These are some of America's darkest days. We fell off the cliff. It all spun out of control. People lost their homes and their life's savings and their jobs. And America lost its way.
And then, as we have so many times since the birth of the nation, we changed course, reinvented ourselves, pulled together, and started a new journey.
I've never seen America in worse shape than it is today. These are truly dark, dark days.
But I'm an optimist that things will get better.
The first step comes next week, as Obama wins in a landslide, and a record number of incumbents are thrown out on their asses.
Even if 40% of the nation, mainly the ignorant and the uneducated, refuse to do the right thing.
October 28, 2008
In one week, a glimmer of hope
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That was powerful
Obama's speech made the dow go down from +205 to +185.
The Republicans are purging voter rolls and hotwiring those Diebold machines as fast as they can. You can take that to the bank.
He gives a locker room speech on par with Al Pacino in "Any Given Sunday"...
Wow! I can not believe how pathetic you sound. OBAMA != Hope for America. You think things are bad now? Just wait till Obama starts socializing everything and redistributes what little wealth you have. The thing that makes me sick is when you inform an Obama supporter that his speaches are lined with Marxist ideals. Hell he even goes as far as quoting word for word. He has come right out and said income redistribution. They say "Well maybey this Marx dude had the right idea." WTF! When did communism/socialism become cool.
I have said it before and I will say it again. As long as America votes for douchebag A in order to keep douchebag B out of office, America will get stuck with a douchebag. Vote independent.
Socialism does not work. Ask Cuba; Ask China; Ask Russia; Ask nazi Germany. Hell ask a Canadian how much they love universal health care as they sit waiting on an 18 month waiting list for 1 of 5 MRI scans.
In order for one to succeede one must fail. That is life deal with it. But at least everyone has an equal right and equal chance to succeede. With socialism they steal the fruits of successfull labor and redistribute to the failure. No one has a right to succeede and thus socialism will fail.
I refuse to bust my ass so that my fruits of labor to be stolen from me and given to a failure.
But I'm an optimist that things will get better.
The first step comes next week, as Obama wins in a landslide, and a record number of incumbents are thrown out on their asses.
Electing a socialist will make things better? Higher taxes and bigger government is going to grow our economy? These times are going to be the "good old days" four years from now.
The democrats control congress and the senate. Does your statement above mean you are hoping for a Repebulican take over of the house and senate????
Socialism = mediocrity = failure = slavery
Orwell is going to become much more relevant if this guy is elected. Some animals will be more equal than others.
I feel pretty certain that too much government intervention is what got us into this mess. I'm also pretty sure that Obama is promising more government intervention straight from the ivory tower of academia. Sounds like good times are set to roll if he and the dems in congress all win.
It's time to read Atlas Shrugs guys.
Poor people do not make jobs. Poor people work at the jobs the wealthier create. Let's beat up on the wealthy for keeping wages down, but let's not destroy those that create jobs.
If we tax a company more, they have three choices:
1) Increase the price of the goods they sell.
2) Lay off employees.
3) Lower every employee’s wages.
Also remember that the rich buy the things the working class makes. The wealthy don't suffer if they don't buy a yacht, but the craftsmen sure do. The wealthy don't suffer if they don't buy a car, but the guy in Mt. Vernon, Ohio who fabricates the pipe fittings for it's exhaust system does. (In fact, he's already had one shift a week dropped from his schedule).
This is not a should, would, or could situation. Human nature will not be permit a person to strive very hard if they know their reward is to be considered the devil if they earn more money than the government approves of, and punished accordingly.
My hope is that all who vote for Obama and the dems will take an honest look at the results over the next 2-4 years. And rue baby, rue.
Yeah, I know everyone wants to blame Bush, but there have been alot of politicians that have contributed to the problems in this country. Hell, Ted Kennedy created HMO's! Get past the Bush hatred.
