August 28, 2008
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
I never thought I would live to see the day...hopefully we all will.
This should be a proud day for all Americans regardless of your politics
please oh please oh please oh please. 2 Houses, 2 Spouses.
here's the rules for this thread:
1) no anon's (same guy over and over)
2) no lies (obama is not a muslim, obama doesn't eat bats, etc)
some intelligent conversation I hope, even if you disagree with his politics.
Kerry killed last night
We can all be proud of how far our country has come.
I am one republican ( soon to be an independent) who will be voting for Obama. The republicans have really screwed things up. We have done more damage to ourselves with run away debt, and lack of focus on energy than Al Qaeda ever could.
What a wasted eight years.
If he wins, the end of America is near.
I will say this.. For a guy that's been in the senate since 1973, Biden's net worth could be considered middle / upper middle class at best.
If there was an average Joe VP candidate I'd say he is it..
He hasn't used 35 years of power and influence to enrich himself, he tried to use 35 years of power and influence to enrich himself and really sucked at it, or he is hiding it really well..
Either way, I don't envy the guys that gets the job next. Their In-Box will be full of massive issues of an unprecedented scale that they will have to deal with on day one. It won't be easy, they probably won't succeed in the short term and it'll suck to be them.
I am going with Obama... I haven't seen any thing from McCain in a long time that didn't immediately strike me as sad, pathetic, or feeble.
For what we are up against and what's coming, it's not going to be solely up to the one guy in the oval office. That guy is going to simultaneously tell the American people that things are not rosy and we will all need to suck it up and deal while at the same time engaging them to roll up their sleeves, quit whining,, put their backs into it and get this country back on track.
I don't think McCain is that guy....
I am so excited to see such a leader in Barack Obama.
I like Barack because he is NEW to washington. I just hope he realizes the people want Barack because we are tired of Washington. Tired of coruption. Tired of Politicians on BOTH sides. Barack has a hill to climb. I believe he will make a wonderful President. The damage is done and we do need change and direction for our children. Barack you have my vote of confidence. You have my vote this November.
I knew the reputation of Texans but I didn't think he was stupid and they were all crooked, But I was wrong, but this is just too much. A entire war made up out of thin air? I'm not sure we have enough prisons to hold all these Republicans and military generals after they are all convicted.
I know the American people are an ignorant, lazy lot but they are seriously stupid if they think I will not raise their taxes and lower their standard of living...
We'll have to be careful about corruption and fraud. There will be many eyes watching our every move thanks to them...
I can not believe such comments "If he wins the end is near" Bush won and he is the WORST President in American History. I am sure this person who wrote that comment voted twice for Bush. It's funny the very people who are against democracy are not the Super rich they are poor or middle class. I really wonder why they have chosen a Candidate who's interest is clearly in the money hungry CEO, corporations, hedgefund investors, oil tycoons of our country. I am amazed that so many Americas could care less about our health care, our public schools, our enviroment, our roads and bridges, technology, moving forward, bringing new jobs back to America...I want to see a t-shirt or a tea cup that is MADE IN AMERICA AGAIN. That is loving your country...Not loving yourself. So when I hear this crap about Republicans verses Democrats it just sickens me. I believe Barack will win this November and if you don't like it move to Mexico. Because the way things are going now America will just be another Mexico in 15 years. We will continue to work for nothing and the very few will enjoy the benifits...
I will say this.. For a guy that's been in the senate since 1973, Biden's net worth could be considered middle / upper middle class at best.
He hasn't used 35 years of power and influence to enrich himself, he tried to use 35 years of power and influence to enrich himself and really sucked at it, or he is hiding it really well..
A Senator's salary is now at $165,000. Plus housing allowance, food allowance, a kick ass pension plan and about the best health insurance out there etc. It's pretty much $165K a year with no expenses meaning after taxes it's $115K in the bank.
Senator salary was $100K in 1990 when $100K went a long way. You could buy a nice home for $100K in 1990.
His salary was $60,000 in 1980 when $50K was considered a very high salary.
So for 35 years he has been earning a serious upper middle class income. And yet after 35 years this supposedly brilliant man has accumulated only a $300K net worth? That's pathetic. No, I take that back, pathetic is too kind.
That is not to be celebrated, but shows he is a moron. I have more than $300K net worth and I'm 25 years younger than him. If at 65 my net worth is not at least several millions I will be very disappointed with myself.
It is so typical of democrats here and elsewhere that celebrate economic failure (Biden) and beat up economic success (McCain, Romney) although granted McCain got that through marriage, but still he got it.
