Here's Bush on Fannie, Freddie, the housing crash and gas prices.
Unqualified, incompetent, arrogant idiot.
May future generations forgive us.
July 15, 2008
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The Worst President in the History of the United States
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Labels: no more sons of presidents please, the worst president in the history of the united states
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Yet he was supported by 100% of the brainstems who call themselves conservatives.
My favorite part of the press conference was when he kept trying to blame Congress for all of America's woes. Even tried blaming once!
I hope republicans all get cancer and die.
"Mr President, are America's banks in trouble?"
GRRRR!! These reporters are just freaking pathetic!! What the hell do you think you little dumbsh*t?!! And why are you asking the biggest lying idiot in the country for??!
The puke colored tie suits him perfectly.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 8) — Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) sent the following letter today to his colleagues in Congress:
July 8, 2008
Dear Colleague,
During the Fourth of July holiday a WWII veteran stood ram-rod straight in his crisp dress uniform and saluted our flag as it passed in a parade. His silent reverential stance was a powerful reminder of the love of country that is reflected in our veterans of all generations and all services.
It is also a powerful reminder of the responsibilities of the President of the Untied States in his capacity as Commander in Chief.
It is worse than heartbreaking that George W. Bush, as Commander in Chief, caused this country to go to war based on information which was false, and which he knew to be false. The consequences for our troops have been devastating. We have lost 4,116 of our beloved servicemen and women since the war began, with over 30,000 physically wounded and countless others emotionally wounded. The toll on the service persons and their families will be felt throughout their lives.
There can be no greater responsibility of a Commander in Chief than to command based on facts on the ground, and to command in fact and in truth. There can be no greater offense of a Commander in Chief than to misrepresent a cause of war and to send our brave men and women into harm’s way based on those misrepresentations.
There has been a breach of faith between the Commander in Chief and the troops. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or with Al Qaeda’s role in 9/11. Iraq had neither the intention nor the capability of attacking the United States. Iraq did not have weapons of Mass of Destruction. Yet George W. Bush took our troops to war under all of these false assumptions. Given the profound and irreversible consequences to our troops, if his decision was the result of a mistake, he must be impeached. Since his decision was based on lies, impeachment as a remedy falls short, but represents at least some effort on our part to demonstrate our concern about the sacrifices our troops have made.
This Thursday evening I will bring a privileged resolution to the House with a single Article of Impeachment of President Bush for taking our nation and our troops to war based on lies. We owe it to our troops who even at this hour stand as sentinels of America because they love this country and will give their lives for it. What are we willing to do to match their valor and the valor of their successors? Are we at least willing to defend the Constitution from the comfort and security of our Washington, DC offices?
Dennis J. Kucinich
Member of Congress
Whatever you do don't say anything about the crash in the office! Mum is the word! The FBs have their heads in the sand and are just hoping this nightmare just goes away.
This sort of pain for the FBs could cause good folks (savers and not FBs) to find themselves in the sights of those who are suffering.
This is a time for self preservation and caution!
here's part 2 from today, where Bush says the bailout of Fannie and Freddie wasn't a bailout because shareholders still own the company.
Yes, the man is an idiot.
A terribly, terribly stupid man.
Kucinich? Isn't he one of them there lib-er-als that wants to take mah muney and give it to them lazy negroes?
I ain't lisnin no lib-er-al, no way! I wanna vote me some republikins who will give me back mah tax-is so ah can go to Walmarts and buy a bass boat!
The Brainstems wwho vote for republikins
I was surprised how wooden Bush sounded today (even more than usual), he absolutely refused to stray off topic (even if the questions merited it.) I wonder how much trouble would be spared if our leaders would just give us the facts about this disaster rather angling for the next election.
"Yet he was supported by 100% of the brainstems who call themselves conservatives."
PaleoConservatives/Libertarians have been critical of him and his Iraq misadventure ever since when the overwhelming majority of "liberal"/Democrats were voting for the war.
PaleoConservatives/Libertarians is advocating cutting off war funding even as the majority of "liberal"/Democrats are voting for more war funding.
PaleoConservatives/Libertarians have been critical of the gestapo powers even as the majority of "liberal"/Democrats have been voting for more and more unconstitutional government intrusions.
At the end of the day, when we look at the Congress, aside from the "fringe" guys like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich (both of whom voted against all three above), what exactly is the difference between the "main stream" Republicans vs. the "main stream" Democrats?
