We can't take three more years of this. And you know George isn't having any fun anymore. And they can't get any more unpopular, can they?
It's time for them to step aside, and get some new competent leadership for this great country of ours.
Here's why they should resign:
1) A completely bungled Iraq occupation
2) Illegal wiretapping of US citizens
3) An illegal invasion of America allowed under their watch
4) The utter mismanagement of our country's finances (and Trillions in new debt)
5) Irreversible damage to our country's image, role and standing worldwide
6) The leaking of classified information and a covert CIA agent's name in order to justify policy
7) The incompetent response to hurricane Katrina
8) Cronyism taken to a whole new level has endangered our country
9) Abu Ghraib, illegal CIA prisons and Guantamano soil our country's mission
10) If this was the private sector, they would have been fired long, long ago
Hardcore Republicans out there - come one, even you have to admit these guys are terrible. I'm not calling for throwing the Republicans out - let's get Hastert in there. And a good new Republican Veep (McCain)?
Think of the worldwide reaction to throwing these bums out - the world would rejoice. The country would rejoice. There'd be parades and celebrations, the market would rally, the dollar would rise.
And if they resigned, the Republicans would actually have a chance in 2006 and 2008. As of now, they're toast.
But alas, it's likely just a pipe dream. Three more years of this awfulness. And just wait until the Housing Bubble deflation is in full effect - you think Americans are pissed and despondent now - just wait.
April 18, 2006
HousingPanic calls for the resignation of Bush and Cheney, and the elevation of Speaker Dennis Hastert to the Presidency
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Just keep Cheney away from the guns and booze, and that homeland security guy away from my daughter.
and bush's housing advisor away from Target or Hecht's
wouldn't it seem like they know themselves that they've F'd up royally?
Whoa, stop the presses. HP has weighed in. This event will have every bit as much impact on public opinion as Walter Cronkite's 1968 call to end the war in Vietnam.
Didn't you get the memo? The HousingPanic endorsement is the most sought after. No candidate can win without it.
Have some fun, lighten up.
I am just hoping that the ChimpenFuehrer doesn't start WWIII or collapse the global economy as his brain surges with hallucinations about Armageddon and the Rupture.
Ohhh!!! NOO!! -- You dumbassess in the red states elected the horseshit, so you are going to suffer the whole 8 years - there is no getting out early pal!!.
Eternal liberty requires eternal vigilance. Obviously a lot of people fell sleep with the vigilance part with one issue voitng issues (like abortion, gays, & gun) so now pay the piper people.... LOL..
What a load of hooey. Bush is dense, not evil, and popularity ratings tend to go up and down, making them meaningless. Remember, Congress (with massive public support) approved the war, based on the exact same intelligence he, Bill Clinton, and Tony Blair had, so blame everybody (including Democrats) or nobody.
The housing bubble predates the Bush administration, and affects much of world. Bush was just too stupid to realize "home ownership" was a euphemism. His speech writers and advisors are the ones who should be fired.
A lot of the people on this blog (including Keith) need to rent the movie "Chicken Little." Except for desbear, who might actually believe it. To call Bush ChimpenFuehrer is nasty and irresponsible, but, then, left-wing fanatics always resort to name-calling, because that's all they have. That and elaborate yarns about ROT and Jewish conspiracies.
Bush staked his entire presidency on the Iraq War. Let him take the consequences. I don't want him resigning or being impeached. I want him to suffer for the next three years and then leave office as the most hated president since Herbert Hoover. He deserves nothing less.
I only think #3 and #4 are the problem frankly
you have fun. you lighten up. My post was funny.
silverisgood said...
"Red state Blue state, dont matter it was a stolen election the first time around, and was stolen the second time around. And now the big corporations are getting paid big time."
What a load. I live in Florida and witnessed the near-dead idiots who couldn't read or punch a ballot, and then complained. The rules were clearly spelled out (a DEMOCRAT supervisor of elections designed the Palm Beach ballot, for God's sake), and they simply ignored them. Tens of thousands had ALREADY voted in New York. Talk about voter fraud.
Every major newspaper in Florida got together and recounted every vote after the first election, and Bush still won (and many states never counted their absentee overseas military ballots, which would have overwhelmingly been for Bush). He didn't steal. THE STUPID PUBLIC ELECTED HIM. But. then, what was the alternative? The man who claimed to have invented the Internet, Al Gore, who actually posed on the cover of "Rolling Stone" with balled up socks stuffed in the front of his pants to make him look "manly?" That election was a choice between Mr. Hell and Ms. Hades; too bad they didn't fall in love, and go away, leaving the rest of us alone.