Is that a picture of the scapegoat for forty years of mis-rule in America by the Right Wing?
Never going to guys are getting excited about nothing here.
It will be a cold day in hell before we elect him.
Of course he's a better man, a better man than 100% of the republicans out there. Clinton was a better man, too. Did you see his speech last night? AMAZING. Inspirational, moving.
But that won't stop the republicans from doing the same thing to Obama that they did to Clinton. They don't care if they destroy the country if it means they win. They'll burn down the White House before letting democrats get it back. They're motivated by very dark, ugly impulses and motivations.
Democrats would be well advised to drop the talk of bipartisanship and fight back and fight back hard.
McCain and his supporters keep talking about Obama's lack of experience which brings to mind a question. Did John McCain sign on to Gingrich's Contract With America, with its core provision of term limits, all those many years ago? The Republicans advocated for term limits. If they had been enacted wouldn't that mean that we would have a whole crop of possible presidential candidates with experience similar to Barack Obama?
"...tell the American people that things are not rosy and we will all need to suck it up and deal while at the same time engaging them to roll up their sleeves, quit whining,, put their backs into it and get this country back on track..."
Considering how well-received the exact opposite message has been, I'd say that won't be.
We don't care about anything other than the immediate. Perfectly divided and directed, we focus not on root causes, but toward inane crap like personal shortcomings, flag symbolism...Anything and everything other than what is important.
Our next president will be Hoover II, and Obama would be wise to take a fall.
Nancy Pelosi is the only thing still standing between him and the white house.
Ditto with the annon Republican choosing Dem/Obama this time around. However...just when I think I'm commited, Nutty Nancy comes out and reminds me of the side of that party I hate.
"Eats bats". You made me spit scrambled eggs.
GT Charlie
America has lost its mind. This puppet is no different then the other puppets offered over the last 30 years. This is a magic show of tricks and deceptions and you idiot americans eat it up. There is ALWAYS only one end game to cattle - the slaughter house.
I have worked hard for my wealth. First job at the age 14. Put myself through college. Why should I have to give another penny more than I already do to people who have children to young, excused a good education to "party" and do drugs. I am tired of taxpayer meaning "welfare sucking host" by people who are lazy, unmotivated to work, or the worst, ILLEGAL! Success in America is a friggin curse! This morning I watched some dullard buy $75 worth of lottery scratch tickets, then go wait for the bus and start scratching as I drove by. AAAAAAAAARRRRRGH!
Most people work hard for what they have, brainstem. And most people pay to support their country, probably more of a percentage than you do.
That doesn't mean your success gives you a free pass to not have to pay up. You use more of the services and resources too.
If you think you can get a better deal in some other country, go for it. You won't though. This country is the best deal going for people who have money and don't want to contribute much to their society.
I'm pretty much a liberal, and I think we desperately need to throw the neo-con bumblers out NOW--but, I don't see how Obama can win.
There are just too many racists who were happy the government ignored the Katrina victims.
There are just too many fascists who are pro-torture, anti-habeus-corpus, pro-spy-on-Americans, pro-emminent-domain-for-corporate gain, pro-war, pro-corporate-welfare, pro-empirialism.
There are just too many fools who want to pledge their future social security benefits to rich CEOs, in the fantasy that they themselves MIGHT SOMEDAY be rich.
There are just too many voting machine manufacturers, Florida voting commissioners, and local precinct managers who openly pledge to HELP A PARTY instead of PRESERVING DEMOCRACY.
There are just too many idiots who like personal attacks that don't even make logical sense, and can't comprehend the logic or math of the economy or policys for THE PEOPLE. Who think that marrying an heiress and owning ten houses and not even remembering them is "maverick" but going to law school on an affirmative action scholarship and marrying the daughter of a sewer worker is "elitist".
Too many arrogant rednecks who think we can drill-and-SUV our way back to meaningful jobs, and who think less taxes means smaller government, and whose brains don't have enough cells to hold a number like last year's $53 TRILLION, or this year's $56 TRILLION.
Too many Fox-propaganda watchers who think dealing with CRIMINALS who went to prison for the Keating affair is okay, but not wearing a flag pin is BAD. Who think outing a CIA agent is okay, but having a scary sounding middle name is BAD.
Too bad. It will be interesting to see what the world is like when China is the superpower, after they get a bit further building their Navy and space program, and Russia tries to reemerge, while we just try to feed ourselves affordably. Oh well, perhaps the nuclear winter will cancel out global warming.
