You should be dancin' yeah!
(and waiting in gas lines, and experiencing rampant inflation, and suffering under one of the worst presidents of all time, ...)
June 11, 2008
Come on everyone - get on the dancefloor and party like it's 1977!!!
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Labels: inflation, malaise, that 70's show
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Interesting comment I found regarding speculation on 'The Oil Drum'
"I am tired of everyone blaming the speculators for oil prices so I thought I would share some thoughts on it. comments will be appreciated.
Check the CFTC report on oil Speculators we have addressed before but here is more
go down this and see Crude oil Light Sweet. Figures change every week. For the current week
216,388 long contracts for speculators and 188,092 short contracts for speculators. That is a net long position of about 28,300 contracts. That is the amount the world uses in 8 hours. Do you really believe we can influence prices with that?
Also that is about the least the Speculators have been long in recent history and we have the highest oil prices ever.
A few more examples
Trivia qt number 1: Which market has the largest net short position of Speculators in 2008?
Answer:Natural gas
What happened to natural Gas prices?
Went up by 70%. Outperformed even oil
Largest short position and went up 70%. How do you explain that?
Trivia qt number 2:
Since 2006 which commodity has had a very large net long speculator position and gone down by 40%?
Sugar. you know why? Because production always trumps speculation. World production increased creaming the speculators who were long.
Not convinced?
Trivia qt number 3.
which commodity has outperformed all others since 2002?
rhodium...up 2400%... and guess what no commodity futures market for Rhodium.
Till a year back Uranium was outperforming oil with a price increase of 2000% or 20 fold from $7 to as high as $150 a pound and they did not even have a futures market for it till recently. In fact the price peaked about 4 weeks after the futures were introduced by Nymex!"
> (and waiting in gas lines, and experiencing rampant inflation, and suffering under one of the worst presidents of all time, ...)
Don't forget to boycott the 1980 Olympics! Will you?
(and waiting in gas lines, and experiencing rampant inflation, and suffering under one of the worst presidents of all time, ...)
And America being humiliated by Iran because of an appeaser president...
Lets all get behind Kucinich's move to impeach Bush.
It would be the best thing Congress has done during the Bush years.
There won't be gas lines until the Democrats impose price controls. Then we will be like Zimbabwe
The first gas lines were in 1973, under Nixon. That's also the year of the Arab oil embargo.
Just so the brainstem republicans here understand that it wasn't under Carter that it started. It's a common misconception.
Yeah, its the 70s, cept 2/3rds of americans are to obese to dance.
My ankle still hurts 4 weeks after surgery.
I guess that's Bush's fault too, ha?
Not quite. There were a lot more good-looking girls around back then.
Since we're on the subject, here's your Congress hard at work:
The people involved with that had to be high all the time. It's not possible to create that being sane.
Attention, attention! Calling all fools to jump in the market, just to be fleeced by the crooks on Wall Street a few days later. Attention!
DOW = -206 pts
S&P = -1.70%
NAS = -2.24%
AAPL = -2.60%
Hoooweee, that's what I call a bull market. Yep, we've hit bottom... everyday for that last 120 days. Have you lost your shirts yet? How's that cancer house in the boonies that has been sucking your money every month while sinking in value? Do you hear that? That's the sound of mass unemployment knocking your doors. And to top it off, you'll elect a president with no experience on anything. Oh, I forgot he ran a tabloid in an university.
Obama is going to get the Jimmy Carter treatment too. He has to know this. He's either courageous or insane to take the job.
When Obama and the dumbocrats take office the economy will be screwed over by typical democrat tax and spend polices while simulatenously fighting a war in the middle east.
The real question is:
When will the next president fold and bring the troops home?
"The first gas lines were in 1973, under Nixon. That's also the year of the Arab oil embargo."
There were (very briefly) gas lines under Nixon because there was an embargo -- as in no oil was shipped.
The gas lines under Carter were due to government incompetence in a time of adequate supply. Just so the brain-stem Democrats here don't forget we've tried a windfall profits tax before.
Jimmy Carter appointed Paul Volcker and put solar panels on the White House and did not get us into an unwinnable war in Iran.
Ronny Reagan appointed Greenspan, had the solar panels removed, had Ollie North cut a dirty deal with Iran to free the hostages and had the CIA funding and training Osama Bin Laden.
So why exactly was Carter a bad president? Because he did not destroy this country which is exactly what Ronny started and Georgie is finishing the job.
I need psychological counseling to recover from that video.......
1700 dollars per month minimum right now on gasoline.I am the Turbo hampster staying ahead of the effed up Jones.
Mark buddy, we were already humiliated in Vietnam.
Too bad we can't just nuke the rest of the world, huh? Then you brainstems could feel safe again. That's the common mode of interaction for brainstem conservatives. Filled with fantasies of domination, submission and humiliation. Like you own the world.
And then when they strike back like on 9/11 you wonder why they hate you.
Lets all get behind Kucinich's move to impeach Bush.
It would be the best thing Congress has done during the Bush years.
RE;"I am tired of everyone blaming the speculators for oil prices THE SPECULATORS ARE TO BLAME JUST LIKE HOUSING BUBBLE SPECULATORS RAN UP HOUSING PRICES....GO FIGURE!!!!
I wonder if Disco is going to come back into style... music goes in cycles just like economics.
At least disco burned some fat.
Go Andrew Hac.
His revulsion is real; I share much of it.
The target of revulsion is created in the
pathetic public school systems, since parents
are usually are also maimed in those schools.
