Putin coming close to getting taken out in Iran, Israel admits to blowing up Syrian nuke site
Angelo has dumped all his shares - nothing stopping him from coming clean now
Oil and Gold at all-time highs this morning, dollar at all-time lows
Banks reporting crashing earnings
$100 billion SIV shell-game scheme announced
Massive and fast run-up in foreign stocks since Ben's panic
Housing crash in full bloom for all to see
Something just feels odd. Kind of like that feeling growing up in the Midwest when the tornadoes would form. The sky and clouds just seemed... well... weird.
October 15, 2007
I've got a funny feeling about this week. Anyone else?
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Boy, I second that feeling. You forgot peak oil and global warming. There's an interesting post at www.peakoil.blogspot.com- as the world burns.
we need a thread about the huge bubble in these gay looking shoes called Crocs.
stock is CROX
on ebay... there are no bids, or when there are, they sell for 1/3 of store price.
this is another bubble
The clouds of a gather storm have been overhead for most of the year, and a few severe gusts so far have scared us but not frightened us to hid under the beds or go into the store shelter.
However, now we see the funnel clouds forming in the sky knowing that at any moment they can and will touch down and wreak havoc. Some are preparing while others continue to act as if the sun is shining because they refuse to look up into the sky. Those will be the first one's to go, the remainder of us will be hoping that our hasty preparations are enough to weather the storm. Only time and events as they unfold will tell.
Good luck.
I am a sheep. I believe in global warming. What happened to acid rain and save the rain forests? I think the next big environmental push will be...
global cooling.
It's called the winter blues Keith......don't be so melodramatic.....
But I do agree, that a crash in the stock market is right around the corner.
market earnings coming out this week.
Should be interesting!
Anonymous said...
I am a sheep. I believe in global warming. What happened to acid rain and save the rain forests? I think the next big environmental push will be...
global cooling.
October 15, 2007 2:51 PM
Already had it, that was the fruit & nut concern of the 70's
Yup oil @ $85 this morning, and the stock market is in neg territory..where are the Stock Cheerleaders this morning?
CNBC on how the polls may have been hacked.
The MSM really does not like Ron Paul.
Maybe you could email them and explain how the scientific polls suck.
RE: Angelo has dumped all his shares - nothing stopping him from coming clean now...
So, the infamous Countrywide insiders have completed their sell off.
Is it just coincidence that Angelo and his cronies started selling off their Countrywide stock in November 2005, just as the real estate bubble was starting to deflate?
Countrywide employees are now left with temporary jobs, worthless stock and green plastic loyalty bracelets that might bring $50 on eBay.
borkafatty said...
Yup oil @ $85 this morning, and the stock market is in neg territory..where are the Stock Cheerleaders this morning?
October 15, 2007 4:46 PM
They'll be back, preachin Dow 14k once again.
Yawn...zzzzzzz..... hehe.
Signs of Warning!
Do you know what to look for?
"Putin coming close to getting taken out in Iran, Israel admits to blowing up Syrian nuke site"
is Israel to be believed?
Yup oil @ $85 this morning, and the stock market is in neg territory..where are the Stock Cheerleaders this morning?
October 15, 2007 4:46 PM
LOL. Its still going up. The market is correcting....or something.
borkafatty said...
Yup oil @ $85 this morning, and the stock market is in neg territory..where are the Stock Cheerleaders this morning?
Thats it....Keep your head in the sand, the sky is falling, the sky is falling. How long have you been crying about a stock collapse?? Oh yes, about 5,000 Dow points ago....
Uh, oh.
For you new readers on HP, just so you know, every time Keith has posted one of these "I have a bad feeling threads", it's usually right before he goes on a vacation, and while he's gone, all hell breaks loose in some financial market.
Every time. EVERY.......TIME. It kind of creeps me out, really.
You have been warned. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to buy some canned food, bottled water, and some flashlight batteries.
I got a new name for you!
Housing Drama Queen.
Maybe a coincidence but Dow going down and my MSN home page isn't showing the usual ticker. No info available for some reason? Spooky
Ya, you really will be a global warming sheep after that real monster tornado induced by global warming> screws YOUR HOUSE up the ass. Maybe then you will be a believer instead of just an asshole with a HUMMER to live in.
Not yet. The Fed can still cut and get a positive spin in response from Wall St.
Once that runs out of gas... engine stall & free fall.
I am a repentant ex-realtor, fan since March of 07
good call today on gloomy forecast
dow down 156
keep up the good work !!
