"George W. Bush is unworthy of the presidency. He is a disgrace to himself, our Nation, and the high office he holds"
- Democratic operative Paul Begala, May 2008, going beyond spin and just calling a spade a spade
May 17, 2008
HousingPANIC Quote of the Day
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Labels: the worst president of all time
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Well gee a Democrat opertaive says something about Bush and so it must be true.
Donald Rumsfeld
Feb. 2002
As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don't know
We don't know.
Paul Begala is a big disgrace for dissing the President of the United States. No class.
"I am reasonably certain that they will greet us as liberators, and that will help us keep [troop] requirements down. ... We can say with reasonable confidence that the notion of hundreds of thousands of American troops is way off the mark...wildly off the mark."
- Paul Wolfowitz, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, testifying before the House Budget Committee, 2/27/03
Truth hurts huh
Bush really screwed the pooch, but I'd have to say Clinton getting busy in the Oval Office still takes the cake for disgracing the office though
But I loved this quote, even if I don't like the quoted
On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam's inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again.
"I believe demolishing Hussein's military power and liberating Iraq would be a cakewalk."
- Kenneth Adelman, member of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board, 2/13/02
and here we are 6 years later....
Begala said it best..Brilliant!
As for posters on this blog who support Bush, you're all treasonous collaborators, scumbag apologists and the offspring of many fathers.
Disgraced Americano trash!
Bush, his lapdogs and the neocon
Israel-first-lobby,(a la Joe Lieberman), thru their stupidity and idealogical fervor are unwittingly doing the work of a few rag-tag Islamic extremists:
They've succeeded in putting the richest and most powerful nation in the world, in the position that we ARE TERRORIZING OURSELVES!
Finally, most of the American sheeple have caught on, as Bush and lackeys have dismembered the Republican party and will hand the Democrats not only the White House but a big majority in both houses of Congress this November.
Yea great ....this coming from Begala,
another Clintonite A**hole!
Clinton, was the representative of the U.S.
He was a disgrace, a liar and Yes, People Died when Clinton Lied!
We now have a term in our lexicon because of Clinton.....
it's called a Lewinsky!
Explain that to your little ones!
He didn't get the name Slick Willie for nothin!
That S.O.B. could lie, talk, steal his way out of any situation, by denial or blame on someone else!
Shame on that worthless human being.
Jimmy Carter did the most damage,
Clinton was the Biggest Disgrace!
Are you kidding?He's totally worthy to represent the U.S.
So is Hildoe,Obammy,Cheney,Greenspan,McCain,and on,and on.
They all epitomize it.
Bill Clinton getting busy in the Oval Office....Childs Play.How about Mena Arkansas?Now thats U.S. domain right there.
all remaining bush supporters should be eliminated from the gene pool as they are terminally retarded.
Finally, after 7 1/2 years people are saying the emperor has no clothes. Bush is, without question, the Worst President Ever!
Some of the commenters here who manage once again to turn this around and somehow blame Clinton are so deluded it borders on being psychotic. How out of touch with reality do you have to be to not see that the U.S. prospered under Clinton and, in all aspects, has deteriorated exponentially under the Worst President Ever, i.e., Bush. Are you better off now than before Bush took office? Is the world a better place now than before Bush took office? Is there anything Bush has touched that has not turned to shit?
Introducing the HousingPANIC Presidential Suck-O-Meter (recent history version only)
10 - Greatness
Kennedy - 7
Johnson - 3
Nixon - 1
Ford - 2
Carter - 2
Reagan - 7
Bush 1 - 4
Clinton - 5
Bush 2 - 0 (as in F*CKING ZERO, as in almost impossible to be THAT bad)
Looking at the past 50 years or so, America has done OK even though it sucks at picking quality presidents. Like the Patriots, it's the system that works, not the players.
Feel free to chime in
Bush is a terrorist and foreign operative, IMO.
Think what we could have done with the 3 trillion we blew in Iraq
"Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"
- Barbara Bush, former First Lady (and the current president's mother), on Good Morning America, 3/18/03
"You're going to be told lots of things.
You get told things every day that don't happen.
It doesn't seem to bother people, they don't—
It's printed in the press.
The world thinks all these things happen.
They never happened.
Everyone's so eager to get the story
Before in fact the story's there
That the world is constantly being fed
Things that haven't happened.
All I can tell you is,
It hasn't happened.
It's going to happen".
Donald Rumsfeld
—Feb. 28, 2003, Department of Defense briefing
Donald Rumsfeld
Feb. 2002
Dan Ram was a genius! Think about what he had said: "But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know."
He was right, though, regardless of his abysmal record in Iraq. Bush and Cheney and Rice and many BushCo acolytes still don't have a clue that they don't know anything of substance in world affairs--and in domestic affairs as well.
If you can believe it, they are still making speeches as if they know what the hell they are talking about.
Dan Ram! You were a genius and a con artist. The only problem is that your strings have always been pulled by a bunch of morons, which definitely makes you a real teabag.
