From Fox News (yes, that Fox News):
Bush Approval at New Low
More Americans disapprove than approve of how George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Congress are doing their jobs, while a majority approves of Condoleezza Rice. President Bush’s approval hits a record low of 33 percent this week, clearly damaged by sinking support among Republicans.
President Bush’s job approval rating slipped this week and stands at a new low of 33 percent approve, down from 36 percent two weeks ago and 39 percent in mid-March. A year ago this time, 47 percent approved and two years ago 50 percent approved
April 21, 2006
Sean Hannity must be having a bad, bad day
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Hannity is an ignoramus.
Just like Limbaugh & crowd, he provides the ignorant with a series of Jesse Jackson style liberal targets to vent their frustrations on. But he and Limbaugh don't illuminate the issues or find solutions. They provoke hatred and polarization by playing the wimp liberal card to the extreme.
Great work if you can get it.
hannity is basically a pornographer, selling hatred to a targeted group of closed minded white angry males.
I think he's actually a smart guy though, just giving his masses what they want and cashing in.
I wish I had fox over here though - it's gotta be tougher and tougher to stick to the pro-bush spin these days
As a conservative, I used to like somewhat like Hannity. However, I never liked the neo-cons, which spend like liberals and embrace big government like facists.
Like so many of the modern "Republicans", Sean has embraced the neo-con cause and even defends it when attacked by traditional conservatives, who are asking the hard questions.
His career will go down in disgrace with the rest of the neo-con movement.
hannity and his ilk are what have turned me off to the (current) republican party
reagan didn't hate like hannity hates
Hate is all the current GOP has.
They certainly cannot run on their achievements.
"Hate is all the current GOP has."
And the Dems are the party of love? Look at the postings on some of these blogs or listen to Air America for ten minutes -- there is plenty of hate and villification from that side too.
Both major parties are beholdin' to special interests, and both have essentially the same goals. I have to admit that Ralph Nader was right in many respects even though I don't like his approach to economics very much.
This republic is doomed IMO. We are going to morph into an imperium over the next 20 years and the majority of Americans will cheer it on because they'll have their bread and circuses.
Actually I'm surprised that Hannity takes Bush's unit out of his mouth long enough to present his radio show. Cheers!
Is this a blog about Housing Panic or a political commentary blog
Actually I'm surprised that Hannity takes Bush's unit out of his mouth long enough to present his radio show.
Yo! Direct Hit!
" Anonymous said...
Hate is all the current GOP has.
They certainly cannot run on their achievements.
Friday, April 21, 2006 7:11:35 AM
Wow you're stupid. Ever look in the mirror?
If he didn't have an evil spirit inside and could lose about 35 lbs., he'd be such a hot babe!
What a shame!
Reagan did so much more than spread hatred.
He helped destroy lives and quality of life, and redistribute wealth from 95% of the population to the top 5%.
Wait, is this 1979 or 2006? There's no difference.
Wow you're stupid. Ever look in the mirror?
Yep, that's a good example of the mindless (and in this case juvenile) hatred that the goopers spew whenever they are challenged.
Thanks for illustrating my point for me.
Who the hell could possibly approve of Condomsleazy Rice.
She was right up front spreading the Iraq WMD propaganda more than anyone with the exception of Cheney.
Also, in the prooud Dubya tradition, she was partying in New York while New Orleans was drowning.
She's just the 4th stooge. Maybe people don't notice because she's not a while male like the other 3.
"She was right up front spreading the Iraq WMD propaganda more than anyone with the exception of Cheney."
Maybe she heard it from Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright, and John Kerry -- they were the ones spreading that Iraqi has WMD "disinformation" way back in '98. Oh, I forgot, they're Democrats, so they get a free pass on their intelligence screw-ups.
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