Hint to the new FBI task force - review the records of anyone who calls in asking for relief under the Bush/Paulson Mortgage Fraudster / Housing Gambler Bailout plan. Then simply follow the commissions all the way to the top of the food chain (Paulson? Mozilo?).
I bet there's more than a few mortgage fraudsters, realtors, mortgage brokers, appraisers and lenders researching flights to Mexico today...
FBI to Focus On Area Mortgage Loan Fraud - Agency to Host Investigators, Law Enforcement Officials
The FBI today will launch a mortgage fraud task force in its Washington field office, joining a widening net of state and local investigators digging into the market crisis.
Investigators are seeking to uncover evidence of overvalued home appraisals, shoddy lending practices and alleged irregularities in the packaging and sale of groups of loans that were marketed to ordinary investors, state investment funds and big Wall Street banks
December 06, 2007
Oh, sweet irony. The day Bush and Paulson announce Mortgage Fraudster Bailout plan, DC FBI announces new mortgage fraud task force
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Labels: angelo mozilo sure sold a lot of shares, bogus appraisals, cash back mortgage fraud, fbi investigation, federal housing gambler bailout, reic corruption
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I'm just swelled-up with pride at the fast, efficient bureaucratic response to this 6 year old issue.
War on Foreclosure??
The official Republican/Libertarian line is that the "government can't do anything right".
The funny thing is, when they are in power, they're right.
Dummycrats did a great job with LBJ's war on poverty and the social security ponzi scheme. We need some more social programs
Here's a few more successful Dummycrat Socialist Frankensteins:
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
They all push the risks of the big bankers onto American taxpayers. Now that's how you do things right. Vote for more Dummycrats so we can subsidize more bankers and the real estate industry
Hey socialist whores, since when have libertarians been in power? You idiot leftwing whores have controlled congress for 50 of the last 60 years. What good have you done?
I see the registered idiots are still bleating their party lines. Too bad fewer and fewer people are buying the manure that the Dimwitcrats are pushing. They did such a great job with the Social inSecurity ponzi scheme, why not let them take over healthcare? We can have another 50,000 government union workers who will sit there and do nothing for 30 years then retire on full taxpayer funded pensions.
Hint to the new FBI task force - review the records of anyone who calls in asking for relief under the Bush/Paulson Mortgage Fraudster / Housing Gambler Bailout plan.
Yeah, the new plan is a gigantic police sting operation... just like those sting operations where they call up the fugitives and tell them they've won the lottery and then pounce on them when they show up to collect their "winnings."
Both borrowers and bankers have lost their ethics in the last few years. It's time for a cleansing.
One hand washing the other?
IMHO the widespread fraud that took place in every corner of the country is the "wild card" in this fiasco that guarantees housing is going down. This is called the high price to be paid for America blowing smoke up its own ass for nearly a decade. Fun to watch from the rental sidelines. Forgive me a cruel chuckle.
Smug Bastard
DC? Why? If they wanna rack up thousands of arrests they should put the task forces in Phoenix, Vegas, and San Diego, not DC!!
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Let's not leave out the Dept of Education. In the background, behind the noise of the housing crash, more and more concerns are rising about the fact that today's college graduates have hundreds of thousands in student loan debt with no hope of ever paying it off with their $40k salaries and sky-high cost of living today.
The banks literally own those kids for the next 20 years and it's thanks to the Dept of Ed's loan guarantee programs. Add in a mortgage and they're lifetime slaves to the bankers.
As the housing and mortgage crash becomes old news you'll start hearing more and more about the negative effects of the Education Industry (as Forbes calls it) since today's grads have zero disposable income left to feed the economy.
The mere fact that the Dummycrats passed bills this year to give more handout money to student loans and grants, INSTEAD of investigating the corrupt universities for raising tuition 80% faster than inflation, while they continue to accumulate billions in their coffers and refuse to use any of it toward tuition breaks.
NEWS FLASH: The *only* reason colleges raise tuition at extortionist rates is because the government keeps handing out more money to give them. Cut off the free handout money, and tuitions will come down in response to the basic law of supply and demand. DOPES.
The Education Industry is part of the "Untouchables". They can do what they want and nobody will dare criticize them or else you would be "against education"
It's just like Fannie/Freddie/HUD being untouchable. Nobody wants to be against poor people achieving the "American Dream"
In reality, those are giant government-banking scams deisgned to suck more money out of the middle class. There are hundreds of millions of idiots who think those programs are here to help the little people. Talk about drinking the kool-aid. That's worse than being a bubble-denier
If you are found to have misrepresented your income on the loan application, you should be subjected to an audit.
After a thorough examination of your tax information you should be required to surrender your right to government assistance and pay back taxes on your stated income.
If you are found to have misrepresented your income on the loan application, you should be subjected to an audit.
You're talking about holding individuals responsible for their actions. That's ridiculous. We all know that society is at fault. It's the system, man.
Lawsuits baby. Lawyer scum win again. You can bet your bippy suits will be flying. Discrimination, fraud, investor contracts not honored and this is just for starters. This plan is voluntary on the lenders part. Way to intervene and make things worse. Got Ramen?
speaking of being bailed out..
Daddy posted bail..
Bye Bye Tangelo!
It wasn't just the Mortgage Brokers who committed the fraud. Their direct competition were the Loan Officers that worked for the lenders.
Go to the following link and find out who is getting nailed daily!
You know I was just thinking, how will these past ten years be remembered for generations to come??? or the next???
I mean we can all look back from here and refer to the 20s as Roaring, 30s as Depression, 40s baby boomer generation, 60s acid generation or ozzy & harriot LOL etc. Just wondering...
Hey FBI, contact me because I can give you a ton of leads whiting my area. I can make your job a lot easier. Call me; you have my file...or just get my number from NSA.
Here's a few more successful Dummycrat Socialist Frankensteins
I've gotten news for you: No matter how hard you try, your corrupt GOP will never get any sympathy. That party is done, cooked. After this GOP bailout for fraudsters and gamblers, they are totally finished. So save yourself some arteries and let it go. As a matter of fact, nobody here is amused by your constant Demi this Demi that ranting. We all think that you're just another lazy crook working out of Washington, getting paid with taxpayer money to spread GOP and neocon propaganda all over the blogs. Your ranting is as relevant as the Bush/Cheney presidency. I tell you again, your boss, the crook GOP is finished...look at the polls...get another bootlicker job.
Remember HPs, if you ever run out of dollars in the bathroom, you can always use the pages of Frank's "bestseller" book to wipe yourself.
Speaking of Tangelo...
I just ran across a street in Simi Valley, hometown of Countryslim and would you believe the street's name is Tangelo!!!
I was CRACKING up when I saw the sign. Too too funny for me! Just had to share.
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