Why, I ask, would ANYONE want to be president in 2008? Think of the unbelievable mess they're going to have on their hands:
1) The housing bubble will have popped, big time, and the Housing ATM is out of order, devastating the economy, with millions unemployed as a result
2) Iran, Iraq, N. Korea, Syria, etc
3) We will have lost our manufacturing base, with millions more unemployed, as China continues its rise, WalMart wreaks havoc, and jobs pay less and less
4) Incredible annual deficits, a soaring national debt, state government bubble built tax bases declining with the declining bubble, and no end in sight to the red ink
5) A declining dollar, high interest rates, high inflation, negative GDP
6) More baby boomers retiring, with no solution to medicare, medicaid or social security enacted by Bush/Congress
7) A negative national mood
8) Bird flu
9) Partisanship, the religionization of government and partisan media turning American against American in a nasty, caustic society
10) A lousy $165,000 a year salary, 14 hour days, 7 days a week
Why then, does Hillary want it so bad? Perhaps she doesn't, and we're all wrong about her. We'll see.
By the way, I like Evan Bayh on the Dem side to win, and George Allen, Mr. Evil, on the Republican side.
McCain can't get through the Republican primaries, Rudy will flame out with skeletons, Frist is a joke, Newt will overachieve, Feingold is too lib, Biden will lie again, Mitt is a Mormon, Mark Warner will bore us, Gore will rise fast then peter out, Kerry will get no support, Draft Condi will fail, Colin again won't run, Harold Ford and Barack will consider, then say no, and a businessman will run as an independent getting 10%.
For fun, I'd like to see someone young (35 - 45) get in the race to start the intergenerational war. Barack, Harold, JD? I'd also like to see a celebrity, or media star, consider it. Trump? O'Reilley? Stern? Franken? Hannity? Brokaw? Someone's gonna surprise us.
But again, I think they're doomed to failure. No money to spend, tough decisions to make, no fun.
It's no fun to clean up after a party. But hopefully a hero will emerge, who'll do the right things for America, regardless of party and politics. An FDR, a Lincoln. Or we just get another Bush or Clinton and go down the crapper.
March 23, 2006
2008. Someone's gonna have a mess on their hands.
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So you actually think there will be elections in 2008? Wow, you're being optimistic today. I figured the Reichstag fire effect would have put elections on hold until law and order could be reinstated.
Pesident Rice and her VP Watts will set the country straight again just like Reagan did.
i'd think about voting for that ticket. I do wish she'd run, but I don't see it happening.
JC has some skeletons too
the greatest president of the 20th century came into office the morning after the largest party (and worst mess) in the nation's history.
The greatest president was Nixon man, hands down (taught my man Rumsfeld and Cheney all they know)! You think he took shit from anybody? Fuck no, wire tap em, bomb em, whatever. No holds barred.
You think he got bogged down in that freedom and equality crap you hear about all the time now? He got down to business man, and killed anybody who got in his way. Those commies impeached him when they should have been makin him president for life!
Reagan was a close second on the killing record but he didn't swear enough.
There's no way the GOP's racist base will go for Condescenda Rice and Julius Caesar Watts. They'll stay home or vote third party before they'll do that.
Why do you continue to start the political debate? We come here to discuss housing, NOT the Clinton’s or Bush’s.
Most of us don’t care about this.
Keith said...
"on gop voters voting for a black person - no problem as long as that black person hates and works against black people (i.e. clarence thomas"
That is completely out of bounds!
Don’t you understand that if you want more people to come here and participate in the housing debate, you can’t piss off half the population?
I like Bayh! He's got what it takes to woo both the left and the right!
Anonymous said:
"You think he [Nixon] got bogged down in that freedom and equality crap you hear about all the time now? He got down to business man, and killed anybody who got in his way. Those commies impeached him when they should have been makin him president for life!
"Reagan was a close second on the killing record but he didn't swear enough."