Well, the Dow is certainly taking a beating the first day of this week - down 163 points (1.14%) for the day as I write.
Yeah, DOPES and Crappy Homedebtor! :D
Yep, it's October. It's time for another stock market crash in honor of Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929.
Let it go folks, Republicans love the socializing of finance provided by the taxpayer and the shady group controlling the Fed. Wanna gamble on anything, Republican bankers and other cronies alike? No problema, if your risky bets go sour there's always the taxpayer money to rescue all of you. Then some of you hicks and crooks have the balls to call everyone else "socialists". Well, it seems that socialism is working well for you, Republicans, or should we call it just plain theft?
(AP) News that Citigroup, JP Morgan and Bank of America were setting up a debt rescue fund - at the behest of the Treasury Department - also raised worries that the fallout from the credit market crunch could be worse than anticipated.
Viva Giuliani! Let's burn this mofo economy down for good!!!
I was just reading an article on the hugh bail out being put together by the banks..BAILOUT!! bullshit....
My fellow americans they want this economy to collapse let us help and not pay our mortgages..in concurrent..they cannot take us all down...we need to band together....against this corrupt establishment..this is pure bullshit...family's are sleeping in cars...and yet banks are moving funny money like they are in line at a grocery store..free handouts...BULLSHIT!!!!!
I am a sheep. I believe in what comes out of the mouth of Republcians who rather do funny business in public bathrooms instead of working.
I'm a little docile Cheney, Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly bitch. Slap me harder because I like it.
Peak Oil is a myth for fools just like global warming, the coming ice age, invasions by Martians, and asteroids wiping out earth.
Some folks here really need Prozac.
Or a real education instead of the Liberal Arts fluff.
It's called pessimism. I try to ignore it and go with the flow these days but it's hard.
Pretty much I accept that we're on a path to destruction of the earth, ourselves but don't really care. I have abou 25 years left on earth and after that I don't give a shit. I used to, but look around and see so many others not caring, why should I? No kids so if the earth dies the day after I do, oh well.
Bitter? Perhaps. But I get tired of hearing about "sustainability", admonished for not recycling my skivvies, browbeaten into turning the water off while I brush my teeth only to have the affluent use up all my resources and that of 100 other people. Sure, I'll save 10 gallons of water a year if I reuse my mouth rinse water for my plants, meanwhile the rich folks up the hill will use 800,000 gallons on their azaleas. I can ride a bike everywhere to save precious fuel but then the rich folks up the hill will just buy each kid a Hummer and fly their private jet to New York for dinner. See a pattern here?
So F it all, I say. Let the crash take us down. Let the global warming naysayers win. We're all going to lose anyway.
I dont think we're in Kansas anymore... but, but I just want to go home.
Global Warming is the 'end times' prophecy for the non-religious.
I'm surprised so many people belive in the fiction of human caused climate change. People want to get money out of you/control your behavior with this fiction, just like religion.
Before global warming it was new ice age,acid rain,polluted environment ends world,nuclear war w/russia, lots of other examples I remember im not even 40.
Gozer the Traveller will come in one of the
pre-chosen forms. During the rectification
of the Vuldronaii the Traveller came as a
very large and moving Torb. Then of course
in the third reconciliation of the last of
the Meketrex supplicants they chose a new
form for him, that of a Sloar. Many Shubs
and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in
the depths of the Sloar that day I can tell
Hi Keith,
I totally agree with every word you said. I'm an independent Mortgage Professional. I too had that icky feeling last night before going to bed. But my analogy was this, the Titanic is sinking, I need to jump on the first life raft G-d sends my way. I have interviews scheduled all week in a completely different field. Bye Bye Mortgage industry! I really feel like the Big Banks are squeezing us independents out.
read your bible,we are living in the very last days.Are you ready? JOHN 3:16
I the same independent Mortgage Professional that just posted. I'm curious as to why no BODY has stopped lending websites (like LendingTree and others I've seen) from advertising/selling the minimum payment on PayOption ARMs? You'll see ads to attract applicants that read, "Get a $400,000 loan for just $1,286.56. Do these companies have no shame??? Have they not leaned anything at all?
I remember seeing infomercials by Quick Loan Funding selling this minimum payment but not explaining this type of loan at all! It used to drive me nuts having prospective clients telling me that they could get a much lower payment than I was offering. I would do my part and explain the PayOption Arm to them and how it would effect them. It didn't register with them. This is case in point one of the many reasons why we are in this deep deep fiasco...