And to those die-hard Bush believers, I'd like to say this:
Planet earth will be much better off, if you just shut the f*ck up and let America clean up the mess you've left behind you all over the place. JUST SHUT THE FU*CK UP!!
"Members of Congress are unworthy of the being in Congress. They are a disgrace to themselves, our Nation, and the high office they hold".
Donald Rumsfeld
Feb. 2002
As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don't know
We don't know.
not sure if you are trying to be funny or what.
I think that rumy quote is one of the best of all times for two reasons. one is that at first glance it is hilarious. Second, when you re-read it, you realize how true and profound it is.
Bush really screwed the pooch, but I'd have to say Clinton getting busy in the Oval Office still takes the cake for disgracing the office though
i thought you should have said "getting BUSH in the oval office".
seriously, it was the lying under oath thing that really took the cake.
all remaining bush supporters should be eliminated from the gene pool as they are terminally retarded.
no, i think it would be better to eliminate all the tards that picked gore and kerry to run against bush. what a bunch of loser! they couldn't even select a candidate that could beat retart bush!
A Time to Break the Silence - By Martin Luther King
we must stop these insane wars...now....
Paul Begala is a big disgrace for dissing the President of the United States. No class.
Nobody recognizes Bush as POTUS and the President should never be above reproach d!ckhead. The President is supposed to be the servant of the people not the other way around. The President of a free society is not supposed to be a f*cking dictator.
Why can't you morons get that through your impenetrable pseudo-conservative, psuedo-ultra-patriot skulls??!!!
wow! It must be true because he said so and you think so so it must be true
These always seem to be the posts that divide HP regulars into two distinct groups, 1) those who recognized the bubble due to analysis of the facts and who live in the real world, and 2) those who called the bubble only because they're desititute and were praying for prices to fall because they're apartment dwellers and will always be apartment dwellers.
I can't help but chuckle whenever the right-wing nutters bring up Clinton, whenever anyone criticizes the Bush. I had a business partner's wife actually ask me, "What are we going to tell the children?", re Clinton's blow-job episode. I know she was simply parroting the Faux pinheads, but it was funny to actually hear it from a humanoid. LOL
Blowjobs - Good
War - Bad
I enjoy your blog but the far left wing politics don't go well with the blog topic.
How anyone could call Clinton a bigger disgrace than Bush is a joke. Oral sex isn't disgraceful. Mass murder is.
Anonymous said...
Clinton, was the representative of the U.S.
He was a disgrace, a liar and Yes, People Died when Clinton Lied!
May 17, 2008 7:32 PM
Yep all those millions of bill juniors drying on that blue dress.
A true tragedy.
folks, this is political theater! the US is about to take over the security over in iraq, has an embassy in iraq that's larger than the vatican and at least 4 big military bases.
thus, bush is playing the idiot card so folks don't get the idea that the US went to iraq for the oil and fully intended to kill anyone who got in the way; that truth, obviously, would bruise america's sense of generosity and love for our fellow man.
So keith could you justify kennedy
Sense you know he did the whole bay of pigs thing and let see a little thing called the Viet Nam war?
I'm sorry but there is no way the Bush, or any other administration could be as incompetent as some here say.
This position is the pinnacle of money and power in our world. If you think for one minute an idiot could actually be running this country, you are truly the idiot.
Think about it!!
It's interesting that the the Bush supporters never even try to defend him. It's all Clinton this and Clinton that with them. As if anyone that would dare criticize Bush were huge Clinton fans or something.
Eh. Whatever. I just can't believe he was elected twice.
BTW: 3 trillion for the Iraq war? Wow. I had no idea. That's seriously $10,000 from each and every American. If we had to have that money up front there's no way we'd be fighting this war.
Sure we invaded Iraq for the oil, but at 3 Trillion and climbing, that's some damn expensive oil. We should have just made some back room deals with Hussein like Reagan did in the 80s. Reagan helped usher in the era of corporate greed and profits before patriotism, but he wasn't quite as big of a doofus as Dubya.
I also agree that illegal torture and illegal wars are more immoral than a blowjob. Keith, you've traveled around the world. I was in Europe while the impeachment was happening, and the Europeans thought it was a joke that people would be upset about the President having sex. The disgrace is that our country is so collectively immature when in matters of sexuality.
Calling him a disgrace is charitable. Calling him a war criminal responsible for the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands is accurate.
The lawsuit in which Clinton testified was phoney to begin with. It is amazing that more people still don't realize that. Certainly the Clintons were subjected to a very high level of scrutiny, for all of the years that they were in office, being investigated. Do people not remember any of this, now?
Meanwhile, Monkey Boy gets away with murder on a wholesale basis, as well as tortue, and many other crimes that would make the Kremlin remorseful. I am so ashamed of this country for turning its back on decency, and allowing these corrupt criminals to run wild.
