Ron Paul must be in hell...
It's not too late GOP - nobody's forcing you to put this guy up there in November.
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
Ron Paul must be in hell...
It's not too late GOP - nobody's forcing you to put this guy up there in November.
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Labels: john mccain is a disaster
McCain's journey from a 4-by-6-foot Viet Cong cell to the 36-by-29-foot Oval Office could be unprecedented.
As though George Washington were captured by the British, who snapped his legs in a torture cell; or Ulysses Grant were nearly starved to death at Andersonville Prison; or Dwight Eisenhower had been interrogated and beaten by the Gestapo in a German Stalag. All three, I imagine, would have been honorable, defiant and arrogant enough to survive. But McCain has proved it.
-Today's Washington Post
Neither will the dems!
There is video (I have seen it) with Obama saying he will drastically cut defense spending, missile defense, new defense technologies, and rid the world of nukes all together!
Is this guy for real ?
He is one dangerous guy if he thinks cutting National defense in an ever growing dangerous world is viable!
Oh and Obama knows something about economics?
His economic policy can be summed up as:
Higehr taxes on everything.
Ron Paul would possibly make a great cabinet member, but he is not a President. He is a one-trick pony, and there are enough facts out there to question his one trick. You are right, it is too bad that the GOP couldn't nominate a viable candidate. Luckily for them, the Dems couldn't either. Barry is going to implode and Johnny boy is going to implode, and we...., wait for it..., are F**ked!
Thanks partisan A**holes! Oh yeah, that's for both sides.
What do you mean "Ron Paul must be in hell"?
Obama and McCain, you have got to be a SICK FREAKING JOKER!!
This country is just f*cking gone man. Maybe it's been this way for a long time and we're only just learning thanks to the freedom of information on the internet.
Media Complicity in Covering Up Important News Events
We have a completely compromised media. You simply can not trust anything coming from mainstream sources. It should be obvious to anybody that's been paying attention that the media has an agenda of it's own to dumb us down and keep us totally uninformed while corporate interests wage their illegal wars of aggression and destroy the dollar and the economy.
We have a completely criminal government that is owned by the elite, Wall Street, special interest groups, Israel and the international banks. Basically, owned by everyone except the American people.
This is hell people!!
McCain's journey from a 4-by-6-foot Viet Cong cell to the 36-by-29-foot Oval Office could be unprecedented.
As though George Washington were captured by the British, who snapped his legs in a torture cell; or Ulysses Grant were nearly starved to death at Andersonville Prison; or Dwight Eisenhower had been interrogated and beaten by the Gestapo in a German Stalag. All three, I imagine, would have been honorable, defiant and arrogant enough to survive. But McCain has proved it.
Yeah, well there's two sides to every story, buddy:
Top Cop Says McCain Was Never Tortured
Former Vietnam vet with top secret clearance - Republican frontrunner is "a lying skunk"
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, February 7th, 2008
A former Vietnam veteran with top secret clearance says he has personally spoken to numerous POW's who dispute John McCain's claim that he refused to provide information after he was captured and tortured in Hanoi, saying that in fact McCain's code-name was "Songbird" because of his willingness to tell all to avoid torture.
Jack McLamb served nine years in secret operations in Cambodia and other nations before going on to become one of the most highly decorated police officer's in Phoenix history, winning police officer of the year twice before taking a role as a hostage negotiator for the FBI.
"I know a lot of Vietnam veterans and a few POW's and all the POW's that I've talked to over the years say that John McCain is a lying skunk," McLamb told the Alex Jones Show.
"He never was tortured - they were there in the camp with him and then when he came in....he immediately started spilling his guts about everything because he didn't want to get tortured," said McLamb, contradicting the official story that McCain only offered his name, rank, serial number, and date of birth.
"The Vietnamese Communists called him the Songbird, that's his code name, Songbird McCain, because he just came into the camp singing and telling them everything they wanted to know," said McLamb.
McLamb said the POW's told him that McCain had sustained two broken arms and a leg injury from not pulling his arms in when he bailed out of his A-4 Skyhawk that was shot down over the Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi.
