June 09, 2006

Isn't it time for Time or Newsweek to put the housing collapse on the cover?

I'm thinking it's coming real soon... any guesses?

Time will go first, and by the end of July

The headline:

"The End of the Housing Bubble - and What it Means for You"


Anonymous said...

i'm surprised time hasn't done it yet, probably a bit embarassed with their cover at the peak last year

Anonymous said...

Your rock Keith!

Anonymous said...

The media is starting to pick up on it, just barely. Four out of five of my google alerts still have some dimwit columnist or reporter only interviewing realtor types for their housing info. All rosy, too cozy! Going down screaming, kicking,............
.....and lying.

Denial. River in Egypt. Loved that scene in "The Ten Commandments" when the water turned to blood. Imagine Yul Brynner as David Lereah, supreme realtor, divine one !!! (MY apologizes to the late Mr. Brynner of course)

Anonymous said...

It takes TIME to flush 10 trilion dollars out of the economy. More TIME than just the cover.

Anonymous said...

Prices didn't drop in the 80's housing bust to the second half of 1990, a year after the peek. With the lags and slower season coming in 2 months, they will drop and WILL drop. Deal man, simply deal and understand the natural cycle of housing busts.

Anonymous said...

No, not yet. Typically, TIME and other pubs jumping onto a story like this would be a contrarian indicator. So you can expect TIME to 'discover' the collapse in home prices only when we are at/approaching the bottom. We are nowhere near bottom.

Anonymous said...

No, not yet. Typically, TIME and other pubs jumping onto a story like this would be a contrarian indicator. So you can expect TIME to 'discover' the collapse in home prices only when we are at/approaching the bottom. We are nowhere near bottom.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last post...only when the fallout causes pure panic will TIME give it front cover status. The previous cover story for housing was in a time of complete euphoria. It has to go to the extremes to get on the cover.

autofx in phx, to say that Keith is jumping the gun is similar to saying that Shiller is jumping the gun in his "Irrational Exuberance" book.