The endgame is here.
$700 billion more for the bankers who enabled rampant mortgage fraud and lost.
$700 billion more for bankers who enriched themselves for short term gain, leaving the taxpayer with the problem while they keep their billions in bonuses and commissions.
That's $2,333 for each and every American. Rushed through a corrupt and incompetent Congress in a weekend before anyone can think about what we're about to do. Before the media can ask questions. Before hearings could be held. The most important event in American financial history, the biggest hole ever blown in the budget, the biggest increase in US debt ever imagined, in a matter of hours.
Why? Because millions of Americans, enabled by bankers, brokers and idiot realtors on commission, gambled on housing, committed rampant mortgage fraud, lied about their incomes, 'bought' homes they could never afford, and lost, taking the nation and the world to the brink of a Great Great Depression. And oh, to save the butt of Paulson's former firm Goldman Sachs of course.
And now, each and every American has to pony up. Or make that, the kids of each and every American will have to pony up.
America. A once great land, ravaged, pillaged and raped beyond redemption in eight short years by an unchecked gang of thieves.
Rescue plan seeks $700B to buy bad mortgages
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration is asking Congress to let the government buy $700 billion in toxic mortgages in the largest financial bailout since the Great Depression, according to a draft of the plan obtained Saturday by The Associated Press.
The plan would give the government broad power to buy the bad debt of any U.S. financial institution for the next two years. It would raise the statutory limit on the national debt from $10.6 trillion to $11.3 trillion to make room for the massive rescue. The proposal does not specify what the government would get in return from financial companies for the federal assistance.
"We're going to work with Congress to get a bill done quickly," President Bush said at the White House. Without discussing details of the plan, he said, "This is a big package because it was a big problem."
Administration officials hoped the rescue plan could be finalized this weekend, to lend calm to Monday morning's market openings.
September 20, 2008
FLASH: Bush and Paulson to increase national debt by $700,000,000,000+ so that the taxpayers can buy the crap home loans of fraudsters and gamblers
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Try 14 TRILLION! with the multiplier of 20 much like the S&L Bailout.
I am betting that the real number for the bailout will be in the tens of trillions. Of course, that number is contingent upon the dollar still having some value.
Keith come on who controlls our government..People don't get it.
This is happenSo what are the goals of the Illuminati? To create a One World Government and a New World Order, with them on top to rule the world into slavery and fascism. This is a very old goal of theirs, and to understand it fully, one must realize that this goal isn't of a kind that's supposed to be obtained within one lifetime - it has been a goal that slowly is to be accomplished over a long period of time.
This goal has been planned away from the public's prying eyes, in secrecy within the Secret Societies. All Secret Societies with secret grades of initiation are owned and controlled by the Illuminati, and Freemasonry is maybe the best known. The persons who control the societies and the Illuminati are occultists and Satanists, and they practice Black Magic. Their God is Lucifer. "The Light Bearer", and by occult practices they manipulate and influence the masses. It doesn't matter if you and I believe in this or not, as long as they do. And they take it very seriously.
ing for a purpose.
modern day slavery.
The rich are much more powerful and wealth is beyond what you and I can imagine.
Who is pulling the strings.
So far I have seen the names Rothschilds who controll international banks.
Isn't this what it is about.
Control Power
I think that most Americans must be in a coma. How can they not notice that the average family of 4 is being signed up for 10K dollars. Hello, anyone, anyone at all want to explain how this squares with the lower taxes rhetoric.
Disaster Capitalism at its finest, folks.
Instead of just shearing the sheep, they kill the sheep, eat the meat and then get the government to buy them cocaine and hookers, plus a whole new herd of sheep.
Time for arrests, trials and punishment.
All of Them. NOW.
Revolution is in the air...
Guns and Ammo soon.
SUV = irrelevant
McMansions = firewood
Politicians = in hiding
Ha! Ha! Ha! This is not even close to the endgame. Everything else that they have done has not stopped this snowball from rolling. What makes you think the $700 billion will make any more difference than $85 billion did? The derivatives, private equity and hedge funds are all unregulated sources of grief that will continue to batter every effort to contain them. This is going to last a long time, and all of the money used so far will prove to be wasted.
Lost cause is right.
This is only the opening serve. The ball is in the creditors' and dollar holders' court.
