"America, we are better than these last eight years"
“Tonight, tonight, I say to the people of America, to Democrats and Republicans and independents across this great land — enough!"
-Barack Obama, August 28, 2008
August 29, 2008
Barack Obama, soon to be elected by an awakened and fed up America as the 44th President of the United States
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I totally agree - great speech!
Like Caesar, Obama is surrounded by enemies, and something's underway, but it has no face, yet everybody in the loop knows.
I wish you all knew what it felt like to be up at 4am watching such a historic and uplifting moment in America from thousands of miles away
Let the haters attack. It doesn't matter. Something good is happening in this world. Whether they like it or not.
I wish Obama good luck. He'll need it.
May you live in interesting times.
Haven't you all learned not to trust any politician?
Obama perfected the art of pander tonight.
"...Haven't you all learned not to trust any politician?..."
Of course.
Particularly the transparent ones whose fallback position on the 8-year-debacle is "they all are bad."
It's an insidiously-attractive argument; one undoubtedly true.
NO WAY do I give a pass on what has been done, by conceding the assertion the next one will be as bad.
That's setting the bar pretty damn high; isn't it?
How much of what he promised will he do? Even 5% would be a miracle. Remember, there's not much difference between a duopoly and a monopoly.
Obama got Pat Buchanan's vote tonight
"the greatest convention speech.. and probably the most important"
You know so many in the GOP are disgusted with their party as I am. Ron Paul. Pat Buchanan. Chuck Hagel.
You know they wish they had a leader like Barack Obama.
And you know they have an epic loser on their hands with McCain.
I hope they come back in four years or eight years as a new party, with new ideas and new direction and new leaders, after the trouncing they're going to get in a few weeks time. America needs the GOP. Just not Bush's GOP. Not McCain's GOP. Not Karl Rove's GOP. No, that party is dead.
"Let the haters attack. It doesn't matter. Something good is happening in this world."
I'd rather be called a pragmatist than a hater.
Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and sent our manufacturing jobs to Mexico and China; this enabled him to circumvent american environmental laws and hide our C02 usage in china's since their per capita numbers were low.
Obama, initially, pushed a lot of nasty enviromental things, like liquified coal and more recently FISA; he also wants sanctions against Iran even though clinton enforced sanctions against Iraq and over 500,000 Iraqi children died as a result.
Moreover, Obama has indicated that he'll side with Israel so the Palestinians will remain in abject poverty and live in essential apparteid.
Indeed, honey drips out of Obama's mouth and his charisma is energizing but as hillary said: "obama expects the sky to open up so the angels can decend."
However, as we know, the real world does exist and in that world Obama wasn't able to get the democrats in congress to do anything notable.
in fact, even if obama closed gitmo down, rumors suggest that the saudis would simply open up terrible places in their country for torture and interigation.
so yes, the sex was good but the children will be a lot of work.
Greatest convention acceptance speech ever? No, Reagan did a better job in that department. Obama's speech tried to cover too much ground and bordered on whiney platitudes in many of the anecdotes and examples. Here is a man who has never started a business, fought in uniform, or worked in a factory, telling us he will use the power of the federal government to "help" the people who have actually done those things!
Senator Obama, you may be a great orator, but your prescription is f*cked-up twelve ways to Sunday. It's the same-ol' approach with a new wrapper. I've been there, done that, and have the tee shirts.
How's this for a "change": leave me alone, let me keep more of the money I earn, stop meddling in my life and telling me what's best. Your speech said nothing of reducing the burden of government or shrinking its bloated ranks. IMO that's the real change needed.
The Dems will wipe the floor with Mr. Magoo and the Bush lapdogs in November.
enough of low taxes, enough of government not taking care of all your needs, enough of incentives for people to invest and produce!
I wish you all knew what it felt like to be up at 4am watching such a historic and uplifting moment in America from thousands of miles away
you get red sox games there in the UK?
As much as I hate politicians in general I thought it was an excellent speech.