Alfred E. Newman speaks again (speech given indoors for safety reasons...):
Look for an PPT invented disaster or tragedy very, very soon. High Danger alerts, multiple colors, all risky. Stay indoors, careful opening the mails, etc - same old tired tune direct from the Rumsfeld/Cheneyburton playbook as before. The sheeple are getting restless and the smell of blood is beginning to permeate main street America.
When the Federal Government is allowed to steal not only their futures but their current savings, heads will surely begin to roll soon...
If I were an Iranian leader, I would put double-shifts on their missle defense systems and their entire military on permanent Red Alert. Loose Lips Sink Ships... Remember 9-11...
The cowboys of disaster capital in Washington are lusting to blow up Iran (or anyone, really), kill their citizens and steal their resources and kill some more brave American young military people. Not to mention perpetuatig the military-halliburton-blackwater-bechtel permanent feeding trough, all stolen from your children, grandchildren and great grandchildrens' future.
How long will Americans allow this misguided George Bush with an 8 year unbroken string of utter failure, shame and doom as a track record and his despotic crooked cronies to destroy their once-proud, once-invincible nation?
IS America really DYING or is it DEAD already?
"Bush says the bailout of Fannie and Freddie wasn't a bailout because shareholders still own the company.
Sounds great. I suppose he could use this logic with housing as well. Pay off all the FB's underwater mortgages and then say it is not a bailout because the FB's still own the homes.
Absolute buffonery.
If you vote for Republicans, you are part of the problem.
If you vote for Democrats, you are part of the problem.
Vote for "third parties" and independents ONLY until Democrats and Republicans are pushed to the margins and go the way of the Whigs.
reality wrote,
"PaleoConservatives/Libertarians have been critical of him and his Iraq misadventure ever since when the overwhelming majority of "liberal"/Democrats were voting for the war."
Is this true? Nope.
81 Democrats voted yes, 126 voted no.
And just for the record, 216 Republicans voted yes, 6 voted no.
reality, you need a dose of... reality.
Pretty disingenuous for you, Reality.
Most democrats voted against continued Iraq war funding. Democrats have tried cutting him off several times since taking control with the standard treason arguments being thrown about, i.e., "You're not supporting our fighting boys!" "Cut and run".
The original vote in 2003 had the dems split but the repubs fully supportive. The vote came on the heels of 9/11, cynically used by republicans in the admin to pursue their war planned before 9/11 happened. VOting against the war was seen as treason with the few who voted against giving bush the power to attack getting death threats.
There were no magical paleo anythings.
But then, you brainstems will find a way to blame democrats even if there's only one left serving in Congress. It's a trademark of the brainstem con/libertarian (a better term for your kind) to never take responsibility for their failures and wrongheaedness.
I've never hated a group of people more than I hate republicans and for the exact reasons you illustate. I long for a financial meltdown and the ascendence of a liberal populist who will convince the masses to blame republicans with a resulting reign of terror against them.
Here Real-idiot:
In Iraq war vote, Democrats fail
Going into a Senate debate on Iraq this week, the Republicans appeared intent on portraying the Democrats in two negative ways - first, as divided (read: weak) on how to proceed in the war, and second, as quitters wanting to "cut and run."
The Senate handily defeated two Democratic resolutions on the Iraq war Thursday. One, offered by Sens. John Kerry of Massachusetts and Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, called for US withdrawal by July 2007. Another nonbinding resolution, by Sens. Carl Levin of Michigan and Jack Reed of Rhode Island, called for US troop redeployment to begin by the end of this year.
Funny, I didn't see anything about the magic "paleocons" in there, did you?
That was just one of the many references to the differences between the parties, re: the Iraq war.
Two words: Meat grinder
I's keep tellin' ya - Bush is a pansy.
I was somewhat watching the Senate hearings today with Paulson, Bernanke, and Cox and I think I heard Paulson request a totally BLANK CHECK from Congress to bailout the banks. I mean, to give him UNLIMITED access to the public's money! did i hear that correctly?
And then two equally mentally ill Senators (Schumer and Dodd) said that they AGREED with him!! In other words - "Yes Paulson, we will give you dictatorial power to spend as much of the taxpayers' money as you want in anyway you see fit in order to bailout the banks so that we may keep our jobs in the next election".
