Other countries have jailed their corrupt leaders. Some have done even worse.
Why not ours?
Dream big America. Dream of Dick Cheney in jail.
Obama might pursue criminal charges against Bush
Democratic vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden said yesterday that he and running mate Barack Obama could pursue criminal charges against the Bush administration if they are elected in November.
"If there has been a basis upon which you can pursue someone for a criminal violation, they will be pursued," Biden said during a campaign event in Deerfield Beach, Florida, according to ABC.
"[N]ot out of vengeance, not out of retribution," he added, "out of the need to preserve the notion that no one, no attorney general, no president -- no one is above the law."
September 06, 2008
One more reason to vote for Obama: The chance that Bush, Cheney, Gonzales, Rumsfield, Rove, Miers and more might actually see jailtime
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Do what the sports stars do:
Yeah, good luck on that. This is coming from the same party that is saying "impeachment is off the table".
Both parties are in bed with each other. They can't risk investigations because the Democrats have been complicit in these crimes:
Secretly briefed, Pelosi did not object to waterboarding in 2002
Keep painting graffitti, with hope that something will stick. And you think you will be able to garner more votes for your phoney Emperor by this kind of information ?? What kind of people are you targeting with this wonderful stuff ? We want you to spend more money to maintian this site and contribute BO's campaign (max out) becasue its all going go down the drain, come election day.
What a gorgeous family, Gov Palin's husband, kids, son in law etc... Beautiful to watch. Wonderful accomplishments. Even hollywood cannot write script like that. I feel sorry for your heartburn and envy.
Plus look at the contrasst. Your emperor is all fake. Media promotion. Drug addict. Read his book in his own words. Fake styrofoam pillars. No accomplishments.
Excerpt from BOs book. "I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand and told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid. It was usually an effective tactic, another of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves."
Do you think this guy means what he says in the campaign.
Contrast that to McCain's straight talk. See how puney he looks ? How inconsequential a person he is !!!
You will drown in your own sewage.
1. It does n't matter if you are white or black. If you sopport somebody becase he is certain race you are a racist MFr. If the only reason your are supporting BO because he is black you are a black racist MFr. I can cite a number of reasons why you would be interested in a certain race, pervert.
2. BO is not going to win. And we are not communist dictatorship so that the guy can proclaim he is going to persue criminals charges. Stalin and Hitler would be proud of your candidate. NO body in responsible postion talks like that.
It excites idiots like you.
If you want criminal record, Obama will go to jail before anyone. Look at his dalliances with drugs (both as user and as a seller) and William Ayers and Rezko. These are proven. You and the left wing are trying to prove something that does not exist and ignore something that exists. It will not work. You can sell snake oil only for so long.
Biden tipped his hand, now all Bush has to do is pardon everyone. It's in the Constitution you know.
Sorry to tell you that he denied ever saying that even though he was on tape saying exactly that but Biden is a fraud himself and you for posting it without first checking but you are so afraid of Palin that you can't think straight. Obama is now asking Hillary for help this is your party a party of losers. Did you get to the American War Memorial in Normandy or the future of Europe outside of Paris?
Other countries have jailed their corrupt leaders. Some have done even worse. Why not ours?
Because we want our leaders to step down peacefully when they lose elections or their terms are up. If they know they will be jailed or beheaded by their political enemies they won't. This is a very dangerous road to go down.
Will we be able to extradite him from Dubai??
If Bush and the Bushites get convicted of their crimes, I can't think of a better place to send them than Gitmo to serve their time.
I don't think people comprehend the peril we are in.
If McCain wins the Fundamentalists and Neo-Cons will murder him so that they can have a unalloyed puppet in the White House.
This isn't like Reagan or Bush Jr. who came out of a different culture and were only pandering to the kooks, this is far, far more dangerous.
Palin herself is a kook.
Combine that with a steady dose of mind-altering substances, she will be puddy in the hands of the Neo-Cons and the Fundies.
Imagine what they could do if they staged McCain's death as an act of war by Iran or Russia or "terrrorists".
Just last month they convinced the public that Russia started the war with Georgia, and that Georgia's Neo-Con puppet was a "democrat".
Folks, the public will believe whatever they are told. We have to set aside our aspirations for the future, (such as a libertarian utopia) and fight like hell to ensure that we have a future at all.
The end of the Republic is half-a-year away.
Well, I've finally decided to remove this blog from my group of links. I've always loved this website for its coverage of the housing mess, but it's descent into "Bush Derangement Syndrome" has gone too far for me. I agree that our country has embraced debt-fueled madness in the greatest asset ponzi scheme in my lifetime. But I don't *hate* anybody, I don't think our leaders (regardless of political persuasion) are *evil*, and I think your thirst for blood is terribly juvenile. The problem is with people - their greed and materialism. The housing bubble is just the latest example of this problem, and I'm sorry to say it won't be the last. I had hoped that after venting your political frustration you'd get back to posting on the housing bubble and its aftermath. I'll check in after the election to see if you're finally done with the political vitriol.
