparedness and response strategy for a potential pandemic, said the joint statement. Institutions should take note of their measures in preparedness, communication, surveillance, detection, response and containment.
"Financial institutions with a global presence and those considered critical to the financial system may have greater preparation and response challenges than those of other financial institutions. However, a pandemic event is a potential threat to any financial institution regardless of size and location," said the notice.
April 04, 2006
I think we all need to stop for a second and take this a bit more seriously
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I already started hording supplies for months. It's kinda like beating the xmas rush. I'm still unprepared for all chaos, but I'm getting there.
I was going to take issue with the word "hoarding" until i looked it up in the dictionary. Actually, it's a noble word. Basically it means "hidden accumulation". That works for me. We've been in hoarding mode for 3 months now, and my peace of mind just keeps getting better. Anything can happen from a few days storm disruption to full scale national disaster. The fact that you have "something" vs "nothing" can, and will, make all the difference.
There's going to be weirdness like people unwilling to handle cash because of the germs. Gyms will sit empty. NYSE stays open? NASDQ electronic. Would you go to an open house?
At several of the New England cemetaries where relatives are buried I am always shocked at the row after row of headstones with the same range of dates. Killed more than all of WW-I. While I don't think even the craziest or most insular nations would deliberately export the disease, there are some that should they succumb on a national level who would be sure they weren't alone. There will also be xenophobia. For half the counties xenophobia equates to blame the US. Then if things do get bad the usual reciepient countries will scream genocide because the US and other G6s will be busy with their own homelands and as we know no matter how much we do it is never enough. Will securable nations; Japan, Aus, Iceland, British Isles shut down their borders? What happens at the US southern border if a panic sends tens of millions streaming north? What happens to international air travel if Hawaii even temporarilly quarantines?
Crackers, canned goods, vitamins, home schooling materials, pet food (remember rumors, hysteria you may need to keep your pets indoors). Gosh, I don't want to think about this worst case stuff, too many sigmas out from most scenarios. Oh but any regular medicines. Make sure you have an ample supply, the last thing you want to do is stand in line at a pharmacy.
The increasing levels of sensationalism on this blog are becoming laughable. It's starting to sound like the Weekly World News.
What's next, "Realtor Gives Birth to Two Headed Talking Alien Baby, Predicts Housing Collapse!"?
Fear mongering, over the top sensationalism, and hype are clearly driving traffic. Are they clicking your ads Keith?
In a panic it doesn't matter who has the most rations stored up. If I have more ammo than you, you will be without food and I'll be eating like a king.
Keith, I don't mind what you are posting. I visit everyday for bubble news and if there is an informative article on other economic issues, then I consider it an added bonus. Keep up the good work..
I don't mind it either. That's why I called it laughable (as in f-u-n-n-y).
With the recent Chicano baiting and ability to bring out the loonies (to comment), it's gone from being informative (for tracking the bubble) to being sheer slap-stick entertainment.
I'm surprised there aren't ads selling survivalist crap in the sidebar yet.
if you don't think avian flu is real, I'd encourage you to read your history.
but ignorance is bliss. Like not reading your history on financial panics.
it's all there for you. you just have to make the choice to go through life ignorant and happy, or informed and concerned. both have their merits.
I choose informed.
Hey this board is for the informed, prepared and those who want to educate themselves. Informed people know that it’s over now! Even the MSM has daily pieces that refer to the housing market as passé. The people in total denial are pretty much screwed i.e., the flippers, those with exotic mortgages, those employed in the housing industry etc. etc..
The crashing housing market is bad enough not to mention rising oil, inflation, interest rates, war and more war, potential pandemic, increasing unrest in developed nations as they unwillingly adjust to 3rd world economies and more.
Those who refer to the informed as fear mongers should educate themselves on two of the largest holders of silver, it’s not a couple of paranoid idiots! Try Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. The time is coming where those ignoring the situation will be screwed. I urge you to get prepared now because I don’t want to see anyone suffer. Not fear mongering! Just the verifiable facts.
Hey Osman, we're trying to have intelligent discourse here. If you don't care for it, why are you still hanging around?
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