March 28, 2008

It'll be a sad day when all the HELOC and REIC money runs out. Oh, wait, you mean the HELOC and REIC money did run out?

Do NOT watch this Leper video from ds if you're easily offended. Or are saddened at what's happened to Dallas, Scottsdale, Miami and Vegas, the most disgusting towns in America.

Frank - this one's for you..


Anonymous said...

I think I just caught AIDS

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for their fathers..............Assuming they know who their fathers are. Looks like a great time but I would hate to be related to any of those skanks.

Anonymous said...

So white girls are now black?

Anonymous said...

Steers and queers baby. Something about hillbilly white chicks saying stuff like "lets get crunk up in here" makes me want to vomit. It would be sweet if some hood rat chick walked up and knocked one of their teeth out.

Anonymous said...

"White Punks on Dope"...

"White Trash on Debt"...

Anonymous said...

If there was actually one self respecting black person within a mile of that bar they should have gone in and kicked the crap out of every last on of those bimbos.

Anonymous said...

Disgusting. - a MUST see.

The future of America?

Anonymous said...

These are just your typical GenY - Paris Hilton wannabes. Shallow makeup queens, gold digging their way to the top while they are still young enough.

So what is the connection with Heloc?

Anonymous said...

The divorce rate in America will hit 80%

Anonymous said...

What the fuck was that!!! Is THAT the future of America??? Fucking retarded people????

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

ha ha ha you losers wish these skanks would give you the time of day. enjoy your friday night spanking it to the video...

Anonymous said...

where are the terrorists when you need them?

Those bitches be skanky. Did the government put something in school milk in the 90s that made girls grow up to be oversexed hobags?

The guys that hover around them like flies on shit are damaged goods. No way I would go near one.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah we gonna get it crunk up in this bitch.

What's up nigga whaaat?!"

I think that leper ho looks better with her black eye. See for more info.

Anonymous said...

Thanks jews at MTV.

Anonymous said...

Now we know how they do it up in there.. yall

Anonymous said...

Ya gotta be proud of this generation. Just in time to be screwed by global warming ... and loving it.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Idiocracy. Wait until Obama runs the place down to hell.

Anonymous said...

These white bimbos are brainwashed into listening to rap by the J3W dominated media industries. Sad.

Anonymous said...

That club's bathroom is cleaner than those broads...


Anonymous said...

Divorce rate in CA exceeds 70%

Anonymous said...

Hate to see what some in this clueless, spoiled, and immoral generation are going to do when things get bad. Probably just become a bunch of alcoholics/drug addicts. Sad really.

Anonymous said...

Keith, what's the point of putting that on your site?

It's fine on a goofball site like thedirty, but just seems way out of place here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This video should be a must see at all abortion clinics to make the patients feel better about what they're doing.

Anonymous said...

Dude not cool! I had just ate before I watched that. Now I understand Dirty Scottsdale a lot more. Before I just thought they were being mean but, these people are worthy of our scorn.

Although I must say it was mesmerizing in it's own way. I could not stop watching I wanted to turn away but just could not.

Burn Baby Burn

Anonymous said...

our young people acting and talking like the ghetto. is it any wonder this country is on one way road to hell? i ask you. where did the white children learn the idea it was cool to act like they are black? of course if you act like you are white, then there is a problem....of course...people like this will be walking the streets wondering what happened, soon enough.....and there will be no help coming for them either.....let them go seek it from their black brothers and see how far that gets them.......

Anonymous said...

Just like every advertiser, when you need to drum up more business turn to porn.

Anonymous said...

Why they always kissin the ugly one?

Anonymous said...

To go along with no the Ladder Theory.

Burn Baby Burn

Anonymous said...


From a UCLA study the current

divorce rate is around 70%


Anonymous said...


Live for today...
for tomorrow we die!

How true that may be!


Anonymous said...


White Trash .


Anonymous said...


I'm 48 and as

tittilating as it may be,

I'm disgusted and embarrassed !

Everyone's black and lesbians!

And what about those limp wristed metrosexual guys....
no wonder the girls are Humpin each other!!!

Future Hillary and Obama voters!




Anonymous said...

scottsdale is almost 95% white people.

its quite a change from los angeles (5% white and half of them are jooze)

az is where they all fled to, its just a suburb of CA. white flight.

Anonymous said...

What the hell was that?

Excuse me while I puke.

blogger said...

I don't live in the US anymore, so I hadn't realized how bad it's gotten, and felt it was important that HP'ers see first hand what people like Frank are reporting happened to Scottsdale


I blame MTV in part for the housing bubble (MTV Cribs, big-spending rap stars, etc). But in the end, yes, indeed, our media is fueling this kind of stuff

And the secret sauce? Easy money - easy money from HELOCs, and easy money from fake jobs like realtor, mortgage broker, etc. There was a spike or a wave of money from heaven, and then poof, it's now gone away.

