Now if we can just get them to not work on May 2nd, May 3rd, May 4th, ... and then GO HOME
But then again, the bubble bursting, and the jobs going away, will expedite that process
Adios amigos. Thanks for playing.
April 18, 2006
Excellent - the illegal immigrants are not working on May 1st
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So what will they do once the housing jobs dry up? Will they go home, or will they just stick around and steal?
Don't worry. There will just be 25 million new peole on the welfare rolls or in prison. I wonder if their employers will give them a severance package or unemployment benefits.
keith, you keep straying away from the housing bubble. You are not realizing that us americans depend heavly on cheap mexican labor? Who will perform these lousy slave labor jobs if they leave? You? I DOUBT YOU WOULD GIVE UP YOUR COMPUTER TO PICK LETTUCE
It doesn't matter who replaces the slaves if the job has been eliminated. With no more equity ATM, the bed making, plate washing, and wall board hanging industries will be closing down.
From the L.A Times(2002)
1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County (L.A. County has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3's of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.A.County 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak Spanish (10.2 million people in L.A.County).
(All 10 from the Los Angeles Times)
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops but 29% are on welfare.
Over 70% of the United States annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration.
The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was a NET (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University].
29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
We don't grow lettuce in Florida. Most of the illegals here do construction, which used to pay very well, until the developers and contracters discovered an infinite source of slave labor.
Now construction pays about half what it used to.
Here is what happens:
1. Congress gives amnesty to the about 8 million people who can prove they have been here at least two years
2. 15-25 million new people files for the amnesty (the 8 million plus their dependents plus 10 million who use forged documents)
3. Recession (housing busts, Iran war)
4. We have new 25 million people on welfare
5. Democrats win the elections for the next 100 years.
6. Go to 1.
Supposedly the new immigration bill provides for 30 million green cards NOW, and then permits the new "citizens" to petition to bring their families in. In other words, we're talking about virtually the entire population of Mexico. This is a bipartisan Senate bill that needs to be drastically modified or defeated.
"Democrats win the elections for the next 100 years."
Yeap, you’re right about that. The Mexicans will vote overwhelmingly for the Dem’s because they are similar to their native politics. Socialist!
Everything that’s great about this country will be washed away by new government programs. Just think, in another 10-15 years we may have economy like the French.
Oh well, the republicans suck too!
They ain't goin anywhere.
Canada has immigrants doing the crap jobs too, but they are legal immigrants. That means they pay taxes, their employers have to respect their legal rights, etc.
Illegal immigrants in Canada (and there are very few of them) have no right to use public services, including public schools.
It's a little concept call the "rule of law", which the US seems to have abandoned.
The reason that the US does not follow this model is that it is easier for employers to exploit illegals, and the illegals have no path to citizenship (i.e. voting) (in Canada a legal immigrant can become a citizen in 3 years).
I refer to it as slave labor, but if you oppose it then you are considered a racist.
It's like the slave owners calling the abolitionists racists.
Now we have these businesses that exploit Mexicans like slaves calling us racists, as if they were morally superior. If the immigrants ever complain, the INS suddenly shows up at their door. There have been thousands of cases of the immigrants getting ripped off by these compassionate businesses. When injured on the job, they are fired. They then go to the emergency room and the taxpayers pick up the tab.
Supposedly these illegal immigrants were going to make things like houses more affordable, but we all know that hasn't happened.
I wonder if the US govt. can deny illegal healthcare, welfare, schools, housing, etc...just one day to prove to them what a fucking burden they are on the taxpayer.
Oh nooo do such a thing and stuff like racism and dehumanization will come up.
Gotta love how the illegals cite civility and rule of law when it hurts them but totally break the law and act like animals in most cases.
The thing I can't stand about this is how they feel they are entitled to social services and employment. It just rubs shit in the face of everyone who has not been on the public dole and has gotten what they have with their own work.
note - i just deleted the last post because of foul language and YELLING
neither is allowed on HP
with great respect to this blog and your insight on housing bubble your position on immigration feeds the worst sentiments in people. thanks for letting me express my point of view.
In my opinion this debate on immigration is not whether the illegals break the law. It is clear to a 6 year old that they do.
The issue is whether the punishment fits the crime. The measures that are advocated by extreme right like breaking up families (parents of children who are US citizens being deported), jailing priests who provide humanitarian assistance to people in need are not aceptable in a civilized society. The cure of the extreme right is much worse than the desease.