Oh yeah, that's just what we need. The Messiah, the re-distributionist, the most liberal member of the senate is going to save us. The man who had the good judgment to befriend Ayers, Khalidi, Wright, Rezko...
God help us all.
The Republicans are purging voter rolls and hotwiring those Diebold machines as fast as they can. You can take that to the bank.
but the dems are adding illegal voters at a faster rate.
Advantage democrats.
i am afraid we are going to get the government we deserve.
congress has an approval rating that is less than half of bush's yet we are going to put more dems into congress. it doesn't make any sense at all.
If we tax a company more, they have three choices:
1) Increase the price of the goods they sell.
2) Lay off employees.
3) Lower every employee’s wages.
i am afraid you are asking too much for people to understand that.
it is much simpler to swallow the democrat talking point that corporations(rich people) == evil.
Obama is socialist like Reagan was socialist. Same tax policy.
Your love of the wealthy shows that you have been brainwashed. Where are the great deeds of America's elite in the last 20 years? In DC? On Wall Street? The MBA and pundits pushing globalism, cheating on taxes, and offshoring? The CEOs of P&G coming up with fancy new toothpaste boxes?
We need to change our core beliefs. China (the communist country) is the fast growing, most favorably positioned country for the next millenium. Everything has it's place in time and space. Democratic capitalism is dying because the paradigm no longer works.
And where on earth did you grow up to think that companies have not ALREADY done every bit of the following within their power:
1) Increase the price of the goods they sell. 2) Lay off employees. 3) Lower every employee’s wages.
Keep drinking the Koolaid folks. I will believe my own eyes. The republican agenda has left Americans no longer even giving birth because the future is so shaky.
Keep drinking the koolaid. Like Joe the Plumber, keep dreamin' someday you will be rich too.
"...Obama's speech made the dow go down from +205 to +185..."
Divided we prosper?
I won't help you if you won't help me, brother. ;^D
"...I refuse to bust my ass so that my fruits of labor to be stolen from me and given to a failure..."
You just coughed up TRILLION$ to do EXACTLY that.
But probably whimpered that it was for the greater good, no?
"...too much government intervention is what got us into this mess..."
"...I refuse to bust my ass so that my fruits of labor to be stolen from me and given to a failure..."
You just coughed up TRILLION$ to do EXACTLY that.
But probably whimpered that it was for the greater good, no?
You miss my point. First I didnt say for the greater good...I said let them all fail for their stupidity. My point is...when we are a socialism...I refuse to work. I wont be the slave labor to fuel the machine. I would rather be the leech.
jackrabbit said...
"We need to change our core beliefs. China (the communist country) is the fast growing, most favorably positioned country for the next millenium. Everything has it's place in time and space. Democratic capitalism is dying because the paradigm no longer works."
Wow. Last time I checked our high taxes and onerous regulations drove our jobs to cheaper places, to make cheaper crap for us to buy.
Do I really need to point out that if the USA stops buying the cheap crap made in China, the Chinese go back to the stone age.
OK, the stone age plus bicycles.
And I'm not trying to get rich. But if my clientelle spend less, I'm out of work.
Also, you used the words "kool-aid" and "paradigm" in the same comment. That's a posting foul, my good man.
OK, how about this:
McCain and Obama both have *stupid* ideas about housing and finance. They have absolutely no understanding of the current mess.
Each also has ridiculous plans that will make things even worse.
Dems will control congress. So if McCain wins, we get something closer to gridlock. If Obama wins, the Dems sail through their stupid ideas that will prolong the misery. So vote McCain.
We need to change our core beliefs. China (the communist country) is the fast growing, most favorably positioned country for the next millenium. Everything has it's place in time and space. Democratic capitalism is dying because the paradigm no longer works."
1) China is boombing because they are trending away from socialism and actualy have one of the strongest free markets in the world
2) What is going to happen to china once all the american jobs are no longer cheaper to export (or keep) to china.
jackrabbit said...
