Meanwhile, the other boring dwarfs running for the GOP nomination are all wrong on the war, wrong on spending, wrong on the role of government and wrong for America.
Even though he doesn't even show up in the polls today, and apparently has zero chance of winning, is it Ron Paul or Bust for the GOP?
Will TV-addicted Americans finally pay attention, take note, and stop making the 2008 campaign a name recognition farce? Will Ron Paul start out-raising the other candidates, and start making his own media noise? Is a Newsweek cover in the future?
Washington Post: Is Ron Paul the Howard Dean of 2008?
Among the Texas congressman's loyal, passionate, Web-savvy supporters, that's not a question. It's a statement -- and a semi-accurate one. Here's a very important similarity: Like Dean, Paul has been against the war on Iraq from the beginning, setting him apart from the rest of the GOP field.
And just as Dean's insurgent campaign effectively used the Web to raise money, rally its supporters and create buzz the year before the 2004 elections, Paul's campaign throughout the year has singularly relied on the Internet to fuel his engine.
All that popularity has translated to online money: $5.1 million in the third quarter, with at least 70 percent of it coming from online donors, according to Paul spokesman Jesse Benton. He raised about $3.1 million in the first and second quarters -- 80 percent of it from online donations.
October 04, 2007
Is Ron Paul the only hope for the Republican Party (and America) in 2008?
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Labels: courage, ron paul 2008, stupid fed policy
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I'm a 48 year old grandfather who's greatly appreciating the Ron Paul Presidential campaign! The BIGGER story however is, that Ron Paul has $5.3M cash on hand and that he's NOT going to take matching funds! Most political experts est. the Ron Paul ever rapidly growing grass-roots volunteer army of 50,000+ to be worth the equivalent
of $10M+ per month in campaign contributions! SO WAKE UP NEOCONS & WAR MONGERS! America is sick and tired of "BIG BROTHER" government breathing down our necks and getting us involved in no-win, unconstitionally, undeclared "military-industrial" growth wars in the middle east, plus the 130 other countries we have a presence in at the taxpayers expense of $1 TRILLION per year! I personally loathe working 5 months out of the year to pay my income tax obligation that's earmarked 100% for the "interest-only" payment on the $10 TRILLION National debt to the "ultra-private" Federal Reserve Banking Cartel! Of course, I detest our current "pack of beaurocrats" who are spending our tax dollars like "junkies waiting for their next fix!" I am however, extremely delighted as to the way Ron Paul has shown his frugal fiscal responsibility regarding his own personal campaign - Let's compare that with ANY other presidential candidates finances and review their "donations vs. expenditures" ratios? Then ask yourself this important question - Who do you really want running our economy for the next 4-8 years? A fiscal conservative who thinks our dollars should be backed by something other than printing money out of "thin air" and who would replace the dreaded "Income Tax" with NOTHING! Or just the same 'ole same 'ole ...btw...FYI to MSM a point of clarification ... In the United States, non-interventionism has often been confused with Isolationism. Critics of non-interventionism frequently add to this confusion by smearing prominent non-interventionist as isolationists. However, true isolationism combines a non-interventionist foreign policy with protectionism (economic nationalism) and strict border controls to prevent international travel and cultural exchange. The majority non-interventionists in the United States reject protectionism in favor of free trade, international travel, and cultural exchange. YES, Ron Paul is a NON-INTERVENTIONIST! Please for God Sake learn the difference, unless you're intentially misleading or smearing Ron Paul. Also, while I'm on a roll - The term "Long Shot" for Ron Paul can gracefully be discarded into the compost pile of media bias and propaganda. Folks, this may be our last chance ... The choice is YOURS! ... GOOGLE Ron Paul for yourself and get the WHOLE story on the man many believe to be an American Hero!!!
Best Ron Paul video - (Reply: WRONG!?Best Presidential Candidacy Video EVER!!!)[/url]
"None are more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
-- Goethe
I've joined some Ron Paul Meetup groups, started sign waving, and I just got my brochures delivered today. I'm spreading the word online, at work, and even to my NeoCon parents via e-mail. They haven't called me since I've been doing this, haha!
Ron Paul on ABC News
Money talks in politics
He needs to start running ads
Ron Paul all the way, baby...