Do they buy a single US treasury ever again?
Do they buy it at paltry rates of return that are being eaten out by inflation?
It was my contention that the Chinese spoke via Bill Gross a couple days back.
We cannot know what Paulson and the rest of our Overlords are saying in return or plotting in the dark. Remember the election is only 2 months away. Once that "formality" is out of the way, the Overlords will do and say whatever they want.
Remember, the average white gave up freedom and prosperity rather than share it with blacks. Now, in a double irony, they bitch and moan about the loss of freedom and prosperity while they elect a South Side huckster named Barack Hussein Obama as titular head of the country.
Karma's a bitch.
But, again, the ball is in the court of the Chinese et. al. Our Overlords already said they will never ever pay this shit back, ever.
I will benefit if the Chinese and Arabs continue to play the sucker, so will every American. Let's hope that they fuck up royally.
This is just the will be trillions.
Hell, its just decimal places on a computer. Do you think they actually print up that money....LOL!!!
And while they are raping the taxpayer, they will slip in big raises for themselves!!!
At least there is no more illusion about the financial system......the tattered veneer of respectability has been totally stripped away...and what do we see?
Fat white maggots grubbing around and gorging on our tax dollars.
We need to exterminate the infestation in Washington and Wall Street!!!
It's just a continuing scheme to take more money from the not-so wealthy, and give it to the top 1% to 2%.
Bernanke/Paulson and Bush Co. are
providing "reasons" why this must be done, when in fact it will do literally nothing to help strapped housing gamblers - only making all of us stuck with the tab much, much poorer.
Will have a brief period of euphoria in the markets, and hope for strapped housing gamblers, then we'll see the bottom drop from underneath our feet.
Keith, I'm sure even you didn't see this snow balling into what it is and will become, but that's what happens when greed runs rampant through-out the entire economy for far too long.
The true "Ownership Society" has now arrived.
Lost Cause said...
Ha! Ha! Ha! This is not even close to the endgame. Everything else that they have done has not stopped this snowball from rolling. What makes you think the $700 billion will make any more difference than $85 billion did? The derivatives, private equity and hedge funds are all unregulated sources of grief that will continue to batter every effort to contain them. This is going to last a long time, and all of the money used so far will prove to be wasted.
There's a big hole in this plan that hasn't been discussed. That hole is the gov't talks like they're just buying and holding bad mortgage paper until it's worth more. What's not being said is that bad paper represents foreclosed homes, either empty with the utilities shut off, getting moldy, grass growing, vandalized, dragging the value of the neighbors home down etc., or homes with some dirtbags living in them that are not paying the payment. What the hell are they going to do with these homes under this plan?
What King Henry is proposing is removing the cancer from Wall Street and killing Main Street with it. King Henry is proposing to reward his friends on Wall Street for irresponsible behavior, greed, fraud and criminal activity that has enriched men just like Paulson to the tune of billions of dollars.
In fact, King Henry ran Goldman Sachs for seven years and amassed a fortune estimated at well over half a billion dollars. Now he wants to give all his friends a Get Out Of Jail Free Card . . . and a card to hand these guys billions in bonuses to be carved up like a fattened sacrifice. The man is out of control.
If we sit back and let him get away with it, we deserve everything we have coming. The best solution is to allow the free markets to work. Let the free markets put these guys out of business and in jail. If you want to do something, I suggest you start with an email to your elected officials in Washington . . . even though most of them appear to be sitting around with their hands out.
Free markets work, no matter how painful things get. Controlled markets enrich those that control the markets and put the pain and suffering on those the sit idly by and do nothing.
Senators -
Congressman -
Mike Morgan, J.D.
OK you Dopes got two choices.
1. Capitalism can do its job and all the folks and foreign country's that purchased debt that was clearly marked as "having risk" can lose their asses and not loan us anymore money.
2. We can blow your tax dollars paying people back that bought debt that was clearly marked as "having risk" until it bankrupts the Country, and then we fail anyway. Under this option Wall Street keeps their jobs and continues to get their bonuses.
What's your choice boys?
"My first instinct..." Give me a break. Oh yeah, and we're gonna get the money back just like Iraq was gonna pay for itself.
Let's see... 8 years:
-2 wars, poorly run, with no end.
-Bin Laden still free.