The POW's said that McCain made 32 propaganda videos for the communist North Vietnamese in which he denounced America for what they were doing in Vietnam.
"They have these sealed now, our government has these sealed, we can't get to it, they have it classified," said McLamb, adding that in truth "the POW's hate John McCain."
Songbird McCain
Vietnam Veterans Against McCain
how about that obamanomics?
tax the excessive oil profits and give it to the poor so they can buy more gas.....
given two choices, do nothing or obama's redistribution of oil profits i think it is better to do nothing.
Do you think he doesn't know what the plunge protection team is or he didn't want to admit it exists?
McMidget graduated at the bottom of his class. The GOP rewards failure. Period.
McBush had no idea whatsoever what the question was.
"Change" that we will have forced upon us.
WSJ: BHO's housing plan
Barack Obama may have come up with a creative way to solve the housing recession: Let everyone buy property at a discount the way he did from Tony Rezko, and give everyone in America a discount mortgage the way Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide did for Fannie Mae's Jim Johnson. Team Obama's real estate and mortgage transactions are certainly a change from business as usual. They suggest old-fashioned back-scratching below even current Beltway standards.
The irony here is that Mr. Obama has denounced Mr. Mozilo as part of his populist case against corporate excess, calling Mr. Mozilo and a colleague in March "the folks who are responsible for infecting the economy and helping to create a home foreclosure crisis." Obama campaign manager David Plouffe also said in March that "If we're really going to crack down on the practices that caused the credit and housing crises, we're going to need a leader who doesn't owe these industries any favors." But now this protector of the working class has entrusted his first big task as Presidential nominee to the very man who received "favors" in return for enriching Mr. Mozilo.
BHO = Business as usual.
McCain's military skills got him captured and held prisoner for years. That is the kind of wartime leadership that this country needs.
keith nobody wants this guy. nobody likes this guy. this guy is the problem, not the answer to the problem. him and people like him. so if nobody wants him, then who does. look to our friends in israel. they want him because he dances to their music. they are in control of the united states.
"The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate."
-- Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS' "Face the Nation".
"I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews..... terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen .... I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don't approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country"
Sec. of State John Foster Dulles quoted on p.99 of Fallen Pillars by Donald Neff
is there anyone on this blog that does not understand this?
Anonymous bickerer said...
McCain's journey from a 4-by-6-foot Viet Cong cell to the 36-by-29-foot Oval Office could be unprecedented.
As though George Washington were captured by the British, who snapped his legs in a torture cell; or Ulysses Grant were nearly starved to death at Andersonville Prison; or Dwight Eisenhower had been interrogated and beaten by the Gestapo in a German Stalag. All three, I imagine, would have been honorable, defiant and arrogant enough to survive. But McCain has proved it.
-Today's Washington Post
June 11, 2008 12:43 PM<<<
comparing this scumbag,(mccain) to some of the men mentioned is a bit of a stretch isn't it? mccain is no hero. he is a traitorous scum and a two bit hustler who lied and cheated and did whatever it took to get to where he is today. he belongs back in prison for the rest of his life. but where is he? trying to be president of the united states. can somone tell me why we have not rebelled against this tyrannical and illegal and immoral government yet?
Ron Paul would possibly make a great cabinet member, but he is not a President. He is a one-trick pony, and there are enough facts out there to question his one trick. You are right, it is too bad that the GOP couldn't nominate a viable candidate.
Your opinion isn't worth a damn if you can't provide specifics. What is this one-trick you speak of? And what are all these facts that question his one trick?
Before you come back with nonsense and misunderstandings that have been argued a million times over I direct you to Ron Paul's best-selling book:
Ron Paul: The Revolution - A Manifesto
It's an intentionally short, easy to digest and cheap book (it's like Dr Suess for morons like you). Direct your arguments at the points raised in that book. You can't debate something you know absolutely nothing about.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What do you mean "Ron Paul must be in hell"?
Obama and McCain, you have got to be a SICK FREAKING JOKER!!
This country is just f*cking gone man. Maybe it's been this way for a long time and we're only just learning thanks to the freedom of information on the internet.