Too bad the rest of the country is too stupid to see that.
Why is it that they say he cant win?
If anybody did any thinking for themselves they would be saying
"How could he lose" It seems like most do not want to fix America.
Ron Paul seems like he really cares the others just want power. Like the poll says here its Ron Paul or im not voting.
Geez, I may not be a Ron Paul supporter, but please don't insult the man by comparing him with left-wing wacko commie Howard Dean!
He made huge news in the US today. One of the top stories, as least in newspapers. Page A6 of the WSJ. I think some people who discounted him before like George Stephanopolous are coming around.
All fine and good. You forgot to mention this:
- believes 9/11 was an inside job
- thinks we should close all borders
- thinks we should negotiate with Osama (negotiate what, only 1/2 of us convert to Islam? Only 2/3 of American Jews get killed?)
- wants to eliminate the FAA, FDA, get rid of national parks, disband the military, get rid of the CIA, elimintae the FBI
- wants to get rid of public education
Yeah great guy, where do I sign up?
didn't Howard Dean raise a gajillion dollars too? look where he ended up....still a joke 4 years later. That's what Ron Paul will end up being too, a joke, if he isn't already one.
Face it HPers, it is Rudy vs. Hillary. It has been foretold and it shall be so.
If you want to waste your money on Ron Paul or Obama or Daffy Duck, go ahead throw your money away for all I care.
NAR is endorsing Ron Paul.
Oh shooot,
What to do,
HPers must find a new candidate.
Study after study, have proven
That supporters of Ron Paul have 15-20% less brain mass then the rest of society.
I like what Ron has to say, I just wish he didn't look like Mortimer Snerd!
I donated $50 a few days ago which is chump change I know but now that he's hitting the big dough I'm going to be making weekly donations of $100. I hope every supporter can do the same.
In case you don't know already, the GOP is closing the primaries to registered Republicans only so if you want to vote Paul you need to REGISTER AS REPUBLICAN IMMEDIATELY. The window to register will close in New Hampshire and New York on October 12th and shortly after in other states. So don't waste a minute.
Just another example of the GOP's attack on American freedom.
I think he's hanging on to the money, keeping his powder dry. I see him coming on 3 months before the election, as an independent, when the approved candidates have blown all kinds of cash smearing each other.
I sure hope it works, because its going to be him or Hillary. If it's Hillary, I'm going to see about leaving the country.
It won't be as easy for MSM to smear Dr. Paul like they did Dean because of citizen media that shows their tactics. Plus, didn't even hear about Dean until the Dean scream.
Web 2.0 allows people to see through MSM distortions and we don't feel alone in our support for Dr. Paul. They still try to make it sound like Paul supporters are a fringe group of people who somehow know how to use something called the "internet"
Ron Paul can win. The other candidates water each other down with the same neo-con stance.
Ron Paul 08!
The problem with Ron Paul is that other than his normal positions on the war and the economy, he's outright wacky. He wants to outlaw abortion and public education. I think he would put America on an even faster track to third world status rather than reversing things.
"He wants to outlaw abortion and public education. I think he would put America on an even faster track to third world status rather than reversing things."
Abortion has cost us 40 million citizens, and it's one of the reasons we have an aging workforce that isn't competitive anymore. As for public education, can anyone honestly say it has improved over the past four decades? Test scores are lower even though the amount of money spent by the Feds is at an all time high.
RP has the balls to state the truth, something that makes lots of folks uncomfortable. I suspect we will end up with President HRC, the Democrat version of Richard Nixon. Boy will that be a party...
The only secure jobs left in America are in government and healthcare. The government doesn't pay you much and healthcare won't either after Hitlary gets in office and socializes it.
Next time you or a family member gets sick, try going down to the county hospital to see the future of healthcare when run by the government. If you walk into the emergeny room, expect to wait 12 hours with dozens of illegal immigrants before seeing a doctor.
The people in power want the status quo. The media is mostly ignoring him. Faux, Clinton News Network, PMSNBC and the rest of the mainstream media are doing their best to ignore the Ron Paul revolution. We need to take an enema and clean up the system before we become another Mexico or Brazil - a few super rich rule the masses who live in the slums.