Just read the House bill. It is not a lie. It clearly punishes the humanitarian assistance. It intends family separation, children left orphans, massive human suffering. This is the agenda of the extreme right. It is hard to believe it is happening in the US. That is why people are protesting, including many of them who are US citizens. Nobody wants open borders and frankly tight border control is long overdue, but
nevertheless I don't want to live in a police state.
Trust me, they will not steal like people in the position of power, Enron execs for example. Frankly, I have not seen a single Hispanic male or female in my lifetime begging on the street for money. Hopefully they will be given a chance to work legally and their children will get an education. Like it or not Hispanics are the future of this country and it's better to accept it and deal with it than make fool of yourself like this guy with the INVADER sign on the picture that Keith so thoughtfully chose.
If illegal, undeducated poor are the future of the USA, it doesn't have much of a future...
That is why we need to give most of those people who are here a path to the citizenship. And their children should have a chance for a better life through education. We can not afford to create a permanent underclass in this country. And we also need to control our borders, like any normal country, and allow mixed status families to be reunited LEGALLY.
"Trust me, they will not steal "
Is that why 30% of the inmates in the Federal Bureau of Prisons and 25% of the inmates in the California state prisons are illegal immigrants?
"I have not seen a single Hispanic male or female in my lifetime begging on the street for money"
Most of the illegal immigrants are on welfare, WIC and HUD. I used to work at a grocery store and all of them had 5 kids and a stock of WIC cards and those welfare debit cards. None could speak a word of english.
" Like it or not Hispanics are the future of this country"
I'd rather let well-educated Chinese and Indians be the future of this country. Slave labor is a commodity that is very cheap and easy to find.
In 30 years your white kids will be cutting my Mexican grass.
Scott in ONTARIO...
You seem to know a lot about CA living so I assume you are in Ontario, CA or better know as the IE. If so, you definitely are a loser. You couldnt hack it with us in the OC so you ended up with the RAZA. Good luck with that ahole. LMAO
WTF is Mexican grass? Is that the dried up wilted yellow stuff on the lawns in East LA that you see after the dirty mattresses are removed?
OC is nothing but a bunch of pretentious shallow wannabe yuppies. Those retards can't even raise their own children.
"WTF is Mexican grass?" It's the nice green grass you gardener has been cultivating and keeping up for you for the last 50 years. No longer,... get used to that tumbleweed grass like you have back home in Arkansas. If you smoke some Indo grass it will start looking nice to you. Ask your mom for a dime bag biatch.
Geroge Lopez for Gov. of CA 2010
George Lopez will be mowing lawns by 2010
"None of the white, black or Asian people on my street hire and illegal aliens and their lawns look nice and green."
Gee, I wasn't aware trailer parks now come with an artificial lawn as an added bonus. Very nice!
"They'll likely stay here and do just what they do in Mexico: rob people, rape people, kill people. Drive under the influence of (fill in the blank) and kill more people behind the wheel. No dinero para los ninos, you say? Drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, and people trafficking will fill that income gap. That's how it goes down south, and that's how it will go here as well."
wow this is clearly the most billsh*t comment I have ever read in my life. I happen to be a US Citizen and I also happen to be caucasian, I have however lived 4 years of my life in Mexico. The stereotype you just set forward that they rape, steal and kill people in Mexico all the time is ridiculous (which is not to say that it never happens), what I mean to say is WHERE DOESN'T THAT HAPPEN? In what country does rape, theft and murder not occur???? Please do tell me so I can go there. On another note your statistics are off, even if 30% of those serving time in US prisons are illegal immigrants that does not make them all MEXICAN! That also means that the other 70% are blacks, whites, asians and other. So pretty much your point had to bearing. In addition to that in the entire time I have been living in Southern Cal./ Mexico, I have seen more hardworking people than you could imagine, everyday these people cross the border (a two hour wait in car or on foot) only to drive another 30 min or in the case of those without vehicles take public transportation to work minimum wage jobs to support their families.
It has become so ridiculously expensive to live in the US that most of those "illegal immigrants" working the sh*t jobs you won't take can't barely afford to live anywhere BUT a garage. I personally being and US CITIZEN, live in Mexico because I rent a 3 bdrm apt for the same price I would rent a studio for in the US.
I will not say that there is no corruption in mexico because that is clearly a lie, I will say that you cannot judge the entire country of mexico based on Tijuana which is what most white bread americans such as yourself happen to do. You think that an entire country is just like its dirtiest city.
I would also like to remind you that most of the land that makes up texas, california, oregon, new mexico, and arizona once pertained to the people you are referring to as who's the real theif? Mexicans didn't try to steal a piece of your country and then throw you out.
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