A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
If people in other countries, especially ones who are just trying to get something to eat, saw this video, they'd be sick.Watch this whole video folks. Let it sink in, the gaming of America these past few years by a greedy few, and the willing participation by the clueless masses. Think about the warnings ignored. Think about the complete failure of government oversight. Think about what happened to your country, thanks to the out-of-control REIC. Think about the behavior of realtors on commission and the NAR. And think about how we ever can get out of this mess.America - where lives were ruined so that realtors, mortgage brokers and bankers could make a commissionAmerica - where they paint the grassAmerica - where people don't honor their contracts.America - where mortgage fraud is no longer a crime.America - a disposable, broke and lawless countryAmerica - a first world country looking more and more like a banana republic every dayhat-tip to corgiguy
This is disgusting. Have these trasher people ever heard of a thrift store? With the way the economy's going, I'd be glad to find all that high end stuff for a couple dollars secondhand. What the FUCK?!?!?!
I'm wondering if those Fox people are still debating whether or not the U.S. will go into recession.Now all the other networks have jumped to "Can the U.S. avoid a depressions."
Did you see this, Keith?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaG9d_4zij8House Rep Brad Sherman says Bush and Paulson were telling congress the market would plunge 5000 points and martial law would be declared on the streets of America if the House voted No on Monday.They're running one hell of a confidence scheme.
The people are not depressed but many are illegal Mexicans - they did not pay for most of that stuff - most was purchased as a cash-out when "purchasing" the home.The Americans that sold millions of home to illegal Mexicans for zero down and no proof of finances should all go to jail for a very long time.We taxpayers end up having to pay for this.
The inland landfill.
This is what Obama will do once elected:"Barack Obama called Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings on Tuesday with a promise: As president, he would revisit bankruptcy laws to give judges more leeway to prevent foreclosures."Just vote Change and Hope and your tax dollars will be paying off the mortgages of these poor, poor victims, while you continue to rent and apartment.
WOW that was an eye opener!!! I had no idea that California was that bad off. If you buy a in California you need to get your head checked out. Love the overweight couple talking about their loser investment , I hate to say it but that was a classic picture on America.
This is loathsome. The debtors had total disregard for their property; no wonder they're foreclosing. What they're throwing out is thousands of dollars worth of furniture and electronics, which could be donated or auctioned off.
This house looks like they've left in a panic, like they would in a nuclear disaster. Why would they leave so much stuff? Was the TV also bought on HELOC?
Paige,The Trashers are paid a set $$ amount to clear out a house. That has to cover the wages for all those workers + the dumpster and dump fees. There is no time, money, gas to sort through the stuff and donate what's good from the garbage. The Company Owner even said he regrets it but he can't get Goodwill to even show up. I have personally expeienced that. They say they will be there and never show up. At least his workers can take what they want.
Where the internet producers canot process a video like this one that loads in a reasonable time. Just a piece of shit that starts and stops so much you just click it off.Fuck America is a piece of dishonest, corrupt shit and will never be taken seriously again, anywhere by anybody.They should paint every/all the politicians green as well.DIE U PIGS
Wher did they get the meth heads in this video? Down at the tent city...Disgusting, but perfect for Southern California. Land of Nothing.
I pray they donate the good stuff, not just through it all in a dumpster. What a waste of energy, time and money...our taxpayer money that is.
.America where they prosecute the Border patrol agents and release the drug dealer!.
Why didn't those people at least SELL that stuff in the house and raise some cash? Too lazy to take it to the pawn shop or put an ad in Craig's list? Jeez.
America- where an old Fag like Barney Frank can head up the banking committee for years and claim No responsibility for anything involved!
I spent time in that area for business in 2003-2006. Went there many times. McMansions and plastic people everywhere. Boob jobs, SUVs, a nightmare, shallow culture to me. It was also VERY solidly republican.No surprise.GO MCCAIN PALIN!
Did you see this, Keith?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaG9d_4zij8House Rep Brad Sherman says Bush and Paulson were telling congress the market would plunge 5000 points and martial law would be declared on the streets of America if the House voted No on Monday.They're running one hell of a confidence scheme.That's Congressional Martial law, not martial law on the streets.