Anyone who hasn't already should read "Crash Proof" by Peter Schiff. That clearly details how completely screwed the US economy and government is right now. And it shows how far the US has drifted from being a free market economy. After reading that you won't find Ron Paul's views so wacky.
All fine and good. You forgot to mention this:
- believes 9/11 was an inside job
I've never seen him once mention any tinfoil conspiracies about 9/11, unless you call him repeatedly referencing the bi-partisan 9/11 commission report's findings about how perhaps the US foreign policy is somewhat conducive to encouraging these attacks. And not that our policy gives anyone the right to do what was done by any means, but it's called having an open mind so that you can try to understand what's behind an extremely complex problem rather than going around thumping your chest like a damn baboon.
- thinks we should close all borders
You can't have sovereignty without having secured borders... pretty simple concept.
- thinks we should negotiate with Osama (negotiate what, only 1/2 of us convert to Islam? Only 2/3 of American Jews get killed?)
blah, blah, blah...
- wants to eliminate the FAA, FDA, get rid of national parks, disband the military, get rid of the CIA, elimintae the FBI
I bet he also wants to outlaw birthdays, Valentine's Day and Christmas too... give me a break. You watch too much FOX television (read: any FOX is too much)...
- wants to get rid of public education
Well considering how our public education system is doing so well, why would he ever want to do that? Look at how well we stack up against other countries when it comes to our education system... it's pathetic. Ron Paul is an advocate for more parent involvement through home schooling with equal rights so that there is incentive to make education a priority... that doesn't mean the public school system is going anywhere.
Your comments are senseless and uninformed blather... The reason people are against Ron Paul for the most part is because we are a society of entitlement and "take the easy path", and Ron Paul is coming with a fistful of medicine that is going to taste like shit in the short term. You would rather ride it out and pretend like the disease of our greedy, debt-ridden society is really just "our God given right"... but as is always the case, pretending like the disease isn't there doesn't make it go away, and eventually leads to only one outcome.
The Ron Paul smear team will make up anything they can to freak people out.
Example: He doesn't want to outlaw abortion federally, he thinks that abortion is a decision that should be made by the states. Why does everyone on the coasts demand control over abortion restrictions in the more conservative mid-west states?
He wants to get rid of the FEDERAL department of education, not get rid of public education. Notice how since the department of education was created education in this country has gone straight downhill!
Yep, a few hundreds from me in that figure. Best candidate for America, that's why he won't have a chance. The shady group that manipulates this country (and the entire world for that matter) won't allow him to get elected. I will have to vote for another Clinton. At least the Clintons don't make phony wars to kill young and innocent kids.
Unfortunately our system is rigged beyond repair. The shady group in power got the taste for easy money and won't let it go.
Don't let Giuliani fool you that there's a bogeyman terrorist under your's all about money! They need more wars to transfer your taxpayer money to their cronies, just like the way it's happening right now. You won't have crap left to retire on with these GOP crooks after they are done with you.
The big problem facing the country can best be seen by some of the posters. For example one states that Ron Paul belives 9/11 was an inside job. Absolutley not--Ron Paul said (and so did the 9/11 report) that the 9/11 attack was blowback from U.S. policy. Never said we should negotiate with Osama, just that we should negotioate with other nations. He does not wnat to outlaw abortion he wants it to be a state issue. On and on its clear these trolls are making stuff up or incable of undrestanding what the man has said. As for cmparison with Dean the point is that Dean was a surprise and caught the dem party by surprise not that Paul and Dean are alike. Yeesh. So fellow HP'ers we can conlude that even when presented with facts thanks to the public ed in the U.S.A we are surrouned by Morons. So the guy sounds like Snerd, will take that over Hillarys demented witch laugh any day! Beware Amerimorons form strange impressions in their TV and debt addled brains. Its really Idiocracy, they may well elect a pro wrestelr cuz unlike Ron Paul he would be tought and kick ass....
Boy what a load of crap--annon said:
At least the Clintons don't make phony wars to kill young and innocent kids.
Yep I guess bombing the Bosnians into the stone age did not entail any deaths. Oh and Sudan--since its clear you don't read papers remember Black Hawk Down? Yep, the Clintons are the solution to all of our problems.