Four more fears!
Four more tears!
Four more wars!
Four more lies!
If Biden doesn't have a lot of money, so what. It says that money doesn't make him tick. Imagine that if you can HPer's.
Obama might win, and while untested, he shows more intelligence and morality than that old wrinkly guy. My husband, a serious Independent, thinks all those years as a POW probably left McCain pretty f---ed up in the head. Certainly he seems kind of trigger happy.
So these are our choices, a young inexperience guy with much potential, and an older, man of the world, with poor judgement and who is easily bought. It is easy for me.
The Villages, America's friendliest home town!
Anonymous 8/28/2008 2:36 PM..
First... You broke Keith's rule #1
" 1) no anon's (same guy over and over)"
As to your comments...
That is not to be celebrated, but shows he is a moron. I have more than $300K net worth and I'm 25 years younger than him. If at 65 my net worth is not at least several millions I will be very disappointed with myself.
Did you not read my statement, I was pointing out that his low net worth indicated that he could be
A) honest, not bought, not crooked.
B) Dishonest, bought, crooked, and really bad at it.
C) Dishonest, bought, crooked, and really good at it and hiding it really well.
It is so typical of democrats here and elsewhere that celebrate economic failure (Biden) and beat up economic success (McCain, Romney) although granted McCain got that through marriage, but still he got it.
I am an independent, thank you very much I've voted for Reagan, my votes at the state and local level never go along party lines, and I voted for Ron Paul in the primaries. Sell your "typical" ( robotic, parrot, ignorant party doctrined, Rush repeating) Republican crap somewhere else. I am of my own mind and make my own decisions... You should try it, go easy at first, don't want to injure yourself right out of the gate.
As for economic failure, depends on your perspective, some might say a guy his age with 300K in net worth and a Federal Retirement Package in his back pocket is doing just fine.
Good for you and your net worth, that is great I hope it makes you happy and you have your several millions at 65, in fact, I hope you die with all the toys and money your little heart desires. Not everyone requires that or wants it. There are other people out there that value something else. Thank God for it too, the economy has been trashed enough by the likes of traders, Realtors, mortgage brokers, investment hucksters, CEOs, appraisers, speculators, etc saying to themselves "If at X age my net worth is not at least X millions I will be very disappointed with myself." Things could be a hell of a lot worse. As there would have been even more liars, cheats, and con artists out there.
So if someone is not rich they are a moron?? If net worth equals intelligence how is it the economy got into the mess it is now then? The leadership of Wall Street and Corporate America have really huge net worths, right? I mean they'd laugh at the size of yours Right? (probably point and say "MORON!" also.). Yet, they have engaged in the most moronic decisions and practices. Thanks to use of their "intelligence", to scheme, cheat, con, rob, lie, skim, and cook the books they eventually killed an economy and country. They are brilliant!! right?
As for McCain getting beat up for his "economic success", if it is through marriage He should be There is a names for that.. and in fact, if McCain was the wife he'd be called a gold digger, trophy wife, etc... So while you celebrate the fact McCain "got his" via marriage if it was a women, you'd look down it and and have a few nasty names for her I am sure. Nice double standard.
I'll stick to choice, even if the economy was all wine and roses I still haven't seen or heard McCain do anything at all that makes me think he is the guy. Obama isn't my 1st choice either but, between the two thats my choice.
OSSETIANS OF THEIR RIGHT OF SELF DETERMINATION BY HIS STAND TO FACE OF WITH Georgia.......... neo con plan to loot the economy and make us the cannon fodder of the world more so and again?????????????/
"obama doesn't eat bats"....classic
thgink of the money Kerry could make as a war supplier at 100 bucks a bottle for ketchup?
Seriously, I am getting tired of the political slant of this website. You offer great information, why muddle it with corrupt and fake politicians like McCain and Obama. If you are going to cover them, ridicule them for their faults. Obama has a gigantic closet full of corrupt dealings when he was a state senator. Tired of the love fest...he isn't the savior of anything. He will be a four year president that will do nothing but make the situation worse with his socialist agendas. In fact, I believe he will lose this election and we will get 4 more years of Bush. Biden's selection as Vice President all but sealed Obama's fate. I think Hillary makes a stratospheric rise in 2012 to become the first female president. You should instead be focused on true reform, rather than fake change and socialist agendas. These are the very things we are trying to fight. I am starting to wonder if you are on Obama's payroll....
