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This is a new blog for realtor news. One post is "are realtors worth their commission" - I already hit that one
I expect some good work from HP'ers
April 19, 2006
HP'ers - go crash this realtor blog
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Mission accomplished.
excellent work! I'm so proud, I could just cry
more more more!
They have removed all of the joke posts.
I think, I crossed a line by posting " I have more respect for crack whores, than for realtors"
WHat kind of blog deletes comments that don't hew to the party line? Sounds like a bunch of commies.....
Did you hire a real estate agent to help you sell your condo?
Did you once live in Baltimore?
I think, I crossed a line by posting " I have more respect for crack whores, than for realtors"
I just saw that comment there on the front page. Well done.
there's many more threads there to hit
damn realtor censorers!
I will post 20 comments a day - hell at least they will stay busy deleting them.
You're a dick, this is such a dick move. Anyone can easily get a movement to do the very same thing to your little blog as well. It accomplishes nothing.
How about some facts instead of conjecture for a change??
Yeah, yeah, the world is ending. Heard it before, still don't believe it. The people who have made money in RE are going to be fine. Not everyone is going to have to sell. Not everyone believed an ARM was the right thing to get involved with. For those that did, it's still not to late to get a new loan at a fixed rate.
Oh and please continue to tell people, actually frighten people, into becoming renters. I'd love to raise some rents on those fools. I'm loving the passive income today and wouldn't mind a raise.
Lastly, there is a percentage of realtors and loan officers that are sub par. It's a low percentage though.
There is a percentage of bloggers who have sub par blogs. Don't be one of them. It's not too late.
Go ahead and try to raise rent in Westchester New York!! The amount of listing for rent has trippled in the past year. The homeowners are desperate for both buyers and renters.. Suckers. I tried to tell people, but the instinct to follow the herd is too great.
Don't argue with an idiot like that Anyom., Tom.
People who are in full knowledge that their livelihood is going away are full of denial and fear.
"People who are in full knowledge that their livelihood is going away are full of denial and fear."
Oh please moman, give it a rest. What's going to happen when you all scare people into investing in whatever vehicle your are asking them to?? That market will ease up and crash whatever it is. Will I feel sorry for all of you then?? Will I start a blog and send people here to crash the site?? Nope to both.
Smart RE investors know the game and how to play it. I've known people who have survived such market crashes before and came out even better in the long run.
Do I want to change everyone's mind here?? Nope, I'm hoping instead that you scare as many people as you and lists of others are scaring into becoming renters. In fact I think it's a swell idea and I will only benefit from it.
Yeah, yeah, all you suckers, rent rent rent from the landowners. It's the smartest thing one can do.
Man I tell ya it must be desperation in the home loan market.
I just recived a call for a guy asking me if i have or had an argent mortgage.
I say: no I don't.
He says: well ok I'm calling to see if I can lower your rate.
I say: No thank you Im all set. and tell him that a woman called me last night and asked the same thing and I said Im all set.
He says: It will only take 5 minutes.
I said: Im all set and please don't call anymore not interested.
He say: Ill call anytime I want to.
So of course I said you will huh. go fuck yourself: typical american responce no?
Dude called right back at which point if this guy was standing in front of me I swear, I would be typing form jail, cause i would have beaten the shit out of this guy, call my house rude to top it off then torment me...
moral of the story here folks...you are all correct the country is fucked and stress is setting in...should make for interesteing summer
I have been bombarded by similar calls. Just not quite as agressive ( YET)
"Smart RE investors know the game and how to play it. I've known people who have survived such market crashes before and came out even better in the long run."
Very few m y friend, very few. These types of blogs are intended for bashing the dopes that DONT know what the hell they are doing. Dont take it personal. Or could you be one of them? hmmm
"Very few m y friend, very few. These types of blogs are intended for bashing the dopes that DONT know what the hell they are doing. Dont take it personal. Or could you be one of them? hmmm"
Bashing dopes?? I don't have all that much sympathy for those that don't do their due dilegence before investing into ANYTHING. Sometimes you have to let the buyer beware and make their own decisions, rightly or wrongly.
But to bash them for doing so?? What a waste of time.
And if anyone was really sold on buying property using an ARM by Greenspan, someone that many people have been critical of for many years now, then they are stupid.
It's not like I ever jump on anything that a politician or appointed official ever offers me, who would?? Everyone 'round here is all too happy to bash Bush and the rest and have done so for many years now I suspect. Why was anyone listening. I bet they weren't. I bet those people who bought homes were more likely buying them because homes were cheap and the loan package was even cheaper.
Yeah, times will change and there will be circumstances that could get out of control. But doom and gloom at every corner?? Please.
Oh and maybe I am one of them that you should bash. All I can say is that I realized property value was going to take a hit for awhile now. I'm sitting back letting it happen. All those new homes that were built the last five years led to an oversupply. Prices will soften to a point where me and others will be there for the pickings.
I realized it would take a hit too and I sold my POS house in Riverside for 550k. OG bought for 130 in 96. Sweeet. I guess you got greedy and are stuck now. Cheers biatch.
Looks like they put some of the comments back up. it's good though - I'll be rational if they want to be rational as well. If they want to have a cheerleading fest I'll be the one booing, simple as that.
the blog author is moderating comments before they post - so be sneaky and nice and you can get your point across!
I noticed on one of my comments that he has forwarded it to Dr. David Lereah to comment on. I'm looking forward to hearing his reply.
please answer the question.
dogcrap - here's the answer
a realtor did not help sell my condo
the MLS did
So you did hire a ral estate agent to list your property.
Tell us something.
The man that bought your house. Do you think he would have bought it if you had a hand painted "For Sale by Owner" sign out front?
I work in the mortgage industry and the problem is not realtors its the damn DRE. Their requirements for a license are a joke - thus the flood of idiots that jumped on the realtor band wagon. Not to mention all the people working without a license. I know a handful of very competent realtrs who've benn doing this for over 20yrs and its a shame these "get rich quick" newbies have ruined the business.
I'm the guy that posted they will all end up on future episodes of King of Cars on A/E channel. Muahahahahahaah!
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