The best part was that he did nothing to address the housing crisis, as he probably is aware by now that there is nothing that can be done.
You just can't take a Neg-Am liars loan and make it "right".
Today Gore says he is like Lincoln. Couple of weeks ago Nancy Pelosi said he's gods gift to mankind. Everyday different adjective. I cant keep up anymore. May be thats what change means. Change adjective every day Or Obama changes positions everyday. You and the Democrats may soon run out of words in the dictionary. Just be careful. Save some for the week of election.
By the way I will fill you in on a secret. "The Great One" actually decended from heaven to save blind worshipers like you and the Democrats from the haters. You got nothing to worry. Keep it up. I am outta this lame site.
When listened with open & unbiased ears, just an amazing speech. I consider myself completely middle of the road, but there is no doubt that the good 'ole USA is not on a good track, geopolitically, financially, socially . . . if we want to get on the right track, Obama laid it out tonight. Will be interesting to see if the response by McCain is policy-driven or not. Why isn't McCain's past being covered? I had no idea about his key role on the Keating 5 . . . if this election is going to be about ability to lead and exercising good judgement, McCain might be lacking. See http://tiny.cc/cpoOM
"keith: Obama got Pat Buchanan's vote tonight"
I watched Obama and listened to Buchanan and Buchanan was full of crap since I don't think that Obama came within a light year of MLK and other past orators.
Obama stupidly noted that McCain was in Washington for 26 years while ignoring the fact that Biden was in that town for, I think, 34 years.
Moreover, even though college degrees were historically useful when sorting the shaft from the wheat, they're becoming common place and worth less especially due to Graduated but Not Literate.
Honestly, I think that culture is shifting to other nations and Obama made no comments about how Americans could keep up with China and India (7 engineers there to one here) especially since we can't read and write their languages. I don't think that education is enough since math and science is something that needs to be started at an early age and the last generation watched TV and learned nothing so how can they help?
So, fluff, fluff, and more fluff.
The miracle will be, indeed, the situation that people start pursuing literacy again. Anything's possible, I suppose.
Great concept. Dont like Obama. Must be racist, stupid, uneducated, cling to guns and religion....did I leave anything out ?
Keith, you spotted the housing bubble from ten miles away. If you had to project where there was a political bubble forming and which political figure it was forming around, what would your projection be?
Obama is no better than McShitStain. They are all bought and paid for.
Yes, I am better off than I was 8 years ago. MUCH better.
In case you didn't notice, that was the same speech Kerry gave in 2004. Same issues, same rhetoric. What are the odds that the same speechwriter wrote it?
Ah, so Marxism, after failing everywhere it's been tried and after the deaths of 100 million people will fix america's problems?
Is Marxism change we can believe in?
It was simply electrifying. I watched it with my family in California.
As a British expat working in the US I finally see hope for my American children's future in Obama's presidency.
A rejection of Obama will surely drive many pragmatic rational families out of this country. We'll certainly leave for Europe if McCain is elected.
Joe Expat
y JOE KLEIN/DENVER 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
Barack Obama's acceptance speech tonight wasn't what people have come to expect from a Barack Obama speech. It wasn't filled with lofty rhetoric or grand cadences. It did not induce tears or euphoria. It didn't have the forced, kitschy call and response tropes - "and that's the change we need!" - that defaced nearly every other major speech at this convention. At 43 minutes, nailing his dismount at 10:53 pm, it wasn't even very long. It was lean, efficient, practical and very very tough.
It was the perfect speech for a skeptical nation. In some ways, the heart of it was near the end, when Obama directly confronted a country that has lost faith in government - and an opposing party that preys on that cynicism
"...Haven't you all learned not to trust any politician?..."
Of course.
Particularly the transparent ones whose fallback position on the 8-year-debacle is "they all are bad."