-Al Quaida resurgent in Afganistan.
-4 Trillion dollar deficit.
-Sanctioned torture.
-Removal of Habeus Corpus.
-Manipulation of the CIA.
-Manipulation of the Justice Department.
-Playing guitar while New Orleans drowned and no significant rebuilding.
-Bridges falling due to lack of investment in infrastructure.
-Medicare swindle to payoff big pharma and confuse seniors
-Biggest expansion of government in US history.
-Dismantling of the FDA and other oversight agencies. Mine collapse anyone?
-Warrentless wiretapping of Americans.
-Signing statements.
-Millions unable to afford health care or college.
-the Great Depression 2 on our doorstep.
-A resurgent Iran and Russia.
Oh but hey, Clinton got a blow job.
Well HP'ers, looks like you got it in the ass. Better lube up your ass because you will get it again and again.
The simple fact is that the Fed and our government is committed to see that real estate prices don't collapse. Thus they are printing money like crazy and even if you get a good deal on a house, all of the other basic needs will be way up in price. So either way HP'ers, you got fucked. You got fucked really good.
I got the last laugh. I lived beyond my means and I continue to spend like crazy and I got away like a bandit. While you folks did the right thing and got fucked in the ass.
Keith, just admit it, that I made out like a bandit and you didn't!
HA, HA, HA HP'ers. My cousin fits the exact profile of a HP'er (knowledgeable about the economy, a contrrian, frugal, etc...). But today he admitted to me that "Nick, all of my savings and hard work is for nothing. I was stupid. I should have done what you did".
HP'ers, soon, the government will freeze your savings accounts and only let you take out $5000 while the rest can not be withdrawn. The government will also rework or refinance people's mortgage that are upside down.
HP'ers, please admit that even though most of your economic predictions came true, in the end you got screwed. You should have known that America is NOT a land of laws and honesty no longer pays in this nation! (I figured that out 16 years ago). Too bad you got screwed and I made out like a bandit.
How much money can they print before it becomes worthless?
Well, we all knew that Bush was good for at least one more F up before he left. This is the mother of them all. (Iraq aside)
Good article found on
China’s state media today reports on the real reason behind the Wall Street meltdown and a subject that the mainstream US media dare not mention - the Federal Reserve’s overissuance of currency - which the Chinese say is part of a wider agenda to justify increased control over the global economy.
According to numerous Chinese state media news sources today, the Federal Reserve’s continued zeal for propping up the market by injecting illusory liquidity is part of an agenda to gain trust and grease the skids for increased government intervention in financial markets.
China Finance , China News and Chaobao Financial News, all state owned media outlets, slammed the Fed for taking action that will only make long term economic conditions worse and devalue the dollar by “creating money that does not exist which leads to the inflation of liquidity,” a policy contrary to China’s position as a holder of vast reserves of US dollars.
The analyst quoted by Chaobao Financial News highlighted “that when there is market failure, the paramount purpose of government intervention should be saving the market for the benefit of the people: Relief, Recovery and then Reform,” and that “Protecting the rights of people who are suffering in the housing market and as a result of high oil prices should be treated as a priority.”
The analyst added that by concentrating on saving just a few large financial companies, the Fed is creating wider financial chaos while arousing anger and suspicion by “only protecting and encouraging large companies’ wrong doing.”
CEIBS Professor of Economics and Finance Xu Xiaonian told a conference yesterday that “The fundamental source of Wall Street’s meltdown is caused by Federal Reserve overissuing currency.” He cautioned that the US government has already exceeded its scope in terms of intervention compared with their usual policy.
This solves nothing, if anything it buy some time, really expensive time. If you are a cronies or connected money man, you get bailed out, if you are the little guy, F&%K YOU!!! It makes me irate that these @55hats didn't come clean with what we all knew was going on for 2 years, they could have throttled back, put the rotting dung heap of crap loans out in the open and figured out a way to mark them down and restructure the bad debt. BUT NO!!!!!! they just put the pedal to the metal and kept right on going, made a killing, and now don't get to suffer the fallout.
If the tax payers went in front of these greedy slime balls with their hat in their hands and asked for a bailout when times were good the fat greedy bastards would have laughed their heads off....
The US Taxpayer is now a house flipper.....
I keep hearing all the talking heads on TV refer to this as if it is the the 80's S&L Bailout.