Bush won the second time, too, barely, and no, convicted felons in Florida CANNOT vote unless their rights have been formally restored, no matter how much they want to, or how much the Democrat Party pays them to. And who was the opposition that time? John Kerry. The ketchup-husband billionaire. The idiot who came out at his own convention trying to cash in on Vietnam ("Reporting for duty, Sir"), and then whined when it backfired.
We are never going to get a decent president till we have more than two choices from two entrenched parties obsessed with money and power. They are both equally, if differently, horrible.
The man who claimed to have invented the Internet
That statement alone reveals that you are a jackass who simply repeats whatever the corporate media tells him.
If you are going to lecture people, you should at least have some slight clue as to what you are talking about.
Yo - all you Floridians - two words - CATEGORY 5!
Anonymous said...
"'The man who claimed to have invented the Internet'
"That statement alone reveals that you are a jackass who simply repeats whatever the corporate media tells him."
Here's exactly what he said, you fool. Are you still going to blame it on the corporate media?
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth, environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.” --CNN Late Edition, March 9, 1999.
If he didn't mean what he said, then can you imagine the damage he could have done as president, saying things he didn't mean the way they sounded? Bush never makes ANY sense, so his comments fall on deaf ears, but Gore could have done incredible harm.
I hear ALCOA is having a sale on foil, so hurry to stock up.
Gore wrote the legislation that transformed ARPANET into the Internet that we are using today. That is established fact. He was one of the first people in government to see the potential of networked computers for something other than defense scientists sharing data.
I find it interesting that you claim to be an independent and yet spout every major Republican talking point, even down to using "Democrat" as an adjective.
You remind me of those transparent deceivers who call into CSPAN in the morning and say, "As a lifelong liberal Democrat, I just want to say that George W. Bush was conceived of a virgin and is seated at the right hand of the Father and John Kerry is Satan."
Pull my other one--it's got bells on it.
Silverisgood said . . .
"HAHAHAH! ok and tommorow gas is going to be 30 cents and you can buy a home for $10,000 dont try to convice me that you stood there and witnessed the whole election, you must be a realtor, and out of work to spend that much time at the polls...diebold fraud at its finest."
No, but back then I lived in Palm Beach (ugh!), and voted using the very ballot in question, and yes, I did watch idiots who couldn't figure it out, and completely ignored the posted instructions. I also saw a women wheel in her ancient mother, who looked dead, and PUNCH OUT THE BALLOT FOR HER. This was illegal. The woman was Democrat, and later appeared on the local news.
No I'm not a realtor or Republican; I voted for Nader. But, the election was not rigged. Had the Florida Supreme Court ordered ALL COUNTIES to recount their ballots, and not just the few heavily Democrat counties, and had it ordered that the ballots be counted according to the posted rules (punched yes, not punched, discarded), the U.S. Supreme Court would not have had to do anything. But, the Florida Supreme Court, all liberal Democrats except for one justice, did exactly what you are accusing the U.S. Supreme Court of doing.
Incidentally, we'd been using these punch ballots for years, and nobody ever questioned them or complained before, so I have no doubt the Democrats had this plan all along in case the vote was close.
I think either Bush or Gore should have stepped down and given the election to the other, but, of course, neither had any sense of honor whatsoever.
No I'm not a realtor or Republican; I voted for Nader.
Then you voted for Bush. I hope you get a bellyful of the man you helped put into office.
It is awfully interesting, though, that a Naderite would have such an impressive command of FauxNews lingo.
I call bullshit.
Anonymous said . . .
"I find it interesting that you claim to be an independent and yet spout every major Republican talking point, even down to using 'Democrat' as an adjective."
Thanks for correcting my grammar. I actually looked the word up, and you are correct: It is not an adjective. I've heard it used this way for so long, I didn't question it.
Here are some other common bloopers that bother ME:
VIA: Worldwide, should be pronounced VYya, not VEEya. It's Sanskrit, not Latin.
PATINA: In Britain, Canada, America, and Australia, should be pronounced PATna, not paTEEna, which is the Italian pronunciation.
CARIBBEAN: Worldwide, should be pronounced kare-uh-BEE-an, not ka-RIB-be-un (named for the Carib Indians).
HARRASSED. In America, should be pronounced har-ASSED, not HAIR-essd.
LONG-LIVED/SHORT-LIVED: Worldwide, should be pronounced long- LYVED/Short LYVED (long "i," as in "life"), not long-levd/short-levd, which are, technically, past-tense.
Also American spellings: theater, not theatre; harbor, not harbour; orthopedic, not orthopaedic; center, not centre. All the second spellings are British, and pretentious in this country.
