Will a big hurricane hitting the gulf during the GOP convention remind people of.....
This or This or This
We were run by monkeys when we needed to be run by competent, uncorrupted and intelligent people. And as we all know now, America and the world paid the price.
Big time.
Meanwhile, good luck to the citizens in the gulf. You'll need it. You're on your own.
August 27, 2008
Say hello to Gustav.. stopping by to remind people of how incompetent Bush & Cheney were during Katrina (and coming ashore during the GOP convention)
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This will knock the GOP convention off the front pages how appropriate!
Holy shit Keith, you have gone to the darkest of the dark loonie left conspiracy side. Yep, it's Bush's fault that hurricanes form and it was all a grand conspiracy by Bush to hurt black 'folk he doesn't like.
Bush didn't cause Katrina. But putting an unqualified political hack crony in charge of FEMA led to untold human suffering
Katrina was Bush's Waterloo. Everything went downhill for him from there.
That's the moment the people realized the emperor was not wearing clothes.
"Meanwhile, good luck to the citizens in the gulf. You'll need it. You're on your own."
As it should be. If you can't take care of yourself when a hurricane comes, don't fucking live in a hurricane zone. All these whiny assholes crying that fema didn't do this or that is ridiculous.
Two simple steps to avoid being a "victim".
1. Buy insurance
2. Get the hell out when a cat 3+ is coming your way.
Instead I suppose it's easier to sit around on your fat ass and wait for the government to help.
It will cause the southern whites to remember that in times of trouble, the blacks rioted, raped little girls and also robbed the local Walmarts - so it bests not to elect a black Muslim to the White House.
Don't you think its wonderful for the Republicans that in the week the Democrats choose Obama, Cold war 2 finally starts between the USA/EUROPE AND RUSSIA -
The voters are going to flock to McCain to protect them from the evil Russians
You are partly right on Katrina being Waterloo for Bush, but for the wrong reasons.
The corrupt local Democrats messed up the response and handling of the event. FEMA is not Jesus. It's not even Obama (peace be upon him).
Where Bush messed up is in opening up the federal checkbook during this mess, and writing lots and lots of blank checks. This confirmed that W was no manner of fiscal conservative whatsoever. It was reflexive, defensive, spending as purely political appeasement and cover.
Where was the looting and nihilistic violence this spring among the good citizens of Cedar Rapids, IA?
There are a lot of buildings in hurricane-prone areas that are "disasters waiting to happen". However, there is always risk in living anywhere.
That said, if one bought a mansion on the beach during the bubble, took out a FEMA loan, and then defaulted on your Option ARM, wouldn't the US taxpayer be stuck with your bill. I would nevver do such a thing, neither do I know anyone who has, but it seems like something that would happen in this age of instant "I want mine, I want it yesterday, and fuck the rest of you" mentality. Thoughts, anyone?
And just think, the same people that installed dumbfucks Bush&Cheney now want to put in McCain. John is without a doubt 10 times the shithead Bush is. This leaves the world wondering why America isn't scared to death or make alot of noise feeling insulted that McCain is being presented to the public by the mafia media as a worthy rider for the Whitehouse chair?
Your neocons have already begun trying to corner Russia, now they want McCain to go in and play America for the fools you truly are.
It's a GREAT TIME TO BUY in the Gulf Region.
Hello Allstate....
Better learn to swim, homies.
More proof the rich don't give a sh@t about you.Not sure why these people didn't leave the area.It is their own fault not bush's.
There's a lot of oil rigs down there too, could up the price again, depending on the damage.
Also, there are still people who believe Obama is a muslim ? seriously ? or am I just not getting the joke...
amigauser said...
It will cause the southern whites to remember that in times of trouble, the blacks rioted, raped little girls and also robbed the local Walmarts - so it bests not to elect a black Muslim to the White House.
Don't you think its wonderful for the Republicans that in the week the Democrats choose Obama, Cold war 2 finally starts between the USA/EUROPE AND RUSSIA -
The voters are going to flock to McCain to protect them from the evil Russians
The rape reports turned out to be untrue and with no water what would you do? Further more why is it that when whites were reported they were "finding food" for survival. I feel that one day this whole country will experience it's Katrina moment. Will you survive?
while I 100% agree that Bush is a dumbf@ck (and so are people who voted for him the second time), the blame for Katrina disaster does not lie squarely on him. First, it was caused by building under sea level IN HURRICANE ZONE!!! and also the levees (sp?) who were not kept in order for quite a while. As a consequence, the blame lies also on previous administrations and local authorities. Second, there is an issue of what people do when the disaster strikes. I know that Vietnamese community of Houston took in ALL Vietnamese who were flooded out of Big Easy. No federal assistance was needed. Why did others not do that? Perhaps because "government" is supposed to help you, stealing most of money in the process, This kind of help to each other, I think, is what is missing in US and one can not blame Bush for that. Also, in Houston there are still Katrina refugees living on federal aid 3 years after the disaster and they are universally despised by all ethnic/racial communities. When they came here the crime rate went up about 20-30%.