"The Government made money when it sold the real estate it took on from failed banks."
Not Happening this time, unless they plan to give everyone who wants one a 30 year fixed mortgage for 0% down....
Since we are going to get saddled with this anyway. I only hope that they
1) Pack up the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Can't be spending $700,000,000,000+ to save houses and CEOs when we are spending $400,000,000,000+ a month on the "War on Terror". While we are at it, let's just close up all over seas bases and bring the assets home and save that money too. I we can't afford our own houses and banks then we can't afford to be spending more than the rest of the world combined on the military. Besides, after this bailout fails and inflation goes to 25,000,000% they will need all the troops they can must to control civilian unrest and food rioting.
2) Take any and all executive compensation from any company that gets bailed out and apply it to the $700,000,000,000+. Investigate, investigate, investigate!!! If they find even so much as a paper clip not accounted for the companies leadership gets chain gang time.
3) Make out of work Realtors "sell" the houses to earn their food stamps.
4) When it comes time to sell the houses People / Families that will be sole homeowners and occupy the home get first dibs on purchases. The government doesn't get to use tax payer money and then turn around and give sweet heart deals to cronies or professional flippers. Bad enough we are going to be holding the bag for all of this, shouldn't turn into a subside that a few get to make a killing flipping or renting.
3) Home owners that get bailed out and get to stay in their homes don't get to keep any / some of the profits (if there are ever any) When they sell their house. It goes back against the deficit.
Doesn't matter, it's not going to work.
Thank the republicans for this.
You brainstems should be very proud to be a part of making it all possible by voting republican all these years.
Hope you f*cking starve. Hope your kids f*cking starve.
Oh but hey, Clinton got a blow job.
and Clinton LIED UNDER OATH!
not sure which is worse. A sitting president lying under oath or one being incompetent.
I guess that lying under oath wins in the morality category while incompetent wins in the "total damage" one.
I think that most Americans must be in a coma. How can they not notice that the average family of 4 is being signed up for 10K dollars. Hello, anyone, anyone at all want to explain how this squares with the lower taxes rhetoric.
people are totally clueless. I was at my kids soccer game this morning and no body was talking about IT. One father is a mortgage broker and last year he rarely had time to go to his son's games on saturday because he was working. If he did attend, he was constantly on the phone. This year he is at every game though he constantly checks his phone for messages that never arrive.
And will foreigners buy 700 Billion in debt from us so that we can fund this toxic debt dumping ground?
I suspect they will because they don't have any other option. They will now need to go all in.
Read the federal reserve,
read your history.
look at the shift of wealth
hey, no worries, obama will save us!
Here is a chance for him to step up and take control of this mess in congress! He can show us his leadership skills NOW!
Come on obama! We need you to step up to the plate in congress and make sure the little guys are watched out for. Show us some leadership in Congress now and you will get my vote in november
Keith: why don't you write an open letter to obama asking him to take a few days out from campaigning and get involved with this mess in congress!
Hey Keith, this "nick" guy is starting to piss me off. Could you please use a LITTLE discretion on the posts you approve?
The economy is kicking shit in our faces and he's rubbing it in! Nobody needs that right now.
The proposal:
So the govt. is going to buy "HARD-TO-VALUE ASSETS".
And they're going to "BUY AT A DISCOUNT", hold and later "sell for a profit"
How do you "buy at a discount", "hard-to-value" assets??????????
Really what they will do is OVERPAY for continuously and constantly falling assets (houses), hold (while prices continue to plummet)then sell FOR A GIGANTIC LOSS.
Once we go down this road it is very very hard to come back. I have a very real fear that this country is done.
All for the sake of preserving bubble profits that were not earned.
Forget about the money. Money is a meaningless medium of exchange. The real value exists in the goods and services produced by an economy.
This act will allow the continued occupation of millions of people in activities that produce very little tangible value.
And that is how our collective standard of living declines, because people who could be researching cures for cancer, caring for the sick, teaching high-school biology, starting new businesses - these people will all keep flipping houses, brokering bad mortgages, packaging up bad securities and selling the whole process to oil sheiks and sovereign wealth funds in exchange for our future.