To Scott, the "liberal," above -- I wholeheartedly agree with most everything you mention. It is pathetic, truly, how conservatives twist patriotism and love of country for their own selfish ends. I fear for this country, at least half of whose inhabitants don't believe in evolution, but think that "angels" are watching over them. Really.
But I don't think, as you state, that Obama was an affirmative action baby in law school. According to a Moreen Dowd (don't get me started on her) article from a couple of months ago, Obama didn't even list his racial makeup on his law school app. Now that's amazing.
Couple that with the fact that Obama earned his way on to the the Harvard Law Review (a strictly merit based selection), and the words "affirmative action" look truly inapplicable.
Then, for fun, compare Obama's academic record with McCain's.
Oh well. Either way, America will get the candidate it deserves.
Anonymous said...
thgink of the money Kerry could make as a war supplier at 100 bucks a bottle for ketchup?
August 28, 2008 5:46 PM
Thanks for the reminder....
Didn't the Repubs give Kerry hell in 2004 because he married into his money.... the Heinz fortune?
oh yeah thats right... they did..
Now it's a good thing according Anonymous 2:36PM...
party Schmarty..... the whole thing is just a rouse..
"...Why should I have to give another penny more than I already do to people who have children to young, excused a good education to "party" and do drugs..."
Yet TRILLION$ to private stockholders engaged in MASSIVE criminal fraud is okay.
Interesting how neatly you all line up into your respective cages.
This vs that, up vs down, in vs out.
Meaningless divisions to what end?
Can't you see that there is no difference to the outcome, regardless of who wins this totally fabricated race?
The rulers will not let anyone into the game unless the players accept the restrictions.
War, more war, and still even more war are going to be the basic drivers of the so called economy.
If only there were a McCain/Clinton option, maybe then you would see.
But, probably not.
Economy grew by 3.3% last Q. Unemployment claims fall fro 3rd straight week. Yet Obama and the rest of the demoCRAPS are talking like it's 1933. Good luck with all that.
I will speculate The Housing Bubble Ate My Balls's net worth to be in the $100 to $500 range. And hence a loyal follower of Obama who will give him everything he is incapable of getting on his own.
Ron Paul cuts through the BS with clarity once again on CNN:
Ron Paul on CNN
Enjoy your Obama/McCain dog and pony show people. Vote for the less of evils and see where it gets you. Compromise your principles. Push that button once every four years for Democracy!!
That's all you need to do to protect your freedoms and your Republic. The Founding Fathers would spit on you spineless obese corporate slaves that call yourselves Americans.
Bwahahaha!! What a freaking joke!
I am proud of Barack, his inexperience will cost him the election. The Clintons bullied him
the Russians will own him.
I feel the candidates have been served to me and that they are not actual choices.
I completely disagree with FIAT currency, the manipulation of free markets, governmental privacy policy, the erosion of gun rights, taxes on shelter and clothing, to name a few.
I especially disagree with issues that in my opinion are completely outside the scope of government business like abortion, foreign intervention, gay rights, and racism, to name a few.
Clearly differences of opinion can break out in violence in regard to these hot topics. This is the inherent characteristic of a hot topic that divides the people in argument and makes them prey to power hungry politicians.
A police state does not eliminate social misdeeds, it simply exacerbates the problems while restricting the premise of freedom that Americas frame work is built upon.
American government needs to adopt a doctrine of purpose that bars outside conflicts from becoming a part of political discussion. We also need to limit all terms of service so that there will be no entrenched government officers at any level. Being in government service needs to be viewed as an honor and not a platform of corruption and waste. Only then can we focus on freedom, sound framework, and prosperity for all those who desire it.
An environment needs to be created where people of opposing views, races, sexual preferences, and opinions can all live with equal freedom and opportunity. That is worth fighting for and that is AMERICA!
"Obama has a gigantic closet full of corrupt dealings when he was a state senator"
Prove it, Tim. No lies, that was another rule, remember?
You made the statement, you prove it.
But you can't, can you?
Where did you get this info,
If what you had to say was true, the McCain campaign would have blanketed the airwaves. Didn't happen, did it?
You are a liar, Tim. God help your children.
the enemy is one step away from gaining the white house. b' Iraq (Saddam) Hussein Osama. What a disgusting shame.
Here's how Obama's jack-booted communist thugs plan to "change" America.
Step one: eliminate dissent. (fairness doctrine)
Step two: intimidate, arrest and threaten ABC reporters.
Bush ordered hit on Georgia to benefit McStain
Anonymous said...