Get a JIZOB!
Hey, anonymous August 27, 2008 1:11 PM, please give everyone your name and address so if an earthquake, tornado, or any other natural disaster strikes in the area in which you live, we all know to leave you to fend for yourself because you are a worthless excuse for a human being.
No one,
No Way,
No How,
could have ever predicted the immensity of Katrina
Not even your Miracle worker Clinton!
Especially a Dem city like New Orleans
with Ray Nagin in charge?
What ever happened to his chocolate city?
How's that working out for him?
I remember an interview with a little old lady who had to be rescued after Katrina.
This lady was about 90 and lived in New Orleans.
The interviewer asked, "Who's fault this was"? Trying to get this lady to place blame on someone (i.e. Bush)
This cute little black woman said, "It's my own fault"! "They told us to evacuate days ago, I just thought I could stick it out".
They (the media) tried to keep getting the answer they wanted, but they couldn't get it out of this stalwart woman!
I know for fact that The Bush's and Cheney's have complete and total control of the weather, like as in Katrina and they are out to destroy New Orleans as a payback to all the poor and us brothas!
Well pukes, according to even Godless insurance companies, hurricanes are an act of God.
What's it like pukes, that according to your own faith based beliefs, that God keeps sending sh1t sandwiches your way?
Getting the message yet from the Almight? No? ohhh, riiight. Why is with you faith based retards, when its a good thing, it's from God. When it's a bad thing, it came from the devil Dems? I swear you get God and Santa Clause confused.
I hear this excuse not to help people in need all the time.
I'm sure you'd have a problem though (and start whining) if these people were able to move out of their area and into your neighborhood.
There is no reason why this problem should have happened, except for a lack of preventative measures by our current administration. Civil engineers, and other scientists warned the administration for years as to how bad things could get down in that part of our country if something wasn't done quickly.
Now, when it's time to help these people - AFTER the fact - they're called whiny freeloaders.
No wonder things continue to slide into the gutter in this country.
I have some news for you, we'll be seeing problems like this widen in better parts of the country as the ecnomomic crisis we see now continues to deepen.
I'm already seeing it here along the coast, the area so many people believe is so "immune" to these problems - bollox.
Anonymous said...
"Meanwhile, good luck to the citizens in the gulf. You'll need it. You're on your own."
As it should be. If you can't take care of yourself when a hurricane comes, don't fucking live in a hurricane zone. All these whiny assholes crying that fema didn't do this or that is ridiculous.
Two simple steps to avoid being a "victim".
1. Buy insurance
2. Get the hell out when a cat 3+ is coming your way.
Instead I suppose it's easier to sit around on your fat ass and wait for the government to help.
Wow, this could be like Y2K times ten!
Funny how the mayor and governor down there get no blame when it was their responsibility first and FEMA's second.
Interesting piece:
Today’s nuts inhabit both the right and left sides of the ideological spectrum with the left wing paranoids more prominent if only because of their target; George Bush and his Administration.
No? How’s that military draft coming, guys? And what about that fallout from our attack on Iran? You know, the one that was “imminent” at least three separate times over the last few years? And while we’re on the subject, have you sent your Christmas cards to your friends rotting away in those concentration camps you were so sure were going to be set up to house “regime” opponents?
I could go on, of course. There is no end to the wild nuttiness of the left when it comes to their paranoia about the Bush Administration. To hear them tell it, Bush is both evil genius and incompetent clown – a dichotomy most sane people would find laughable but which the paranoids on the left blithely run off at the mouth coming up with ever more outrageous “warnings” about Bush actions. The closer we get to the end of the Bush presidency, the more we hear of the “manufactured 9/11” where Bush would cancel the election of 2008 and rule by dictatorship.
There are going to be a lot of exploding heads on January 20, 2009 when Bush rides off to Texas.
Some of you are absolutely brain dead. Where was the local help during Katrina? Democrats all. Not one with a clue.