Such psychic whipping could have helped
us to a better place; maybe too late now.
His creative writing, though vile, is gilding
missing from the thoughts and writings of
too many American white-bread zombies.
I can't decide which is worse:
1) the platform shoes
2) the beltless slacks
3) the shirt
4) John Revolta himself
Please help!
Jimmy Carter saw the future...and the public did not like what he saw.
The leaders of Brazil also saw the future...but they had the coconuts to do something about it. In the early 70's they saw their nation at the mercy of Middle-East oil and vowed to never let that happen again. Well done Brazil. Shame on you America.
bitterrenter, get a grip. Study up on why Muslims hate the West. Do a little reading about terrorist recruiting and about extremists who want to establish Islam as the world's only religion. Then come back and convincingly tell us you still believe it's because we're brainstems.
You're a real piece of work. Not only are you gullible, you're lazy.
Let me check way, way, way in the back of my closet. I must have a few poly shirts and bell bottom jeans left somewhere. Still got the mood ring and Bee Gee LPs. Dusted off a few old LPs last night. Barry White and Carole King still work w/ the ladies!!!
If we don't get rationing, we'll get it by default by spot shortages. In Europe the spot shortages are causing gas lines just as effectively as any rationing scheme. If you hoard gas, please be careful. The stuff is (of course) real flammable.
As far as disco, it was destroyed in 1979 by a brave disc jockey. See "disco demolition" in your favourite search engine. Except for gay bars it is dead.
One thing trendy in the 1970s that's coming back is syphoning of fuel. There was even a case of an airport worker syphoning jet fuel from one of the airplanes! "The pilot's not going to miss 5 gallons..." whirrrrrRRRRR!
And remember back when a good lookin' girl could be low maintainence...
Those days are gone as well....
The Fat Lady is Singing said...
Jimmy Carter appointed Paul Volcker and put solar panels on the White House and did not get us into an unwinnable war in Iran.
Ronny Reagan appointed Greenspan, had the solar panels removed, had Ollie North cut a dirty deal with Iran to free the hostages and had the CIA funding and training Osama Bin Laden.
You forgot the birthday cake Ronny took to Iran to thank them for keeping their end of the bargain to release the hostages just in time for the election?
Everyone always forgets the birthday cake.
Lazy is being such a mindless brainstem you spend your life flitting from one enemy to the next, living in fear, convinced that everyone wants to do you in because you have 12 types of mayonaise at the grocery store.
Supposedly, the Soviets hated us too. I lived through the Cold War and the Soviets were painted as some kind of lunatics who wanted us all to die in a nuclear attack. After they became capitalist the wild-eyed stories about the blood-thirsty Russians stopped.
Only stupid brainstems live like you. In constant fear of those who are different. It's called fascism.
Hey ignorant brainstem, the 1973 Oil Embargo was not an insignificant event. It was pivotal and very serious, lasting 6 MONTHS.
Amazing that you people actually try and rewrite history. I guess I would too if my ideology had caused nothing but misery for the human race.
Admit it brainstem, you didn't even f*cking KNOW we had the first gas lines and oil crisis in 1973, 3 years BEFORE Carter took office. You people don't know shit about life, history or your inherent ignorance.
Go read a book. Most brainstems I know have never done it. They pride themselves on their ignorance of the facts.
corvinus said : >>Not quite. There were a lot more good-looking girls around back then.<<
Yeah - I was one of them ;-) Wouldn't want to be seen in the same dresses now! (no chance of that, anyways)
Hope your ankle hurts another 10 years.
Mark buddy, we were already humiliated in Vietnam.
That was from the braindead DumboCraps JFK and LBJ who got us into that war in the first place.
Eisenhower got us into Vietnam. Remember his "domino theory"? He thought that if Vietnam fell to communism it would happen all across Asia. Funny how Vietnam commies DID win the war and now they're a favored trading partner so our corporations can get cheap labor to produce all the crap we buy.
Another observation: About 4 years ago Vietnam started offering socialized health care to all kids under 12. If we had won the war they would be more like American capitalists who DON'T provide healthcare for all children under 12.
BITTERRENTER you are the one who does not know their history.
The '73 oil embargo was not Nixon's or any Republicans....or for that matter Democrats doing.
The 1973 oil crisis began on October 17, 1973, when the members of Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC, consisting of the Arab members of OPEC plus Egypt and Syria) announced, as a result of the ongoing Yom Kippur War, that they would no longer ship oil to nations that had supported Israel in its conflict with Syria and Egypt (the United States, its allies in Western Europe, and Japan).
I too was in the Cold War and the period portayal of the Soviet system was quite correct. You are going to find out what it was really like when Obama becomes Prez......Socialism and Communism are the same thing, but socialism has fewer guns and is just as destructive.
Oh, so the 73 gas lines were a freak of nature but the 79 gas lines were Carter's fault? I see. Sort of how the 70-73 recession, the 82 recession, the 02 recession and the new 08 recession are simply happenstance, but the 79 recession was Carter's fault?
Funny how that works. When the economy hiccups and a democrat is president it's evidence of incompetence but when republicans have recessions (as most of them been under republicans) it's "the business cycle".
As for the Soviets, did they all of a sudden become good humans once the wall fell? Will the dangerous, savage Muslims who all want to kill us become just good old folks when we take them over?
Hey Bitterrenter, why don't you search "Mariel" on Wikipedia? That's another great deed from your hero, Carter. Hussein will do the same thing, but different continent.
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