I will speculate The Housing Bubble Ate My Balls's net worth to be in the $100 to $500 range. And hence a loyal follower of Obama who will give him everything he is incapable of getting on his own.
August 28, 2008 7:11 PM
Oh, How harsh... How Stinging...
or NOT!
Your speculation would be incorrect. My net worth is doing just fine thank you, unlike others I don't need to waive it around.
I want nothing from Obama, MCain, W., or anyone.
I have everything I need, want, and HAVE EARNED. I need/want/expect no hand outs, bail outs, freebies, or stimulus FOR ANYONE FROM ANYONE!!! Be it the little guy or Wall St. They either stand or fall on their own merit.
But, Hey.. Thanks for the personal attack. I guess it's to be expected when:
1) You don't have enough conviction to put a name (even a made up one) on your posts
2) Don't have a thought or opinion that is either original or hasn't been hand fed to you so, you lack the proper thoughts and reason for a rational argument.
Believe me a Dem and "loyal follower of Obama" all you like. I care..
I have two crap candidates to choose from in November, I can vote for the one I think will do something and if not that the least damage or I can not vote at all.
Not voting at all is the worst of three options I have available. If by some chance McCain somehow manages to do something that doesn't make him look, feeble, inadequate, or even just outright senile. I may change my mind.
I'm not a McCain fan, but I have an honest-to-goodness fear that if Obama wins the election, Russia will have free-reign to attack and steal from her neighbors.
We absolutely cannot have an appeaser or a pacifist for the next four years; geo-political tensions are trending dangerously high so far this year.
I'm more than just a little worried about how the African-American community in some of the more urban areas will react if Obama loses the election by less than 2% of the popular vote. Will they see his loss as the result of racism? Will they riot? Will they lash out at the whites who are always "holding them back"?
Am I way off the mark here, or are some of you guys thinking the same thing?
Your thoughts, while not at all PC, probably do reflect what most of us are thinking in the backs of our minds. I pray that the group of people you mentioned don't grasp for violence as the answer to their impending disappointment with this election (yes, I'm saying McCain will win).
I can see Obama at the podium, the day after the election, trying to calm his backers..."C...C...Can't...W...W...We All J...J...Just...G...G...Get Along?"
Oh look at the brainstems show their fear of black retribution! God, you people make me SICK.
Remember the 2000 election? Remember the young, WHITE REPUBLICAN staffers flown down to Florida to start a near riot while the recount was going on?
Remember the Oklahoma City federal building blown up by a WHITE male conservative?
Remember the WHITE MALE CONSERVATIVE Eric Rudolph setting off an explosion at the Atlanta Olympics?
Remember the abortion doctors killed by WHITE MALE CONSERVATIVE snipers?
Remember the black men lynched by the WHITE MALE CONSERVATIVE KKK members?
If you want to fear a group of people, fear yourselves, you ignorant, violent savage pieces of sh*t.
There goes the neighborhood!
Awesome, just awesome. Can't wait to see his speech tonight. I know a lot of folks had snickered at Obama's platform of change and hope, but I encourage everyone to think of where the cynical attitude of the last 20-30 year has gotten us. This post-modern, clever idea that every great ideal (patriotism, public service, the law, government, etc) is just a load of garbage has indeed given us that very result(big surprise, right?) We have gotten so good at dragging every high minded individual down to our level where this society seems to like to wallow(and to be fair, many of them have helped us along by having affairs, cheating on taxes, etc.) But at this point we are so satisfied in pointing out the flaws of anyone who tries to raise this country up and make it something better, that I wonder if we can let anyone, Obama or otherwise, be truly great.
Oh, and here's a clue for you crackers: Desite your wild paranoid delusions, blacks make up only 15% of the population. I know how you believe that Obama's only support comes from the blacks who your ignorance tells you make up 50% of the population, but his support is much broader than you can imagine.
Now go on, do like the republicans always do and tell me how republicans are the best friends a black man can have, that they passed the civil rights act and gave Colin and Condi their big chances. You racist underpinnings are showing, savages.
It's a proud, proud day. I am so glad to have lived to see this day. After all the empty rhetoric, all the mud-slinging, and all the cynical spinning fall away, Truth will out, Freedom will overcome, and Reason will rule. Celebrate, America!
This "Black Boy", as Jimmy Carter called him, is just a puppet who will dance for the puppet masters.
Don't look for greatness.
try to get a look at Obama's birth certificate. You can see the registry of birth, 4 days after he was born.
