Government is not the solution. Government is the problem. Especially this government, the most incompetent and fiscally reckless government in the history of the United States.
We will not let the Bush Administration or our corrupted congress spend $1 of our money bailing out failed housing gamblers. Not $1. You think hurricane Katrina had wide-spread fraud and a sickening waste of taxpayer money? Just let the government get involved in giveaways and freebies for the subprime crowd.
This report should make you sick. And for extra credit, look at the Federal tax section of your next pay stub, and think about where your hard-earned money goes. There needs to be a taxpayer revolution in the US folks. The government must be choked off. And we must elect leaders who promise to do just that.
The Bush administration now acknowledges it is trying to recover nearly $500 million from people who improperly received federal aid money intended to help victims of two deadly hurricanes, Katrina and Rita, along the Gulf Coast two years ago. It said the amount may increase further.
The government's newest estimate of improper aid represents $494 million FEMA paid to 134,000 people who were ineligible for the aid they received.
People claiming to live in as many as 162,750 homes that did not exist before the storms may have improperly received as much as $1 billion in tax money, the AP's analysis found.
A Government Accountability Office report released in February estimated between $600 million and $1.4 billion was improperly spent on Katrina-related relief alone. The GAO, a congressional watchdog agency, said money was used for guns, strippers and tattoos, among other improper items.
December 05, 2007
Here's why we cannot let the Bush Administration use $1 of US taxpayer money bailing out failed housing gamblers
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I'm tell ya, as soon as I put the right amount needed, I'm getting my citizenship in Switzerland and will give the finger to this corrupt country, infested with blood sucking secret societies, poverty from third world countries, crooks, managed by pervert old politicians and corporate fascists. I'm out of here.
Just imagine how much waste and stealing must be going on in Iraq. This fake Iraq war was made for one reason only, steal money from taxpayers.
Government is not the solution. Government is the problem.
Why do brainwashed party hacks on the left and the right use stupid nicknames for the other party?
"libtards", "demorats" etc? Grow up.
"Fed May Couple Rate Cut With New Measures to Increase Credit"
You think things are bad? Just wait until they whack the Dollar again.
Whoohoo! I am sure the rest of the world will still hold Dollars while the Fed inflates away all this bad debt. After all, they need us more than we need them. Right. Right?
Everything is fine.
You can run to Swiss, but you can't hide; human nature is corrupt EVERYWHERE.
Anonymous said...
I'm tell ya, as soon as I put the right amount needed, I'm getting my citizenship in Switzerland and will give the finger to this corrupt country, infested with blood sucking secret societies, poverty from third world countries, crooks, managed by pervert old politicians and corporate fascists. I'm out of here.
Just imagine how much waste and stealing must be going on in Iraq. This fake Iraq war was made for one reason only, steal money from taxpayers.
December 05, 2007 12:23 PM
That's rich. A boob screaming about secret societies, corruption etc. and he plans to move to Switzerland, which is one of the major source of todays problems in America.
This level of fraud wouldn't have anything to do with insiders would it? You know, like the 2 trillion that went missing from the Department of Defense under Dov Zakheim's watch.
Man, I could get some good strippers for 1.4 billion.
The government bailout is coming, for good or ill. Wall Street has quite a bit more influence over the Congress than average Joe you or I.
Anyone not an anarchist is an enemy of all decent people.
Hopefully, this economic crash will rid us of the welfare state and all its parasites.
The politicians don't realize how unpopular a "bail-out" is among the gen pop.
Since they will all be looking to compete in Florida, Ohio and Michigan next year, the pandering and dumb ideas will likely continue. I hope the pandering, like Bill on Monica, blows up in their face.
Left vs. Right is the problem. People continue to manipulate hard data for partisan purposes. In the meantime the United States of America is on its deathbed!
>> I'm tell ya, as soon as I put the right amount needed, I'm getting my citizenship in Switzerland...
Yeah, like the Swiss want or need your sorry, poorly-educated, no-class ass in their fine country. Go back to your trailer and leave us (and the Swiss) alone. And don't tell us you're educated - your spelling and grammar prove otherwise. No, no - YOU shutup!