We no longer live in the U.S.A. It is not the American govt. that inhabits the federal buildings in D.C. It is a creature that was created by special interests and money. It does not represent the American people. It is a criminal organization. It is evil.
well, that is if Paulson actually did say he wants a bottomless money pit that he can use on his own to bail out the banks.
Yes, Bush is an idiot, But he has GOD in his heart. He loves the baby Jesus. This country needs religion for guidance...
How can American ever elect a more incompetent fool?...Can't be done. Hopefully America will learn from this experiment of the American Taliban.....
Look who is talking about American People now...
I call for complete and total blackout in the news, media and blogs on anything Retard-in-Chief has to say from now till he gets out of the office. There is nothing he can say that is worth listening to, if he even can go through a sentence without a hick up. If you can't deal with the blackout, just substitute it with "Bush said today - blah, blah, blah" and move on to more important news. Gawd, what a retard!!!
Some Crash. Financials down only 80%.
Lets just hope that Bush and Cheney don't get killed
live on TV. Because that would cause a long and
ugly CHAMPAGNE PANIC. I just don't think this country
could handle it with all the other panics we have to worry about.
err... I meant spectacular!
he may be an idiot but his comments about congress were spot on.
Hey after lying about the war, this is so easy.........suckas he still here?
Christopher Cox, Securities and Exchange Commission chairman, told legislators on Tuesday that the agency would issue an emergency rule to stop so-called “naked” short-selling of shares in significant financial entities. The SEC will also consider new rules to extend those trading limits to the rest of the market.
If the American people were any smarter we would all be living in mud huts. Massive dump truck loads of pure dumb keep it all going.
If the monkey on TV (Bush) said it's all good just go buy something, then who are we to question the monkey.
The monkey has spoken and the monkey knows all.
For Gods sake stop looking behind the curtain and start pretending like a good little retard!!
Bush is a legend in his own mind due to his handler-imposed isolation from reality.
The only reality-based feedback that is allowed to enter his blissfully ignorant state of mind likely comes in the form of an occasional "GIVE 'EM HELL!" from the fat cat cronies making billion$ from this administration's ineptitude and corruption.
I listened to this live.... I couldn't bear to watch it again. What a dolt! Every time he opens his mouth about the economy he proves that he is either a liar, or he doesn't have the slightest clue as to what he's talking about. How on earth did Harvard grant this man a degree in business administration.
"IS America really DYING or is it DEAD already? "
Answer: No, the Americano is not DEAD yet. They are being roasted slowly over an open fire just like the Great Snapper Turtle skewered from mouth to ass on a green Chinese bamboo stick all sizzling, sputtering, roasting nicely, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.
Yes, it is the time to pay the Piper for that Wild-Wild-West Housing Bubble Party last night. Add in the maxed out CC debt, the home equity extract, the I-ain't-got-a-job-now moaning and lamenting, the spend-like-there-is-no-tomorrow mentality of the Americano, the oversize chicken barn SUV, the run-down-the-cow F250 pickup truck and the Americano is now having a handful of shits, pukes, and hangover biles to deal with. $200.00/barrel of oil in New Year 2009's... It is coming and it is coming right soon...
But worry not, my dear fat-ass buckteeth Americano, Dubya Shrub will lead you through the dark, ominous, pee-in-the-pant time. He has to, he has no choice, since the dim nitwit Americano voted for him 2 terms in a freaking-ass row. Yes, it is fittingly beautiful: "The head turkey leads the horde of wacka-doo-doo, BORKAFATTY, blind turkey down the gutter...".
Now, a little verse from the "Man With The White Beard" to cheer things up for the horde of Snapper Turtle, Porpoise, Armadillo, Raccoon, Opossum, Porcupine, Skunk, and "BORKAFATTY" AKA :::The Pig:::
Psalm 23:4
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of the Housing Bubble,
I will fear no foreclosure:
for Dubya Shrub & Penis Shooter art with me:
thy bail-out and thy rebate-check, they comfort me."
Did you notice the Dow Ticker going steadily lower during the speech from 10890 to 10855?
Why doesn't he look tired? All this turmoil is wearing me out. How dare he sleep well.
He doesn't treat people well. I'm gonna tear his nuts off (or something like that). He's such an embarrassment...makes me want to leave the country.
"Yet George W. Bush took our troops to war under all of these false assumptions."
Google: Gulf of Tonkin incident, Pearl Harbor "surprise" attack, Lusitania munitions, Battleship Maine "bombing", Mexican-American War, War of 1812, Boston "Massacre", etc., etc.