The house hogs who just had to have a McMansion are now all crying that they are the "victims" of evil realtors, brokers, bankers. The concept of "affordability" was just oh so hard to grasp. And now, with the help of the govt, the househogs have bent the taxpayer over their expensive but oh so pretty granite countertops to give the taxpayer a real good screwing, all the while chanting, USA! USA! USA!USA! USA! USA!
Doesn't it tell you guys some thing that Paulson wants a blank check and a disclaimer that he can't be prosecuted regarding the NEW BIGGER BAIL OUT of the government buying dumps that nobody wants and have trashed already ?
Paulson was at Goldman Sachs before he was appointed to his political position . At Goldman Sachs Paulson was the Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of the Banking Investment Division . Get my drift folks . Paulson was part of the problem no doubt.
Note the symbolism in play at this photo op...
-the positioning
-the attire
Why is Cox wearing the red 'power' tie?
Oh God I love that link to Sphincter Swann! Way to go Keith!!
how about we add an automatic felony in addition to seizing all their accounts and assets. Just to make their life a bit more of a bitch...
A federal felon may also be restricted by a sentencing court in his or her occupational choices. As a condition of probation or supervised release, if there exists "a reasonably direct relationship" between the defendant's criminal conduct and his or her occupation, the sentencing court may impose restrictions. (U.S.S.G. § 5F1.5.
A person convicted of a federal felony will also be restricted in his or her ability to become an officer, director, employee, or controlling shareholder of an institution that is a federally insured depository or owns or controls a federally insured depository. Additionally, a person who trades in commodities may be refused registration by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission if he or she has served a federal felony conviction.
Anonymous said...
Oh but hey, Clinton got a blow job.
and Clinton LIED UNDER OATH!
not sure which is worse. A sitting president lying under oath or one being incompetent.
I guess that lying under oath wins in the morality category while incompetent wins in the "total damage" one.
You're not sure which is worse? Our country has just been taken over by Wall Street republican, socialist, facist mobsters. Our congress has become a kindergarten joke and we are begin sent a bill for the mess that they created and don't have a clue how to fix. YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH IS WORSE? They now run our country, and have access to OUR money these sleazy snake oil salesmen. Our country is gone dude and you are still worrying about who got a blow job 10 years ago? Congress is on their knees blowing Wall Street every hour on the hour and you still want to worry about the blue dress from 10 years ago?
Wake up ass clown. Your country is toast.
On the subject of "liars":
Read it and please don't vote.
About a blow job.
Bush lied under oath, to Congress and the public, in a SOTU address, to get us into a WAR.
So Clinton lied to avoid getting slammed for a blow job and you asshat rightwingers went ballistic.
Bush lied to take us into a war that has killed thousands and cost over a trillion bucks with no end in sight, and you're all willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Bush lied about the economy being "fundamentally strong," too.
And you'll continue denying it and complaining about Billy Boy right up to the point when some hood in the Depression II stabs you in the kidney for your belt buckle.
Many US taxpayers already have high debt, how is Congress going collect $700,000,000,000 from these people for this one time mess.
What is Congress going to do when the ALT-A and Option ARM mess begins.
If Congress is going to borrow this money then it will only weaken the US Dollar and start another round of Inflation.
Congress already seen in the past several months that the average US Consumer can not handle $4.00/gallon gas.
In the end the Federal Reverse will have to raise rate back to 18% to keep the US Dollar from free falling.
Dude, we gambled and lost by buying real estate and we still get paid. That means taking risks in real estate = getting paid no matter what. Now government will back bad mortgages for the next 2 years. I don't know about you but I'm going to buy as much real estate as I can right now because I am guarenteed not to lose.
Nick said:" America is NOT a land of laws and honesty no longer pays in this nation! (I figured that out 16 years ago). Too bad you got screwed and I made out like a bandit."
I'll have some money in the bank, and can pick up and move anywhere I please, but for you my friend your credit is ruined and just try to not get depressed living the life of serfdom.
Do I care that the World pulls from funding our debt . Why don't we give them Florida ,with their hanging chads ,to pay our debt .
The world might pull from having anything to do with America anyway regardless of what we do .Our people are in debt up to our eyeballs ,so we are no good to all the other countries anyway now.
There was a time in which America was a benefactor to the rest of the world ,and maybe we can call in the markers .
For instance ..In good times we have been one of the most generous Countries in giving aid to other countries .