Media Complicity in Covering Up Important News Events
We have a completely compromised media. You simply can not trust anything coming from mainstream sources. It should be obvious to anybody that's been paying attention that the media has an agenda of it's own to dumb us down and keep us totally uninformed while corporate interests wage their illegal wars of aggression and destroy the dollar and the economy.
We have a completely criminal government that is owned by the elite, Wall Street, special interest groups, Israel and the international banks. Basically, owned by everyone except the American people.
This is hell people!!
June 11, 2008 4:05 PM<<<
oh hell is coming. wait until food becomes scarce. then we shall see hell. impossible you say? hardly. then they will put our own armies in the street, to 'help' us, doncha know. or the united nations will be called upon to 'help' the americans in their time of need. oh yes, my friends. hell is coming. perhaps you should prepare for it. i hate to say this, but some of you may have to acquire the stomach for killing. freedom isn't free. this is something we fat and lazy americans have forgotten. while we are abroad giving freedom to people who didn't want our 'help' or our armies on their lands, our government takes away our rights and says to us, it is in our best interest to do so......yeh right.
Top Cop Says McCain Was Never Tortured
Former Vietnam vet with top secret clearance - Republican frontrunner is "a lying skunk"
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, February 7th, 2008
A former Vietnam veteran with top secret clearance says he has personally spoken to numerous POW's who dispute John McCain's claim that he refused to provide information after he was captured and tortured in Hanoi, saying that in fact McCain's code-name was "Songbird" because of his willingness to tell all to avoid torture.
Jack McLamb served nine years in secret operations in Cambodia and other nations before going on to become one of the most highly decorated police officer's in Phoenix history, winning police officer of the year twice before taking a role as a hostage negotiator for the FBI.
"I know a lot of Vietnam veterans and a few POW's and all the POW's that I've talked to over the years say that John McCain is a lying skunk," McLamb told the Alex Jones Show.
"He never was tortured - they were there in the camp with him and then when he came in....he immediately started spilling his guts about everything because he didn't want to get tortured," said McLamb, contradicting the official story that McCain only offered his name, rank, serial number, and date of birth.
"The Vietnamese Communists called him the Songbird, that's his code name, Songbird McCain, because he just came into the camp singing and telling them everything they wanted to know," said McLamb.
McLamb said the POW's told him that McCain had sustained two broken arms and a leg injury from not pulling his arms in when he bailed out of his A-4 Skyhawk that was shot down over the Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi.
The POW's said that McCain made 32 propaganda videos for the communist North Vietnamese in which he denounced America for what they were doing in Vietnam.
"They have these sealed now, our government has these sealed, we can't get to it, they have it classified," said McLamb, adding that in truth "the POW's hate John McCain."
Songbird McCain
Vietnam Veterans Against McCain
June 11, 2008 4:10 PM<<<
not only all of this but i submit to you, that mccain did not stay the entire 7 years in confinement. another words, once he could walk again and recovered somewhat from his wounds, thanks to the north vietnamese who helped him once they found out his father was a admiral, i submit to you that mccain was taken other places in vietnam and elsewhere while he was supposed to be in the hanoi hilton. also mccain's dad, was the same sob who attempted to cover up the liberty ship affair where the jews attacked our liberty ship while it was in international waters. they attacked our ship to try and make it look like the egyptians did it so we would go and nuke cairo. they came pretty damn close. somehow the brave men of the liberty kept her afloat after hours of bombing and straffing by the israeli air force. after this was over admiral mccain, john mccain's father, told the survivors of the liberty ship to never talk of this under threat of legal action and worse. so it was then and so it is now. now the son of a bastard is attempting to be president. this scumbag does not even belong anywhere in washington, much less as president. God help us to wake up to what is happening.