"We need to change our core beliefs. China (the communist country) is the fast growing, most favorably positioned country for the next millenium. Everything has it's place in time and space. Democratic capitalism is dying because the paradigm no longer works."
so you are saying that china's communist capitalism is better? as long as you don't drink the milk?
Geez, where do these nuts come from?
"Keep drinking the koolaid. Like Joe the Plumber, keep dreamin' someday you will be rich too."
i went from poor (when i was a kid) to very well off (as an adult). i have also worked seven day weeksa and 80 hour weeks for about a quarter of my career.
and i can't stand koolaid. way too much sugar for me.
"These are some of America's darkest days...I've never seen America in worse shape than it is today. These are truly dark, dark days."
Where do you live again, Keith? Oh, that's right, in Europe...
Now, as far as darkest days - I believe the Revolutionary War and Civil War eras were some of the most divisive and certainly the most violent. Let's not forget the Civil Rights movement and all the bloodshed then, either.
If you ask me, the times seem dark because America has become a nation of spoiled little children.
F*ck you Keith. How you could turn into this pathetic, whimpering, sycophantic Obama lover is beyond me.
You've totally been conned by this guy. All image and no substance.
I've heard all the fawning but no meaningful arguments on what Obama's "change" really means. Until one of you pathetic Obama-nauts can do so you're just making a mockery of yourselves.
JESUS people are getting way to caught up in the election advertising. There are indeed philosophical differences between McCain and Obama and their tax policies. But Obama is talking about raising the tax rate to what it was under Clinton. And McCain's tax policy will remain heavily progressive.
When people start comparing them to Ayn Rand and Karl Marx the discussion has already left reality and become hyperbole.
blah blah blah...he sounds just like Bush in 2000. Cept Bush sounded like this, "I want NO NATION BUILIND, NO POLICING OF THE WORLD, NO OUT OF CONTROL SPENDING."
Don't you realize he is fargin' lying? To hell with the lot of them. It's like ear sex, feels good to hear, but in reality they don't live up to their words.
"If you ask me, the times seem dark because America has become a nation of spoiled little children.
October 28, 2008 5:01 PM"
BOHICA! Viva Mozilo and Cheney!
Hmmm, let's see...
* Michelle Obama promised, on her DNC convention speech, to give citizenship to 20 million illiterate illegals who breed like flies, with 6 on average babies per household.
* Hussein promised Universal Healthcare to all those 20 million illiterate illegals who pop a baby out every year and have a sh!tty diet by choice.
* The country is bankrupt and most of those illegals are unemployed, earning cash under the table here and there, sharing a 2 bedroom house with 20 people, without paying any taxes.
* Hussein promised income redistribution.
* 20 million illegals will get American citizenship and join Hussein's Universal Heathcare right in the middle of an economic depression.
* 40% of the high cost of healthcare derives from fraud (most of them from immigrants). It's a fact.
* 40% of Americans (most immigrants) don't pay any taxes at all, and the rest pays at the most 4%. It's a fact.
* Hussein promises to cut taxes on 95% of Americans. That means that 40% who don't pay taxes at all will get tax refunds for not paying taxes. Hey, this is the new America, remember?
I assume you can use some logic to see that the productive middle class will be paying for all the Universal Healthcare, along with the welfare costs for all those 20 million illegals who never paid or don't pay taxes at all.
Hussein, Pelosi, Barney Frank, and the DNC made a deal with the radical group La Raza to buy the Hispanic vote. They will throw millions of dollars from taxpayer money, as pork, inside all the bills to pay La Raza, getting Hispanic vote in return. That happened already with the bailout bill. You'll be paying for all this Democratic party orgy, as usual. Prepare to pay higher taxes and wait in line for a long time to get healthcare assistance. You'll also pay more for Section 8 housing to most of those 20 million illegals, food stamp, infrastructure (more water, sewage, roads, document processing, incarceration costs, etc). And we're talking about just immigrants here. Prepare the wallet folks because Barney Frank and Pelosi are coming for it. Isn't ironic that Pelosi mainly wears Chanel?