I am an independent, and I did vote for Nader (twice), so stop calling me names. I didn't you call you any.
And by the way, I voted FOR Nader, following my conscience. I did not vote AGAINST Bush, which pisses you off. Though you don't seem to grasp it, this is a free country, and I can vote for anybody I want. The notion that I have to choose between Frick and Frack is ridiculous. If you didn't want Bush, why didn't YOUR party come up with a credible alternative? YOU lost, because YOU put up a dud. Don't blame me. I wouldn't have voted for Gore or Kerry for all the money in the world. Ditto bor Bush. I do not vote for the alleged lesser of two evils. I don't vote for evil at all.
silverisgood said...
"agreed, kind of shoots out of both sides of the mouth...
"maybe the big news stations are watching us..ohhhh! "
What a jerk.
I've heard it used this way for so long, I didn't question it.
That's what you get for listening to Rush and Faux. It's one of their favorite little thetorical tics.
this is a free country, and I can vote for anybody I want.
Sure. And others can call you on your foolishness. This is (though perhaps not for much longer, thanks to the man you helped put in office) a free country.
So long as we have winner-take-all elections, voting for hopeless vanity candidates will only split the vote and put the greater of two evils in office. It's simple math, something Nader's cult seems to have a lot of trouble with.
I don't vote for evil at all.
No, you just enable it with your childish self-indulgence.
Last time I heard, Bush never lost a single recount and I've never heard a shred of evidence indicating any fraud. All I ever hear are exclamations of "Bush stole the election" accompanied by ZERO evidence.
So, put up or shut up. I'm not a huge Bush fan and I'm disappointed the primary process seems to come up with dolts, but to keep on delegitimizing the whole process without proof is getting tired. At least come up with some bona fide, documented evidence like the slashing of tires on vehicles designed to get voters to the booths (Wisconsin). And who exactly was behind that? Can you come up with any GOP counterexample?
The problem with Florida, in the end, was not really the butterfly ballot, or police roadbloacks outside black polling locations, or recounts, or people voting twice.
The foundation of the problem was Harris's flawed "felon" purge, in which app. 90,000 voters were disenfranchised as felons, though they did not have felony records. By what surely must be a coincidence, these people were overwhelmingly black and Democratic.
This is the real problem with Florida 2000. All the other corruption, and the foolishness of the Nader cult, are only the icing. The purge is the cake.
1) A completely bungled Iraq occupation
**Correct but only in the fact that they are trying to build a country and reson with people who cant be resoned with. We should have gone in under to eliminate Sadam as a threat and to send a message to the rest of the middle east. To be quite frank to invade a country and then try to give it back to the people you just bombed the hell out of has never stuck me as a wise move. We should go in and occupy the place and make no pretenses about it.
2) Illegal wiretapping of US citizens
** Aggree the law should be followed by the execitive branch as it is their job to enforce the laws.
3) An illegal invasion of America allowed under their watch
**Completely agree but in invasion started long before Bush was in office, you would have to go back to Ronald or even before that. Also dont think that if the Dems were in office that it would be any different. They each have thier own reasons for wanting illigals in this country.
4) The utter mismanagement of our country's finances (and Trillions in new debt)
**Yes but are you willing to see welfare, social security, forign aid, most tax breaks cut? I for one am but everyone in America always wants the "other" guy to pay for it. Also wars cost big money shame that we are not doing it for the oil.
5) Irreversible damage to our country's image, role and standing worldwide
**Sorry but we should not give a flying pig what the world "thinks" of us. This is testamount to grade school behavior on trying to be the cool kid. We should follow our morals and protect our interests, period. Almost every other country on the planet does but if we do it's "evil".
6) The leaking of classified information and a covert CIA agent's name in order to justify policy
**Agree should never have happened
7) The incompetent response to hurricane Katrina
**Not the presidents job or issue. People love to blame the guy with the big job for everything but that is not his job. Also the people who chose to stay made a discison and have to live or die by it. No one knew how bad it would be and it is not the goverments job to save everyone. This is life bad things happen.
**Yes I am a Republican but come next election I doubt I'll vote for either party. I agree with the poster that in order to have any kind of control in this country for the people we need to have another choice other then bad or worse. While I dont care for some of the things Bush has done you have to admit that he does follow what he believes is correct.
Think of the worldwide reaction to throwing these bums out - the world would rejoice. The country would rejoice. There'd be parades and celebrations, the market would rally, the dollar would rise.
** Yes I am sure many terrorist around the world would be dancing in streets untill the next plane crashes into a building.