Why is their no public outrage? This entire bail out plan is completely backwards. Why are they rewarding those who gambled foolishly. I'm irate over this. It was easy to forsee that this bail out was coming but it's such bullshit.
Wouldn't it make more sense to give a break to those who are paying a higher rate becuase the did the sensible thing and took out a fixed rate mortgage? Or better yet not give any breaks at all. This plan elevates the moral hazard to a level unseen in our time. This country is f*cked.
What percentage of the people in America are capable of understanding the concept of moral hazard?
Bush should be in cuffs like scoundrels like Lay, Skiling, Keating, et. al (his brother, Neil of Savings & Loan scandal fame).
The banking system is doomed.
Make sure to view the preceeding video. Remember the laughing. It soon will be crying and wimpering.
'I'm a viiictim' will be the new American National anthem.
Happy Depression!
The Bush administration now acknowledges it is trying to recover nearly $500 million from people who improperly received federal aid money intended to help victims of two deadly hurricanes, Katrina and Rita, along the Gulf Coast two years ago. It said the amount may increase further.
Good luck! The G should just deduct it from their food stamps, SSI and Section 8!
Anonymous said...
I'm tell ya, as soon as I put the right amount needed, I'm getting my citizenship in Switzerland and will give the finger to this corrupt country, infested with blood sucking secret societies, poverty from third world countries, crooks, managed by pervert old politicians and corporate fascists. I'm out of here.
I watched in horror an ABC nightly news bit about Switzerland how the hip hop ghetto culture from America has spred there. I sat stunned mouth agap ready to vomit. There is no where to run...
Maybe Bush actually opposes a bail-out and realizes the only way to defeat it is if it is seen as his idea.
Actually, that would be too clever for this crew.
Millions for strippers, guns and tattoos, but not a penny for housing bailouts!!!
Swiss Open Hip Hop
You can run to Swiss, but you can't hide; human nature is corrupt EVERYWHERE.
Yeah, but there I don't have to pay a dime in taxes.
That's rich. A boob screaming about secret societies, corruption etc. and he plans to move to Switzerland, which is one of the major source of todays problems in America.
If you want to stay and waste your retirement money on the crooks in charge, go ahead. Don't forget to wave your American flag made in China while your AMT dries you up. Cheney, Paulson, and Bernanke love sheeple like you. Pay up, sucker.
I watched in horror an ABC nightly news bit about Switzerland how the hip hop ghetto culture from America has spred there. I sat stunned mouth agap ready to vomit. There is no where to run...
Wow, some of you are dense. First of all, has any of you been to Switzerland or you just do tourism and get facts through TV? I've been there many times. Ghetto is next to your houses, around your kid's schools.
Second of all, getting a citizenship in Switzerland doesn't mean having to live there all the time. It's just a tax strategy.
For god's sake people, hit the books, be curious, because we are getting a little tired of having to explain the basics all the time.
Yeah, like the Swiss want or need your sorry, poorly-educated, no-class ass in their fine country. Go back to your trailer and leave us (and the Swiss) alone. And don't tell us you're educated
I've been to Switzerland many times, and I already hold an European passport. I won't waste my time talking about my education to inbred hicks like you, because you have nothing to compare, just irrational rage and jealousy.
No wonder this country is going down.
this string of comments is more of a name calling session.... over and over the name calling.
usually there is someone on here who brags about how much they saved and how they are so well educated and smarter than everyone else. about 2 years ago it was some flipper going on and on about how much money they made and how smart they were and how educated and brilliant they were...but no today it seems it is more just a name calling thing. let me summarize...
your wrong Im right
no you are really wrong and I am extremely right (insert negative insult)
no (insert neg insult) you are the one who is extremely totally wrong and I am superior of intellect (insert two more neg insults)
no (insert neg insults x3) you are so wrong I cannot talk to you because I have to go save some more money since I already have more money than everyone else (insert final neg insult)
and that about sums up this thread.
oh and when someone says they are educated...they aren't.
Its like telling someone you have lots of class or lots of money which so many of you do, repeatedly. It is poor manners. Educated compared to what? A lot of money? Compared to who?
It is poor manners. Educated compared to what? A lot of money? Compared to who?
Quit whining, light up the bong, and go read an Emily Post's book.
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