We made the difference in stopping Hilter from taking over the world .
We have started industry all over the world, which has helped those people advance .
In many cases we have stopped oppression in many places and some of that has been good .
We purchased items from China ,even when it was cheap crap ,and they grew rich and advanced their industry as a result .
We responded to the First Gulf War ,for I think the benefit of the World at that time .
We bought cars from Japan .
We have written off debt from other Countries from around the world because they couldn't pay it . We have tried to bring medical advances to many parts of the world .
We helped the oil Countries
harness the ability to produce oil and than we bought that oil from them .
We helped with World War I also ,and other wars that were a benefit for the World . Of course we always had self-interest when we did some of this stuff,but we still did it .
Didn't we bring a lot of inventions to the globe in our heyday ?
We brought to the world John Wayne ,(just kidding )
My point is can't we call in our markers . Does the World really want to see America go down the tubes ? How is that going to benefit the World if America goes down the tubes ? Who will be the arrogant do-gooder around the world ,if America doesn't serve that role ? Besides ,in the World order you got to have a Country that everybody hates but loves at the same time .Just watching America must be great entertainment for the World .
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey Nick,
What exactly have you gotten away with? I see you running your mouth like a f*cking twit, but I'm really not seeing what you're actually getting away with. You haven't paid your mortgage. Do you think that will go on indefinitely?
You will be out on the street eventually. And when you do, you'll be rockin' a 350 credit score. There won't be a new home or apartment in your future. You'll be lucky to rent and driving a Suzuki is going to be a real hit to your pride.
You spent a lot of money on cars and prostitutes, right? Debtor's prison is just around the corner and I don't imagine you'll be living it up when you get gang raped for dropping the soap in the shower.
There are lots of people spending like $$ is going out of style, and a good many of them are losing their homes regardless of some bailout. See, there's this thing called unemployment, and when it goes up, it doesn't matter if Fannie cuts you a break or not. Your dumb ass is still out of work and when the credit cards are maxed out, it'll be bedtime for little boys like yourself.
I doubt you're the kind of guy that has a recession-proof job. You certainly don't sound like it. I'm sure there are plenty of good jobs for you cleaning urinals at the moment, but evolutionarily, you're a troglodyte with little to offer humanity. You will be excluded from the gene pool because women will make that choice for you.
It doesn't make me mad at all hearing about your exploits. I don't think it angers most posters here who may not be living large like yourself, but they also aren't worrying about some bailout that may or may not actually apply to them. They aren't worried about the day the bank finally comes and kicks their sorry asses out of the condo they've stopped paying on.
And just one more thing before I let you get back to your fantastic life. I doubt you're living all that well - I know some rich motherf*ckers with real, old world money and they don't waste time on HP bragging about their exploits. They're real ballers out getting laid by women who would laugh at your used Infiniti and cheap plywood condo.
I also know some people who are doing above average, and again, they're not here running their immature mouths. They're enjoying their lives and don't have a pathological need to make others miserable. I bet you tortured animals as a kid. Am I right? Thought so. Have a nice life, sport. Be sure to come back and tell us how wonderful your life is in a year, ok? Somehow, I don't think you'll be laughing, and I want you to remember this post.
September 21, 2008 3:33 AM
Firs of all, what is with all of the personal insults? I get plenty of sex, but oh that is so juvenile.
Listen, I work for the Cook County government (the local county here in Chicago, IL). I work in the health care industry and my wife does also.
I got sick and tired of seeing people live beyond their means and getting rewarded for it. So I decided to join the party?
My fundamental thesis is this folks; hard work and honesty doesn't pay in this country. So just spend your money, go into debt and live a lavish lifestyle and then don't pay your bills. That is my take in life so far. I believe that if you play by the rules in present day America, then you are dumb and will get screwed. One thing everyone should learn is NEVER FIGHT THE FED/FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. YOU WILL LOSE EVERY SINGLE TIME.
I can't wait to see Obama in the White House!!
And to think I was going to vote for McCain.
What this country needs, if it's not too late, is some BIG-TIME CHANGES.
How could he not know? Jesus, we should have elected Jenna. At least she might catch 60 minutes once in a while, between bong rips.
Weimar here we come. All hail Generalissimo Sarah, divine ruler of 'Merica II & the Iraq!
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