The GOP wins even when they loose....incompetent and ineffective leadership convinces Americans that no government is better than any government...feeding right into the laize-faire let-the-money-makers (rich) make policy perspective of the republican leadership. Yet in the midst of this, somehow, federal spending increases every year
I (as a libertarian nationalist) disagree with many of Obama's policies but will vote for him. However, from my informal research, there is NO WAY he can win with the super-effective fear-mongering of the neocons, the latent pervasive racism, and the general disconnect between socialist policy and the American ethos. He will loose big - sad to say.
Anonymous said...
....... Why isn't McCain's past being covered? I had no idea about his key role on the Keating 5
As much as I despise the old fart (and my family have been Republicans for FOREVER,) McCain played a minor role in the Keating 5 fiasco. I had an elderly relative who lost everything, he was told his deposits were insured, they weren’t!
The major players in this mess were Democrats.
Just political history, not pointing the finger either way, because both parties have sold us out.
"...Haven't you all learned not to trust any politician?..."
Of course.
Particularly the transparent ones whose fallback position on the 8-year-debacle is "they all are bad."
The problem is that until America rejects both douchebagA and douchebagB and starts voting for independents like Ron Paul, Barr (libertarian), or Baldwin (constitution party) we will always get douchbagA or DouchebagB.
NOTHING WILL CHANGE except maybey higher taxes for the middle income to support social/marxist programs.
Obama doesn't give a shit about us, McCain doesn't give a shit about us. The Federal government HATES OUR GUTS. They want to make it so that the only way you can eat, sleep and live is to live in debt. They want you to have to live your life begging the federal reserve for a right to live.
First they offer social programs. Then more and more people use them. Then children are born depending on them. Then no one can live without them. Am I the only one who recognizing that this is the recipe for communism/totalitarianism.
When we have to beg the government for the right to live they have total power over us. Obama/McCain is just the next Rook to be pushed one row further pushing us further and further into Checkmate.
So when you accuse me of taking a cheap out by saying "They are all bad" it is not. They hate me and I hate them more so why the hell should I vote for someone who hates my guts. Ron Paul will get my write in vote. A vote for Obama or McCain is the "wasted vote".
But you go right ahead and support this so called "Change" and when you whine and bitch because the Republicans and the Democrats aren't in touch with the common man; and Obama isn't the messiah you thought he was don't blame me I was the one voted for a decent man not a douchbag.
I cannot believe that Americans have chosen socialism. Barack proved to be a great populist/socialist and the sheeple lapped it up.
As usual, the statement, "the people get the government they deserve," comes to mind.
If Americans want socialism, then that is what they shall have.
McInsane will simply give them more of the 'old government' - but at least that was 'predictable', no?
The sheeple had their chance with Dr Ron Paul and they THREW IT AWAY!
"The best part was that he did nothing to address the housing crisis"
didn't he talk about jobs which didn't pay off the mortgage?
moreover, obama chided mccain for suggesting that $5 million a year was rich while ignoring his own $4.2 million income last year and the clintons' estimated $110 million dollar worth!
I'd love to see obama say that $500,000 and then give the rest of it away!
so he was playing fast and loose with the illusions of middle class wealth.
I am over it an will vote Obama.
yeah I told myself, He is Black...so What?..( hey catchy!)
America cannot afford more Bush nonsense and McCain is nothing that we don't know about.
Give up Grandpa Munster McCain.
Pretend its' your heart, we'll understand. Your deal has goone down...
Gustav is about to close the deal and remind America again that it has suffered for EIGHT LONG YEARS with the most imcompetent, most guilty and corrupt lying government, starting at the very, very top, EVER. Nixon was an amateur compared to these killers.
If recent events and even a perfectly timed hurricane doesn't convince you that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE is TRYING TO TELL YOU that voting for GOP is like a one-way trip to Armageddon Hell you, My Friend (Shades of McShitstain) NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP.
McCain loses in November by the Biggest Landslide in History.
Obama will mangle him in any debate, anywhere, anytime.
You have cashed your last check McCain. Quit Now. Save whats left of your dignity.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ah, so Marxism, after failing everywhere it's been tried and after the deaths of 100 million people will fix america's problems?