America- where the fat ass slackers are thinking about grabbing the fat ass baby and skipping town.Mr & Mrs Fat-Ass with the stupid goatee on that video are what's wrong with Amerika.
I handle legal issues related to foreclosures and evictions, and I see this all the time. I just talked to a 75 year old woman this week who abandoned her home, because she could no longer afford it. She was so distraught over losing her home that she just packed up what she could fit in her car, drove in a daze (and by herself) from CA to NY, then back to CA where she has settled 600 miles from her old home. She has called me, because she wants pictures of her family (who are all dead - she is alone) that she left behind. I am actually going to her home today to retrieve them and mail them to her. She was hysterically crying when I talked to her. Very sad.Many of these homeowners are really distraught and in denial over the foreclosure/lock out and are not thinking like a rational person. I am not justifying their actions, just sayin what I see.We conduct a sale of the items that are left in homes after we gain possession of the home. I am surprised the banks don't do the same thing or hire a firm to sell the good stuff and junk the rest.
"America - where they paint the grass"Grass and tree painting was invented and practiced long ago in Russian army. ;) You know, before some kind of general arrives, the grass must be green.
Just a thought: all this stuff they are throwing away was purchased new and financed too via the HELOCs, under the table cashbacks, 120% financings, etc.And now we the taxpayer have to pay for all this via the bailout. Great video, you can actually see what the part of $700 billion are being paid for, and where this stuff we bought goes.I was inclined calling it "crap" but the stuff does not look crappy. Yet it goes to the landfill.
Are Americans adults or giant infants? Do they hold any responsibility for their choices and actions? Or are they just big kids lead around by their noses? If some stranger (realtor, investment banker) offers free candy (home on easy terms, can't miss investment), they take it, eat it, and get sick (homeless, broke). Just like doe-eye children.
The guys doing this have TRIED to liaise with charity stores, but the Charities let them down. And, if you watched the video, they encourage the Trash Team to take stuff home with them.Just goes to show that 95% of the stuff in your house is worthless trash, anyway.Future generations will curse us for just throwing the whole world into a landfill.That video is one of the most sickening things I've ever seen.
I don't think this video showed the real picture. With the exception of some spoiled food and a bunch of junk left on the kitchen counters the inside of this house looked in good shape. I want to see these trasher crews going into a house where the owners left the water running, poured concrete into the toilets, and left their two big dobermans behind. That is probably a much more realistic picture on these abandoned houses.
This is beautiful. The New American Way. Paint the grass and throw all your shit out every 3 years or so.Personally when they asked what I would have left behind it would have been the fat lazy stupid wife and the diabetic kids. Godfather Part 1:Take the Gun and leave the canoliAmerica Today:Take the dog an leave the familyThis is the perfect portrayal of Southern California lifestyle and now we know what Frank@scottsdale sucks business is. A little light on top there Frank...Impressive. All Class, low.
Sign those two fatso morons that listened to their accountant up for Americas Biggest Loser, Real Estate division and general life categories.Whats with that shit on his face? What could he possibly do for work besides be Franks partner?What a fuckin goon.Murder the Kid before it gets any larger or has a chance to mutate into more monsters like mommy and daddy.Anther day in AmericaDIE U PIGS
Trash out. Been there done that. My guys would have been taking everything from that one.
Why on earth would they destroy something that could make a good buck? At least they could recover some of the debt. This isn´t very socialist... I´m confused. Isn´t the US supposed to be a socialist country now?I hope at least the workers are free to take whatever they fancy
Looks like a good job for a strong back. All you can take home.
Why doesn´t this kind of stuff happens in my country? I would gladly empty the house for free and sell whatever was sellable... What a waste... and they had some nice furniture too...PJ
My wife and I saved for years to buy a house. We put down a $100K only to find that we were swindled.I have lost sleep over this. I cannot believe that this could happen.Whatever happened to honesty in our Country.