I don't know if tactically, that was the best move right now. With people on the fence (at least in polls) you want to keep pretty middle of the road until you are elected usually. The Obama campaign basically could have just relaxed and allowed the Bush economy and policies to continue to kill McCain.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to see those two turds gets flushed for the eight years damage they have done to this Country and the world for that matter. But, now is not the time to rekindle memories of the Ken Starr debacle and more showboating. A better approach would have been to get elected first, then research current laws and then bring charges against them all of a sudden without warning. A dem congress, mad electorate, and a dem president would surely spell jail time for at least one of those cronies.
I am sure that Biden is just preaching to his base, but I have a nasty feeling it may backfire. I think Biden likes to spout off, and hopefully that will not be the undoing of Obama. I don't want 4 more years of GOP control....
Are the democrats getting DESPERATE or what? Why don't they subpoena the Clinton's first, that should keep them busy for a few decades. Liberals make me sick!
The only illegal war was Clinton you morons. Congress voted on Iraq.
"Although the constitutionality of the act has never been tested, it is usually followed, most notably during the Grenada Conflict, the Panamanian Conflict, the Somalia Conflict, the Gulf War, and the Iraq War. The only exception was President Clinton's use of U.S. troops in the 78-day NATO air campaign against Serbia during the Kosovo War". -Wiki
It will never happen, Bush is way way to connected, if Obama gets into office he could get zapped from outer space by one of Bush's many secret "Stars Wars" weapons
I would love to see it but I know it could not happen
And the rest of the story left out by Keith:
"When asked about his comments by Fox news today, Biden said he has no evidence that criminal charges would be warranted and no intention of pursuing action against the current president."
"But I have no evidence of any of that. No one's talking about pursuing President Bush criminally."
But Keith, this was nice red meat for the lunatic left wing fringe tinfoil hat crowd that frequents this blog.
check out how out of touch Obama is here:
If there is a God, I pray to Him that I will live long enough to see George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in prison for crimes against humanity.
May justice reign!
you could just as easily pursue criminal charges against many in congress including biden.
Haven't been around for a while, but anyway. What's happening to your gold projections Keith?
Anyway, I did mention that you should move into the dollar sometime back. Maybe it's time to revisit this issue once again.
I think gold will loose less than most investments, equities, bonds, etc.
I will not be putting my money on gold though.
To see justice actually served on the true perpetrators of 911 and the worlds biggest terrorists (who dropped more bombs and killed more people in 8 years?) would be too much to even hope for...
I have often dreamed of a reality TV show called "Streets of Iraq".
1) Bushco staff (past and present) is put into plane and flown over a "rebel" area in Iraq
2) They are then forced to parachute to the ground wearing only sneakers, gym shorts, and T-shirts.
3) The Iraqis are alerted to where they are dropped.
4) An Iraqi helicopter crew then uses cameras to record the action
5) Bushco team is unarmed but anything goes for the Iraqis
Grab a bag of popcorn and enjoy!!!!
You might want to keep posts on the topic of real estate, where your expertise is plain. Your politics are of no interest to the forum and make you appear extreme and unbalanced.
You really have to be out of your F'ing mind if you think ANY charges will be brought against Bu$hCo. And if, by some twist in the fabric of reality, charges are brought against someone, they will NEVER hold water.
A lot of people are sickened by Bush but those who are are already voting for McCain. This is a dangerous game to be playing that may actually lose votes. All of us would like to see Cheney in a cell but it just isn't going to happen - Wake up and stop being irresponsible. If this reaches critical mass, it may very well decide the election, and not in the Dems favor. STUPID!
Unless he makes it a plank of the democratic platform then its just so much wind. I think you have to assume that both parties have treaties in place that say that there won't be prosecutions of outgoing administrations. Besides, by the time Obama wins he'll have so much on his plate to deal with economically that there won't be time for prosecutions.
Seriously, why would either side want to win this eletion?
Democrats were too gutless to impeach Bush/Cheney when they had the chance. Forget prosecutions. Bush will issue blanket pardons to all below him and claim executive privilege for everything else with the Supremes backing him.
The only way we'll find out how corrupt the last 8 years have been will be through hearings (but not without immunity from prosecution) and tell-all books which are being written even now.
There is a possibility the international criminal court will issue war crimes indictments against the Bush/Cheney gang. That will just mean they won't be able to leave the US without fear of being arrested under an Interpol warrant (remember Pinochet). The US won't allow extraditing them to The Hague.
For a guy that got it so right on housing, you are displaying a shocking lack of common sense. Here's one of many many examples.
Do you ACTUALLY believe that Obama was absent from Church EVERY time Jeremiah Wright spewed anti-American, anti-white hate rhetoric or do you agree with Wright?
Obama has to be either clueless or racist - or both.
McCain might not be good, but Obama? The Dems will make the Repub spending look mild. Why support this? None of the above!
A nation of laws not men???? Wowowowowowowowowowowoo!!!
While your at it
throw both Clinton's in there,
just throw every Dem in there!
Everyone should read Obama's speech against going to war with Iraq dated 10/02/2002.
The guy has incredible foresight and courage!
jen *loves* reality TV. She thinks that's real too.