Is Marxism change we can believe in?
Fear not. Your Libertarian Masters in Washington carefully vetted him before they allowed him to run. There will be no meaningful changes to the ruling elites.
Do you think we'll experience mass riots by urban-dwelling African Americans if Obama loses the election by a small margin?
I saw this question posed on a previous thread and its got me a bit concerned, especially for cities like Chicago & LA.
You idiots who want the same corrupt party in power that has been in the white house for the last 8 years should really just move to Russia. They've got all the corruption you crave and more. Please leave the country we love to us and we'll fix it. If you're good, we might even let you come back after we've fixed it.
hahhaaha Keith...you're a tool.
With the news that McCain picked a female VP, that will finish his chances of winning. The choice of our President is a big ZERO now. Obama is the Anti-Christ and McCain is an idiot. I'd rather for Bush to be King than to vote for Obama or McCain to be President.
"Fannie Mae’s workers had $116 million in the employee stock ownership plan at the end of 2006. Today, it’s more like $17.5 million."
"The top executive of Freddie Mac, Richard F. Syron, for instance, made about $18.3 million last year, two-thirds of that in stock and options that are worth a lot less today. His counterpart at Fannie Mae, Daniel H. Mudd, made $11.6 million, also much of it in stock."
Keith I don't really get you...
Everyday you complain about the $53 trillion debt. (some say 90 trillion) After listening to Obama, The health care program, the education program, the social security and on and on, you could add a zero to the above debt numbers if he's elected. Great speech?, sure, but if you need motivation buy a Tony Robbins tape, it will save us all a lot of money.
Arrest this person. Place in FEMA camp. Hard labor daily.
"I'd rather for Bush to be King than to vote for Obama or McCain to be President."
How F-ing dumb is that statement?
Probably a lifer GM employee with chiquita stickers on their lunchpail...
This persons vote counts as much as yours. (except they will probably not get their fat ass off the couch and vote. too busy with NASCAR and extra large box of cheese doodles...)
Obama: double security. Hillary MUST be PISSED that Sarah Alaska is GOP VP nominee (so far). Make sure all planes are checked by YOUR STAFF before flying and fer chrisaakes stay vigilant. Remember Dr. King... The Clintons are still lurking out there. Lock & Load...
Could someone please answer these questions for me? No commentary, just answer them please.
1. What is Obama's middle name?
2. What religion is Obama's father?
3. Up until recently, which pastor did Obama call a friend and advisor?
I do not support McCain, but after answering the three above questions, how can anyone here honestly say they support Obama?
A vote for Obama or McCain is the "wasted vote".
one of the more sane comments I have read on this blog in a while
You people need to wake the F up!
We need to get off this treadmill that keeps up voting for the less worst of two evils, thinking that "oh, maybe next election we will have a third choice"!
McCain is bad for America.
Obama is bad for America.
We all keep waiting for the 3rd choice to magically appear. Well, he/she won't appear until we start voting for a 3rd party/candidate in serious numbers.
Don't vote for McCain, don't vote for Obama.
Protest by voting for Ron Paul, write his name in.
I have been reading your blog for a couple of years, and in my opinion your blind love of Obama suggests to me that something snapped in you once they passed the housing bailout.
This is a vote for the President of the United States, the most important job in the world. Qualifications matter, and the fact that Bush won election over two incredibly weak and/or incompent Democrat opponents doesn't change that fact.
That said, Obama's lack of experience is stunning. I don't mean to suggest that we should only elect Washington insiders - but rather someone who has proven themselves in some professional arena - governor, successful businessman... ANYTHING. Obama's experience can be summed up as community organizer (with debatable success) and two years as a junior Senator (the last two years were spent running for president) with nothing to show for it. Those two years in the senate are the only things that separate his experience from the average American walking the streets today. He lost an election for House of Representatives in 2000, then was elected to the Senate ONLY because his opponent was involved in a sex scandal right before the election - otherwise he would have lost in a landslide as a Democratic candidate in a heavily Democratic state. He is not a serious candidate for office, just a good speaker reader at this point. America, which makes him no more qualified to be president than any actor working on a television courtroom drama show.