It wasnt just bush alone, it was also the owner's of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, AP, etc, etc.
The worlds biggest scam network by a bunch of oil and military industry executives that took over the American government, and FUCKED the country's people.
America and the world would be a much safer place to live without republicans. Send them to the cellar.
Osama Bin Laden would have made a better president, so would Saddam.
Yo, "reality" I don't like the word "paleo conservative"! How about Taft Republican?!
Other than that, right on!
One thing y'all forget. Bush was put into office because he was an idiot not in spite of it. And no matter how desperate things may get, the bankers have in Bush a President who would never pull another "FDR" coup against the bankers.
The bankers would rather die and pull civilization down with them then ever submit to the kind of regulation that FDR enacted during his Presidency.
So, yes Bush is stupid. But smart Presidents will never get a sniff of the White House.
In the 1960's they killed all the good leaders in this country. Today they dont have to resort to such measures because the population is incapable of producing leaders who pose a threat to private financier interest.
He has no idea what he is talking about.
You folks are too funny to be believed. Here are some facts:
- Bush has wanted to reign in FNM and FRE for years but was unable to get anything through congress because the Franks and Dodds of the world need them to fund mortgages for people who wouldn't otherwise qualify (the Democratic schill newspapers like the Boston Globe and NYT harped endlessly about "redlining" for years and Congress forced banks to demonstrate that they were "equal opportunity lenders")
- I guess Conrad and Dodd (friends of Angelo) are Republicans now.
- Likewise Schumer who basically ignited the run on IndyMac with his letter at the end of June.
- And it was former Bush offical Franklin Raines who perpetrated fraud at FNM and collected $90M in bonus money over 2 years... oh, wait he was from the Clinton administration... no way...
- The there's John McCain who doesn't feel the speculator bailout goes far enough and who wants to mail out more checks to people to spur "consumption"... huh, its not McCain but Obama that wants to do that... it can't be, Obama is Keiths favorite because he gives a good speech...
Hypocritic fools all of you Dems.
No worries! S&L Crisis player McCain will save the U.S. economy next year if the zombies vote as they did during the past 2 Bush terms!
Keith, I encourage all of you to please contact Senators Bunning, Shelby, and Paul and support them for their stance opposing giving the FED more power and against the GSE bailout.
We must not sit back and allow this to happen.
I'm not sure he was ever elected, you forgot cheat in that description as well.
And, and the Democrats made me stoopid.
Just thinking out loud about
reducing the trade deficit …..
Is it "off the table" to sell white
male Republicans into terms of
slavery in Africa ?
Like unrealtors, mortgage brokers,
bond wrappers, underwriters,
regulators, appraisers, stagers, flippers, and other expendable personnel ?
They might jolly well enjoy being
part of a solution for a change.
Just a thought.
Carter was the worst president in the history of the united states. Its not even close.
Anonymous the fundamentals are strong/bush is a genius said...
Alfred E. Newman speaks again (speech given indoors for safety reasons...):
Look for an PPT invented disaster or tragedy very, very soon. High Danger alerts, multiple colors, all risky. Stay indoors, careful opening the mails, etc - same old tired tune direct from the Rumsfeld/Cheneyburton playbook as before. The sheeple are getting restless and the smell of blood is beginning to permeate main street America.
When the Federal Government is allowed to steal not only their futures but their current savings, heads will surely begin to roll soon...
If I were an Iranian leader, I would put double-shifts on their missle defense systems and their entire military on permanent Red Alert. Loose Lips Sink Ships... Remember 9-11...
The cowboys of disaster capital in Washington are lusting to blow up Iran (or anyone, really), kill their citizens and steal their resources and kill some more brave American young military people. Not to mention perpetuatig the military-halliburton-blackwater-bechtel permanent feeding trough, all stolen from your children, grandchildren and great grandchildrens' future.
How long will Americans allow this misguided George Bush with an 8 year unbroken string of utter failure, shame and doom as a track record and his despotic crooked cronies to destroy their once-proud, once-invincible nation?
IS America really DYING or is it DEAD already?
This is housing panic, please go rant somewhere else bozo!
Anonymous said...
“Whatever you do don't say anything about the crash in the office! Mum is the word! The FBs have their heads in the sand and are just hoping this nightmare just goes away.”
No kidding. My co-workers are still in denial. Fannie/Freddie bailouts, banks failing, WaMu and others on the rope, and they still think housing will turn around in another 3 months.
nothing better than bringing out the chimp to calm markets..