There sure are a lot of BuSh pump monkeys on this blog. I wonder how much they cost? Judging from the comments, prolly minimum wage. The Resident of the White House didn't win either election. Remember Florida? Ask Mr. Google if you don't, and also ask about Ohio and New Mexico in 2004. I, for one, will not forget. I also remember seeing stupid LieBold voting machines that don't even have the ability to print out a receipt showing how you voted. Americans might not be Einsteins, but we ain't *that* stupid.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A Time to Break the Silence - By Martin Luther King
we must stop these insane wars...now....
May 18, 2008 12:04 AM<<<
when i see american soldiers kicking in doors in iraq and aiming guns in people's faces, i cannot tell you the amount of anger and frustration i have inside of me or the sadness i have as we become what we have always hated. we are the enemy of the world now. we have assumed this position. how did we get to this place? can we stop it now? can we? i pray that we do. i pray for my country. it is dying now. oh how i long for the clarity of the past but what is spread before me now is shades of grey. we murder in those shades and we call it good....God is judging this land for our transgressions, yet we call ourselves good. wake up america and do it soon!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So keith could you justify kennedy
Sense you know he did the whole bay of pigs thing and let see a little thing called the Viet Nam war?
May 18, 2008 4:24 AM<<<
well actually, he told them not to do it but they did it anyway. this is when he told the CIA that he was going to dismantle it. not long after that , he was dead.....add the mossad/cia to his many enemies. kennedy pissed off the bankers by printing silver certificates. he pissed off the CIA by not wanting to go along with their intrigues. he pissed off the israelis by not going along with their nuclear plans. he pissed off the mob when he let cuba drop. the mob lost a lot of money when castro took over. but the strange thing about it , is that castro was one of our creations that got out of hand as they sometimes do....but kennedy was killed by some of the people that were listed above , there can be no doubt.
Bush is, without question, the Worst President Ever!<<<
no argument there. probably is.
Anonymous said...
How anyone could call Clinton a bigger disgrace than Bush is a joke. Oral sex isn't disgraceful. Mass murder is.
May 18, 2008 3:26 AM<<<
the whole oral sex thing was just to cover up the real sins that clinton committed. he gave our nuclear secrets to china. the oral sex discussion was used to cover this up. clinton was and still is a traitorous scum that should be hung and along with him , bush 41 and bush 43, traitors all......and now people are thinking of electing his worthless wife to be president. what can anyone say about americans and their stupidity? it is beyond belief....
Anonymous said...
Donald Rumsfeld
Feb. 2002
As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don't know
We don't know.
I think that rumy quote is one of the best of all times for two reasons. one is that at first glance it is hilarious. Second, when you re-read it, you realize how true and profound it is.
It is an endless loop. Nothing true about it.
First line:
As we know,
Lat line:
We don't know.
As we know, we don't know. Take out all of the gibberish in between the first and last line and it is exactly the same, total nonsense.
So, tell me, what is it about this loop that you find profound?
What is hilarious about it, other than this circle jerk was held up to America as the smartest man alive and allowed to kill, maim and torture people at whim with our applause?
As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don't know
We don't know.
It is an endless loop. Nothing true about it.
endless loop? Hardly. He is stating basic fact that has been stated many times in many different ways.
I can't help but chuckle whenever the right-wing nutters bring up Clinton, whenever anyone criticizes the Bush. I had a business partner's wife actually ask me, "What are we going to tell the children?", re Clinton's blow-job episode. I know she was simply parroting the Faux pinheads, but it was funny to actually hear it from a humanoid. LOL
Blowjobs - Good
War - Bad
the sitting president lying under oath - really really bad.
How anyone could call Clinton a bigger disgrace than Bush is a joke. Oral sex isn't disgraceful.
does the left have collective amnesia?
it isn't about the sex, it is about Clinton, the sitting president, lying while under oath!
Eh. Whatever. I just can't believe he was elected twice.
I can't believe that the dems weren't able to find anyone who could beat him. Now that is pitiful. I just couldn't believe it when they selected kerry and pretty boy edwards.
Are you better off now than before Bush took office?
As a matter of fact I've doubled my income. And I moved to a state where I keep 82% of it. How are things in your Democratic, Blue State hell hole?
You keep forgetting Bush won with 63 million votes. Take it up with them...
Well gee a Republican supporter says Democratic operatives something about Bush and so it must be false.
Post#1, what a jackass.
I've got to chime in. Back when, Warren Harding was deamed the worst President ever and a Democrate, FDR came into office.
This was the scenario. There were haves and have nots. Some went hungry some could not travel to Europe. Some lost their houses.
Gee what's different today? Poeple can't hold on to thier houses, some can't buy that 70 " flat screen and some are buying gas instead of food (restaurants now groceries). Recessions and Depressions are mearly terms for the media and politicians.
The difference is today we are at war and have an insatiable oil appetite that is depleting capital and savings from the country that cannot be recovered.
Neither Party has a FDR or 30's Congress today.
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