November 04, 2008
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
Daddy, Daddy, I think I shit my pants...
Everybody hates me.
well, here you go, the typical obama supporter
Keith, Just a picture? No biased snark?
You have been a puppet and I will never forgive the impact you've had on my life and my family.
Oh, hey, screwing everyone except the richest aholes. Now, back to coke 24/7
All toilets should have this image at the bottom of the bowl...
So long to the biggest POS loser criminal chimp the world has ever seen. Don't let the white house door hit u in the ass dumbo.
Honestly, I kind of feel sorry for him. Me. No family, no one to hold my hand my hand, and say I love you. 50K 53 years old, health problems, buried my entire family. I kinda feel sorry for him.
McCain Might have had a chance if not for him!
"The constitution is just a god-damned piece of paper!"
- George W Bush's Greatest Quotes
Looser. Idiot. Incopetent. Moron. Destroyed the US economy, reputation, housing, financial system, people, you name it, he broke it.
Implode-O-Meter at 299!
It must reach 300 before HP is gone!
You'll be missed, Keith
John McLeod, Housing Doom blog
What? Is he depressed he no longer has a country to ruin?
Ir can't be regret about what he's done, he would have felt that after his first year in office.
He's not 'important' anymore. Out of the job where he had no boss and got to do whatever he wanted.
Must admit, it is the picture I have been waiting to see for 8 years.
Yeah, where's that "Mission Accomplished" cod piece now???
Karl Rove really stuck it out once the going got tough.
Dick Chaney? Where the f*ck is mr. tough guy, the one who said "Deficits don't matter"? Dick, there's a sh*tload of crappy paper about: how about nobly loading up your 401k with it??? Oh yeah, and Haliburton, your former firm, patriotically moved their corporate headquarters OUT of the country with two wars going on. Was that just for sh*ts & giggles?
Pack your bags and get the #&%*& out of the White House. :)
"The next president will ride the bulk of wave c to the downside and, if he survives his term, will exit more despised than Bush. Objectively, you should vote for the person you like the least.
When are you going to start Obama Panic?
Before you condemn me, remember that if had hadn't fucked things up as badly as I did, America would not be electing the first African American in US history. How bout a little gratitude?
Life is like a box of chocolates......
Aaah! Get that man off my internet screen!
Get that sh** off the front page.
I realize the election will trump this, but it's pretty good stuff. Hitler bashing realtors.
Real Estate Downfall - Hitler Parody
Don't the the door hit you on the ass on the way out!
NEVER trust anyone working with Mommy and Daddy's money....and political base.
Looking old
He came this ( ) close to making it out the door before this mess came crashing down. But he came up short, now he will go down in history as the worst president ever, F*CK HIM IN THE NECK !!
I don't want the door to hit him in the ass on the way out. I want someone to slam his head in the limo door and drive off without him.
Maybe the Obaminator can go all medieval on him.
Stop me before I kill again! Arrest warrant please!
"...Anonymous said...
He came this ( ) close to making it out the door before this mess came crashing down..."
Amen, brother.
Loved his dad's lament about a bad break.
Bad Fucking Break this cuntry caught in 2000; all because of some horny hillbilly goofing off on the clock.
Thanks, Bill. We owe this to you, and Obama to 43.
Nice Lagacy.
Looks like he's thinking....
"Well; I don't understand why no one in this country even thanked me for the reach around?"
Well; thanks Bush
He should have looked like that before 'Shockin' Ya'll'.
He should have looked like that after he heard about Katrina.
He should have looked like that before he signed an $800 billion bailout bid for his Wall Street buds.
He only looks like that now, because he can't get a job at McDonalds, they wouldn't hire such an incompetent.
Bet no one is answering his phone calls, giving him the cold shoulder.
Telling him to go hide.
Everyone hates you so much we voted for a black guy of muslim descent, because he is a 10 and you are a -10.
May you finally suffer your sins 'W'.
8 yrs of Bush + 10 years of cleaning up his mess = 18 yrs of ruin.
232 Years of US of A/18 years of Bush damage = 7.7% of America's years ruined by who?
The Supreme Court, that's who. Thanks for electing this guy and ruining what little democracy we had left.
Twice they stole the election, they invaded another country illegally thus starting a civil war and killing many americans in the process, they never caught Bin Laden, they wrecked the US and world economy by starting the biggest bubble in the history of man, they overspent and gave the money to the companies they owned and to the very richest, they let New Orleans drown in a sewer, they tortured, they burned too much oil, they ended Habeas Corpus I think, they made the KGB and the Saudis powerful and rich.
They will not be missed...
Americano LOVED Shrubs, WORSHIPED Shrubs, KISS-ASSED Shrubs.
So, is the Americano toasted yet ? And if not, when do you people, Joe and Jane of the SHRUB's Ass-Head Clan, think the Americano will be toasted ? Will they be toasted lightly as a marshmellow or juicely as a snapper turtle skewered on a stick from head to ass all sizzling nicely, fat popping, juices dripping over a bed of red hot charcoal fire ?
Please vote:
Is the Americano now = Roasted Snapper Turtle ?
Is the Americano = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man" Arse-Kisser ?
Is the Americano "has been entered the dragon" up in the kazook by the very government that they ignorantly, stupidly, dumb-assly voted for in the last 8 years ? And last but not least, is the Americano's kazook painfully hurt by the "entered the dragon" action or is he/she loving and liking it to death due to FAGGOT's lover dream ?
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