Are Americans adults or giant infants? Do they hold any responsibility for their choices and actions? Or are they just big kids lead around by their noses? If some stranger (realtor, investment banker) offers free candy (home on easy terms, can't miss investment), they take it, eat it, and get sick (homeless, broke). Just like doe-eye children.America is following the world's lead more and more. It's turning into the EU Socialist Union where everyone looks to Nanny Government to bail them out. Instead of attacking America, realize that this is going on because of all the idiots who wanted the rest of the world to "like us" and thought we should adopt their ways.If we want to fix this mess, we need to return to acting like Americans and not a bunch of whiny EU socialist babies who want everything handed to them.
Anonymous said... "My wife and I saved for years to buy a house. We put down a $100K only to find that we were swindled.I have lost sleep over this. I cannot believe that this could happen.Whatever happened to honesty in our Country."What ever happened to REVENGE in this Country. Eye for an Eye like in the Bible... What happened to men having BALLS?I know what I would do if YOU swindled ME out of $100K and it wouldn't be to whine on a blog, that's for sure.Carpe Diem
this is sickening. I grew up in a house half this size. No VCR, no wide screen TV, no computers, no fancy furniture. America, give your head a shake,start over, and do it right this time.
This video is an Andrew Hac rant come to life! Pity we didn't get a better look at the photos. The bloated, fat, clueless Americano Turtles and their hapless brood of kids. Too fucking broke to even afford a U-Haul to take their electronic toys with them. At least they could pawn that shit and get a little money.
Home: $400,000.00Furnishings from Walmart and Target: $5,000.00Watching a lard ass American couple and their tubby infant stroll through a new urban wasteland in middle class America: Priceless.Got Cash?
How can a woman be this fat..?Honestly.
"She was so distraught over losing her home that she just packed up what she could fit in her car, drove in a daze.."I'm sorry but what exactly is it to be distraight about? I never owned a house in my life. Should I be in a permanent state of depression and daze?
"America is following the world's lead more and more. It's turning into the EU Socialist Union where everyone looks to Nanny Government to bail them out."In Europe only the UK and Spain had a similar housing bubble. The UK because the British so much share the American passion for "free market capitalism" and Spain probably because the UK retirees and "investors" drove up the prices. The French, Germans and other European nations live within their means and if their banks have problems it is because they were stupid enough to buy American trash.
It's amazing.
If your just reading responses and didn't watch the video because you thought it was to long. Do yourself a favor and watch, well worth it!
Lisa Ling is sooooo hot!!!!!!!!!!
.Lisa ling is so Hot!Me reicky!.
Horrible. Absolutely horrible. I don't even know what else to say.
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This is disgusting. Have these trasher people ever heard of a thrift store? With the way the economy's going, I'd be glad to find all that high end stuff for a couple dollars secondhand. What the FUCK?!?!?!
I'm wondering if those Fox people are still debating whether or not the U.S. will go into recession.
Now all the other networks have jumped to "Can the U.S. avoid a depressions."
Did you see this, Keith?
House Rep Brad Sherman says Bush and Paulson were telling congress the market would plunge 5000 points and martial law would be declared on the streets of America if the House voted No on Monday.
They're running one hell of a confidence scheme.
The people are not depressed but many are illegal Mexicans - they did not pay for most of that stuff - most was purchased as a cash-out when "purchasing" the home.
The Americans that sold millions of home to illegal Mexicans for zero down and no proof of finances should all go to jail for a very long time.
We taxpayers end up having to pay for this.
The inland landfill.
This is what Obama will do once elected:
"Barack Obama called Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings on Tuesday with a promise: As president, he would revisit bankruptcy laws to give judges more leeway to prevent foreclosures."
Just vote Change and Hope and your tax dollars will be paying off the mortgages of these poor, poor victims, while you continue to rent and apartment.
WOW that was an eye opener!!! I had no idea that California was that bad off. If you buy a in California you need to get your head checked out. Love the overweight couple talking about their loser investment , I hate to say it but that was a classic picture on America.
This is loathsome. The debtors had total disregard for their property; no wonder they're foreclosing. What they're throwing out is thousands of dollars worth of furniture and electronics, which could be donated or auctioned off.
This house looks like they've left in a panic, like they would in a nuclear disaster. Why would they leave so much stuff? Was the TV also bought on HELOC?