More housings, less politics, please.
"Contrast that to McCain's straight talk. See how puney he looks ? How inconsequential a person he is !!!"
Lisa, you need to check this out:
Please do a little research! The facts are out there. Politicians lie - a lot...
If someone has to tell you they use "straight-talk" that's a clue that they are trying to control you; beware!
Biden tipped his hand, now all Bush has to do is pardon everyone. It's in the Constitution you know.
Doesn't someone have to be accused of a crime or convicted to get pardoned?
BTW, to the wingnuts, Palin is a power crazed christofascist.
-family values that include out of wedlock births.
She is a trainwreck.
The white trash American majority will vote republican as they always do out of resentment for the intellectuals on the liberal side. I mean, there's really no such thing as a conservative intellectual.
McCain/Palin is hoping to follow the republican playbook of whipping up the white trash majority's inferiority complex, a complex not unjustly felt.
Go on bitter republican white trash brainstems. Vote republican. I'll enjoy seeing you suffer even more for your ignorance. I'll especially enjoy seeing your children suffer.
Palin's son, the one she's so proud of for going to Iraq, had to join the military or go to jail. Seems he had some run-ins with the law and it was either the military or jail.
Probably figured he'd get better cock in the military.
Biden's one to talk
His hands are covered with graff
Do you realize that Bush has bought a large ranch in Paraguay recently?!!
Think there is any coincidence that Paraguay has NO EXTRADITION TREATY??? He knows what the hell is coming!!
These criminals must pay for their crimes. There is no other option. Justice must be done, if the law is to protect us. We must not lose the power of the essential thing that defends us from the cruel rule of tyrants.
dan said...
You might want to keep posts on the topic of real estate, where your expertise is plain. Your politics are of no interest to the forum and make you appear extreme and unbalanced.
I don't think it is Keith that is appearing extreme and unbalanced on this blog.
RIP America
Can't wait to see Cheney in orange wear during a nice few years in Gitmo. Hope he doesn't mind alot of water and we're not talking showers here!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Do you realize that Bush has bought a large ranch in Paraguay recently?!!
Think there is any coincidence that Paraguay has NO EXTRADITION TREATY??? He knows what the hell is coming!!
September 06, 2008 10:39 PM
Paraguay just elected a new president, an independent, who announced his intention to have Paraguay join the world community.
Among his stated plans is to have international extradition treaties with all the other nations.
Looks like Paraguay is just ASKING for a U.S. invasion to "restore order!". It shouldn't be any problem for Bushco to add Paraguay to his "axis of evil!"
More housings, less politics, please.
Keith can discuss whatever topics he wants d!ckhead. It's HIS blog. If you don't like it, get lost and start your own Bush loving, sycophant Neocon fascist worshipping blog.
Same goes for all of you other whining fake conservatives that don't even understand the meaning of conservative. You people have the thinnest skin on the freaking planet.
I like your blog, but put down the kool aid man. There's only one party and you ain't in it.
Wow...these people defending the crime family of Bush and Co. is nauseating. Have you been asleep for the last 8 years, have you not seen enough to at least see an investigation...wait...what am I trying to do here reason with high functioning retards?
Never mind go back to praising Bush love the traitors and their destruction of the Republic...piss on a soldiers grave while you are at it since they died for nothing to you.
Pathetic...just an embarrassment to logical thinking and good honest smart people across the world...just save us the time and the air and drink some bleach.
Traitor loving cowards...just disgusting.
I call BS. This is just a pathetic attempt to draw votes from undecided voters who don't like Bush. Nothing more.
It only goes to show how corrupt and calculating these low-life democrats really are.
I'm shocked that you'd post this after all your ranting about the MSM duping the sheeple. Especially when 95% of the MSM is biased toward the democrats.
wow, keith it looks like you really brought out all those typical senile, paranoid, hate-filled LIBERALS out with this thread. man, it makes me laugh when i see them screaming like their panties are in a wad. who knows maybe they are in a wad.
lets ask them - dear mr and miss liberal are your panties in a wad today? i figure since both genders of liberals wear panties, the question would be fitting (no pun intended).
Bah...liberal this liberal that...drooling retards.
True conservatives loath everything about neo-conservative traitors - has nothing to do with being a liberal douchebags....coward loving traitors.
Neo-cons are 100x worse than the worse liberals I am convinced now.
you are funny!
pwnd said...
Everyone should read Obama's speech against going to war with Iraq dated 10/02/2002.
The guy has incredible foresight and courage!
September 06, 2008 8:00 PM
Some courage.
He gave an anti-war speech while a state senator representing a district that was overwhelmingly anti-war.
You want real courage? How about saying no to an early release from a N. Vietnamese POW camp and staying there for 5.5 years of pure hell. That my liberal idiotic friend is courage.
Bah...liberal this liberal that...drooling retards.
True conservatives loath everything about neo-conservative traitors - has nothing to do with being a liberal douchebags....coward loving traitors.
Neo-cons are 100x worse than the worse liberals I am convinced now.
Ahh yes the "tolerant" liberal speaks.
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