Enjoy your retirement in poverty.
yeah but Liddy was the figure on the grassy knoll with that cheers actor woody harelsons father.......
where i come from Joe the plumber is a crook who got his mother raped and lands looted when he got busted for passing a joint at a teenage party that held half of the local town population crowd who got bled dry in unfunded mandates from the federal government and their war on drugs but the political majotity rules/ theives?
Lots of complaining today... Republicans- just take a rest for the next 4 years and remember what your party is supposed to stand for and take it from there. Obama is not the answer to everything, but neither is the Bushman's socialism for the wealthy. The answer is in the middle... Enforce the laws we have, let bad business fail, put the gold standard back into money and simplify taxes and this country will take off like a rocket with plenty fuel for a long trip upwarb... Oh by the way I am African American!
Wow this is a liberal post. Sounds like a bunch of whiners to me. For anyone foolish enough to think the Republicans are "stealing" the election, take a look at ACORN. ACORN has registered 1.5MM new voters in battleground states all over America. Their registrations alone could tip the election in Obama's favor. And if you're wondering what type of deel thinkers they're registering, they're the type that can be bought with a cigarette. Way to go Democrats! Winning the Whitehouse on the backs of the homeless and institutionalized. God help us if Obama is president. Anyone writing a "real estate" blog should realize what raising capital gains will do to a housing market. The lack of thought by whatever hippie writes this blog is mind numbing.
"Even if 40% of the nation, mainly the ignorant and the uneducated, refuse to do the right thing."
WOW. This is the kind of bs that may drive the independent vote away. Disagreeing with your politics or your choice does not make someone ignorant or uneducated or a racist.
Speaking as someone who is neither ignorant nor uneducated and STILL not voting for Obama, I am extremely offended by this comment and others like it. And, in case you thought I might be some white "redneck" from the South; I am a professional living in NYC and I happen to be multi-racial, just like Mr. Obama.
Please understand that there are people who do not believe in Obama's qualifications for reasons completely unrelated to his race.
I am unimpressed by either major party candidate and will be voting third party. I believe that the choices presented over the last few elections have forced the American voter to "choose between the lesser of two evils." Remember, that choice still results in evil. Third party candidates may often be extreme in their views, sometimes they are a little nutty. BUT, they are not corrupted in the way that republicans AND democrats are and they truly believe in what they espouse. I would rather cast my vote for a third party candidate with no chance of winning because I will be casting a vote for integrity.
Also, I would like to point out that racists are entitled to vote, and that includes the racists who will vote AGAINST Obama as well as the racists who will vote FOR him. A person can choose to base his vote on any random criterion like the number of letter in the candidates' names, if that strikes his fancy. Everyone can vote. You can't have it both ways.
Now, I disagree with taking race into consideration at all, but, for now, this is still America. I know that you have been living in Europe, where ideas and words have been criminalized, but remember our first amendment.... As the saying goes, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
So, please, enough with the self-righteousness.
Integrity works?
Why does NOBODY question Obama's marxist and socialist tearchings and beliefs. Is this what this country wants? Capitalism is not to blame...the F'n Government is to blame. Let the free markets work. If a company/person screws up...they go bankrupt and somebody who is strong buys what ever assetts are left. Obama is marxist/socialist and its a disgrace the sheeple of this country will put him in office.
I agree with you. I am sick of hearing people make up fucking excuses to vote for the "less evil" candidate. We Americans are full of shit.
Vote Obama damm it and end this freaking crash course we are on. I am sick of Republicans already. Sick.
I can't wait till 4 years from now when the economy sucks even more than now and Barry gets the full blame. Mark my words.
Or better yet, a nuclear device goes off on either coast and takes quite a few liberals. They voted for change and they got it by being incinerated. Tsk tsk.