FDIC recap
* There is $6.84 Trillion in bank deposits.
* $2.60 Trillion of that is uninsured.
* Total cash on hand at banks is $273.7 Billion.
He makes his arrogant, murderous, crooked, CIA spook father look like an alter boy.
Just remember this: Jack & Jill American were given $600 to avoid foreclosure, and Fannie & Freddie were given a $300 Billion blank check from your national bank account.
how do we know this man was even in the national guard? how do we know if he ever went to yale or harvard? how do we know this? he can't put two words together in a sentence, yet we are told this guy went to yale? the bush family basically are yankees, from the northeast who say they are texans. so this guy supposedly grew up in midland texas and was a oilman. oh ok......then he became a baseball owner. then the governor and finally the all of that i convenient.....and also.... i don't believe a word of it when it comes to his past...
not one person has ever come forward and said they knew him when he was in the national guard. not one person has ever come forward and said that they knew him at yale or harvard......he is a man with a manufactured is a known fact ,that the CIA used to recruit exclusively at yale. his father was CIA. being CIA is like being in the mob. once you are in, you can never leave. just a thought this morning, as our country dies.....
a couple of comments on comments above:
1) "boston observer" is correct: the Dems and their allies forced Congress and the Executive Office to encourage/force banks to lend to totally unqualified poor people in the interest of fairness and equality. I have said this repeatedly on this board and it's good to see someone else chime in on this. every year - for years and years - we saw reports published in the MSM about how poor minorities were being discriminated against by banks via higher interest on mortgages or not getting them at all. when the banks started lending to these folks in droves, thru subprime, altA, and option arm loans, we stopped seeing these reports. i haven't seen one of these reports in years!
Yup, there was a good reason these folks did not get loans prior to the housing insanity -- they couldn't afford them! and it is the lending to these folks that CAUSED the insanity. You can thank the Dems, the MSM, and ACORN and its myriad allies for this...along with the other folks who are at fault: greenspan, mozilla, realtwhores, appraisers, all mortgage brokers, banks, credit rating agencies, investment banks, speculators and flippers, etc.
2) No doubt that Carter was the worst president ever.
BMW Driving Sex Machine said...
Carter was the worst president in the history of the united states. Its not even close.
Were you still in diapers when Carter was President?
Silly brainstem I've Had It thinks that if he keeps talking about Carter that we'll all forget about Nixon who preceded him. THe same Nixon who was plagued by gas lines, recessions, double digit inflation and, if that weren't enough, felonies!
Republican administrations are always marked by misery for the many and benefits for the few. Just like now!
"How on earth did Harvard grant this man a degree in business administration."
Because he passed all his tests like a good little student.
That's why an "education" is a lie spoon-fed to kids and parents across the country who are more than eager to piss away their money on any chance for Bubba to get "ahead". Too bad Bubba never had a chance to begin with.
Carter has a Nobel Prize. I am sure he could care less about your opinion of him as president.
not one person has ever come forward and said that they knew him at yale or harvard......
There are pictures of him as a cheerleader at Yale, and his gay roomate is in politics in the state of KY.
"the Dems and their allies forced Congress and the Executive Office to encourage/force banks to lend to totally unqualified poor people"
Bullshit. The Democrats were the minority party. They did not have to power to force the Executive Branch or the Republicans in the majority of both houses to do ANYTHING.
Pure BS.
"Unqualified, incompetent, arrogant idiot."
Ummm......I thought he ran on a Libertarian Platform in 2000. You know. Very conservative. No nation building. Mind our own business. Tax cuts for the filthy rich.
Hi Bitter Renter!
I've been visiting the most beautiful spot in America....called 'Grand Prismatic Spring' a paint pot about 6 miles north of Old Faithful in Yellowstone NP.
My HP friends....please go see this! I can't get the smile off my face...the magically surreal colors are otherworldly.
Yours truly,
BrainStem aka Keyser Soze
oh i almost forgot. can we ever forget gannongate?
Lost Cause said...
Carter has a Nobel Prize. I am sure he could care less about your opinion of him as president.
They gave Arafat the Nobel Prize. One of the most prolific terrorists the world has ever seen. Thats how utterly worthless that award is. I'm sure the president of Zimbabwe will be the next to get that award. Carter wil be there to present it to him and certify the one name on the ballot election.
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