Hey my only problem with Clinton screwing his intern is I would like to think that the president of the USA should be able to do better. Hell he should get playmates.
Anonymous said . . .
"The foundation of the problem was Harris's flawed "felon" purge, in which app. 90,000 voters were disenfranchised as felons, though they did not have felony records. By what surely must be a coincidence, these people were overwhelmingly black and Democratic"
Wrong. Another myth that Democrats repeat because they WANT to believe it. From choicepoint.com:
"The Truth About ChoicePoint, DBT and the 2000 Elections in Florida
"ChoicePoint has been mischaracterized in media reports, in a movie and even a comic strip over its "role” in the 2000 Presidential elections in Florida.
"These reports falsely claim ChoicePoint was responsible for preventing thousands of Florida residents, predominantly African-Americans, from voting in the 2000 elections.
"To facilitate an understanding of what did – and didn’t – happen in 2000, here are the facts:
"ChoicePoint has never been involved in the review of voter registration rolls in Florida or any other state, and has no plans to do so in the future.
"ChoicePoint did not perform the legally required review of Florida voter rolls used in the past Presidential election. Rather, ChoicePoint acquired the company that did – Database Technologies – after DBT had delivered the initial 2000 voter exception list to Florida officials for verification.
"DBT won the contract in late 1998 as part of a competitive bidding process – awarded by former Secretary of State Katherine Harris’ predecessor – based on a law written by a bipartisan legislative committee.
"At the time the contract was awarded, DBT’s leaders were major contributors to the Democratic Party, including contributions of more than $150,000 in the 2000 campaigns to Democratic candidates and causes.
"DBT was under contract with the State of Florida from late 1998 through 2000 to create a list, under the Florida voting fraud statute, of registered voters who were possibly deceased, may have been registered in more than one county, or may have been convicted felons. DBT did not remove anyone from a voter registration roll.
"In 1999, DBT employees assigned to the project advised the state that the review criteria developed and required by the state could be overly inclusive. As a result, such a list could misidentify some individuals as deceased, registered in more than one county and as convicted felons, who, in fact, were not. State officials replied that was acceptable because county election supervisors - not DBT - were legally required to verify the information before any voter was removed from the registration rolls.
"Race wasn't used as identifying criteria in the review of the Florida voter rolls as voter information provided to DBT was found to be either incomplete or inconsistent as to race.
"Allegations that the list was 95 percent inaccurate is simply wrong. Only Florida officials know the rate of false positives, but the final list provided by DBT was accurate based on the criteria set by the state."
silverisgood said...
"can some one explain to me why some dead people voted in the presidential election as well.
"Ya strait up electiion please! "
Yes, they all voted as Democrats. This happens every four years. John Kennedy got elected to the Presidency by dead people; Lyndon Johnson got elected to the Senate by dead people.
In the South, dead Democrats often manage to vote, sometimes for decades and even generations.
The problem is with the media. they are scum and they suck. the real issues are ignored while they rant about some whore who got raped (read did not charge enuff$)
It's called exercising my right to vote for whomever I WANT.
You forgot to say, "So nyah!"
Wrong. Another myth that Democrats repeat because they WANT to believe it. From choicepoint.com:
Wow! Choicepoint says that Choicepoint is honest! Who ever would have expected that?
Let's see, should I believe the P.R. department at Choicepoint, or the BBC?
anonymous said . .
"Let's see, should I believe the P.R. department at Choicepoint, or the BBC?"
Actually, you should believe Choicepoint, since the rigged-election story has been repeatedly investigated, and proved to be a hoax.
You obviously didn't even read the piece, or you would have seen that it DBT--owned and run by Democrats--certified the voter registration rolls, and that Choicepoint bought the company after this event.
Insanity is electing the same guys and expecting a different result.
There's this delusion that "Bush" and "Cheney" are somehow something other than "Real Republicans". They aren't. These days, Real Republicans act the same way and think the same way as them: they get the gold mine, and you get the shaft.
Hastert is the water boy for these types.
Even McCain is only a minor rebel on some issues.
Feingold ain't Ted Kennedy and he has his head on straight and BS detector set to maximum.
There is this illusion that Democratic Party is run by deluded Maoists pining for 1968. It isn't. The Republican Party *is* run by deluded robber barons pining for 1868.
Al Gore got a bad rap.
He saw the power of the Internet far before him, and he his legislation did create the commercial market which became known as the "Internet".
One of the actual people who did create the technology of the Internet, Vint Cerf, father of IP protocol, has praised Al Gore for his efforts.
What did George W Bush do in the 1980's?
Re the comment above:
Herbert Hoover also got a bad rap.