"I've got a bad feeling about this week" could be followed by:
"It couldn't get any worse."
"What could possibly go wrong?"
"How bad can it be?"
"Everythings going to be alright."
"It's quiet!...TOO quiet!"
and finally,
"He's just one man. What harm could he possibly do?"
Some of you Ron Paul fans take issue with my decision to take the poll down. Fine. When a well-organized and committed "few" can throw the results of a system meant to reflect the sentiments of "the many," I get a little worried. I'd take it down again.
Allen Wastler
Managing Editor, CNBC.com
Haha...you mean like Congress voting on the "immigration reform"? Did you get a little worried then? Or did you still (as of Oct 3) have stories from Gutierrez about how important it is? Almost all of the other "relevant" stories on the site are espousing the WRONG side of the issue as well. But back to the main issue: it is not a "system", it is a freaking INTERNET POLL!! What a piece of self-important bluster.
Incidentally, I checked out another story relevant to this:
Wednesday, 3 Oct 2007
John McCain: On The Presidential Comeback Trail?
According to the story he is NOT out of the running despite Iraq and his immigration stand, based on these results (I "voted" NO):
Do you think John McCain can come back and win the Republican nomination for president?
Yes 60%
No 18%
Prefer other candidate 23%
Not a scientific survey.
Oh, I left out an important part:
* 40 responses
Looks like nobody cares! :) I know I don't, even though I voted.
Small man, small site. IMHO, Allen Wastler would be properly named if you dropped the last 2 letters in his first name, and the "l" and "r" from his last name.
"Already had it, that was the fruit & nut concern of the 70's"
Actually, it was not the prevalent thinking in the scientific community at the time. Just got disproportionate media attention. The author later changed his mind - I think there's even a video of him on Youtube somewhere. The path to discovering facts is not perfectly straight and scientists are quite capable of misinterpreting data, having instrumental errors, or going down blind alleys. But slowly, we do gather the facts, and I think anyone who argues that science must be flawless each step of the way or it's rubbish is just being disingenuous at best.
Of course, the end state of a run-away greenhouse effect could turn out to be like Mars (cooling) or like Venus (hot house. Climate is a chaotic system, and that is why the next stable point is so hard to predict. But your high school chemistry is enough to know what happens when you disgorge millions of years' worth of stored CO2 and methane into the atmosphere in a hundred years or so. There's really no debate, guys.
Got Bunker?
Enjoy the die off.
Gold is going up up up
oil is on the rise
housing is plummetting
stock market ??hmmm ?? possibly an attempt to reinflate wall street since housing has gone Kaput.
Can you say Crash proof anyone?
I bought a pair of crocs in 2005, they were $32 . They were comfy and ugly. I sold them on ebay used for $25 a year later, because everyone started wearing them, and I hate fads-
I bought three houses between 2003-2004- sold all 3 in 2005-
Crocs are like jelly shoes- remember those?
last I heard some of the big homebuilders were offering free crocs with purchase of a new home
"I am a sheep. I believe in global warming. What happened to acid rain and save the rain forests? I think the next big environmental push will be..."
The rain forests are fucked and their demise is contributing to global warming. You don't get out of the house much, do you?
It's called the "end of the age". Read your bible or start Googling bible prophecy
My guess is none of you dimwits understands the physics, history, and data behind global warming theory. Instead you try to impress everyone with knowledge you don't have and broad assertions of it being BS.
We'll just add global warming to the long list of false theories that scientists have conjured up out of thin air:
Evolution and Natural Selection
Continental Drift
Big Bang Theory
Carbon Dating (and its evil sisters Potassium-Argon and Uranium Dating)
Second Law of Thermodynamics
And Special and General Relativity could be added to the mix. Relativity produces far too outlandish assertions for you smart common folk to grasp. Hell, why don't we just throw into the mix Quantum Physics Theory, since you clowns are so smart you could easily refute the outrageous predictions of quantum physics, what with all your "common sense" and all.
Of course, if we did that, then we'd have no explanation for why our computers that we are using to read this can work at all, much less our CD players, Lasik, or even GPS signals.
Now you want a great theory to play with? Here's one: Intelligent Design. Now *that's* science. Serious, rational, critical thinking science for ya. Not.
YES. I got that feeling that the powers that be, have their finger on the trigger and are ready to squeeze.
Let's hope cooler heads prevail and this thing blows over. Otherwise we might be in the middle of WWIII before 2008.
Yup oil @ $85 this morning, and the stock market is in neg territory..where are the Stock Cheerleaders this morning?