Let's tell the truth about this one as well. The REPUBLICAN Party, when in office and power, manipulates the system to serve the wealthy. They look to cut taxes for the top percentile in a ridiculous theory that it will "trickle down" in investments that wealth creates. But for the last 28 years, the wealthy have done nothing but accumulate money and become like organized crime. Ensuring that their lifestyle, daughters and sons, education, area of living, entertainment, vehicles, and general purchasing resources are FOREVER SEPARATED FROM MIDDLE AND LOWER INCOME CLASSES. The "gated community". They now even separate their mothers and fathers when they get old into expensive "Over 55" communities that an average person cannot afford with "fees" arranged to keep specific undesirables out.
That is what the Republicans have done with all the breaks that they have been given in the last 28 years.
and DEMOCRATS? They believe that they can re-institute tax on wealthy individuals such as capital gains. Have they forgotten the luxury tax on Yachts and expensive cars that they tried years ago? That failed miserably. The rich simply said "OK, we won't buy any Yachts". The car companies "ate" the luxury tax rather than dare pass it to their customers. End result: Unemployed Yacht builders. I knew one of them personally. He suffered all because of the luxury tax. When it was finally recinded, he went back to work. The RICH are now exactly like ORGANIZED CRIME. They are the CAPONES of the modern era. They CONTROL whole aspects of industries like HOMEBUILDING, REAL ESTATE and everything associated with it, including loans, etc.
Also , unlike Middle and Lower class individuals, they are not "border conscious". They're wealth can cross the Atlantic and nothing can be done. They hire illegals to work like slaves and nothing is done! Forget it! We don't need a tax and spend democrat again, we need a NEW PARTY who represents the ideology of the middle classes and BLUE COLLAR workers (those that are left in this country).
Send Santa Ana's army home. Re-employ young men and women by paying a living wage.
since I live in minneapolis, I'll be going to Ron Paul's shin dig!
that clip you put up there of mccain and paul was just too priceless and made mccain look like a bubbling idiot.
and obama's response would be:
"how come i get all the difficult questions?" you guys are treating me fairly.
The real news reporting is being handled by the independent media not the corporate media. Why has the mainstream media never followed up on the dancing Israeli story from 9/11?
Damning Evidence on the Five Dancing Israelis on 9/11
These guys or Mossad agents admit on live television in Israel that they were in New York on 9/11 to "document the event". Is that not an admission of prior knowledge?
So what's going on here? We already know that Israel has HUGE influence over American politics. That fact is well established with all of our elected represenatives pandering to AIPAC, the Jewish lobby.
We also have the declassified information that shows Israel knowingly attacked the USS Liberty to provocateur and frame Egypt for the attack. So we have a historical precedent.
How about the recently revealed cases of Israeli spies stealing US military secrets?
Now, don't take the typical, weak-minded, name-calling approach and say this is anti-semitic talk. I have nothing against Jewish people this has to do with the state of Israel - their government not the people.
You can't keep running around calling anybody that criticizes Israel as an anti-semite. For too long, schoolyard politics like this have been used as a smokescreen to cover up important facts.
Four More Years! Four More Years!
Nov 12, 2008 Headlines:
Obama wins Presidency in Landslide Victory, Wins 50 out of 50 states.
Congressional Republicans sent packing...
Republican Party disbanded.
McCain demands recount beginning with state of Arizona...
anon 2:21 pm
"There is video (I have seen it) with Obama saying he will drastically cut defense spending,..."
The US has 40% of the entire worlds defense budget. Maybe a little cutting here & there would be in order. Alternatively we could ask the Chinese if they'd loan us some money for missles, what ya think fruitloop?
McCain has been effectively CASTRATED by the Neo-Cons....
Nice guy, but every bit of the "Maverick" who could make decisions on his own is gone. He is economically illiterate, and will be completely controlled by the Neo-Cons if elected.
Our economy is on the brink of absolute destruction, and I do not say that lightly. The next 5 years will be brutal, and life changing.
I don't believe McCain had any idea who or what the PPT is. I wonder if he does now.
I don't think Obama would have been able to answer the question either.
In fact, I don't think anyone who is not on the PPT could answer the question. But I suppose that was precisely Ron Paul's point: nobody has any idea what these guys are doing to manipulate financial markets behind the scenes.
Few people even understood the question, unfortunately.