Obviously you won't post this Keith but glad you read it. It can go from bad to worse.
I'm against Obama.
He wants socialized medicine. I'm against that. Why the hell should I pay for other peoples doctor bills? Most of the people I know want socialized medicine. These also happen to be the very same people who don't exercise, chain smoke, binge drink, sit in a smoky bar for most of the weekend, and eat at Mcdonalds 4-5 times per week. Then when they get a bad diagnosis, I'm supposed to pay part of the bill?! I don't think so! It's called taking responsibility for your own health. If someone is too fat and stupid to take care of themselves, that's NOT my fuckin problem. I don't see why I should have to deal with it! I take care of my health, and never touch alcohol. Yeah, it's hard, but my health is, well, MY health...nobody other than mine.
Also, he wants more gun control. I'm against that, too. I don't want to be told what weapons I can or can't defend myself with; that's nobody elses business! If I want to own an AK-47 or AR-15 for home defence, that's MY choice! I don't owe anyone a god damned explanation! He can tell me "you don't need that gun" when someones kicking in my door at 2:00 in the fuckin morning.
"In one week, a glimmer of hope"
Glimmer of hope for an unemployed person on welfare and food stamps.
Give me a break..wealth distribution "My Ass"...I already pay enough taxes.. maybe some of these leaches should GET A JOB and stop depending in the governments for handouts.
Obama makes me sick with his whinging and crying and accusing everyone of racism.
And I'm not the only one who thinks so.
People have been conned by his whole campaign...
go on.. buy that IPOD! You want to be part of the 'IN CROWD'.. Don't think for yourself.. Vote Obama!
So uhh what's the plan to pay for all your spending then? You can either raise taxes, or lower spending (or a bit of both). Since you all appear unwilling to lower spending significantly (social security for baby boomers, military spending, etc.) what exactly is your plan then?
Totally disagree. Redistribution of wealth is socialism. Castro, Chavez, Obama! McCain is no gem either, but I'm votinf for him despite your poetry, Keith
Obama stood shoulder to shoulder with McCain and voted to hand over the US treasury to Goldman Sachs.
Yeah, I'm just glimmering with hope.
Companies are not leaving the US because of high taxes. 2/3 of corporations pay zero taxes.
Businesses also pass every cost they can onto the consumer and lay off as many workers as they possibly can. Raising their taxes will not change this. They won't be able to pass the taxes onto consumers in the recession. They might actually have to start cutting CEO pay. boohoo.
For her part, Sarah Palin, who has lately taken to calling Obama “Barack the Wealth Spreader,” seems to be something of a suspect character herself. She is, at the very least, a fellow-traveller of what might be called socialism with an Alaskan face. The state that she governs has no income or sales tax. Instead, it imposes huge levies on the oil companies that lease its oil fields. The proceeds finance the government’s activities and enable it to issue a four-figure annual check to every man, woman, and child in the state. One of the reasons Palin has been a popular governor is that she added an extra twelve hundred dollars to this year’s check, bringing the per-person total to $3,269.
A few weeks before she was nominated for Vice-President, she told a visiting journalist that “we’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs.” Perhaps there is some meaningful distinction between spreading the wealth and sharing it (“collectively,” no less), but finding it would require the analytic skills of Karl the Marxist.
keith, please try to be much less manic-depressive. And your switch from Ron Paul to Obama is truly ridiculous. I have less respect for you every day with your roller-coaster emotions on whats next, and the obama fetish. And I've been coming here for a couple years now.
You're all over the map, as unstable as the stock market.
But I do love the long-time posters, and what seems to be the majority of other posters, so keep it up, you friggin drama-queen. I've learned a lot from them.
i did my part, wrote in ron pauls name on my ballot.
and keith, you are a hypocrite for not doing so. i know i don't really need to post the facts to punch holes in obamas plans, but i will anyway...
