I hope they find new jobs. It must suck to be the village idiot.
Yes, this is called "piling on". Or kicking 'em when they're down.
Just getting it out of my system so we can all move on...
July 30, 2008
Tom Adkins and Connie De Groot, this Epic & Historic Housing Crash for the Ages is for you
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Any video of Greg Swann?
What is it about California that attracts freaks like these two by the way?
Or were they normal people who became freaks by living in California?
Poor Schiff.
The only thing worse for Peter than being rational and polite to the 'Im the smartest guy here, I buy real estate' Caveman and RealWhores-are-us of the day would be trying to hold an adult-level conversation with dual ivy league-degreed decider-in-chief Bushco.
Can you see it now?
George, this is a spreadsheet arranged in rows and columns and these are numbers...
What a comedic farce America is.
Poor girls, they're probably down to making only $20,000 a month or so.
Tom Adkins - he was on WWE Raw wasn't he. He was so good there. I guess he put himself through college working as a "professional wrestler". College - clown college that is to be exact.
Keith, enough with the torture this morning. I'm ill from watching those two...
Don't people see that she has everything to gain by talking up the market, while he is in a position to be objective? Why is she a commentator at all? It's probably a good thing I'm not in a position to be ruler supreme...a lot of those heads would be rolling now, including media heads' heads.
The Trouble with Money.
Money is just a pain in the ass.
How much time to we the people of the world waste talking about money, thinking about money, and worrying about money.
That stinkin C**T ! She tells Schiff that he spent to much time on Wall St. and not enough on Main St!
For cryin out loud she's a realtor in Beverly Hills, talk about unrealistic ideals!
Last comment from Connie: "I don't have a book to sell". yes, but she has to shill houses to get her 6%.
Keith, this is a total pile on. I think you've got a major crush on Peter Shiff, in true beta-dog style. It's all good my man.
Why don't you donate your sock puppet avatar to the Euro Pacific Capital website as a token mascot just so your adoration is official and out in the open?
The 2nd video is troubling. For years now we have lived in an alternative reality. Blond ladies on television tell us that it's a great time to buy a house even when prices are dropping; they tell us we had to take over Iraq, a country that we had already defeated, a country on it's knees due to sanctions, because it was a nuclear threat.
It's just crazy.
Recently Maliki sided with Obama's pullout plan. What did the Republicans and the media do? They clouded the issue by calling it a mistranslation. Turns out, of course, that it was NOT a mistranslation but it was Mission Accomplished once again for the Republicans. All they had to do was cast doubt... and the simple truth, freaking REALITY was destroyed.
That is the country we live in. These are the simple facts of the matter.
Low taxes were used to buy votes. The national debt increased to unsupportable levels. We crashed. End of story.
Lest anyone forget the BIG PICTURE. This is Rupert Murdoch's channel. It is entertainment and nothing more. It is not objective news. Sparks flying equals ratings. For those that have lived in Britain or down under you know what I am speaking of. Many of Murdoch's publicatoins are like a mix of the Wall Street Journal and the National Enquirer. Hard news on one page and Elvis sightings on the next. Strange yes, but the sheeple in those countries are used to it, much like the internet generation is used to filtering out the cr*p on blogs.
For those wondering why in the hell Schiff would be seen on this show, just look at the exposure it has gotten him. There are a lot of morons with money that actually watch FOX. Now that he has been proven dead on accurate who do you think is calling him now?
I'm sure Tom, Mike (Norman) and Connie would say now in retrospect that no one could have seen this coming.
It's because of cognitive dissonance - tuning out anything but cheerleading for real estate prices. The non-cheerleaders (such as HP) were warning about this decline in prices long before 12/31/06.
I have a dilemma. Not sure which one is more disgusting, Geico Caveman Adkins or puke-face Norman.
Who even lets Tom Adkins on TV? He's a clown.
Only on FOX!
Peter Schiff managed to say on FOX Noise what I get pissed off about. Prices tripled and now they came down a measly 10 percent. Big wow. It's like the gasoline prices climbing like a Lear Jet on steroids then people getting excited as they come down a measly dime.
Chicago's city government is about to run a giant deficit. What I'd love to know why, oh, WHY isn't the city drowning in money from property tax revenue climbing in lockstep with the prices? It turns out Mayor Daley gave his developer friends TIF districts to build the overpriced sport utility homes and overpriced condos without adding to the tax base. What a sick joke on those who do pay taxes (including renters who pay indirectly).
What the 6 percenters don't realize is that those priced out during the run-up are STILL priced out because the prices must drop by 2/3 to reset the system, not a mere dime a gallon after hitting $4/gallon.
Oh, that housing bailout. It comes with a sick joke clause - the tax credit for first time homebuyers. Who's supposed to get that tax credit? Spoiled kids of CEOs, the only ones left who can become a first time homebuyers? Now that plastic surgeons are now priced out of the market...
I love watching the crackpots make the "smartest people" look so dumb. Wall Street MBAs, real estate investors, mortgage brokers, homeowners who took out "crafty" mortgages to get a bigger home, folks who cashed out the equity in their homes...all folks who were all smarter than the rest of us.
She closes with, "I'm just trying to help. I'm not selling anything." HAHAHA!!! I want some of THAT Kool-Aid before I go on my next vacation.
But man, I feel for Schiff. Finally a guy who is a straight shooter and calls his shots before they happen. He gets tons of more stuff right than these other bozos, yet he has to constantly restate his credibility while these other talking head cheerleaders just ramble on and people still listen. Unreal.
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