So now that the secret sauce - the easy money - has gone away, hopefully scenes like this will be going away too

I don't expect kids to go back to 1950's type behavior, but by cutting off the easy money and god forbid some parenting, there should or could be some improvement.

England is turning into this kind of alcohol-fueled cheap bimbo passed out in the gutter kind of culture too right now. I don't see it in the rest of Europe, hopefully it's contained on that one island, or maybe I'm just not seeing it.

This is a serious post, even if it looks like something else.

This is the "Breakdown of Western Society Thanks to the Easy Loot of the Housing Bubble Combined with Reality TV" post.

whitetower said...

Tell me these girls don't have STDs.

Anonymous said...

Prostitutes and strippers have more class..

Was this the AVM(Adult Video Magazine) Awards Convention in Las Vegas?

Was this a party thrown by Vivid,Evil Angel, or Hustler Video?

Has the line between porn and non-porn become totally blurred in America today?

Watch the follwing episode on-line at PBS/FRONTLINE..."American Porn"

blogger said...

Oh, I forgot to add that the British loud drunk lout culture, like their housing gambler culture, is spreading into Europe

On an EasyJet plane

On Friday and Saturday in cities across Europe, loud obnoxious drunks from England on "stag nights" and "hen parties" descend on otherwise pleasant cities and villages like Prague, Budapest, Rome, Stockholm and more and proceed to ruin it for everyone.

Message for the Brits - stay home. Throw up in your own streets.

The Brits caused the housing bubble in Europe, and they're helping destroy the cities of Europe, one at a time

The Brits are America's Californians.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

They star in their own reality TV show?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what their views are on NAFTA and Fed policy

Anonymous said...

I remember not too long ago seeing a picture of a couple dry humping each other in the background, as a realtor smiled and dialed into her cell phone, knowing she had found another, young sucker couple.

It's not that far of a leap from dry humping in front of a realtor after scoring a no interest loan, to chicks dry humping each other in public.

Sh-t has really hit the fan in this country & we're definitley up sh-t creek without a paddle.

Look out for what's coming, it's gonna get worse...

Anonymous said...

When did Dallas join the housing bubble? The prices have been the same since 1997.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of retarded tramps. I am Asian and noticed that even the Asian chicks are talking and acting like ghetto ho's lately. It's hard finding a date when you can't find a decent girl to date. They're all out getting drunk on the weekends with their legs spread wide open until they're 30. I don't want any of what they got.

I think 80% of the girls born and raised in America are pure trash. Did anyone else see the report a couple of weeks ago where over 25% of young females had an STD? They all want to be like Paris Hilton with her herpes. These skanks will be raising the next generation of Americans. The Empire is doomed.

Anonymous said...

What's up with all the racist comments on this blog, and why does the moderator approve all of them for publication? It's pathetic to make fun of the people in this video (who are completely disgusting) and then turn around and publish juvenile racist BS.

Is this a place to discuss/make fun of the housing bubble, or a place to engage in Minutemen xenophobia?

Blogs like have 10x the integrity of HP.

Anonymous said...

This is the "Breakdown of Western Society Thanks to the Easy Loot of the Housing Bubble Combined with Reality TV" post.

I can't argue with that.

The video is a real eye opener for those of us who gave up our bar hopping days long ago. It's a sad state of affairs when you have girls throwing around the "n" word like it's nothing. That would have been unheard of even five years ago.

Ed said...

Oh for the love of Pete, you people need to get a life. When I was in college 15 years ago this was a typical Thursday/Firday/Saturday night. Women dressed in slutty outfits, getting drunk, making out with each other and guys loving every minute of it. And this was thousands of miles from Scottsdale. Although granted without the faux ghetto black talk which is something new.

But the point is young people getting drunk and acting like idiots is nothing new.

Anonymous said...

This goes back to losing our manufacturing base. We are a nation of pimps, we pimp labor in third world countries and sell it to our rick whores riding in limos.

Don't worry you will get your wish, and they will be fat and drinking on the streets, turning tricks in the alley and homes will be priced like 1970s.

We can blame this generation what are they called?...LOL

Anonymous said...

Why do you think the Muslims call us trashy. Islam will be an answer to this, I would predict more converting worldwide when you see this extreme.

Anonymous said...

We need a good old fashioned Depression to cure these ills.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


You have to admit young white people raised in Malibu or anywhere other than the street corners of Detroit, Chicago, L.A.,

Talking like hardened street trash is going to sound great during a job interview!


Anonymous said...

"Ed said...
But the point is young people getting drunk and acting like idiots is nothing new."

But posting drunk IS new. If what you saw in his video is merely getting drunk, than need professional help, douche.

Anonymous said...

I too read the 25% of high school girls have STD statistic. And yes, our society (as a whole) is doomed. Media has glorified porn, violence and ghetto culture for profit. What will these skank's kids do to be "shocking"? Scarey to think about. But, the party can't last forever. Eventually you end up broke or dead.