What on Earth are you babbling about? Nixon didn't kill anybody "who got in his way," and he ENDED the Vietnam war, which should count for something. Regan didn't go around killing people, either. Nixon was creepy, but to call him a murderer is absurd, and to say Reagan comes in second on the killing record is even nuttier. Reagan helded bring down the Berlin Wall--please give him credit--and millions upon millions of East Europeans regard him as a hero. Nobody ever accused him of cruelty or violence, or meanness of any kind. Even his biggest critics said he was a very kind person and always a gentleman with impeccable manners.
We come here to discuss housing, NOT the Clinton’s or Bush’s.
Perhaps we should discuss correct apostrophe usage.
Yo are all fools to think it matters. Hillary, Jeb, Condi, Algore, they all would have the same fate because more thhan half of this country now votes for a living instead of earning their way through gainful employmment. The pols will do whatever it takes to keep these leaches happy, and people with assets or wealth of anyking will pay shoulder the burden.
Bend over boys and girls, here comes Uncle Sam's golden shaft, and this time he won't bother with the Vaseline.
keith's tone has really gotten extreme in the past couple of weeks. He is opening up more and more now. We are beginning to truely see what he believes.
The strange thing is I know a few repubs who want Rice to run against Clinton. Even though she has very limited political experience, they seem completely willing to vote for her.
It really disappoints me that keith is turning this housing blog discussions into the typical internet lib/con attack fests.
Bill Richardson.
if you don't care to discuss politics in the scope of housing, then skip the thread.
meanwhile, it's all connected. the incompetence of our government has in part led to the mess we're in. and how do we get our government? we vote for 'em.
meanwhile, I will piss off 90% of HP readers with my commentary. Why? because I'm an independent, not a dem, not a rep.
But the discussion is good. Without it, the blog would be incomplete, as we discuss the effects of the mess, and not the causes or remedies.
If we have elections in 2008, I don't think it matters who wins. DieBold machines will be pre-programmed to divert more votes to a particular candidate. I say Live Free or Die Bold.
but the dotcom bubble was a great thing until bush came and ruined everything
amazon.com would be trading for $500,000/shr if it wasn't for bush
All politicians should be hunted down like the feral dogs that they are.
I wonder if Romney has a planet name picked out.
Romney is the man in 08'
Al Gore would probably be a poor candidate, and an excellent president.
What is essential now is for a President who doesn't lie.
I mean, not just lying to his constitutents and the world---that's pretty common.
It's lying to himself. The current Administration actually appears to believe its own propaganda. That inevitably leads to catastrophe. Straight out of ancient Greek tragedies. For all you Rice fans: she's one of them speaking lies with a forked warmonger tongue.
Hence, the most important quality now is to be able to call things for what they are, fix them and expect to get shat on like crazy by the whiners, and probably not be re-elected.
It is essential that the new group has little ties, and hence owes little to the ones who have gotten us in this position or enabled us.
This requires a profound and unusual determination in character, and I think judgement must be based on this--intelligence and courage--more than usual "liberal" or "conservative".
Hence I think Russ Feingold is good man for this job.
I like Bayh. But unfortunately this country's getting more and more extreme and polarized, and will mostly be down to she-witch vs dr. evil.
Bayh is a good moderate that has a good shot as long as the liberal freak crowd (ie reality-deficient hollywood, moveon.crap, etc) doesn't get involved and turn off voters. Hopefully they back some radical left-wing nutjob like Dean in the primaries, then simply go away when their candidate falls flat on his face.
The best presidents were also moderates: Lincoln, both Roosevelts, Kennedy.
It will be Hillary...if she wins a second term we will have enjoyed 28 consecutive years of Bush and Clinton leadership by 2016.
Who says royalty is a thing of the past? :)
Oh yeah, and for all those that have said politics have no place on this blog, pull your head out of your posterior. The economy and politics are very much connected...it's impossible to discuss one w/o mentioning the other.
Or we just get another Bush or Clinton and go down the crapper.
It took a Clinton to get us out of the mess Reagan left behind, remember?
Hard to believe, but the mess we're in now is even bigger. It may not be possible to get out. We could well be witnessing the beginning of the end of the US of A.
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