McCain has admitted economics is not his strong point, which truly sucks.
Ron Paul's is far from perfect as well. He has little tolerance for social programs, public space, public transportation. The Libertarian in him says the market will solve all problems.
"He is one dangerous guy if he thinks cutting National defense in an ever growing dangerous world is viable!"
I don't think cutting national defense is such a bad idea at all. If you can get over the knee-jerk reaction that cutting the military budget would mean America can't defend itself(especially for usless technology that never sees the light of day yet still costs billions of dollars).
What good are all the billions and billions of dollars already wasted every year when they couldn't defend us from a handfull of terrorists with box cutters?
You'd think we would all realize that simiply apportioning more money to defense will not provide any better security than we had or have now. Why the hell not cut the budget?
I mean who in the world can even rival America's military technology even now? And who in the world would be able to conquer us? Our citizens are best able to defend themselves (why we have the 2nd Amendment).
Cut the God-damned budget alreay. We don't need all those overpaid generals, gov. employees and corporate advisors in the pentagon, their contractors nor the overpriced techno-crap that they produce at exorbitant prices.
The best defence is a country that is united in its people - We need to get rid of all these blow-hard talking heads on TV and radio. What good are they contributing to society other than dividing us, whipping up hatred an intolerance. Get rid of em. Run em out of town on a rail. Hang em by their thumbs, tar and feather them, duct tape them to a telephone pole, whatever. But let's get back to working on what America should be.
A benevoletn, tolerant, more human country and not this selfish, war mongering, hate-filled imposter that the media whore continually claim we have to be to defend ourselves.
It is truly sad that this country pretends to be a champion of democracy and truly viable candidates like Ron Paul couldn't run as a third party and get the media attention AND most importantly, the ballot access, Republicrats do! I don't agree with Ron Paul on all the issues, but isn't it time we had a President whom we know where he truly stands on everything? My bullsh*t meter doesn't go off when I hear Paul speak. It's sad that people actually believe what Obama says when he is only regurgitating someone's else's speeches!
McCain is a blithering dolt - but so are the Americans who voted for Shrub, and now most of the country is suffering for it.
Obama gives good lip service, but we'll just have to see what really get's done once he's in office.
Even with the economy collapsing, it's still *business as usuall*.
From another poster:
What do you mean "Ron Paul must be in hell"?
Obama and McCain, you have got to be a SICK FREAKING JOKER!!
This country is just f*cking gone man. Maybe it's been this way for a long time and we're only just learning thanks to the freedom of information on the internet.
Media Complicity in Covering Up Important News Events
We have a completely compromised media. You simply can not trust anything coming from mainstream sources. It should be obvious to anybody that's been paying attention that the media has an agenda of it's own to dumb us down and keep us totally uninformed while corporate interests wage their illegal wars of aggression and destroy the dollar and the economy.
We have a completely criminal government that is owned by the elite, Wall Street, special interest groups, Israel and the international banks. Basically, owned by everyone except the American people.
This is hell people!!
Holy S$!t, so well said. Bravo.
Having second thoughts yet?
[WSJ] Democratic Party stalwart James A. Johnson quit as an adviser to the Barack Obama campaign, where he was helping to screen potential running mates, as new details emerged about loans Mr. Johnson received from mortgage lender Countrywide Financial Corp.
Mr. Johnson, who led mortgage buyer Fannie Mae from 1991 to 1998, received more than $5 million in loans from Countrywide that were arranged outside its normal underwriting process, according to loan records and people with knowledge of the transactions.
Keith, time to goto the Obama website and report this as rumor mongering. The REIC tentacles are stretched far and wide.
"All three, I imagine, would have been honorable, defiant and arrogant enough to survive. But McCain has proved it."
McCain, who has admitted this in himself, was kept alive because his father was a US admiral. Anybody would likely have been killed. John "Keating Five" McCain is unstable and untrustworthy.
John Cusack's Bush-McCain Challenge
Obviously McCain had no idea what Paul was asking. Doesn't understand much about financial stuff, just like the rest of America. Screw all that financial crap, lets bomb Iran!
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