Here's the funny part - and history will bear this out (watch and see) - Bush has been a damn good president. The dumb sh*ts are those that will be voting for the highly inexperienced, empty suit Obama.
"Will a big hurricane hitting the gulf during the GOP convention remind people of.....
This or This or This"
Not likely. The MSM is throughly in the pocket of the people behind the Republican Party. You won't hear a thing......except the dis-information about the upcoming coronation of McSame.
I wish something far more destructive and deadly would strike the RNC convention. A plague, a nuke, whatever it takes to get rid of that vermin, that pestilence, that stain on humanity.
"...No one, No Way, No How, could have ever predicted the immensity of Katrina..."
Absolutely untrue.
Easily verified with minimum effort; what is the point of pretending?
Awareness of the city's vulnerability to hurricanes dates back to the early Colonial era...
"...In 2001, the Houston Chronicle published a story...In 2002, the Times Picayune published a feature...In 2002 the Army Corps of Engineers...modeled the effects and aftermath of a Category 5 strike...
...There were many predictions of hurricane risk in New Orleans before Katrina.[17][18][19]..."
Wilson, Jim. "New Orleans is Sinking." Popular Mechanics. September 11, 2001.
Fischetti, Mark. "Drowning New Orleans." Scientific American. October, 2001.
Mooney, Chris. "Thinking Big About Hurricanes." The American Prospect. May 23, 2005.
This just proves once again that God hates republicans. Got popcorn?
Katrina: Bush's fault
Global warming: Bush's fault
Housing bubble: Bush's fault
I stubbed my toe this morning: Bush's fault
See how easy that was?
your man obama is dropping on intrade while mcloser is increasing....
Yes, I do put my money where my mouth is. I have put it on mccain to win. Not that I necessarily want mcloser to win. I think either will be better than bush but both (mcloser and obama) will suck.
watch for a negative bounce for obama after the convention. None of the "headliners" are talking obama up!
This election should be a cake walk for the dems but they are too dumb to make that happen.
basically, my money is not on mcloser being better, it is on the dems being stupid, which is a given.
That one guy summed it up: The state was supposed to take care of us!
Yeah, riiighhttt... that's the attitude of those scumbag welfare trolls. Somebody is supposed to provide for me...
hopefully Gustav will finish what Katrina started and destroy that cesspool of a city once and for all
It's funny cause when the San Diego fires displaced half it's people and filled up Qualcomm stadium; nothing like this happened. Nothing, people were civilized.......
sac'to watcher said...
This just proves once again that God hates republicans. Got popcorn?
August 27, 2008 7:29 PM
Amen to that.
The good people of LA hold Republicans in such disdain after Katrina that they dumped their idiot Democrat governor in favor of one.
Emergency planning and response ARE LOCAL issues. The governor of LA and mayor of NO were complete idiots... unqualified to hold their respective offices (much like Obama running for president) and it showed during Katrina.
Did the Feds do a good jod... no. Was it mostly their fault... no way. The death and destruction was principally the result of inaction at the local level and lack of action by individuals themselves who had been told that this could happen but didn't believe it because it hadn't happened before.
If these people were white, they would have received help. Shame on us.
keith said...
Bush didn't cause Katrina. But putting an unqualified political hack crony in charge of FEMA led to untold human suffering
Katrina was Bush's Waterloo. Everything went downhill for him from there.
That's the moment the people realized the emperor was not wearing clothes.
August 27, 2008 1:09 PM
Gee, lets see, no one forced these people to live in a city UNDER WATER!!!!! Why is it the gov't fault and or responsiobility to bail stupid fucktards out?????
"If these people were white, they would have received help."
Did you watch anything about Katrina? Plenty of "these people" were white.
Current forecast better than even money for a hurricane Tuesday 8:00 am.
"120-hour for 8:00am Tuesday...Hurricane all categories...55%"
Latest 5-day map.
Tracking somewhat west of New Orleans.
True, these people should have left before the storm hit.
BUT the police going around making people defenceless against looters by stealing their guns didn't help matters either. That is undeniable!
" <...>All these whiny assholes crying that fema didn't do this or that is ridiculous."
So many problems with this statement.
First of all, FEMA DIDN'T do its job- thats an incontrovertible fact.
Second, those people had something to "whine" about as they did exactly as they were told to do by the government, only to still be abandoned.
Third, and people don't realize this, is the fact that Katrina devastated a whole heck of a lot more than just New Orleans. It went way inland and across states. NO was focused upon, but it wasn't the only neglected place.
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