Study after study, have proven
That supporters of Ron Paul have 15-20% less brain mass then the rest of society.
Oh really? I graduated Summa Cum Laude with major in General Business and minor in Economics, from a top 10 Business School in the US, plus another advanced degree from Sorbonne University in Paris. I'm also fluent in 4 languages and have a 6 figure income. What have you accomplished besides eating pudding and kissing Karl Roves' stinking and overused arse for a buck? Funny how these Phoenix and Las Vegas sleazy idiots think that they are hot sh!t. Go vote for Giuliani, fool!
If you arent willing to do what FDR did some 70 years ago then you are just wasting your time(and our time) running for President.
Abortion has cost us 40 million citizens, and it's one of the reasons we have an aging workforce that isn't competitive anymore. As for public education, can anyone honestly say it has improved over the past four decades? Test scores are lower even though the amount of money spent by the Feds is at an all time high.
RP has the balls to state the truth, something that makes lots of folks uncomfortable. I suspect we will end up with President HRC, the Democrat version of Richard Nixon. Boy will that be a party...
October 05, 2007 6:24 AM
The real problem is that weve allowed ourselves to be subjected to a "post industrial" society these past 40 years.
None of the so-called candidates will touch this topic let alone campaign to reverse the policy.
Who in their right mind puts their children in the public schools these days?
Ron Paul is the singular best candidate in the 08 elections.
However, he faces too many problems. Mainly.. I can't name one primary he will win. He simply won't get the Republican nod because they'd rather put up a hack.
I'd switch my planned vote for a democrat to vote for him if the RNC actually puts him up.
1988: Jackson
1992: Perot
1996: Perot again
2000: Nader
2004: Dean/Kucinich/Sharpton
2008: Paul/Kucinich
Every election there is a crazy person running. This year it is no different.
Anonymous said...
1988: Jackson
1992: Perot
1996: Perot again
2000: Nader
2004: Dean/Kucinich/Sharpton
2008: Paul/Kucinich
Every election there is a crazy person running. This year it is no different.
October 05, 2007 5:02 PM
You leave out current President GW Bush from your list of crazy candidates? It shows just how blind you are. No Presidential candidate has ever been as crazy as GW Bush.
However, he faces too many problems. Mainly.. I can't name one primary he will win. He simply won't get the Republican nod because they'd rather put up a hack.
Umm... I'm not so sure about that.
You people are delusional and need medication.
Americans want big government and socialism. They don't want freedom.
No Presidential candidate has ever been as crazy as GW Bush.
i take it you've never read any of lyndon larouche's political screeds.
For the record, Ron Paul is NOT against public education. He only wants to pull Washington DC out of it. Your local property taxes pay for education. Let it be run LOCALLY. As the Feds have gotten involved, has education become better or worse over the past 50 years?
Abortion. He is not criminalizing abortion. He is leaving it up to the STATES to decide.
You cannot have a one-size-fits-all government. You cannot dictate one view across a country of 300 million people.
Live as you will in a community of YOUR CHOICE.
I recently read an article about Ron Paul. In paragraph 2 it explained how he thinks the environment should be deregulated and left to private industry. I didn't bother with paragraph 3 thru N.
"Welcome to the McDonald's Grand Canyon"
Ron Paul is an idiot. Just slightly less of an idiot. Enjoy your day Ron Paul sheeple!
I sure hope it works, because its going to be him or Hillary. If it's Hillary, I'm going to see about leaving the country.
My reoccurring nightmare is that he comes in as a 3rd party and attracts enough republican votes that it allows hillary to win just like in 92 with perot enabling bill "meaning of is is" clinton to win.
charlatan said...
No Presidential candidate has ever been as crazy as GW Bush.
i take it you've never read any of lyndon larouche's political screeds.
October 07, 2007 3:57 AM
Strangely enough I have. I believe that his proposed "Homeowners and Bank protection Act 2007" was just introduced into the Pennsylvania legislature by Representative Harold James.
Apparently Representative Harold James doesnt hold your view that LaRouche is a kook.
Representative Harold James caused quite a firestorm with local bankers by introducing LaRouche's proposed legislation.
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