Anonymous said...

"Blogs like have 10x the integrity of HP."

Take your ass back there then. This blog is loaded with great info. This post is just a little break from the norm. Relax

Anonymous said...

Well, thank you very much ... now, can you tell me when my eyes will stop bleeding?

I sat through the whole thing; and only because by the time I got ten seconds in or so I kept expecting -- no, PRAYING -- that the "Cloverfield" monster was going to arrive at some point.

Anonymous said...

I'm an ex-Californian living in Tucson. I moved here two years ago and so did most of my neighbors. The lifestyle is far superior to S. Califonia. Friendly people, less traffic, less crowded, less superficial. Never been to Scottsdale, but it sounds like another Orange County.
Yeah, it's hot in the summer, but we just jump in the pool we could afford after selling in Cali.

Ed said...

You all sound as hysterical as the loons who though Elvis shaking his hips was going to destroy the country. Lighten up gramps.

Anonymous said...

Those creatures will be the future of America

Anonymous said...

Wr all da whyte women be at?

Anonymous said...

England is turning into this kind of alcohol-fueled cheap bimbo passed out in the gutter kind of culture too right now. I don't see it in the rest of Europe, hopefully it's contained on that one island, or maybe I'm just not seeing it.

Don't fear Al Q will set you infidels straight! Strong proud and powerful white men have been demonized for decades now. These ho's will flock to Islam when the shieks buy up the rest of America.

Anonymous said...

Europe is soft. Islam will take it over without all teh bloodshed of the 1300's.


Suspect linked to Al Qaeda goes free
German court deals blow to European efforts on terrorism

A Spanish judge, Baltazar Garzón, using the new European procedure, issued a European arrest warrant against Darkazanli last year, naming him the "permanent interlocutor and assistant" in Europe for Osama bin Laden.

But the German Constitutional Court on Monday declared the law creating the warrant to be void, even though the law was ratified by the German Parliament in November. The court reasoned that the law infringes every German citizen's right, enshrined in this country's Basic Law, to a hearing in a German court before any extradition can take place.

Anonymous said...

Is this a place to discuss/make fun of the housing bubble, or a place to engage in Minutemen xenophobia?

Blogs like have 10x the integrity of HP.

March 29, 2008 12:20 PM

Since when did Keith have ANY integrity? :) You must be lost. go away.

Anonymous said...

It's pathetic to make fun of the people in this video (who are completely disgusting) and then turn around and publish juvenile racist BS.

I do not like the ghetto culture. I am also not going to apologize for that or for pointing out its destructive nature. Go hang out or live in or work in a ghetto. See if you really like it. Bec most people that do don't.

Anonymous said...

My hero!

Anonymous said...

As a gen-Xer, I have to say that this video makes my most debauched club-hopping, partying nights look like I was at a church social by comparison. My misspent youth never involved spreading my legs and humping a trashy ghetto-talking girl while my some stranger grabbed my breast. I don't remember it being cool to have a "baby daddy" and simulate lesbian sex in front of frat boys all night long. This is the kind of good time that follows you around the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

as a gen-xer 12:50am,

Bravo....and Thank you for thoughts!

Well said!


Anonymous said...


Is it, Black is the new White,

or the other way around?


Anonymous said...

Obama's base.

Anonymous said...

I'm an ex-Californian living in Tucson. I moved here two years ago and so did most of my neighbors.

Good for you. Now you can die of boredom while melting under 100-degree weather. Whatta sucker!

Anonymous said...

Oh for the love of Pete, you people need to get a life. When I was in college 15 years ago this was a typical Thursday/Firday/Saturday night.

We can assume that ED is a stupid Gen Y. That explains all of his idiotic postings. Grow up, would you?

Anonymous said...

And the funny part is that, after they hit late 30's, these s!luts all get conservative and marry a Republican. Some even get a job at Faux News.

Anonymous said...

Someone check on Frank because he would never pass this thread. He must be dead or his Californian liberals kidnapped him.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry they should "whiten Up" as they grow older... Protect your sons these girls are coming to a family near you in the future...

Anonymous said...

To some of y'all: Don't blame black folks for how white girls act. There was not one black person in that video. It's called personal responsibility.

Anyway, great video.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mind talked me into going to this "World Ventures" pyramid scheme sales presentation tonight in Scottsdale, and the majority of the people perpetrating this fraud were mortgage brokers and REALTORS!! You HP'ers are so right!! The scary thing is that people actually signed up for this get rich quick scam. I walked out 20 minutes into when the REALTORS and Brokers starting giving their testimonials....what a joke.

Frank R said...

Damn, if there was a video dictionary, that would be the definition of Scottsdale.

That's exactly what it's like anywhere you go out in Sh*ttsdale.

What kills me is that's what every Scottsdale girl looks like - totally trashy and diseased looking - yet the loser guys who live there keep bragging about all the "hot" Scottsdale girls.