The Trashers are paid a set $$ amount to clear out a house. That has to cover the wages for all those workers + the dumpster and dump fees. There is no time, money, gas to sort through the stuff and donate what's good from the garbage. The Company Owner even said he regrets it but he can't get Goodwill to even show up. I have personally expeienced that. They say they will be there and never show up. At least his workers can take what they want.
Where the internet producers canot process a video like this one that loads in a reasonable time. Just a piece of shit that starts and stops so much you just click it off.
Fuck America is a piece of dishonest, corrupt shit and will never be taken seriously again, anywhere by anybody.
They should paint every/all the politicians green as well.
Wher did they get the meth heads in this video? Down at the tent city...
Disgusting, but perfect for Southern California. Land of Nothing.
I pray they donate the good stuff, not just through it all in a dumpster.
What a waste of energy, time and money...our taxpayer money that is.
America where they prosecute the Border patrol agents and release the drug dealer!
Why didn't those people at least SELL that stuff in the house and raise some cash? Too lazy to take it to the pawn shop or put an ad in Craig's list? Jeez.
America- where an old Fag like Barney Frank can head up the banking committee for years and claim No responsibility for anything involved!
I spent time in that area for business in 2003-2006. Went there many times. McMansions and plastic people everywhere. Boob jobs, SUVs, a nightmare, shallow culture to me. It was also VERY solidly republican.
No surprise.
Did you see this, Keith?
House Rep Brad Sherman says Bush and Paulson were telling congress the market would plunge 5000 points and martial law would be declared on the streets of America if the House voted No on Monday.
They're running one hell of a confidence scheme.
That's Congressional Martial law, not martial law on the streets.
America- where the fat ass slackers are thinking about grabbing the fat ass baby and skipping town.
Mr & Mrs Fat-Ass with the stupid goatee on that video are what's wrong with Amerika.
I handle legal issues related to foreclosures and evictions, and I see this all the time. I just talked to a 75 year old woman this week who abandoned her home, because she could no longer afford it. She was so distraught over losing her home that she just packed up what she could fit in her car, drove in a daze (and by herself) from CA to NY, then back to CA where she has settled 600 miles from her old home. She has called me, because she wants pictures of her family (who are all dead - she is alone) that she left behind. I am actually going to her home today to retrieve them and mail them to her. She was hysterically crying when I talked to her. Very sad.
Many of these homeowners are really distraught and in denial over the foreclosure/lock out and are not thinking like a rational person. I am not justifying their actions, just sayin what I see.
We conduct a sale of the items that are left in homes after we gain possession of the home. I am surprised the banks don't do the same thing or hire a firm to sell the good stuff and junk the rest.
"America - where they paint the grass"
Grass and tree painting was invented and practiced long ago in Russian army. ;) You know, before some kind of general arrives, the grass must be green.
Just a thought: all this stuff they are throwing away was purchased new and financed too via the HELOCs, under the table cashbacks, 120% financings, etc.
And now we the taxpayer have to pay for all this via the bailout. Great video, you can actually see what the part of $700 billion are being paid for, and where this stuff we bought goes.
I was inclined calling it "crap" but the stuff does not look crappy. Yet it goes to the landfill.
Are Americans adults or giant infants? Do they hold any responsibility for their choices and actions? Or are they just big kids lead around by their noses? If some stranger (realtor, investment banker) offers free candy (home on easy terms, can't miss investment), they take it, eat it, and get sick (homeless, broke). Just like doe-eye children.
The guys doing this have TRIED to liaise with charity stores, but the Charities let them down.
And, if you watched the video, they encourage the Trash Team to take stuff home with them.
Just goes to show that 95% of the stuff in your house is worthless trash, anyway.
Future generations will curse us for just throwing the whole world into a landfill.
That video is one of the most sickening things I've ever seen.
I don't think this video showed the real picture. With the exception of some spoiled food and a bunch of junk left on the kitchen counters the inside of this house looked in good shape.
I want to see these trasher crews going into a house where the owners left the water running, poured concrete into the toilets, and left their two big dobermans behind. That is probably a much more realistic picture on these abandoned houses.
