Sit back with a cup of coffee and an open mind and read this lengthy piece on the Doctor in today's NYT. Looks like the MSM is (finally) waking up to the Ron Paul phenomena. And again, the blogs led the way. Here's a few excerpts from a very long piece...
The Antiwar, Anti-Abortion, Anti-Drug-Enforcement Administration, Anti-Medicare Candidacy of Dr. Ron Paul
Alone among Republican candidates for the presidency, Paul has always opposed the Iraq war. He blames “a dozen or two neocons who got control of our foreign policy,” chief among them Vice President Dick Cheney and the former Bush advisers Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, for the debacle. On the assumption that a bad situation could get worse if the war spreads into Iran, he has a simple plan. It is: “Just leave.”
Paul is a harsh critic of the Federal Reserve, both for its policies and its unaccountability. “We first bonded,” recalls Barney Frank, the Massachusetts Democrat, “because we were both conspicuous nonworshipers at the Temple of the Fed and of the High Priest Greenspan.” In recent weeks, Paul’s airport reading has been a book called “Financial Armageddon.” He is obsessed with sound money, which he considers — along with the related phenomena of credit excess, bubbles and uncollateralized assets of all kinds — a “sleeper issue.”
The United States ought to link its currency to gold or silver again, Paul says. He puts his money where his mouth is. According to Federal Election Commission documents, most of his investments are in gold and silver and are worth between $1.5 and $3.5 million. It’s a modest sum by the standards of major presidential candidates but impressive for someone who put five children through college on a doctor’s (and later a congressman’s) earnings.
For Paul, everything comes back to money, including Iraq. “No matter how much you love the empire,” he says, “it’s unaffordable.” Wars are expensive, and there has been a tendency throughout history to pay for them by borrowing. A day of reckoning always comes, says Paul, and one will come for us. Speaking this spring before the libertarian Future of Freedom Foundation in Reston, Va., he warned of a dollar crisis. “That’s usually the way empires end,” he said. “It wasn’t us forcing the Soviets to build missiles that brought them down. It was the fact that socialism doesn’t work. Our system doesn’t work much better.”
read the rest of the article here
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July 22, 2007
Ron Paul expose in Sunday New York Times
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Labels: new york times, ron paul 2008
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The old media is definitely behind the times. Or New York Times behind the times. Well I guess there is a pun in there somewhere…
Ron Paul places 1st or 2nd in every straw poll, debate, and active participation survey.
Ron Paul is 1st in YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Meetup, Google, etc. The old media is just too slow to realize what is happening.
Ron Paul has the most contributions from U.S. military personnel above all other candidates. So support the troops and vote Ron Paul!
‘Scientific Polls’ at this stage only measure name recognition. Over the next six months Ron Paul will gain name recognition and people will learn about who Ron Paul is. Most people who learn about Ron Paul become major supporters.
Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were doing about the same in the 'Scientific Polls' at this stage in their elections. Ron Paul has tremendous momentum and his support is growing exponentially. The other candidates are stagnant. Only Ron Paul's support is growing and will continue to grow!
We are making history – Vote Ron Paul!
Visit YouTube and search Ron Paul to learn more…
great article
Eighteen months from today, a new president takes the oath of office.
he warned of a dollar crisis. “That’s usually the way empires end,”
>>>> most of his investments are in gold and silver and are worth between $1.5 and $3.5 million. It’s a modest sum by the standards of major presidential candidates but impressive for someone who put five children through college on a doctor’s (and later a congressman’s) earnings.<<<<
oh and silver......gee yah think he knows what he is doing? me thinks so. get out of theat stock market as fast as you can folks.
It's too late for Ron Paul.
Pray for The Messiah! Oh, I forgot that was the plan all along- create such a huge mess the Lord has to send back Jesus to clean things up. Brilliant W!
Meanwhile, the democrats have two leading candidates: a guy with a middle name of Hussein and a former board member of Wal Mart.
Impale thyself on spear.
Ron Paul is a racist KKK and a terorist supporter. He also kills puppies. Vote for the establishment who gave you free money from HELOCs
Anyone who is endorsed by the NY Slimes can go to hell.
Ron Paul? Who gives a #$%*!
Go back to the gold standard? You guys like deflation or something? Take health insurance away from seniors? That's bright. How can one website argue for a big government anti-trust investigation and support Ron Paul at the same time? That's like supporting an end to the Iraq War and supporting George W Bush. It's the equivalent of punching yourself in the nose.
This guy Ron Paul is a world-class idiot. But hey, if you liked the Gilded Age he's your man. Who needs environmental protection? Should we take away overtime pay while we're at it? How about weekends? Yeah, they're overrated too. Just turn the clock back 150 years and everything will be grand.
Really, the folks with complex, exploding mortgage debt aren't the only suckers out there. Take a look in the mirror people.
"... he has a simple plan.
It is: 'Just leave'.”
Simple minds like simple plans.
(not unlike GWB)
There were some Ron Paul supporters Saturday in Laguna Beach Holding up banners.
I like everything but the facile, idealistic and impractical "do away with all government agencies and services". And a nice 180 on nation-wide health coverage, please. See SiCKO ASAP before falling in love with this Libertarian. He's got a lot right, but also some major flaws.
"This guy Ron Paul is a world-class idiot. But hey, if you liked the Gilded Age he's your man. Who needs environmental protection? Should we take away overtime pay while we're at it? How about weekends? Yeah, they're overrated too. Just turn the clock back 150 years and everything will be grand.
You are the CLASSIC example that the DUMBING DOWN of America has been a GREAT SUCCESS.
Any idiot who thinks SICKO is a documentary is sicko in the head.
Let's break down that alleged 47 million uninsured.
- 12 million illegal immigrants
- 17 million household income over $50K
- 6.5 million refuse to apply for medicare
If illegal immigrants can get free healthcare, why do socialist morons believe 47 million cannot get medical care?
From Wikipedia's entry on weekends
"The early industrial period in Europe saw a six-day work week with only Sunday off, but some workers had no days off at all. The labour and workers rights movements and campaigns by trade unionists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century saw a five day work week introduced as Saturday became a day of rest and relaxation."
Who's dumbed down now? Yes, the guy who didn't address any issues but just threw out a stupid insult.
"Eighteen months from today, a new president takes the oath of office."
His name will be Richard Cheney.
If there were a just God that oath would burn in his mouth. But it won't.
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