March 27, 2008

HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day

Will you vote against EVERY incumbent this November?


Anonymous said...

I'm going to smear poop all over the ballot this year.

Anonymous said...

The sheeple are enslaved by their political parties, too dumb to realize they are being fleeced

Anonymous said...

Yes...And if half of America was awake or sober they would realize 1 term is all ANY politician should be in office. The corruption starts the second they obtain power.

Anonymous said...

Yes with a smile

Ed said...

No that is ridiculous. By that measure Ron Paul should lose his seat as well.

Anonymous said...

You're assuming that their challengers will be any better. Sorry, not convinced here.

blogger said...

Yes, Ron Paul should lose his seat as well

EVERY incumbent should be shown the door. Even the few good ones. And especially the ones that have been there for more than 10 years.

Washington DC needs an enema.

Meanwhile, 90%+ of incumbents will win in November. The system is rigged and the sheeple are asleep.

Anonymous said...

No. While I would agree that incumbents have unfair advantages due to gerrymandering, incumbents are occasionally better than their challengers.

Anonymous said...

> 90%+ of incumbents will win in November. The system is rigged and the sheeple are asleep.

Incumbents have higher seniority in congress and can get their voters more pork - if pork is what you want.

Anonymous said...

Depends what each incumbent did. I like Ron Paul.

In most cases, you probably should vote out every incumbent.

I've come to the conclusion that most politicians simply do not know what they are doing.

If we could vote out the bureaucracy that would be progress. They can't execute.

Anonymous said...

Worst State Politicians EVER (CA):

Barbara Boxer
Nancy Pelosi
Dianne Feinstein
Carole Migden
Sally Lieber

See any linkage? They have done more damage than Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Caligula and the Bushco Family combined. Truly a rogues gallery of unemployable liberal misfits.

They all have to go.Do our part to politically get ride of the wicked witches of the West...

Anonymous said...

I am writing in: "None of the Above".

Anonymous said...

A poll showed that 51% of the population support a bailout of FB's while 46% oppose

That about tells you all you need to know.

Anonymous said...

No that is ridiculous. By that measure Ron Paul should lose his seat as well.

I'm willing to sacrifice Ron Paul to get rid of the stench that is entrenched in DC

Russ DoGG said...

before you do that it would be a good idea to whack those generous congressional pensions so they don't get too fat of a pension for their troubles.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This November? I've done it every election for more than 30 years but it doesn't seem to help there's always a new beard in line.

Paige Turner said...

RE: Will you vote against EVERY incumbent this November?

Unfortunately, that is not an option for the presidential race:

● Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. (He was accused of being a closet Muslim, but it turns out that he is a closet Black Panther.)

● Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Her courage under imaginary sniper fire during a 1996 goodwill trip to Bosnia, with her daughter and several celebrities, is an inspiring example of her extensive foreign policy experience.)

● John Sidney McCain III. (The election of this warmongering buffoon will allow the Bush Crime Syndicate to steal what's left of the US treasury for another four years.)

It's gone down just as Dwight David Eisenhower warned us it would in his 1961 speech: The public was complacent and the takeover of the United States government by the Military-Industrial-(Congressional) Complex is complete.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Ron Paul should lose his seat as well

EVERY incumbent should be shown the door. Even the few good ones. And especially the ones that have been there for more than 10 years.

Washington DC needs an enema.

Meanwhile, 90%+ of incumbents will win in November. The system is rigged and the sheeple are asleep.

I think that's dumb. Washington will just fill up with another bunch of corrupt incompetent morons if it were flushed out completely. We shouldn't want to flush out the very few good ones that actually obey the Constitution. Do you know how rare that is?

We should be flushing out any turd in Washington that does not obey the Constitution that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

For the first time I'm not voting this time around. Just don't care anymore... the level of systemic fraud and corruption in our system is overwhelming. I'm just punting.... you folks can vote and figure it out for me.

Got Idol?

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson for Pres and VP. Reasons:

1. I think they are more clued into the economy and America's "problems"

2. We need younger people in office. Cut it with the 35 y/o age requirement.

3. THis satisfies people's desires for a female president. Clinton is too old to be running around in the White House.

4. Cause Austin 3:16 said so

Bwa Hah ha ha!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Any change is for the better? Incredibly narrow minded ignorance. Give me a decent choice and I would.

Anonymous said...

Keeping every elected official to a single term is the ONLY way to fix your sick system.

Anonymous said...

"I think that's dumb. Washington will just fill up with another bunch of corrupt incompetent morons if it were flushed out completely. We shouldn't want to flush out the very few good ones that actually obey the Constitution. Do you know how rare that is?"

#1 - It couldn't hurt. Couldn't possibly get more corrupt.

#2 - Every 2 years a new congressman. Somebody who's never been in office before. Odds exponentially increase at getting representatives who have integrity and can start trimming back the system.

Corruption is like water. Integrity is like the mountain. Over time the water erodes the mountain. That's why the stay in office must be kept short.

Even George Washington only served one term.

GT said...

maybe. barny frank of the bill maher show the other day was saying he was going to finally introduce a marijuana legalization bill. asked why now, and he basically said he isnt scared anymore now that he's been there a while and i guess he doesnt 'need' the job anymore should he lose it due to the bill.

right there is the problem, as anony said, 1 term!

GT said...

my other idea was that politicians should basically live a dorm-like lifestyle.
in other words-
THEY CANNOT BE INFLUENCED BY $. whether that means they have to live in a dorm for the rest of their lives and drive a ford escape and not be allowed to marry, so be it.
whether it means DC has a different currency so lobbyists cannot pay them, so be it.
if it means when you get elected in you get $5million automatically day one, sure.

Anonymous said...

takeover of the United States government by the Military-Industrial-(Congressional) Complex is complete.

It's actually the corporate-government industrial complex. Our government has been hijacked by a dual monarchy that is controlled by special interest groups like corporations, race based groups, gay groups, evangelical groups, who are all looking out for their own instead of America.

Anonymous said...

No, but my entire family is voting against the Racist Messiah Obama. We are not fools!

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Strom Thurmond.

Anonymous said...

I am voting for Mickey Mouse as a write-in candidate for every position this election.

Anonymous said...

The people long for the days of the Deified Caesar Augustus.

Anonymous said...

Voters,Sheep,Lemmings,US Citizens etc.etc.etc.

Why entrust your POWER to anyone but yourself?

Look away,just look away from reality,and tragedy that the ones you voted for have wrought.