"The Joint Tax Committee reports that the bottom 60% of taxpayers with incomes below $50,000 paid less than 1% of the federal income tax in 2006, while the 3.3% with incomes above $200,000 paid more than 58%. Most of Mr. Obama's tax rebates go to the bottom 60%. They can't possibly be financed by shifting an even larger share of the tax burden to the top 3.3%.
Mr. Obama has offered no clue as to how he intends to pay for his health-insurance plans, or doubling foreign aid, or any of the other 175 programs he's promised to expand. Although he may hope to collect an even larger share of loot from the top of the heap, the harsh reality is that this Democrat's quest for hundreds of billions more revenue each year would have to reach deep into the pockets of the people much lower on the economic ladder. Even then he'd come up short."
China is a Capitalist Dictatorship...
Better goddamn believe this, I work with China on a daily basis and have visited it personally. Its a new paradigm.
If anyone is going to efficiently implement capitalism, it will be the chinese. If you get bailed out, there won't be any walking away with millions. Most likely you will never walk again.
So if we all want to be socialists, get ready to break out the champagne when GDP growth is greater than 2% like when France has a good quarter.
praise jesus. obama is coming. we're saved! his vision and clear plans to put this wreck of an economy back on track are too compelling to even discuss. oh yes, it's all good now.
I've never seen America in worse shape than it is today. These are truly dark, dark days.
What a drama queen.
Your Jewish Master said:
"Do I really need to point out that if the USA stops buying the cheap crap made in China, the Chinese go back to the stone age.
OK, the stone age plus bicycles."
Let me get this straight. You think China will suddenly go back to the stone age if we stop buying their crap?
Don't you think the 1 billion people in China might like to use their country's wealth for producing and consuming the fruits of their own labor?
Maybe once the USA is toast (which I hope will not happen) they will get a taste of what we've had here for so long and want more of it for themselves.
If we are racing back to the stone age, I think the US is much further along than China is.
We are a dying star in the galaxy.
"Don't you think the 1 billion people in China might like to use their country's wealth for producing and consuming the fruits of their own labor?"
That's not the way communism works. Don't be fooled by their new pseudo-western ways. We may be over-indulgent, and pay the price now and again. But the way our system is set up, we can always get back up. I'm sure the Great Depression had people thinking that America was shrinking, and would fade away. That's not how it works in a free society.
China depends on foreign companies from freer societies pouring money into their system. Without it, the best they can hope for is a Soviet style society with a few cosmopolitan cities, and peasants laboring and starving in the rural areas nobody sees, to support the facade.
Then again, China isn't expansionist, so look to North Korea as a shining example of Utopia.
The USA always bounces back. I think alot of folks who come here are just hoping for it's destruction for the entertainment value.
I myself am not hoping for the collapse of our society, but I am guilty of schadenfreude. Its less destructive to your psyche and less depressing!
It is not that I am hoping for destruction for entertainment purposes. It is that I hope for destruction as a kick in the but for our lazy, illiterate, brainwashed citizens. Hard times is what this country needs right now. It is the only thing that will wake us up. The pain from an injury, wound or virus is not the injury, wound or virus itself, but the body healing itself.
This is all a prelude to a totalitarian socialism where the government controls us all. The only thing that will stop it is total ecconomic collapse. Without that the government will continue its bailouts as if they were a bandage mearly covering compound fracture so no one can see. The wound then festers and grows necrotic. What we really need right now is a strong gulp of wiskey, shove that bitch back in and splint it. Its gonna hurt like hell but a bandage on top will only make it worse.
Both Obama and McCain voted for the bailout plan. At that moment they both voted for everything that is wrong and proved they have not the ability for individual thought. washington will not change, change is but a word that will be in the distant echo of this election.
More worshipping the Obamessiah?
Both parties screwed the people over, vote the scum out - ALL OF THEM INCLUDING OBAMA
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