McCain is not perfect, but at least he has the resume for the job.
Yes, I am better off than I was 8 years ago. MUCH better.
This might be true in many people's little worlds and it's hard to look at the big picture sometimes.
People have lost this past 8 years, but then again, people have always been losing, then winning, then losing in one form or another.
Obama might infuse a little attitude adjustment if nothing else, and there can't be any denying that if last night would have been his final exam in speech class, he would have gotten an "A".
But yeah really, we've heard it all before...
I cannot believe that Americans have chosen socialism. Barack proved to be a great populist/socialist and the sheeple lapped it up.
That's because too many Americans now - particularly the young vote - is lazy and unwilling to engage in hard work and they want the gubmint to take care of them instead.
Well guess what, the USA was created as a place where hard work and self-sufficiency would be supported and rewarded, not as a place for the lazy and indifferent to draw a government check.
The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves right now.
The whole thing is lost on the brainstems.
I thought the tribute video before the speech must have been very enlightening for old, ignorant whites who don't know Barack's background.
I thought the most interesting part of the video was the photographed portrait of Obama as a young boy with his ~70 year old white grandfather. His grandfather looked like any average elderly white man. That must have been an eye-opening moment for those men who are white and who are roughly the same age as John McCain.
"That said, Obama's lack of experience is stunning. I don't mean to suggest that we should only elect Washington insiders - but rather someone who has proven themselves in some professional arena - governor, successful businessman... ANYTHING."
Okay. How about writing a book that millions of people want to buy? Or motivating millions to people to do positive things they would never think of doing otherwise?
Or how about standing in a basement in the south side of Chicago, telling people with no hope that if they unite together to fight for their rights, things will get better?
I usually agree with you on most things, but tonight I must apply the negative.
Barack Obama will sellout too. Just wait. He might actually mean what he says today, but as soon as the money comes under the table he'll be just like Bush. He's a talking head, nothing more. We'll see where all these pre-election promises get us in 4 years.
You wanna know why I don't vote? Because it just doesn't fucking matter.
"That said, Obama's lack of experience is stunning. I don't mean to suggest that we should only elect Washington insiders - but rather someone who has proven themselves in some professional arena - governor, successful businessman... ANYTHING. Obama's experience can be summed up as community organizer (with debatable success) and two years as a junior Senator (the last two years were spent running for president) with nothing to show for it. Those two years in the senate are the only things that separate his experience from the average American walking the streets today. He lost an election for House of Representatives in 2000, then was elected to the Senate ONLY because his opponent was involved in a sex scandal right before the election - otherwise he would have lost in a landslide as a Democratic candidate in a heavily Democratic state. He is not a serious candidate for office, just a good speaker reader at this point. America, which makes him no more qualified to be president than any actor working on a television courtroom drama show. "
Friends don't let friends watch Fox News!
"Could someone please answer these questions for me? No commentary, just answer them please.
1. What is Obama's middle name?
2. What religion is Obama's father?
3. Up until recently, which pastor did Obama call a friend and advisor?
I do not support McCain, but after answering the three above questions, how can anyone here honestly say they support Obama?"
so fucking trivial...
if you like war, and the waste and corruption that go along with it; McCain is definitely your man.
a vote for McCain/Palin is vote for war
I saw this speech and it was awesome. I even got a lil teary eyed - twice. I want so much for this great country. We need help and I want Obama to give it his best.
How many chickens have you all counted so far? Do you really think this country is going to elect someone with absolutely no experience to the presidency simply because he's black? Get serious. How stupid do you think the citizens of this country are? Simply because you are diluted doesn't man everyone else is.
If you think he is going to bring any meaningful change, you need your head examined. Same old shit. Michelle Obama sits on the board of directors for the Council on Foreign Relations (Chicago). You have no choices in this election.
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