This is beautiful. The New American Way. Paint the grass and throw all your shit out every 3 years or so.
Personally when they asked what I would have left behind it would have been the fat lazy stupid wife and the diabetic kids.
Godfather Part 1:
Take the Gun and leave the canoli
America Today:
Take the dog an leave the family
This is the perfect portrayal of Southern California lifestyle and now we know what Frank@scottsdale sucks business is. A little light on top there Frank...
Impressive. All Class, low.
Sign those two fatso morons that listened to their accountant up for Americas Biggest Loser, Real Estate division and general life categories.
Whats with that shit on his face? What could he possibly do for work besides be Franks partner?
What a fuckin goon.
Murder the Kid before it gets any larger or has a chance to mutate into more monsters like mommy and daddy.
Anther day in America
Trash out.
Been there done that.
My guys would have been taking everything from that one.
Why on earth would they destroy something that could make a good buck? At least they could recover some of the debt. This isn´t very socialist... I´m confused. Isn´t the US supposed to be a socialist country now?
I hope at least the workers are free to take whatever they fancy
Looks like a good job for a strong back. All you can take home.
Why doesn´t this kind of stuff happens in my country? I would gladly empty the house for free and sell whatever was sellable... What a waste... and they had some nice furniture too...
My wife and I saved for years to buy a house. We put down a $100K only to find that we were swindled.
I have lost sleep over this. I cannot believe that this could happen.
Whatever happened to honesty in our Country.
Are Americans adults or giant infants? Do they hold any responsibility for their choices and actions? Or are they just big kids lead around by their noses? If some stranger (realtor, investment banker) offers free candy (home on easy terms, can't miss investment), they take it, eat it, and get sick (homeless, broke). Just like doe-eye children.
America is following the world's lead more and more. It's turning into the EU Socialist Union where everyone looks to Nanny Government to bail them out.
Instead of attacking America, realize that this is going on because of all the idiots who wanted the rest of the world to "like us" and thought we should adopt their ways.
If we want to fix this mess, we need to return to acting like Americans and not a bunch of whiny EU socialist babies who want everything handed to them.
Anonymous said...
"My wife and I saved for years to buy a house. We put down a $100K only to find that we were swindled.
I have lost sleep over this. I cannot believe that this could happen.
Whatever happened to honesty in our Country."
What ever happened to REVENGE in this Country. Eye for an Eye like in the Bible... What happened to men having BALLS?
I know what I would do if YOU swindled ME out of $100K and it wouldn't be to whine on a blog, that's for sure.
Carpe Diem
this is sickening. I grew up in a house half this size. No VCR, no wide screen TV, no computers, no fancy furniture.
America, give your head a shake,start over, and do it right this time.
This video is an Andrew Hac rant come to life! Pity we didn't get a better look at the photos. The bloated, fat, clueless Americano Turtles and their hapless brood of kids. Too fucking broke to even afford a U-Haul to take their electronic toys with them. At least they could pawn that shit and get a little money.
Home: $400,000.00
Furnishings from Walmart and Target: $5,000.00
Watching a lard ass American couple and their tubby infant stroll through a new urban wasteland in middle class America: Priceless.
Got Cash?
How can a woman be this fat..?
"She was so distraught over losing her home that she just packed up what she could fit in her car, drove in a daze.."
I'm sorry but what exactly is it to be distraight about? I never owned a house in my life. Should I be in a permanent state of depression and daze?
"America is following the world's lead more and more. It's turning into the EU Socialist Union where everyone looks to Nanny Government to bail them out."
In Europe only the UK and Spain had a similar housing bubble. The UK because the British so much share the American passion for "free market capitalism" and Spain probably because the UK retirees and "investors" drove up the prices. The French, Germans and other European nations live within their means and if their banks have problems it is because they were stupid enough to buy American trash.
It's amazing.
If your just reading responses and didn't watch the video because you thought it was to long. Do yourself a favor and watch, well worth it!
Lisa Ling is sooooo hot!!!!!!!!!!
Lisa ling is so Hot!
Me reicky!
Horrible. Absolutely horrible.
I don't even know what else to say.
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