Ask Obama why he was friends with William Ayer , and Bernadine Dohrn, and that group of people!
And , if don't know those find people, google them!
Honestly I give Obama a lot of credit for running in this race - he did good against the Clintons which is not an easy task - and am especially fond of Joe Biden because of the many years I have seen him on the Senate committees. He is a bright guy, very fast wit and smart and I think Obama is pretty smart as well. I think the two together could make a good team - and I also think they will do something cabinet-wise for Hillary which will also be a plus.
For the guy who judges others by their net worth, that is the stupidest thing I ever heard. When you are having your heart attack are you going to spit in the eye of your surgeon because his net worth is lower than yours? That point of view is completely immature and childish. Grow up and get a life. Especially when it comes to people like you, I hope you lose all your wealth in the great undoing. And yes I worry too there could be riots.
A creation of the media, this guy has no substance. BOTH parties are fucked, and if you think Obama is a different flavor of Democrat you sir are a friggin moron.
Every time i think America cannot get more stupid, we collectively do. Give me a bottle of whisky a fishing pole and a season sunscription to ESPN NFL so I can silence the pain.
Go into the tank a little more Keith for your buddy Obama.
Voters have learned to lie when interviewed on the street about who they are going to vote for. If you ask about Obama, they will agree he is a great guy, interesting, different, etc. They may even tell you that they are backing him. But when they get into the voting booth, it's McCain all the way. Don't be fooled by those pollsters or reporters. They think another Kennedy is upon us.
The cities, yea, they will vote for the Democrat, but when you get beyond that, let's face it, its McCain. Remember all those polls during Reagan/Carter? I remember the reporters said they were "tied" going into election night. What was the result? A LANDSLIDE for Reagan. Hillary voters will go McCain big time.
Yeah, here's your big hero, Kweefer:
Hope-ocracy : George Obama
This is very telling about Barack Obama's character. He's just another Washington playa that cares most about his money and power and can't spare a few bucks for his own blood brother.
You'll probably censor this post as I've noticed you becoming more of a censor as time goes on. Your mind narrows as you age I guess.
I'm not a McCain supporter either. Let's please just acknowledge that both of these candidates are trash.
Just to be fair, here's a good article on McCain and the Keating Five:
McCain: The Most Reprehensible of the Keating Five
Obama is is a disaster in the waiting.He will not be elected.
what the hell have I gotten myself and my family involved in, and it's too late to turn back. I didn't think WHITE people were as horrible as they are, geez and my ma was white, half of me acts like that. Unfriggingbelieveable.
Obama is not like all the other politicians in D.C. He really does care about us regular people and if elected he will change things. And now is a really good time to buy a house!
am one republican ( soon to be an independent) who will be voting for Obama. The republicans have really screwed things up. We have done more damage to ourselves with run away debt, and lack of focus on energy than Al Qaeda ever could.
oh pulease! The democrats will fix it?
Dream on.
There are just too many racists who were happy the government ignored the Katrina victims.
victims? you mean the idiots who ignored the warnings to get out of town?
"obama doesn't eat bats"
of course not, he only bites the heads off and drinks the blood.
Now go on, do like the republicans always do and tell me how republicans are the best friends a black man can have, that they passed the civil rights act and gave Colin and Condi their big chances. You racist underpinnings are showing, savages.
oh yea, and the democrat party is such a bastion of black representation. Look at all the black bill clinton appointed to prominent positions...........
"Here's how Obama's jack-booted communist thugs plan to "change" America.
Step one: eliminate dissent. (fairness doctrine)
Step two: intimidate, arrest and threaten ABC reporters."
Very sobering. Sadly, nobody knows who to trust. We can only make assumptions based on past performance and voting records. It's just not worth it. I might as well forget about voting on this election.
Apolitical here, but... Do you think we will see Ice T, Dr. Dre and 50cent at the State of the Union Inaugural Ball pulling up in their black limos for a formal attired, televised evening of "Baby Got Back"?
Wonder what Rush, Glenn or even Olbermann would do with that? That would be a true "black" presidency by the way. That is true "black" culture. Hollywood style anyway. Obama appeals because he is a liberal black man with the appearance of a white, rich conservative. I am not being racist, I just think maybe America might not be as ready for this as they think. Then again, it just might get everyone up off the sofa for some break dancin.
I am thinking things are gonna change a lot. Things that make ya go hmmmm?
Obama's speech was disapointing to say the least, but he will still win in November.
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