We are still here
My 5 holdings:
short CFC: down (so I am up)
short IMB: down (so I am up)
Today was a good day in the market, but for the wrong reasons.
I like small cap oil (UPL and to a lesser extent SU). They are growing production of a resource that will track inflation/devaluation of the dollar, so in the end I am ahead. simply buying and holding gold only preserved value, unless there is a gold bubble, which there isn't because the rise of gold is different this time ;)
Did you know that you can eat Crocs. They are made of tree resin which you could eat- why you would WANT to is beyond me, but hey maybe the realtors can eat their Crocs, if the Ramen supply dries up.
Re: Peak oil blog, bla, bla, bla
Our nearest sun will be running out of energy too, someday. All life on earth will freeze solid and die. It's a fact.
Moreover, to kill others for it though, and/or to steal it from others, is STILL a crime.
krispy cream doughnuts,
or oil dosnt matter. Theft, profiteering, rape and murder is not an acceptable excuse (unless you're a neobush-co republican, or a democrat that turns their back to their chilling high crimes).
Americans don't care. Why, it's the football season! Britney stubbed her toe! X-box is calling!
I remember aerosols were going to destroy the world back inthe 1970's and here we are still alive and with more aerosol sprays that ever. The environut movement needs to stir up fears of a doomsday, just like the Heaven's Gate nutjobs in order to attract support.
I liken the global warming movement to scientology.
Don't worry! Hillary will save us--all those fresh ideas and independent judgement! We will be fine! Or, you can try to go for a resh start say vote for Ron Paul or become active in government affairs. Or vote for Hillary and trust media that is controlled by 5 companies--yes they will always tell you the truth even if it affects their stock price---yeah right. They call us HP'ers "tin Foil freaks, but really, who are the freaks....What twisted mind thinks the MSN has the individuals interest at heart and that Hillary Clinton and Fred Thompson are the solution to what ails us....Changing times and the political process sends us hacks and clowns.....And some think that voting for Ron Paul is crazy! Think about it. Oh too long a post beyond the attention spam of DOPES and his ilk.....
If there's one thing the US won't countenance, it's a hacked poll result. Hacked election results, however, are no problem.
I remember aerosols were going to destroy the world back inthe 1970's and here we are still alive and with more aerosol sprays that ever. The environut movement needs to stir up fears of a doomsday, just like the Heaven's Gate nutjobs in order to attract support.
I liken the global warming movement to scientology.
You are simply uninformed. Aerosol no longer uses CFCs because it was linked to depleting the ozone. We still have aerosol, but the propellant has been replaced with something supposedly ozone safe.
Wiki is not always accurate, but I think this is close enough for you :
No need to call names, Mr zoiks. I just have 3 questions for you:
1) If global warming is completely factual and human-based, can you explain why the 1930's is now recognized as the warmest decade, and not a recent one?
2) In addition to the above, would the Earth continue to get warmer if this was the case, and has the progression been linear and even somewhat predictable?
3) Where did the elements for the Big Bang come from?
If you want to impress us with what you know, you might want to make a few allowances for what you don't know. ;)
Don't forget that Mars and Venus are also warming up. All those Martians and Venusians and their damn SUVs must be responsible. It couldn't be that warming is based on solar trends, could it?
After all, the data doesn't lie. The world has over 200 years of climate data representing 0.0000044% of the life span of the earth thus far. The scientific consensus of trends calculated against this MASSIVE amount of data is indisputable, and as with most things in science, the proclamations of a politician from rural Tennessee means THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED! After all, science is all about majoritarianism -- settling on a single theory and rejecting all challenges or hypotheses that go against the political consensus as incorrect.
The best way to solve this vexing problem, of course, is to allow the government to centrally manage our economy. From now on, all we peons are to be taxed out the ass for "carbon producing activities," including breathing, eating, driving, turning on the lights, and posting on this bulletin board. No other alternatives, even if you accept the theory based on extensive knowledge of 0.0000044% of the data, exist. After all, the science is settled, you know.
And if you disagree, you must be a right-wing Christian science-hating evolution-disputing moron, because we all know that every scientist who ever lived is a socialist who understands that Al Gore knows more about climate science than any pesky critics who happen to be. . . climate scientists.
"Before global warming it was new ice age, acid rain, polluted environment ends world, nuclear war w/russia, lots of other examples I remember im not even 40."
You're forgetting the African Killer Bees...
and don't forget the 1 BILLION people who died from the bird flu in 2006.
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