He rose the the presidency on the merits of his excellent achievements in directing relief and reconstruction during some enormous flooding in the 1920's.
George W Bush was visiting John McCain and playing guitar for the cameras during the worst US disaster since the 1906 earthquake.
The depression during Hoover's time started as a natural backlash to the huge credit boom and speculation in all things (tech boom and real estate boom, just like now), but then, the Federal government had little to do with it.
In accordance with orthodox Republican economics Hoover believed that the government ought to impose no intervention.
Hoover's Administration did not engage in massive government spending nor did it launch itself into a land war in Asia.
You obviously didn't even read the piece, or you would have seen that it DBT--owned and run by Democrats--certified the voter registration rolls, and that Choicepoint bought the company after this event.
You obviously did not read my post, or you would have seen that I did not single out a company by name. The purge was Harris's doing, and it was not a mistake. It worked exactly as it was intended to.
And no, the racial composition of the purge list has not been debunked, no mater what Bill O'Reilly might shout to the contrary.
What did George W Bush do in the 1980's?
Lots of primo nosecandy!
Al Gore always bragged about himself; he still brags about himself, and he always will brag about himself. This doesn't change the fact that he DID appear on the cover of "Rolling Stone" with something crammed into the front of his pants to make it look like he had giant genitalia (another form of self-aggrandizement), unless he had himself photographed with an actual erection, which is even trashier behavior. Pathetic beyond belief, and a potential preview of worse to tome.
worse to come.
So let's see.
On the positive:
1) Congressman and Senator. Promoted technological growth and far sighted investment and deregulation which resulted in the greatest peacetime boom in US since WW2 and cementing global US power and admiration.
on the negative:
2) Sporting wood on a magazine cover.
Oh, obviously Al Gore is a loser. (?)
Remember that it is the photographer who took the picture and the editor who chose it. They almost never give editorial control to their subjects.
Yeah, but I saw the cover, and I believe it was deliberately staged. So, in my opinion, Gore is a dork, no pun intended, and should be wearing lots of gold jewelry and at least one diamond pinky ring.
CAUGHT you AT LAST...and With an online Confession no less!
You have been ENABLIING the non-Buyers & Evil doers Everywhere and therefore Supporting the Terrorists! I have your Name and I am Speed dialing Dept.of Clownland security and 1 800 Dial-a-Prayer for Help and the rewaaaard !
P.S. Gonna Buy a Pink Hummer and MacMansion with a Olympic size pool on a shakey cliff with the proceeds and LIVE IN STYLE like ma Hero...ARNOLD!
Anonymous said (with regard to Al Gore):
"Promoted technological growth and far sighted investment and deregulation which resulted in the greatest peacetime boom in US since WW2 and cementing global US power and admiration"
Do you mean (1) NAFTA, that has fueled Mexican poverty, American outsourcing, and massive illegal immigration, and (2) the Internet Bubble that wiped out the retirement savings of millions of Americans before morphing into the housing bubble, which threatens to do the same? Hum? What an admirable fellow, sock and all.
Maybe he was sporting the woody because, hey, potential fame got him all hot and bothered. I guess he's lucky to have Tipper.
Not that you will care but I am removing your link from my site and I will not be posting here again. I cannot endorse and will not be a part of your extreme, irrational, and anti American viewpoint.
I wish you well.
>>>Sporting wood on a magazine cover.
Well, we certainly don't have to worry about erections in the White House now!
Between all that cocaine and the massive doses of antidepressants, it's safe to say that Georgie Boy hasn't had wood since polyester leisure suits were the height of fashion.
As if electing Gore or Kerry would have made one bit of difference. All you political tools are pathetic. There isn't a damn bit of difference between the parties anymore. Enjoy your last days as "free" men before the curtain falls on this Republic. When homeland security plants a size-15 boot on your neck, you can whine about Bush or Gore being "your" guy. I'm sure they'll be impressed as they haul you off for questioning -- LOL!
that top 10 list, and you are NOT a liberal, left Dem? Total bull.
maybe bigdaddy didn't notice that a republican, hastert, would replace bush and cheney
boy, those right wingers sure are sensitive aren't they?
Great to see how many Americans can write so much and say so little.
Have any of you been in the middle east?
Did any of you live one day as a Arab woman that got her clitoris cut of at the age of 12 and her husband can kill her when he wishes, no roads no telephone no 911 no food for the kids. Ah! no air-condition!!
Try this for one day and then get back to writing?!
Your president knows what he is doing, he has compassion, and he understands the value of freedom! You all have a big mouth and never expended you views to include anything that is further away than the next hamburger place.
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